505 research outputs found

    The Anesthesia Continuing Education Market and the Value Creation From a Sustainable Unified Platform

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    Practicing anesthesia professionals in the United States are all governed by various profession-specific regulatory bodies that mandate continuing education (CE) requirements. To date, no unified resource exists for anesthesia professionals (i.e., Anesthesiologists, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, and Anesthesiologist Assistants) to explore the CE offerings available within the marketplace. This study endeavored to convey the potential value of a unified anesthesia CE resource. It investigated how to cultivate a sustainable platform to potentially improve how anesthesia professionals search available CE offerings and to potentially enhance how anesthesia CE providers reach anesthesia professionals. This qualitative study was conducted utilizing an integrative review of the literature. The key concepts identified and investigated were network effect, segmentation, first to market, best of breed, search costs, transaction costs, minimally viable product, evolutionary phases of platforms, platform theory, platform business model, platform economy, and types of platforms. Inductive content analysis was chosen as the organizational method for the resultant qualitative data. The goal of the analysis was to create a conceptual, practical, and strategically applicable platform paradigm for the anesthesia CE marketplace driven by the insights and amalgamations from the literature. The analyzed concepts, dimensions, and indicators of platform successes and their applications potentially facilitate anesthesia professionals’ CE explorations and CE providers’ marketing efforts, as well as contextualize the overarching impacts and implications onto the anesthesia CE industry and beyond. The conclusion portrays these impacts and implications

    Integrating technology and organization for manufacturing sector performance: evidence from Finland

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    This dissertation investigates the complex factors shaping the future of manufacturing, focusing on innovation, competitiveness, and employment trends within the European context. Leveraging the extensive 2022 European Manufacturing Survey dataset, it models relationships between critical technological and organizational variables impacting manufacturing resilience using cross-lagged panel path analysis. Against the 2019–2021 economic and environmental backdrop, the research examines manufacturers’ integral survival strategies derived from challenges faced. Factors like business innovation models, organizational concepts, key technologies, and relocation approaches are assessed for performance. The study reveals competitive standards: automation, robotics, additive manufacturing, accessbased business models, maintenance services, and production organization. These discoveries have profound implications for enabling the transition to next-generation sustainable manufacturing through technology integration frameworks. The research marks the need for investments in cross-sectoral research coordination. As climate change intensifies, reimagining manufacturing is critical. While acknowledging limitations like sample size and scope, the dissertation offers a detailed understanding of the manufacturing system’s components and the relationships of success, forward strategies, and human-technology-environment interlinkages. This multidimensional perspective provides insight to catalyze the creation of integrated manufacturing ecosystems worldwide

    Innovation and Commercialization Practices - A Qualitative Analysis of Novascan LLC

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    The processes for commercialization of medical devices in healthcare are complex and varied, and it has been difficult to define the ingredients of success. There exists a need to better understand evidence based best practices as there is lack of documented evidence based on best practices for commercialization of medical devices by startups. Commercialization of innovative medical devices in healthcare is in constant demand and the reasons are many fold. Most of the research based startups act as agents of economic development and therefore they need to function more efficiently and effectively. There exists a constant demand from end users to improve medical techniques, results patient experiences and cost effectiveness. However, a large number of strong and commercially viable innovations in healthcare fail to achieve commercialization. The purpose of this paper is to build a theory. The study examines qualitatively commercialization practices of case study NovaScan LLC, a breast cancer detection device company. Through this single case study, various performances indicators of the commercialization steps followed by the company are identified and findings are presented in the form of theoretical propositions. Extensive literature review and analysis helped in better understanding of the process of commercialization from both healthcare and non-healthcare perspective. Data gathering, which focused on the above mentioned aim was carried on for nearly over four years, initially as an outsider participant and then in the latter part of study, as an insider participant. The data consisted of observations, informal conversations both via telephone and in-person, using an unstructured interview protocol, field notes, company archives and other historical data. Data collection participants were those institutional officials who were responsible both directly and indirectly for the innovation and commercialization activities at NovaScan LLC. All observations, conversations, field notes, documents and other records have been documented. The analysis for this study involves continuous back and forth linking of theory presented by literature findings and data obtained at NovaScan LLC. For the purpose of data analysis, the data is not coded sentence by sentence; rather it\u27s focused on theme identification based on underlying meaning. The results verify the impressions of many practitioners in the field of innovation and commercialization of medical devices in healthcare. The findings are presented in the form of seven propositions and also propose a framework of commercialization. These findings are recommended to be tested in future. Various activities related to commercialization process do not happen in isolation with product development in a startup firm like NovaScan LLC. Commercialization strategies are an integral part of development work and are well-aligned with the development process and all stages of development process overlap with each other

    A Flexible Health Care Workforce Requires a Flexible Regulatory Environment: Promoting Health Care Competition Through Regulatory Reform

