121 research outputs found

    Técnicas de pré-codificação para sistemas multicelulares coordenados

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    Doutoramento em TelecomunicaçõesCoordenação Multicélula é um tópico de investigação em rápido crescimento e uma solução promissora para controlar a interferência entre células em sistemas celulares, melhorando a equidade do sistema e aumentando a sua capacidade. Esta tecnologia já está em estudo no LTEAdvanced sob o conceito de coordenação multiponto (COMP). Existem várias abordagens sobre coordenação multicélula, dependendo da quantidade e do tipo de informação partilhada pelas estações base, através da rede de suporte (backhaul network), e do local onde essa informação é processada, i.e., numa unidade de processamento central ou de uma forma distribuída em cada estação base. Nesta tese, são propostas técnicas de pré-codificação e alocação de potência considerando várias estratégias: centralizada, todo o processamento é feito na unidade de processamento central; semidistribuída, neste caso apenas parte do processamento é executado na unidade de processamento central, nomeadamente a potência alocada a cada utilizador servido por cada estação base; e distribuída em que o processamento é feito localmente em cada estação base. Os esquemas propostos são projectados em duas fases: primeiro são propostas soluções de pré-codificação para mitigar ou eliminar a interferência entre células, de seguida o sistema é melhorado através do desenvolvimento de vários esquemas de alocação de potência. São propostas três esquemas de alocação de potência centralizada condicionada a cada estação base e com diferentes relações entre desempenho e complexidade. São também derivados esquemas de alocação distribuídos, assumindo que um sistema multicelular pode ser visto como a sobreposição de vários sistemas com uma única célula. Com base neste conceito foi definido uma taxa de erro média virtual para cada um desses sistemas de célula única que compõem o sistema multicelular, permitindo assim projectar esquemas de alocação de potência completamente distribuídos. Todos os esquemas propostos foram avaliados em cenários realistas, bastante próximos dos considerados no LTE. Os resultados mostram que os esquemas propostos são eficientes a remover a interferência entre células e que o desempenho das técnicas de alocação de potência propostas é claramente superior ao caso de não alocação de potência. O desempenho dos sistemas completamente distribuídos é inferior aos baseados num processamento centralizado, mas em contrapartida podem ser usados em sistemas em que a rede de suporte não permita a troca de grandes quantidades de informação.Multicell coordination is a promising solution for cellular wireless systems to mitigate inter-cell interference, improving system fairness and increasing capacity and thus is already under study in LTE-A under the coordinated multipoint (CoMP) concept. There are several coordinated transmission approaches depending on the amount of information shared by the transmitters through the backhaul network and where the processing takes place i.e. in a central processing unit or in a distributed way on each base station. In this thesis, we propose joint precoding and power allocation techniques considering different strategies: Full-centralized, where all the processing takes place at the central unit; Semi-distributed, in this case only some process related with power allocation is done at the central unit; and Fulldistributed, where all the processing is done locally at each base station. The methods are designed in two phases: first the inter-cell interference is removed by applying a set of centralized or distributed precoding vectors; then the system is further optimized by centralized or distributed power allocation schemes. Three centralized power allocation algorithms with per-BS power constraint and different complexity tradeoffs are proposed. Also distributed power allocation schemes are proposed by considering the multicell system as superposition of single cell systems, where we define the average virtual bit error rate (BER) of interference-free single cell system, allowing us to compute the power allocation coefficients in a distributed manner at each BS. All proposed schemes are evaluated in realistic scenarios considering LTE specifications. The numerical evaluations show that the proposed schemes are efficient in removing inter-cell interference and improve system performance comparing to equal power allocation. Furthermore, fulldistributed schemes can be used when the amounts of information to be exchanged over the backhaul is restricted, although system performance is slightly degraded from semi-distributed and full-centralized schemes, but the complexity is considerably lower. Besides that for high degrees of freedom distributed schemes show similar behaviour to centralized ones

