5,511 research outputs found

    The Connection of Greece With the Trans-European Transportation and Communication Networks

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    Transportation and communication networks comprise major structure components in the development of a country. The modern economic systems together with the so-called phenomenon of globalization not only demand the construction of extended networks at the dominion of a country, but their connection with networks of other countries as well. For the successful connection of transportation and communication networks certain strategies have to be implemented. The European Union (E.U.) has been a pioneer in establishing connections between its members and other countries of the continent. Thus, Trans-European Networks (TENs) of transportation, communication and energy have been created. Greece, as a member of the European Union, participates in the promotion and construction of the abovementioned networks. Within the framework of the present paper the Trans-European transportation and communication Networks of Greek interest are presented. A description of the economical and technical characteristics of these networks is given. Moreover, an attempt is made to define their expedience and feasibility, as well as the problems arising during their construction. In addition, the effects these networks have on Greek economy and regional development are examined. Finally, an effort is made to examine how these networks contribute to the best utilization of Greece’s geographical position, together with overcoming the fact that Greece has no common borders with other E.U. members.

    Greek Perceptions of the Russian Revolution of 1905

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    RésuméLes perceptions grecques de la révolution russe de 1905 : « Russia overcoming Russia »En Grèce, la révolution russe de 1905 a été jugée suffisamment importante pour être comparée à la Révolution française. Cet article relate les réactions du public grec face à 1905 (sur la base d’archives inédites) et contextualise le débat dans le cadre grec en prenant en compte les spécificités du royaume de Grèce, son image en tant qu’État et société, son identité nationale et sa vision historique. La relation grecque de la révolution de 1905 était structurée autour des thèmes suivants : la révolution et la réforme ; la nouvelle menace à l’establisment grec, i.e., le socialisme et l’émancipation du travail ; l’entrée des masses dans la politique ; la question du recours légitimé à la force tant par l’État que par les masses ; et la particularité de la Russie par rapport aux autres grandes puissances « civilisées ». L’expérience russe a également provoqué la discussion sur le dilemme du changement et de la démocratisation en Grèce même. Dans l’ensemble, les réactions vis-à-vis de 1905 furent multiples, fluides, souvent contradictoires, et fonction du moment historique et du cours des événements dramatiques en Russie. Les avis dominants grecs étaient également modelés par les différents discours européens sur la Russie et la situation politique et sociale en Grèce ainsi que par les stéréotypes nationaux sur la Russie et les Russes.AbstractThe Russian Revolution of 1905 was viewed in Greece as so consequential as to be compared with the French Revolution. This article registers the reactions of the Greek public to 1905 (on the basis of unexplored data) and contextualizes the debate in the Greek setting, taking into consideration the specificities of the Kingdom of Greece, its self-image as a state and a society, its national identity and historical vision. The Greek narration of the 1905 Revolution was structured around the following themes : revolution and reform ; the new threat to the Greek establishment, i.e., socialism and labour emancipation ; the entry of the masses into politics ; the issue of the legitimised use of force by the state as well as by the masses ; and the specificity of Russia in comparison to the other ‘civilised’ great powers. The Russian experience also triggered discussion on the dilemma of change and democratisation in Greece herself. On the whole the reaction to 1905 was multilayered, fluid, and often contradictory, depending on the historical moment and the dramatic events in Russia as they unfolded. The dominant Greek views were also moulded by the various European discourses about Russia and the political and social situation in Greece herself and not least by the national stereotypes regarding Russia and the Russians

    Three copper alloy spoons from the Peloponnese (14th – 16th centuries)

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    Ανάγκες κατανάλωσης υδαρών φαγητών και μάλιστα από ευάλωτες πληθυσμιακές ομάδες (βρέφη, άρρωστοι, ηλικιωμένοι), συνέβαλαν στη διαχρονική χρήση κουταλιών. Κατά τον Μεσαίωνα η λήψη τροφής μέσω των δακτύλων ήταν ο πιο συνηθισμένος τρόπος. Ωστόσο τα κουτάλια, πέρα από την πρακτική τους χρησιμότητα, όταν ήταν μεταλλικά, αντιμετωπίζονταν ως επενδυτικά αγαθά και σύμβολα κοινωνικής ιεραρχίας. Ένα κουτάλι από το φραγκικό κάστρο Χλεμούτσι με παράσταση δικέφαλου αετού στην απόληξή του και άλλα δύο από τον ναό του Αγίου Πέτρου στην Καστάνια της Μεσσηνιακής Μάνης, αντιστοιχούν σε τύπους γνωστούς από την ύστερη Αρχαιότητα, οι οποίοι διαδίδονται στη δυτική Ευρώπη κατά τον ύστερο Μεσαίωνα και πιθανόν παρεισφρέουν στον ελλαδικό χώρο μέσα από τις λατινοκρατούμενες περιοχές της ανατολικής Μεσογείου.The need for consumption of liquid foods, especially by vulnerable groups (infants, the sick, the elderly), has contributed to the long-term use of spoons. In the Middle Ages, eating with the use of one’s fingers was the most common way. However, spoons, in addition to their practical use, when made of metal, were treated as investment goods and symbols of social rank. A copper alloy spoon from the Frankish castle of Chlemoutsi with a double-headed eagle at the tip of its handle, and two more samples from the church of Hagios Petros of Kastania in Western Mani correspond to types known in the late Antiquity, which vary in typology and are found in a wide geographical range in the late Middle Ages

