10 research outputs found

    Estudio sobre las estrategias comerciales de las empresas consultoras para la captación de clientes.

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    Este trabajo se focaliza en investigar las estrategias comerciales que las empresas consultoras utilizan para la captación de clientes y proyectos. Se exponen las características propias del negocio de la consultoría, del tipo de producto que ofrece, de las necesidades de los clientes, y de las particularidades específicas del marketing. Se identifican las competencias, habilidades y estrategias comerciales, y se revisa el uso de los canales de venta. A partir del análisis del conocimiento adquirido se obtiene como resultado cuales son las estrategias más efectivas tanto en el inicio de las actividades de consultoría como para las empresas ya asentadas

    Success Lies in the Eye of the Beholder: A Quantitative Analysis of the Mismatch Between Perceived and Real IT Project Management Performance

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    Building on an earlier exploratory study, this paper investigates the drivers of the possible mismatch between traditional real IT project management performance criteria - quality, time and cost - and perceived project management performance. We use partial least squares structural equation modeling to test five main hypotheses with survey data from 248 managers with extensive IT/IS project involvement. The results demonstrate that mismatches between real and perceived project management performance indeed occur. They are predominantly driven by poor expectation management before and during the execution of IT projects, as well as by a low project sponsor commitment. A discussion of the findings and limitations, as well as suggestions for future research, conclude the article

    The effect of project success on corporate reputation of the public sector organizations in Pakistan

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of project success on the corporate reputation of the public sector organizations in Pakistan in the light of signaling theory. A cross-sectional survey across Pakistan yielded 425 valid responses. The sample was restricted to respondents registered with Pakistan Engineering Council. Smart PLS version 3.0 was employed to assess the proposed reflective-formative model through path modelling and bootstrapping technique. The results showed that project success is positively related to corporate reputation. This paper provides empirical evidence about the positive effect of project success on the corporate reputation from public sectors' view, in Pakistan

    The effect of project success on corporate reputation of the public sector organizations in Pakistan

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of project success on the corporate reputation of the public sector organizations in Pakistan in the light of signaling theory. A cross-sectional survey across Pakistan yielded 425 valid responses. The sample was restricted to respondents registered with Pakistan Engineering Council. Smart PLS version 3.0 was employed to assess the proposed reflective-formative model through path modelling and bootstrapping technique. The results showed that project success is positively related to corporate reputation. This paper provides empirical evidence about the positive effect of project success on the corporate reputation from public sectors’ view, in Pakistan

    Salient complexities of engaging external consultants in information systems projects

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    Project sponsors have sought to develop the necessary competence to address various challenges they face during project development, implementation, and exploitation by employing different initiatives including the engagement and use of external consultants. However, doing so is associated with a number of consequences, including a significant risk of exacerbating project complexities. With this in mind, we set out in this article to examine the salient differences in the key project complexities between projects engaging consultants and those not engaging consultants. Data are obtained from 146 project management practitioners engaged in projects in Canada and the USA. Data analysis is undertaken using three-way multidimensional scaling. Findings as relates to the key complexities associated with information systems projects, points to the manifestation of six broad dimensions of complexity namely 1) “Variety,” 2) “Control,” 3) “Criticality,” 4) “Scope and repetition,” 5) “Information,” and 6) “Dependence.” As relates to how consultant engagement changes the salience of these key project complexities, we find that consultant engagement leads to more varied and stronger structural complexity and higher salience of interpersonal and organizational complexity

    O processo de avaliação de desempenho numa consultora de sistemas de informação

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    Mestrado em Gestão de Recursos HumanosReconhece-se atualmente que, em ambientes muito competitivos, as empresas para sobreviverem necessitam de saber gerir o desempenho dos seus colaboradores. Este é claramente o caso das consultoras no ramo dos sistemas de informação, dado que as capacidades distintivas do seu capital humano são a sua principal fonte de vantagem competitiva, num mercado altamente dinâmico e instável. Essa instabilidade que tem reflexos nos colaboradores cria novas condicionantes ao desenvolvimento das suas carreiras. De forma a criarmos estabilidade, confiança e segurança na carreira de um colaborador, torna-se premente fomentar políticas de remuneração e recompensas assentes no desempenho dos colaboradores que promovam a retenção dos talentos. O processo de avaliação de desempenho surge assim como algo vital para garantir a competitividade das empresas na medida em que, para além de permitir alinhar os objetivos individuais com a estratégia organizacional, serve de referencial para a introdução de determinadas políticas de gestão de recursos humanos que potenciem o crescimento da empresa e dos colaboradores. Pretendeu-se, com este projeto, contribuir para a melhoria de um sistema de avaliação de desempenho existente, que tivesse em conta a especificidade da empresa e fosse um instrumento vivo e dinâmico, com impacto na política de recompensas e benefícios, na gestão e desenvolvimento de carreiras e na retenção dos colaboradores. Verificou-se que o sistema de avaliação implementado forneceu informação relevante para a gestão dos recursos humanos da consultora em análise, nomeadamente ao nível da gestão de carreiras dos consultores.Currently, in competitive environments, to survive, companies need to know how to manage their employee's effort and productivity. This is clearly the case of IT consultant companies since distinctive human capital capacities represent their main competitive advantage in a very dynamic market. This instability is reflected on the employees, creating entropy on the development of their professional careers. In order to create stability, trust and security on their careers, it becomes crucial for consultant companies to offer benefits and rewards based on the productivity and effort of each employee. For this reason, the process of evaluating one's productivity and effort becomes something vital to assure that companies remain competitive. This, also allows them to align the individual objectives of each employee with the company's strategy and thus, serving as referential for the introduction of human resources management that, are able to bring growth to both the company and employees. It is intended with this project, contribute to the improvement of an existing performance evaluation system, taking account of the specific nature of the company and would be seen as a live and dynamic instrument, with an impact on rewards and benefits policy, management and career development and the retention of employees. After evaluating the results, we concluded that it has provided valuable information for human resources management particularly in terms of career managemen

