24,549 research outputs found

    Differentiable Genetic Programming

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    We introduce the use of high order automatic differentiation, implemented via the algebra of truncated Taylor polynomials, in genetic programming. Using the Cartesian Genetic Programming encoding we obtain a high-order Taylor representation of the program output that is then used to back-propagate errors during learning. The resulting machine learning framework is called differentiable Cartesian Genetic Programming (dCGP). In the context of symbolic regression, dCGP offers a new approach to the long unsolved problem of constant representation in GP expressions. On several problems of increasing complexity we find that dCGP is able to find the exact form of the symbolic expression as well as the constants values. We also demonstrate the use of dCGP to solve a large class of differential equations and to find prime integrals of dynamical systems, presenting, in both cases, results that confirm the efficacy of our approach

    Active Learning of Regular Expressions for Entity Extraction

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    We consider the automatic synthesis of an entity extractor, in the form of a regular expression, from examples of the desired extractions in an unstructured text stream. This is a long-standing problem for which many different approaches have been proposed, which all require the preliminary construction of a large dataset fully annotated by the user. In this work we propose an active learning approach aimed at minimizing the user annotation effort: the user annotates only one desired extraction and then merely answers extraction queries generated by the system. During the learning process, the system digs into the input text for selecting the most appropriate extraction query to be submitted to the user in order to improve the current extractor. We construct candidate solutions with Genetic Programming and select queries with a form of querying-by-committee, i.e., based on a measure of disagreement within the best candidate solutions. All the components of our system are carefully tailored to the peculiarities of active learning with Genetic Programming and of entity extraction from unstructured text. We evaluate our proposal in depth, on a number of challenging datasets and based on a realistic estimate of the user effort involved in answering each single query. The results demonstrate high accuracy with significant savings in terms of computational effort, annotated characters and execution time over a state-of-the-art baseline

    Regex-based Entity Extraction with Active Learning and Genetic Programming

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    We consider the long-standing problem of the automatic generation of regular expressions for text extraction, based solely on examples of the desired behavior. We investigate several active learning approaches in which the user annotates only one desired extraction and then merely answers extraction queries generated by the system. The resulting framework is attractive because it is the system, not the user, which digs out the data in search of the samples most suitable to the specific learning task. We tailor our proposals to a state-of-the-art learner based on Genetic Programming and we assess them experimentally on a number of challenging tasks of realistic complexity. The results indicate that active learning is indeed a viable framework in this application domain and may thus significantly decrease the amount of costly annotation effort required

    FlashProfile: A Framework for Synthesizing Data Profiles

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    We address the problem of learning a syntactic profile for a collection of strings, i.e. a set of regex-like patterns that succinctly describe the syntactic variations in the strings. Real-world datasets, typically curated from multiple sources, often contain data in various syntactic formats. Thus, any data processing task is preceded by the critical step of data format identification. However, manual inspection of data to identify the different formats is infeasible in standard big-data scenarios. Prior techniques are restricted to a small set of pre-defined patterns (e.g. digits, letters, words, etc.), and provide no control over granularity of profiles. We define syntactic profiling as a problem of clustering strings based on syntactic similarity, followed by identifying patterns that succinctly describe each cluster. We present a technique for synthesizing such profiles over a given language of patterns, that also allows for interactive refinement by requesting a desired number of clusters. Using a state-of-the-art inductive synthesis framework, PROSE, we have implemented our technique as FlashProfile. Across 153153 tasks over 7575 large real datasets, we observe a median profiling time of only 0.7\sim\,0.7\,s. Furthermore, we show that access to syntactic profiles may allow for more accurate synthesis of programs, i.e. using fewer examples, in programming-by-example (PBE) workflows such as FlashFill.Comment: 28 pages, SPLASH (OOPSLA) 201

