486,130 research outputs found

    Contribution to Quantification of Communication

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    Communication among humans is one of crucial human activities. Yet, its importance is not accompanied with the accurate and precise formal measure. Two starting points of this article are: (i) treating the communication among humans as a means to convene diverse individual and collective stimuli and needs; (ii) partitioning human environment into available, well-characterised communication modes, most of which makes possible mediated communication. Based on these starting points, a generic model of human communication between individuals and their environment is formulated and discussed. It is argued that there is a definite relation between the utilised communication modes and intensity of convened matter

    Using virtual worlds as collaborative environments for innovation and design: lessons learned and observations from case studies in architectural projects

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    In this paper we discuss observations and lessons learned in conducting architectural design projects in virtual worlds. By integrating a community of users in virtual worlds into a collaborative architectural design process, organisations can tap the community's creativity and intelligence through immersive technology. The paper provides an overview of the latest advances of information and communication technologies in immersive virtual environments and discusses some of the observations and lessons learned which should be taken into account in developing collaboration models for such activities. Here we propose four modes of collaboration, based on the choices for degree of openness and governance structure, which are illustrated by four case studies

    Program for transfer research and impact studies

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    Research activities conducted under the Program for Transfer Research and Impact Studies (TRIS) during 1972 included: (1) preparation of 10,196 TSP requests for TRIS application analysis; (2) interviews with over 500 individuals concerning the technical, economic, and social impacts of NASA-generated technology; (3) preparation of 38 new technology transfer example files and 101 new transfer cases; and (4) maintenance of a technology transfer library containing more than 2,900 titles. Six different modes of technology utilization are used to illustrate the pervasiveness of the transfer and diffusion of aerospace innovations. These modes also provide a basis for distinguishing the unique characteristics of the NASA Technology Utilization Program. An examination is reported of the ways in which NASA-generated technology is contributing to beneficial social change in five major areas of human concern: health, environment, safety, transportation, and communication

    Maximizing Communicative Competency in a Classroom

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    Developing students’ communicative competence is a primary goal of many language classrooms. This session will present various strategies to encourage learner agency. The presenter will introduce strategies to execute fast-paced communicative learning activities that bypass mechanical activities and task-based student assessments to measure students’ proficiency in interpretive, interpersonal and presentational modes of communication. Examples of lesson plans and student work from a high school Chinese classroom will be provided

    Improved Sprint Results with Offshore Indian Teams

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    Due to the cultural and linguistic differences, different time zones, and complexities of knowledge transfer involved in IT offshoring, offshore-outsourced projects are more prone to failure than in-house and domestically outsourced projects. These inherent risks exacerbate the communication, coordination and collaboration between vendors and clients and thus affect various stages of the offshore outsourced software development (OSD). Communication is a major factor of success or failure for any software project. In offshore software development OSD, communication is more critical than collocated software development. Frequent communication is not always possible due to challenges like time zone differences, holiday customs etc. where client and vendor working hours do not overlap. This communication problem affects the success of offshoring decision in terms of cost, schedule, time-to-market, client-vendor trust, and customer and business satisfaction. For successful software project offshoring, successful communication is necessary. This paper provides a preliminary exploration for communication mode/mediums and challenges involved in OSD and how to have effective sprint planning sessions with the offshore teams in India. A classification is presented for offshore software development activities and the communication modes/mediums used to perform those activities


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    The article focuses on some new insights into the effects of students’ communicative interaction in the language learning process. The study offers some modes of utilizing the extra-curricular activities potential for generating an interaction environment where students venture into true communication. The syllabus of students’ interaction within their extra-curricular activities has been defined in the study in relation to the video conferencing technology. We have expanded the range of educational offerings while introducing some components of video conferencing into students’ communicative learning: virtual meeting rooms, discussion forums, screen sharing. The topicality of the study consists in insufficient number of scientific works on aspects of students’ communicative interaction within extra-curricular activities in language learning. Hence the aim of the study is to propose theoretical justification and methodological development of utilizing the interaction potential within extra-curricular activities for students’ communication training. Following the aim we have examined characteristics of students’ communicative interactions within extra-curricular cases in language learning. We have elaborated some techniques and devices, identified some ways of generating communicative interaction dynamics for furthering students’ communication training. We have verified the findings in our experimental practical work and have revealed the significance of students’ interactions within extra-curricular activities for facilitating their communication potential in language learning

    Using situation theory to model information flow in design

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    Information flow is intensive during a design process, where delivering timely and appropriate information is required. Sonnenwald [2] identified 13 communication roles that emerged during four multidisciplinary design situations in the USA and Europe. She statedthat participants from different disciplines, organisations and cultures come to the design situation with pre-existing patterns of working activities, and specialised work languages. Different methods to represent information flow activities are used, varying in different companies, different disciplines, and different teams, which may cause misunderstandings particularly among design teams composed of different organisations. In this sense, it is important to present information flow in a rigorous way. Eastman and Shirley [3] developed amodel of design information flow. The model dealt with design information management, reflecting entities, constraints, design states, design document accessed modes, transactions, and version identifiers. But, the development of their model was not based upon a theoretical foundation. In this paper, we develop an alternative model to present information flow indesign based on a foundation of situation theory. The model may serve to analysis design information system and provide a basis for investigating the situatedness of designinformation flow. To be able to represent information flow we should firstly study its phenomena. Based on Sim's formalism of design activities, the theory of Speech Acts, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW, and other works studying information flow, an example model for information flow in design is developed. A discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of this representation method is carried out

    Measured temporal parameters

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    Speech communication is often realised by two ways monologue and dialogue modes. The temporal (time) attributes, such as active and non-active parts of both of these varies because of the nature of the modes. In monologue modes of speech communication activity of each user remains 80% and 20% are the silences and in dialogue (conversational) modes it is 40% and 60% respectively. The temporal attributes and properties of both speech communication modes can be utilised for better bandwidth efficiency. These chapters a statistical data regarding these activities for both modes are provide