384 research outputs found

    Applied Cyberpsychology: Military and Defence Applications

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    Virtual environments are synthetic computer simulations that represent activities at a high degree of realism. Virtual environments have numerous applications for military and defence purposes, ranging from allowing personnel to experience realistic, high-pressure situations with a sense of presence, but in the absence of real world risk, to modelling threats to national and international infrastructure to improve resilience. Emerging opportunities also exist for communication and intelligence gathering, exploring on-line social cognition and group behaviour, and understanding how to mitigate the negative effects of combat-related stress disorders, for example. In this chapter we introduce psychological theory and contemporary cyberpsychology research, and offer an albeit very brief introduction to the rapidly developing application of technology to better understand human behaviour and facilitate performance for military and defence purposes

    Applied Cyberpsychology: Military and Defence Applications

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    Virtual environments are synthetic computer simulations that represent activities at a high degree of realism. Virtual environments have numerous applications for military and defence purposes, ranging from allowing personnel to experience realistic, high-pressure situations with a sense of presence, but in the absence of real world risk, to modelling threats to national and international infrastructure to improve resilience. Emerging opportunities also exist for communication and intelligence gathering, exploring on-line social cognition and group behaviour, and understanding how to mitigate the negative effects of combat-related stress disorders, for example. In this chapter we introduce psychological theory and contemporary cyberpsychology research, and offer an albeit very brief introduction to the rapidly developing application of technology to better understand human behaviour and facilitate performance for military and defence purposes

    Mental Toughness in the Workplace

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    Within the realm of the modern work organization, the employers role on employees’ mental health has emerged as a critical factor concerning job attrition. Frequently, work organizations prioritize their productivity and output, rather than recognizing the importance of individual contributions as a reflection of their well-being. Research on workplace satisfaction and adversity management has failed to address the challenges that non-military or law enforcement populations face in retaining talent. Current research on mental toughness, resilience, and grit has overlooked the importance of civilian population training interventions, leaving a gap in the literature. This mixed-method study used an explanatory sequential design, combining quantitative survey data with phenomenology, to address this gap by examining the instances of workplace adversities of 144 non-military or law enforcement employees. The research questions explored the relationships between mental toughness, grit, workplace satisfaction and perceived adversity in the workplace, framed within the incremental theory and cognitive affective model (CAP). Quantitative data suggested that there was a positive correlation between mental toughness and grit, workplace satisfaction and mental toughness, and between workplace satisfaction and grit. Qualitative data analysis revealed three primary themes in the participants’ written stories when asked about their instances of workplace adversity: tone, emotionality, and temporal focus. The findings emphasize the need for employers to prioritize employee mental toughness and resilience interventions in an effort to bolster workplace satisfaction, minimize quitting intention, and retain talent while improving overall well-being

    EMDR Gaming Recovery and Insight Protocol (E-GRIP): An Approach For Treating Video Game Addiction

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    The prevalence of video game addiction has escalated with the advancement of digital technologies, posing significant psychological and social challenges. This dissertation introduces the eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) Gaming Recovery and Insight Protocol (E-GRIP), a novel therapeutic approach designed to address the complexities of video game addiction. Grounded in the principles of EMDR therapy and incorporating insights into video game culture, E-GRIP aims to treat individuals struggling with problematic gaming behaviors by integrating their gaming experiences and preferences into the therapeutic process. The E-GRIP methodology extends the conventional EMDR framework by including an in-depth exploration of the client’s gaming behavior, character identification, and the utilization of gaming jargon to enhance the relevance and efficacy of the therapy. Through the lens of video game character archetypes and gaming scenarios, the protocol addresses the emotional, cognitive, and somatic components of addiction, facilitating a comprehensive treatment strategy that resonates with the gaming community

    Assessing the Effects of Stress Resilience Training on Visual Discrimination Skills: Implications for Perceptual Resilience in U.S. Warfighters