    Can a Machine Replace Humans in Building Regular Expressions? A Case Study

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    Regular expressions are routinely used in a variety of different application domains. But building a regular expression involves a considerable amount of skill, expertise, and creativity. In this work, the authors investigate whether a machine can surrogate these qualities and automatically construct regular expressions for tasks of realistic complexity. They discuss a large-scale experiment involving more than 1,700 users on 10 challenging tasks. The authors compare the solutions constructed by these users to those constructed by a tool based on genetic programming that they recently developed and made publicly available. The quality of automatically constructed solutions turned out to be similar to the quality of those constructed by the most skilled user group; the time for automatic construction was likewise similar to the time required by human users

    Automatic Search-and-Replace From Examples With Coevolutionary Genetic Programming

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    We describe the design and implementation of a system for executing search-and-replace text processing tasks automatically, based only on examples of the desired behavior. The examples consist of pairs describing the original string and the desired modified string. Their construction, thus, does not require any specific technical skill. The system constructs a solution to the specified task that can be used unchanged on popular existing software for text processing. The solution consists of a search pattern coupled with a replacement expression: the former is a regular expression which describes both the strings to be replaced and their portions to be reused in the latter, which describes how to build the modified strings. Our proposed system is internally based on genetic programming and implements a form of cooperative coevolution in which two separate populations are evolved independently, one for search patterns and the other for replacement expressions. We assess our proposal on six tasks of realistic complexity obtaining very good results, both in terms of absolute quality of the solutions and with respect to the challenging baselines considered

    Automatic Synthesis of Regular Expressions from Examples

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    We propose a system for the automatic generation of regular expressions for text-extraction tasks. The user describes the desired task only by means of a set of labeled examples. The generated regexes may be used with common engines such as those that are part of Java, PHP, Perl and so on. Usage of the system does not require any familiarity with regular expressions syntax. We performed an extensive experimental evaluation on 12 different extraction tasks applied to real-world datasets. We obtained very good results in terms of precision and recall, even in comparison to earlier state-of-the-art proposals. Our results are highly promising toward the achievement of a practical surrogate for the specific skills required for generating regular expressions, and significant as a demonstration of what can be achieved with GP-based approaches on modern IT technology

    Syntactical Similarity Learning by Means of Grammatical Evolution

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    Several research efforts have shown that a similarity function synthesized from examples may capture an application-specific similarity criterion in a way that fits the application needs more effectively than a generic distance definition. In this work, we propose a similarity learning algorithm tailored to problems of syntax-based entity extraction from unstructured text streams. The algorithm takes in input pairs of strings along with an indication of whether they adhere or not adhere to the same syntactic pattern. Our approach is based on Grammatical Evolution and explores systematically a similarity definition space including all functions that may be expressed with a specialized, simple language that we have defined for this purpose. We assessed our proposal on patterns representative of practical applications. The results suggest that the proposed approach is indeed feasible and that the learned similarity function is more effective than the Levenshtein distance and the Jaccard similarity index

    Inference of Regular Expressions for Text Extraction from Examples

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    A large class of entity extraction tasks from text that is either semistructured or fully unstructured may be addressed by regular expressions, because in many practical cases the relevant entities follow an underlying syntactical pattern and this pattern may be described by a regular expression. In this work we consider the long-standing problem of synthesizing such expressions automatically, based solely on examples of the desired behavior. We present the design and implementation of a system capable of addressing extraction tasks of realistic complexity. Our system is based on an evolutionary procedure carefully tailored to the specific needs of regular expression generation by examples. The procedure executes a search driven by a multiobjective optimization strategy aimed at simultaneously improving multiple performance indexes of candidate solutions while at the same time ensuring an adequate exploration of the huge solution space. We assess our proposal experimentally in great depth, on a number of challenging datasets. The accuracy of the obtained solutions seems to be adequate for practical usage and improves over earlier proposals significantly. Most importantly, our results are highly competitive even with respect to human operators. A prototype is available as a web application at http://regex.inginf.units.it