14 research outputs found

    Hardware-Assisted Dependable Systems

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    Unpredictable hardware faults and software bugs lead to application crashes, incorrect computations, unavailability of internet services, data losses, malfunctioning components, and consequently financial losses or even death of people. In particular, faults in microprocessors (CPUs) and memory corruption bugs are among the major unresolved issues of today. CPU faults may result in benign crashes and, more problematically, in silent data corruptions that can lead to catastrophic consequences, silently propagating from component to component and finally shutting down the whole system. Similarly, memory corruption bugs (memory-safety vulnerabilities) may result in a benign application crash but may also be exploited by a malicious hacker to gain control over the system or leak confidential data. Both these classes of errors are notoriously hard to detect and tolerate. Usual mitigation strategy is to apply ad-hoc local patches: checksums to protect specific computations against hardware faults and bug fixes to protect programs against known vulnerabilities. This strategy is unsatisfactory since it is prone to errors, requires significant manual effort, and protects only against anticipated faults. On the other extreme, Byzantine Fault Tolerance solutions defend against all kinds of hardware and software errors, but are inadequately expensive in terms of resources and performance overhead. In this thesis, we examine and propose five techniques to protect against hardware CPU faults and software memory-corruption bugs. All these techniques are hardware-assisted: they use recent advancements in CPU designs and modern CPU extensions. Three of these techniques target hardware CPU faults and rely on specific CPU features: ∆-encoding efficiently utilizes instruction-level parallelism of modern CPUs, Elzar re-purposes Intel AVX extensions, and HAFT builds on Intel TSX instructions. The rest two target software bugs: SGXBounds detects vulnerabilities inside Intel SGX enclaves, and “MPX Explained” analyzes the recent Intel MPX extension to protect against buffer overflow bugs. Our techniques achieve three goals: transparency, practicality, and efficiency. All our systems are implemented as compiler passes which transparently harden unmodified applications against hardware faults and software bugs. They are practical since they rely on commodity CPUs and require no specialized hardware or operating system support. Finally, they are efficient because they use hardware assistance in the form of CPU extensions to lower performance overhead

    Fast and Portable Locking for Multicore Architectures

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    International audienceThe scalability of multithreaded applications on current multicore systems is hampered by the performance of lock algorithms, due to the costs of access contention and cache misses. The main contribution presented in this article is a new locking technique, Remote Core Locking (RCL), that aims to accelerate the execution of critical sections in legacy applications on multicore architectures. The idea of RCL is to replace lock acquisitions by optimized remote procedure calls to a dedicated server hardware thread. RCL limits the performance collapse observed with other lock algorithms when many threads try to acquire a lock concurrently and removes the need to transfer lock-protected shared data to the hardware thread acquiring the lock, because such data can typically remain in the server's cache. Other contributions presented in this article include a profiler that identifies the locks that are the bottlenecks in multithreaded applications and that can thus benefit from RCL, and a reengineering tool that transforms POSIX lock acquisitions into RCL locks. Eighteen applications were used to evaluate RCL: the nine applications of the SPLASH-2 benchmark suite, the seven applications of the Phoenix 2 benchmark suite, Memcached, and Berkeley DB with a TPC-C client. Eight of these applications are unable to scale because of locks and benefit from RCL on an ×86 machine with four AMD Opteron processors and 48 hardware threads. By using RCL instead of Linux POSIX locks, performance is improved by up to 2.5 times on Memcached, and up to 11.6 times on Berkeley DB with the TPC-C client. On a SPARC machine with two Sun Ultrasparc T2+ processors and 128 hardware threads, three applications benefit from RCL. In particular, performance is improved by up to 1.3 times with respect to Solaris POSIX locks on Memcached, and up to 7.9 times on Berkeley DB with the TPC-C client.. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies show this notice on the first page or initial screen of a display along with the full citation. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, to redistribute to lists, or to use any component of this work in other works requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Permissions may be requested from Publication