    Men's Sexual Orientation and Job Satisfaction

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    This study investigates the differences in three aspects of job satisfaction – total pay, promotion prospects, and respect received from one's supervisor – between male heterosexual and gay employees in Athens, Greece. Gay employees are found to be less satisfied according to all job satisfaction measures. Affect Theory proposes that the extent to which one values a given facet of work moderates how dissatisfied one becomes when one's expectations are not met. Furthermore, the data enable us to estimate that gay employees' job satisfaction is not associated more (as compared to heterosexuals' job satisfaction) with adverse mental health symptoms. This finding is crucial given the rising interest between job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Finally, wage gaps against gay employees are found after accounting for basic asymmetries. Interestingly, however, the wage gaps grow for very dissatisfied employees and shrink for very satisfied employees. As long as, the general patterns in Greece suggest that homosexual employees face labour market discrimination, gay employees will report being less satisfied at work. Actually, in this study, job satisfaction is associated with wage inequality. This research initiates efforts to compare job satisfaction based on sexual orientation.job satisfaction, sexual orientation

    An Adaptive Curriculum Students with Special Needs

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    The purpose of this project was to adapt existing social studies program materials for use with students with special needs in selected Washington State middle/junior high school. To accomplish this purpose, a comprehensive literature review of research related to social studies curricular and students with special needs was conducted. Existing curriculum was adapted, with special attention given to Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALR) requirements. The project materials relate to European history from ancient to modern times, and may be a model for adapting other materials by other teachers


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    Το κείμενο εξετάζει τη διαδικασία ένταξης της Ελλάδας στο διεθνές σύστημα πληρωμών χωρίς μετρητά. Το πρώτο κέντρο βαρύτητας εντοπίζεται στη βυζαντινή περίοδο, όταν έμποροι-τραπεζίτες στις ελληνικές πόλεις λίγο ως πολύ συνδέονταν στενά με το επικεντρωμένο στην Ιταλία μεσογειακό σύστημα πληρωμών — μία εξελικτική διαδικασία η οποία μάλλον οδηγήθηκε σε τέλμα μετά την κατάκτηση της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου από τους Οθωμανούς. Μία νέα αρχή διαπιστώνεται από τα τέλη του 17ου αιώνα, όταν παρατηρείται μία (επανα)σύνδεση των κυριότερων εμπορικών και οικονομικών κέντρων της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας — Κωνσταντινούπολη, Σμύρνη και Θεσσαλονίκη — με το ευρωπαϊκό σύστημα πληρωμών χωρίς μετρητά. Το Βασίλειο της Ελλάδος που δημιουργήθηκε τον 19ο αιώνα προσδέθηκε επίσης σε αυτό το σύστημα, αλλά — όπως όλα τα κράτη του νοτιοανατολικού ευρωπαϊκού χώρου — εντάχθηκαν σε αυτό πλήρως μόλις μετά τον Α΄ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο. Aυτή η διαδικασία εξέλιξης αναλύεται στο ανωτέρω άρθρο μέσα από τις διαθέσιμες συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες, ενώ η αδυναμία του ελληνικού νομίσματος τον 19ο αιώνα είχε ως συνέπεια να εμποδίσει έως ένα βαθμό την πρώιμη ένταξη των ελληνικών οικονομικών αγορών στο διεθνές σύστημα πληρωμών χωρίς μετρητά

    Eulogizing Realism : Documentary Chronotopes in Nineteenth-Century Prose Fiction

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    In this contribution we try to probe the generic chronotope of realism, which, judging from its astonishing productivity in the nineteenth century and the profound impact it has had on literary evolution and theory ever since, can be designated nothing less than a hallmark in the general history of narrative. Although we are primarily concerned with the description of the principles of construction underlying the realistic, “documentary”, chronotope, we would also like to touch upon some of its rather evident, but still somewhat under-discussed similarities with the genre of historiography. For, despite an abundance of what could be called “touches of realism” in a plethora of literary texts and genres (both narrative and poetic) since the very beginnings of literary history itself, the direct germs of realism as it developed into a particular narrative genre or generic chronotope during the nineteenth century may well be situated in “prescientific” historiographical works such as those of Gibbon or Michelet

    The Teucer Paradigm and the Eastern Other in Western Literature

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    In her paper, The \u27Teucer Paradigm\u27 and the Eastern Other in Western Literature, Maria Beatrice Bittarello argues that modern representations of characters with mixed-blood heritage (Western and Eastern) are rooted in classical representations of the Middle East and that such representations are thematically re-cast from a literary thematic archetype elaborated on in the ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Bittarello examines how Greek and Roman authors portray the Greek mythological hero Teucer, son of Telamon and the Trojan princess Hesione. Teucer\u27s liminal position allows him to be used in already in Greek and Roman culture both as colonizer and bridge between Greece and the Oriental world. Bittarello proposes that the mythology of Teucer and its interpretation in Greek and Roman literature re-emerges a thematic archetype in the nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Western novel and she exemplifies her notion with novels such as by Joseph Conrad, Emilio Salgari, James Fenimore Cooper, Thomas Mann, and Jean Rhys. Bittarello proposes that the Teucer paradigm invites further study as to its occurrence in Western narratives altogether

    Land use and property market impacts of the relocation of Athens international airport

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    This dissertation investigates the impact of the relocation of Athens International Airport (AIA), the most significant urban development in the modern history of the city of Athens, on land uses and the property market around the former airport site (FAS) and the new Eleftherios Venizelos airport (EV). Airport relocations are in themselves relatively rare events in global aviation. In this dissertation, for the first time, sources from various fields are brought together to bear on this relocation case. Finally, this dissertation highlights the opportunities being missed in development and planning terms, as a result of chronic weaknesses of the Greek planning system