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    Current military operational environments are highly improvised and constantly evolving, threatening the lives of U.S. warfighters. For instance, since 2001, 60% of all hostile casualties and 65% of hostile injuries in the Middle East theater have been attributed to improvised explosive devices (IEDs). IEDs are powerful physical weapons, and the stressful atmosphere they, and other operational challenges create, can also result in a range of psychological dysfunctions, including anxiety, depression, alcohol abuse, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Not only are these issues concerning for mental health reasons, they are also problematic in terms of combat performance. Extreme arousal (i.e., stress) negatively affects performance through the suppression of cognitive and physiological resources, which inhibits verbal, perceptual, and motor performance. Perceptual abilities are particularly susceptible to the effects of acute hyperarousal, and the degradation of these abilities may limit warfighters’ threat detection skills. Therefore, military researchers are interested in whether and how the visual perceptual field is changed under stress, and the Services are making predeployment training programs a priority, in an attempt to mitigate these concerns. This dissertation first outlines the cognitive processes related to visual perceptual abilities and how these processes are negatively affected by acute arousal. Current training programs in perceptual skills and stress tolerance are then described, along with recommendations for areas of improvement within the status quo. Based on these recommendations, an experimental procedure and five hypotheses were designed to assess training effects on visual perceptual skills and performance under stress. Experimental outcomes suggest that participants who were trained using a novel integrated perceptual skills plus stress resilience (“perceptual resilience”) program performed faster and with higher accuracy during a stressful threat detection task than participants trained using a perceptual skills-only program and participants trained using an existing status-quo knowledge trainer. Participants in this perceptual resilience training group also reported lower feelings of acute stress and anxiety immediately post-task than the two other training groups who did not receive the stress resilience training component. Based on these outcomes, implications for future military-specific training development, study limitations, and recommendations for future research is presented

    Live Performance as a Cinematic Experience Within a College Program

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    This paper analyzes six elements of cinematic language (color and lighting, dialogue, timing, sound, performance, and mise-en-scéne) and considers how each can be effectively utilized in live commercial music performances, particularly within a college music program. By learning the science behind color choices and how they affect performance, perception, and mood, student artists and ensemble directors can make more intentional choices with costuming, staging, and lighting to heighten emotional responses from the audience. A thorough discussion of how filmmakers use each of these elements to trigger psychophysiological reactions along with examples of how they can be applied to live performance provides powerful and practical teaching tools for directors and valuable experiences for the student artists. The live cinematic experience is explained as an event in which the audience feels collective emotions and a strong sense of community. Implementing the concepts of cinematic language as shown in this paper creates an experience in which a college music program is appealing as a viable option for students pursuing a music career outside of academia, the students learn marketable skills, and their audiences are granted powerful and memorable experiences

    Intelligent Tutoring System Authoring Tools for Non-Programmers

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    An intelligent tutoring system (ITS) is a software application that tries to replicate the performance of a human tutor by supporting the theory of learning by doing . ITSs have been shown to improve the performance of a student in wide range of domains. Despite their benefits, ITSs have not seen widespread use due to the complexity involved in their development. Developing an ITS from scratch requires expertise in several fields including computer science, cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence. In order to decrease the skill threshold required to build ITSs, several authoring tools have been developed. In this thesis, I document several contributions to the field of intelligent tutoring in the form of extensions to an existing ITS authoring tool, research studies on authoring tool paradigms and the design of authoring tools for non-programmers in two complex domains - natural language processing and 3D game environments. The Extensible Problem Specific Tutor (xPST) is an authoring tool that helps rapidly develop model-tracing like tutors on existing interfaces such as webpages. xPST\u27s language was made more expressive with the introduction of new checktypes required for answer checking in problems belonging to domains such as geometry and statistics. A web-based authoring (WAT) tool was developed for the purpose of tutor management and deployment and to promote non-programmer authoring of ITSs. The WAT was used in a comparison study between two authoring tool paradigms - GUI based and text based, in two different problem domains - statistics and geometry. User-programming of natural language processing (NLP) in ITSs is not common with authoring toolkits. Existing NLP techniques do not offer sufficient power to non-programmers and the NLP is left to expert developers or machine learning algorithms. We attempted to address this challenge by developing a domain-independent authoring tool, ConceptGrid that is intended to help non-programmers develop ITSs that perform natural language processing. ConceptGrid has been integrated into xPST. When templates created using ConceptGrid were tested, they approached the accuracy of human instructors in scoring student responses. 3D game environments belong to another domain for which authoring tools are uncommon. Authoring game-based tutors is challenging due to the inherent domain complexity and dynamic nature of the environment. We attempt to address this challenge through the design of authoring tool that is intended to help non-programmers develop game-based ITSs

    Athlete Lifestyle Support of Elite Youth Cricketers: An Ethnography of Player Concerns Within a National Talent Development Program

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    The 15-month ethnography reported here investigated the culturally and contextually relevant lifestyle concerns for which national-level youth cricketers seek support and the personal meanings ascribed to them. Players discussed lifestyle challenges and support, with five themes emerging: (a) players appreciating lifestyle support, (b) adapting to the new environment, (c) managing competing demands, (d) educational choices and professional contracts, and (e) identity negotiation in critical moments. The challenges impacted players' sense of self, well-being, and ultimately performance. The findings suggest lifestyle practitioners should support players through counseling approaches, strong player relationships, and environment immersion with a view to impacting performance. 2017 © Association for Applied Sport Psycholog
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