    Ensuring performance and correctness for legacy parallel programs

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    Modern computers are based on manycore architectures, with multiple processors on a single silicon chip. In this environment programmers are required to make use of parallelism to fully exploit the available cores. This can either be within a single chip, normally using shared-memory programming or at a larger scale on a cluster of chips, normally using message-passing. Legacy programs written using either paradigm face issues when run on modern manycore architectures. In message-passing the problem is performance related, with clusters based on manycores introducing necessarily tiered topologies that unaware programs may not fully exploit. In shared-memory it is a correctness problem, with modern systems employing more relaxed memory consistency models, on which legacy programs were not designed to operate. Solutions to this correctness problem exist, but introduce a performance problem as they are necessarily conservative. This thesis focuses on addressing these problems, largely through compile-time analysis and transformation. The first technique proposed is a method for statically determining the communication graph of an MPI program. This is then used to optimise process placement in a cluster of CMPs. Using the 64-process versions of the NAS parallel benchmarks, we see an average of 28% (7%) improvement in communication localisation over by-rank scheduling for 8-core (12-core) CMP-based clusters, representing the maximum possible improvement. Secondly, we move into the shared-memory paradigm, identifying and proving necessary conditions for a read to be an acquire. This can be used to improve solutions in several application areas, two of which we then explore. We apply our acquire signatures to the problem of fence placement for legacy well-synchronised programs. We find that applying our signatures, we can reduce the number of fences placed by an average of 62%, leading to a speedup of up to 2.64x over an existing practical technique. Finally, we develop a dynamic synchronisation detection tool known as SyncDetect. This proof of concept tool leverages our acquire signatures to more accurately detect ad hoc synchronisations in running programs and provides the programmer with a report of their locations in the source code. The tool aims to assist programmers with the notoriously difficult problem of parallel debugging and in manually porting legacy programs to more modern (relaxed) memory consistency models

    Execution Synthesis: A Technique for Automating the Debugging of Software

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    Debugging real systems is hard, requires deep knowledge of the target code, and is time-consuming. Bug reports rarely provide sufficient information for debugging, thus forcing developers to turn into detectives searching for an explanation of how the program could have arrived at the reported failure state. This thesis introduces execution synthesis, a technique for automating this detective work: given a program and a bug report, execution synthesis automatically produces an execution of the program that leads to the reported bug symptoms. Using a combination of static analysis and symbolic execution, the technique “synthesizes” a thread schedule and various required program inputs that cause the bug to manifest. The synthesized execution can be played back deterministically in a regular debugger, like gdb. This is particularly useful in debugging concurrency bugs, because it transforms otherwise non-deterministic bugs into bugs that can be deterministically observed in a debugger. Execution synthesis requires no runtime recording, and no program or hardware modifications, thus incurring no runtime overhead. This makes it practical for use in production systems. This thesis includes a theoretical analysis of execution synthesis as well as empirical evidence that execution synthesis is successful in starting from mere bug reports and reproducing on its own concurrency and memory safety bugs in real systems, taking on the order of minutes. This thesis also introduces reverse execution synthesis, an automated debugging technique that takes a coredump obtained after a failure and automatically computes the suffix of an execution that leads to that coredump. Reverse execution synthesis generates the necessary information to then play back this suffix in a debugger deterministically as many times as needed to complete the debugging process. Since it synthesizes an execution suffix instead of the entire execution, reverse execution is particularly well suited for arbitrarily long executions in which the failure and its root cause occur within a short time span, so developers can use a short execution suffix to debug the problem. The thesis also shows how execution synthesis can be combined with recording techniques in order to automatically classify data races and to efficiently debug deadlock bugs

    Effective testing for concurrency bugs

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    In the current multi-core era, concurrency bugs are a serious threat to software reliability. As hardware becomes more parallel, concurrent programming will become increasingly pervasive. However, correct concurrent programming is known to be extremely challenging for developers and can easily lead to the introduction of concurrency bugs. This dissertation addresses this challenge by proposing novel techniques to help developers expose and detect concurrency bugs. We conducted a bug study to better understand the external and internal effects of real-world concurrency bugs. Our study revealed that a significant fraction of concurrency bugs qualify as semantic or latent bugs, which are two particularly challenging classes of concurrency bugs. Based on the insights from the study, we propose a concurrency bug detector, PIKE that analyzes the behavior of program executions to infer whether concurrency bugs have been triggered during a concurrent execution. In addition, we present the design of a testing tool, SKI, that allows developers to test operating system kernels for concurrency bugs in a practical manner. SKI bridges the gap between user-mode testing and kernel-mode testing by enabling the systematic exploration of the kernel thread interleaving space. Our evaluation shows that both PIKE and SKI are effective at finding concurrency bugs.Im gegenwĂ€rtigen Multicore-Zeitalter sind Fehler aufgrund von NebenlĂ€ufigkeit eine ernsthafte Bedrohung der ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit von Software. Mit der wachsenden Parallelisierung von Hardware wird nebenlĂ€ufiges Programmieren nach und nach allgegenwĂ€rtig. Diese Art von Programmieren ist jedoch als Ă€ußerst schwierig bekannt und kann leicht zu Programmierfehlern fĂŒhren. Die vorliegende Dissertation nimmt sich dieser Herausforderung an indem sie neuartige Techniken vorschlĂ€gt, die Entwicklern beim Aufdecken von NebenlĂ€ufigkeitsfehlern helfen. Wir fĂŒhren eine Studie von Fehlern durch, um die externen und internen Effekte von in der Praxis vorkommenden NebenlĂ€ufigkeitsfehlern besser zu verstehen. Diese ergibt, dass ein bedeutender Anteil von solchen Fehlern als semantisch bzw. latent zu charakterisieren ist -- zwei besonders herausfordernde Klassen von NebenlĂ€ufigkeitsfehlern. Basierend auf den Erkenntnissen der Studie entwickeln wir einen Detektor (PIKE), der ProgrammausfĂŒhrungen daraufhin analysiert, ob NebenlĂ€ufigkeitsfehler aufgetreten sind. Weiterhin prĂ€sentieren wir das Design eines Testtools (SKI), das es Entwicklern ermöglicht, Betriebssystemkerne praktikabel auf NebenlĂ€ufigkeitsfehler zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen. SKI fĂŒllt die LĂŒcke zwischen Testen im Benutzermodus und Testen im Kernelmodus, indem es die systematische Erkundung der Kernel-Thread-Verschachtelungen erlaubt. Unsere Auswertung zeigt, dass sowohl PIKE als auch SKI effektiv NebenlĂ€ufigkeitsfehler finden