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    Effective competition policy is critical to the success of U.S. health care reform, including efforts to reduce health care costs, increase quality of care, and expand access to health care services. While promoting competition is necessary at every level of the rapidly evolving health care system, it is particularly important with respect to licensed professionals who provide health care services. This Article argues that the current system of health care professional regulation, born of the last century, is in numerous respects an impediment to the kinds of changes needed to fully unleash the benefits of competition among different types of health care service providers. To the contrary, the current system of licensure and related regulations tends to artificially separate professionals in ways that not only insulate them from competition now, but also generate incentives to use regulation to perpetuate and fortify such insulation in the future. Drawing on analytic principles derived from antitrust law enforcement and other regulated industries, the Article argues that, although some regulation is necessary to protect public health and safety, the legacy regulatory system likely impedes the development of innovative, alternate service models that might facilitate enhanced competition by allowing all professionals to practice to the full extent of their education, licensure, and skill. The Article concludes by proposing a range of reforms that would re-conceptualize the core characteristics and methodology of traditional health care professional regulation

    Risk Management for the Future

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    A large part of academic literature, business literature as well as practices in real life are resting on the assumption that uncertainty and risk does not exist. We all know that this is not true, yet, a whole variety of methods, tools and practices are not attuned to the fact that the future is uncertain and that risks are all around us. However, despite risk management entering the agenda some decades ago, it has introduced risks on its own as illustrated by the financial crisis. Here is a book that goes beyond risk management as it is today and tries to discuss what needs to be improved further. The book also offers some cases

    Critique of Creativity: Precarity, Subjectivity and Resistance in the ‘Creative Industries’

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    234 p. : il., Tablas.Libro ElectrónicoLa creatividad siempre está en movimiento: surge, se establece en el ente colectivo, palidece y desaparece a veces en el olvido; renace, vuelve con innovaciones, se reformula y resurge iniciando de nuevo el ciclo. Los viejos mitos de la creación y los creadores, los trabajos consagrados y los organismos privilegiados de los demiurgos están de nuevo en marcha, produciendo nuevos cambios. Los ensayos recogidos en este libro analizan ese resurgimiento complejo del mito de la creación y proponen una crítica contemporánea de la creatividad.Creativity is astir: reborn, re-conjured, re-branded, resurgent. The old myths of creation and creators – the hallowed labors and privileged agencies of demiurges and prime movers, of Biblical world-makers and self-fashioning artist-geniuses – are back underway, producing effects, circulating appeals. Much as the Catholic Church dresses the old creationism in the new gowns of ‘intelligent design’, the Creative Industries sound the clarion call to the Cultural Entrepreneurs. In the hype of the ‘creative class’ and the high flights of the digital bohemians, the renaissance of ‘the creatives’ is visibly enacted. The essays collected in this book analyze this complex resurgence of creation myths and formulate a contemporary critique of creativity.Contents vii Contributors ix Acknowledgements xv Introduction: On the Strange Case of ‘Creativity’ and its Troubled Resurrection 1 PART ONE: CREATIVITY 7 1 Immanent Effects: Notes on Cre-activity 9 2 The Geopolitics of Pimping 23 3 The Misfortunes of the ‘Artistic Critique’ and of Cultural Employment 41 4 ‘Creativity and Innovation’ in the Nineteenth Century: Harrison C. White and the Impressionist Revolution Reconsidered 57 PART TWO: PRECARIZATION 77 5 Virtuosos of Freedom: On the Implosion of Political Virtuosity and Productive Labour 79 6 Experiences Without Me, or, the Uncanny Grin of Precarity 91 7 Wit and Innovation 101 PART THREE: CREATIVITY INDUSTRIES 107 8 GovernCreativity, or, Creative Industries Austrian Style 109 9 The Los Angelesation of London: Three Short Waves of Young People’s Micro-Economies of Culture and Creativity in the UK 119 10 Unpredictable Outcomes / Unpredictable Outcasts: On Recent Debates over Creativity and the Creative Industries 133 11 Chanting the Creative Mantra: The Accelerating Economization of EU Cultural Policy 147 PART FOUR: CULTURE INDUSTRY 165 12 Culture Industry and the Administration of Terror 167 13 Add Value to Contents: The Valorization of Culture Today 183 14 Creative Industries as Mass Deception 191 Bibliography 20

    Collaboration, Coordination and Computer Support: An Activity Theoretical Approach to the Design of Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Ph.D. Thesis

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    This thesis is written in partial satisfaction of the requirements for a Ph.D. in Computer Science performed within the Industrial Research Education Programme established between the University of Aarhus, Kommunedata and Aarhus University Hospital. The initial focus of the project was to investigate ways of supporting the extensive cooperation taking place within a hospital. The theoretical objective of this work is to apply activity theory as a theoretical foundation for CSCW research and to focus on the issue of design within CSCW

    Spinoff, 1976

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    This report is divided into three sections: 1. The Research Payoff, 2. Technology Twice Used, and 3. Technology Utilization at Work. The first describes a wide variety of current space spinoffs of use in business or personal life, as well as the space explorations from which they have been derived. The second provides information on specific examples of technology transfer that are typical of the spinoffs resulting from NASA's Technology Utilization Program. The third briefly describes the different activities of the Technology Utilization Office, all of which have as their purpose the profitable utilization of aerospace technology
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