    Robust Monotonic Optimization Framework for Multicell MISO Systems

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    The performance of multiuser systems is both difficult to measure fairly and to optimize. Most resource allocation problems are non-convex and NP-hard, even under simplifying assumptions such as perfect channel knowledge, homogeneous channel properties among users, and simple power constraints. We establish a general optimization framework that systematically solves these problems to global optimality. The proposed branch-reduce-and-bound (BRB) algorithm handles general multicell downlink systems with single-antenna users, multiantenna transmitters, arbitrary quadratic power constraints, and robustness to channel uncertainty. A robust fairness-profile optimization (RFO) problem is solved at each iteration, which is a quasi-convex problem and a novel generalization of max-min fairness. The BRB algorithm is computationally costly, but it shows better convergence than the previously proposed outer polyblock approximation algorithm. Our framework is suitable for computing benchmarks in general multicell systems with or without channel uncertainty. We illustrate this by deriving and evaluating a zero-forcing solution to the general problem.Comment: Published in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 16 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    An Analytical Framework for Heterogeneous Partial Feedback Design in Heterogeneous Multicell OFDMA Networks

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    The inherent heterogeneous structure resulting from user densities and large scale channel effects motivates heterogeneous partial feedback design in heterogeneous networks. In such emerging networks, a distributed scheduling policy which enjoys multiuser diversity as well as maintains fairness among users is favored for individual user rate enhancement and guarantees. For a system employing the cumulative distribution function based scheduling, which satisfies the two above mentioned desired features, we develop an analytical framework to investigate heterogeneous partial feedback in a general OFDMA-based heterogeneous multicell employing the best-M partial feedback strategy. Exact sum rate analysis is first carried out and closed form expressions are obtained by a novel decomposition of the probability density function of the selected user's signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio. To draw further insight, we perform asymptotic analysis using extreme value theory to examine the effect of partial feedback on the randomness of multiuser diversity, show the asymptotic optimality of best-1 feedback, and derive an asymptotic approximation for the sum rate in order to determine the minimum required partial feedback.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. on Signal Processin

    Outage probability formulas for cellular networks (contributions for MIMO, CoMP and time reversal features)

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    L étude de dimensionnement d un réseau cellulaire est une phase de conception qui doit permettre de déterminer les performances d un système dans une configuration donnée. Elle inclut l étude de couverture et l analyse de trafic. De complexes simulations sont possibles pour connaître les paramètres de performances d un réseau mais seules les études analytiques fournissent des résultats rapides. Par ailleurs, pour faire face à la demande de hauts débits, à la rareté du spectre fréquentiel et à l impossibilité d émettre à de plus fortes puissances, de nouvelles techniques de transmissions sont apparues. Nous sommes ainsi passés d un système classique à une seule antenne à des systèmes à multiple antennes et même à des scénarios de coopération entre stations de base. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons des modèles analytiques pour l étude des performances, notamment en termes de probabilités de coupure, de ces évolutions des réseaux cellulaires. Dans une première phase, nous considérons des systèmes multicellulaires à une antenne émettrice et une antenne réceptrice (SISO). Nous proposons deux méthodes d étude de l impact conjoint de l affaiblissement de parcours, de l effet de masque et des évanouissements rapides. Nous étudions, par la suite, un système à large bande utilisant le retournement temporel comme technique de transmission. Dans une deuxième phase, nous considérons des systèmes multicellulaires à antennes multiple à l émission ou à la réception (MISO/MIMO) implémentant les schémas de diversité Alamouti et de combinaison par rapport maximal (MRC). Ensuite, nous considérons un système multicellulaire multi-utilisateurs à précodage de forçage à zéro (ZFBF).The implementation of cellular systems have aroused issues related to the design of cellular networks termed to as network dimensioning. It includes the coverage estimation and thetraffic analysis. Simple models and methods are required to reduce the time consumption of these two analysis. At the same time, the growing demand for higher data rates constrained by the scarcity of frequency spectrum, and the requirements in terms of power consumption reduction make the telecommunication community think about new transmission techniques moving from the classical single antenna systems to multiple antenna systems and even the newly envisaged cooperative systems. In this thesis, we provide analytical models to assess the performance of these different cellular network evolutions in terms of outage probabilities. In a first study, we consider multicellular single input single output (SISO) systems. First, we propose two accurate methods to study the joint impact of path-loss, shadowing and fast fading. This system has so far been studied either considering the only impact of path-loss and Rayleigh fading, or considering the same channel model as in our case but providing very complex outage probability expressions. Then, we provide an outage probability expression in a wideband communication context implementing the Time Reversal (TR) transmission technique considering the impact of fast fading. In a second study, we focus on multiple antenna systems. We study the performance of a Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system implementing a transmit and a receivediversity schemes namely the Alamouti code and the Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC).PARIS-Télécom ParisTech (751132302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Ultra-Reliable Short-Packet Communications: Fundamental Limits and Enabling Technologies