    Incremental parallel and distributed systems

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    Incremental computation strives for efficient successive runs of applications by re-executing only those parts of the computation that are affected by a given input change instead of recomputing everything from scratch. To realize the benefits of incremental computation, researchers and practitioners are developing new systems where the application programmer can provide an efficient update mechanism for changing application data. Unfortunately, most of the existing solutions are limiting because they not only depart from existing programming models, but also require programmers to devise an incremental update mechanism (or a dynamic algorithm) on a per-application basis. In this thesis, we present incremental parallel and distributed systems that enable existing real-world applications to automatically benefit from efficient incremental updates. Our approach neither requires departure from current models of programming, nor the design and implementation of dynamic algorithms. To achieve these goals, we have designed and built the following incremental systems: (i) Incoop — a system for incremental MapReduce computation; (ii) Shredder — a GPU-accelerated system for incremental storage; (iii) Slider — a stream processing platform for incremental sliding window analytics; and (iv) iThreads — a threading library for parallel incremental computation. Our experience with these systems shows that significant performance can be achieved for existing applications without requiring any additional effort from programmers.Inkrementelle Berechnungen ermöglichen die effizientere Ausführung aufeinanderfolgender Anwendungsaufrufe, indem nur die Teilbereiche der Anwendung erneut ausgefürt werden, die von den Änderungen der Eingabedaten betroffen sind. Dieses Berechnungsverfahren steht dem konventionellen und vollständig neu berechnenden Verfahren gegenüber. Um den Vorteil inkrementeller Berechnungen auszunutzen, entwickeln sowohl Wissenschaft als auch Industrie neue Systeme, bei denen der Anwendungsprogrammierer den effizienten Aktualisierungsmechanismus für die Änderung der Anwendungsdaten bereitstellt. Bedauerlicherweise lassen sich existierende Lösungen meist nur eingeschränkt anwenden, da sie das konventionelle Programmierungsmodel beibehalten und dadurch die erneute Entwicklung vom Programmierer des inkrementellen Aktualisierungsmechanismus (oder einen dynamischen Algorithmus) für jede Anwendung verlangen. Diese Doktorarbeit stellt inkrementelle Parallele- und Verteiltesysteme vor, die es existierenden Real-World-Anwendungen ermöglichen vom Vorteil der inkre- mentellen Berechnung automatisch zu profitieren. Unser Ansatz erfordert weder eine Abkehr von gegenwärtigen Programmiermodellen, noch Design und Implementierung von anwendungsspezifischen dynamischen Algorithmen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, haben wir die folgenden Systeme zur inkrementellen parallelen und verteilten Berechnung entworfen und implementiert: (i) Incoop — ein System für inkrementelle Map-Reduce-Programme; (ii) Shredder — ein GPU- beschleunigtes System zur inkrementellen Speicherung; (iii) Slider — eine Plat- tform zur Batch-basierten Streamverarbeitung via inkrementeller Sliding-Window- Berechnung; und (iv) iThreads — eine Threading-Bibliothek zur parallelen inkre- mentellen Berechnung. Unsere Erfahrungen mit diesen Systemen zeigen, dass unsere Methoden sehr gute Performanz liefern können, und dies ohne weiteren Aufwand des Programmierers