    Salient complexities of engaging external consultants in information systems projects

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    Project sponsors have sought to develop the necessary competence to address various challenges they face during project development, implementation and exploitation by employing different initiatives including the engagement and use of external consultants. However, doing so is associated with a number of consequences, including a significant risk of exacerbating project complexities. With this in mind, we set out in this study to examine the salient differences in the key project complexities between projects engaging consultants and those not engaging consultants. Data is obtained from 146 project management practitioners engaged in projects in Canada and the United States. Data analysis is undertaken using 3-way Multidimensional Scaling (MDS). Findings as relates to the key complexities associated with information systems projects, points to the manifestation of six broad dimensions of complexity namely (i) ‘Variety’ (ii) ‘Control’ (iii) ‘Criticality’ (iv) ‘Scope and repetition’ (v) ‘Information’ and (vi) ‘Dependence’. As relates to how consultant engagement changes the salience of these key project complexities, we find that consultant engagement leads to more varied and stronger structural complexity and higher salience of interpersonal and organisational complexity

    Implementação de um modelo de avaliação de desempenho 360º dos colaboradores numa empresa de consultoria e outsourcing de tecnologia informática

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    Na indústria de Consultoria e Outsourcing de Tecnologia Informática, uma indústria competitiva e de conhecimento intensivo, o valor das empresas baseia-se no somatório do valor de cada um dos seus colaboradores, principalmente dos colaboradores da área de operações, os programadores. Num contexto assim, para que uma empresa seja bem-sucedida é crucial desenvolver uma cultura de inovação e evolução de competências dos colaboradores. Para tal, as empresas devem proporcionar as melhores ferramentas que facilitem esta cultura de inovação, de melhoria de competências. Uma ferramenta que permite impulsionar este processo de modo formal é a Avaliação de Desempenho dos Colaboradores. Com a utilização desta ferramenta não só se obtêm os resultados do desempenho do colaborador no período anterior como também se definem objetivos e sugestões de melhoria para o período posterior. Este projeto teve como objetivo otimizar o Modelo de Avaliação de Desempenho dos colaboradores utilizado atualmente numa empresa de Consultoria e Outsourcing de Tecnologia Informática e desta forma permitir que a empresa proporcione aos seus colaboradores uma ferramenta mais dotada para contribuir para o seu desenvolvimento profissional. Concretamente, foi desenvolvido um Modelo de Avaliação de Desempenho 360º adaptado e customizado aos requisitos da empresa, ao seu contexto interno e externo, aos seus objetivos e aos seus recursos. A implementação do Modelo acontecerá em 2020 e espera-se que produza resultados positivos para o desenvolvimento da empresa.In the Software Consultancy and Outsourcing Industry, a competitive and knowledge intensive Industry, the value of the companies is based on the aggregate of the value of each one of their employees, especially the employees in the operations area, the Software developers. In this context, for a company to be successful it is crucial to develop a culture of innovation and development of employee skills. Having identified this requirement, companies should provide the best tools to facilitate the spread of this culture of innovation and development of employee skills. A tool that boosts this process in a formal way is the Performance Appraisal of employees. By utilizing this tool, companies are able to obtain not only information regarding employee’s performance in the previous period but also to define goals and strategies to improve employee’s performance in the following period. For this reason, the Performance Appraisal is one valuable tool that can even be considered fundamental for the development of companies in this context. This project objective was to optimize the Performance Appraisal Model of employees used by a Consultancy and Outsourcing Software company in the present and this way allowing the company to provide their employees with the best tool to develop professionally. To reach this goal, an adapted and customized 360º Performance Appraisal Model of employees was developed, considering the company internal and external context, their objectives and resources. The creation of the Performance Appraisal Model was successful and it is expected that its implementation in 2020 produces positive results