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    The paradigm shift from 4G to 5G communications, anticipated to enable ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC), will enforce a radical change in the design of wireless communication systems. Unlike in 4G systems, where the main objective is to provide a large transmission rate, in URLLC, as implied by its name, the objective is to enable transmissions with low latency and, simultaneously, very high reliability. Since low latency implies the use of short data packets, the tension between blocklength and reliability is studied in URLLC.Several key enablers for URLLC communications have been designated in the literature. Of special importance are diversity-enabling technologies such as multiantenna systems and feedback protocols. Furthermore, it is not only important to introduce additional diversity by means of the above examples, one must also guarantee that thescarce number of channel uses are used in an optimal way. Therefore, it is imperative to develop design guidelines for how to enable reliable detection of incoming data, how to acquire channel-state information, and how to construct efficient short-packet channel codes. The development of such guidelines is at the heart of this thesis. This thesis focuses on the fundamental performance of URLLC-enabling technologies. Specifically, we provide converse (upper) bounds and achievability (lower) bounds on the maximum coding rate, based on finite-blocklength information theory, for systems that employ the key enablers outlined above. With focus on the wireless channel, modeled via a block-fading assumption, we are able to provide answers to questions like: howto optimally utilize spatial and frequency diversity, how far from optimal short-packet channel codes perform, how multiantenna systems should be designed to serve a given number of users, and how to design feedback schemes when the feedback link is noisy. In particular, this thesis is comprised out of four papers. In Paper A, we study the short-packet performance over the Rician block-fading channel. In particular, we present achievability bounds for pilot-assisted transmission with several different decoders that allow us to quantify the impact, on the achievable performance, of imposed pilots and mismatched decoding. Furthermore, we design short-packet channel codes that perform within 1 dB of our achievability bounds. Paper B studies multiuser massive multiple-input multiple-output systems with short packets. We provide an achievability bound on the average error probability over quasistatic spatially correlated Rayleigh-fading channels. The bound applies to arbitrary multiuser settings, pilot-assisted transmission, and mismatched decoding. This makes it suitable to assess the performance in the uplink/downlink for arbitrary linear signal processing. We show that several lessons learned from infinite-blocklength analyses carry over to the finite-blocklength regime. Furthermore, for the multicell setting with randomly placed users, pilot contamination should be avoided at all cost and minimum mean-squared error signal processing should be used to comply with the stringent requirements of URLLC.In Paper C, we consider sporadic transmissions where the task of the receiver is to both detect and decode an incoming packet. Two novel achievability bounds, and a novel converse bound are presented for joint detection-decoding strategies. It is shown that errors associated with detection deteriorates performance significantly for very short packet sizes. Numerical results also indicate that separate detection-decoding strategies are strictly suboptimal over block-fading channels.Finally, in Paper D, variable-length codes with noisy stop-feedback are studied via a novel achievability bound on the average service time and the average error probability. We use the bound to shed light on the resource allocation problem between the forward and the feedback channel. For URLLC applications, it is shown that enough resources must be assigned to the feedback link such that a NACK-to-ACK error becomes rarer than the target error probability. Furthermore, we illustrate that the variable-length stop-feedback scheme outperforms state-of-the-art fixed-length no-feedback bounds even when the stop-feedback bit is noisy

    Optimization techniques for reliable data communication in multi-antenna wireless systems

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    This thesis looks at new methods of achieving reliable data communication in wireless communication systems using different antenna transmission optimization methods. In particular, the problems of exploitation of MIMO communication channel diversity, secure downlink beamforming techniques, adaptive beamforming techniques, resource allocation methods, simultaneous power and information transfer and energy harvesting within the context of multi-antenna wireless systems are addressed