4 research outputs found

    Artificial intelligence in environment protection

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    Cilj ovoga rada je prikazati opću sliku umjetne inteligencije i objasniti osnovne principe funkcioniranja njenih razvijenijih grana, poput umjetnih neuronskih mreža, evolucijskih algoritama, ekspertnih sustava, računalnog vida i neizrazite logike. Jednostavnim primjerima dan je uvid u funkcioniranje iznimno širokog područja umjetne inteligencije, te je obrazložena potreba za daljnjim istraživanjem i inovacijama na dobrobit cjelokupnog društva. Zaštita okoliša postaje sve značajni aspekt ljudske aktivnosti jer zadnjih nekoliko godina raste svijest o važnosti okoliša koji je izvor dobara, mjesto stanovanja i glavni preduvjet za očuvanje života. Umjetna inteligencija premda još uvijek mlado područje, djeluje na širok spektar različitih problema, pa tako svoju primjenu nalazi i u zaštiti okoliša. U ovom radu dan je i literaturni pregled svih aspekata djelovanja umjetne inteligencije u zaštiti okoliša i ekosustava, procjenama onečišćenja, kontroli kvalitete zraka i voda, gospodarenju prirodnim resursima, donošenju odluka koje mogu utjecati na okoliš i dr.Main purpose of this paper is to present a general image of artificial intelligence as well as the basic principles of functioning of its most developed branches, such as artificial neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, expert systems, computer vision and fuzzy logic. An insight in functioning of very broad area of artificial intelligence was given through simple examples. The need for further research and inovations, as a benefit for entire society, was explained also. Environment protection is becoming more and more significant aspect of human activity due increase awareness of its importance on himan life. Environment is source of goods, place to live and main precondition for life preservation. Although artificial intelligence is relatively young area of human activity, it already has a broad variety of applications, including environment protection. This paper also brings a literature review of different aspects of artificial intelligence activity such as environment and ecosystem protection, assessment of pollution, air and water quality control, natural resource management, deision making etc

    Artificial intelligence in environment protection

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    Cilj ovoga rada je prikazati opću sliku umjetne inteligencije i objasniti osnovne principe funkcioniranja njenih razvijenijih grana, poput umjetnih neuronskih mreža, evolucijskih algoritama, ekspertnih sustava, računalnog vida i neizrazite logike. Jednostavnim primjerima dan je uvid u funkcioniranje iznimno širokog područja umjetne inteligencije, te je obrazložena potreba za daljnjim istraživanjem i inovacijama na dobrobit cjelokupnog društva. Zaštita okoliša postaje sve značajni aspekt ljudske aktivnosti jer zadnjih nekoliko godina raste svijest o važnosti okoliša koji je izvor dobara, mjesto stanovanja i glavni preduvjet za očuvanje života. Umjetna inteligencija premda još uvijek mlado područje, djeluje na širok spektar različitih problema, pa tako svoju primjenu nalazi i u zaštiti okoliša. U ovom radu dan je i literaturni pregled svih aspekata djelovanja umjetne inteligencije u zaštiti okoliša i ekosustava, procjenama onečišćenja, kontroli kvalitete zraka i voda, gospodarenju prirodnim resursima, donošenju odluka koje mogu utjecati na okoliš i dr.Main purpose of this paper is to present a general image of artificial intelligence as well as the basic principles of functioning of its most developed branches, such as artificial neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, expert systems, computer vision and fuzzy logic. An insight in functioning of very broad area of artificial intelligence was given through simple examples. The need for further research and inovations, as a benefit for entire society, was explained also. Environment protection is becoming more and more significant aspect of human activity due increase awareness of its importance on himan life. Environment is source of goods, place to live and main precondition for life preservation. Although artificial intelligence is relatively young area of human activity, it already has a broad variety of applications, including environment protection. This paper also brings a literature review of different aspects of artificial intelligence activity such as environment and ecosystem protection, assessment of pollution, air and water quality control, natural resource management, deision making etc

    Distributed Generation Allocation For Power Loss Minimization And Voltage Improvement Of Radial Distribution Systems Using Genetic Algorithm

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    Numerous advantages attained by integrating Distributed Generation (DG) in distribution systems. These advantages include decreasing power losses and improving voltage profiles. Such benefits can be achieved and enhanced if DGs are optimally sized and located in the systems. This theses presents a distribution generation (DG) allocation strategy to improve node voltage and power loss of radial distribution systems using genetic algorithm (GA). The objective is to minimize active power losses while keep the voltage profiles in the network within specified limit. This approach finds optimal DG active power and optimal OLTC position for tap changing transformer. Also uncertainty in load and generation are considered. Thus, in this work, the load demand at each node and the DG power generation at candidate nodes are considered as a possibilistic variable represented by two different triangular fuzzy number. The simulation results shows that reduction of power loss in distribution system is possible and all node voltages variation can be achieved within the required limit if DG are optimally placed in the system. Induction DG placement into the distribution system also give a better performance from capacitor bank placement. In modern load growth scenario uncertainty load and generation model shows that reduction of power loss in distribution system is possible and all node voltages variation can be achieved within the required limit without violating the thermal limit of the system

    Case-Based Decision Support for Disaster Management

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    Disasters are characterized by severe disruptions of the society’s functionality and adverse impacts on humans, the environment, and economy that cannot be coped with by society using its own resources. This work presents a decision support method that identifies appropriate measures for protecting the public in the course of a nuclear accident. The method particularly considers the issue of uncertainty in decision-making as well as the structured integration of experience and expert knowledge