3 research outputs found

    Accuracy Improvement of Robot-Based Milling Using an Enhanced Manipulator Model

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    The paper is devoted to the accuracy improvement of robot-based milling by using an enhanced manipulator model that takes into account both geometric and elastostatic factors. Particular attention is paid to the model parameters identification accuracy. In contrast to other works, the proposed approach takes into account impact of the gravity compensator and link weights on the manipulator elastostatic properties. In order to improve the identification accuracy, the industry oriented performance measure is used to define optimal measurement configurations and an enhanced partial pose measurement method is applied for the identification of the model parameters. The advantages of the developed approach are confirmed by experimental results that deal with the elastostatic calibration of a heavy industrial robot used for milling. The achieved accuracy improvement factor is about 2.4

    Industrial Robot Trajectory Stiffness Mapping for Hybrid Manufacturing Process

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    The application of using industrial robots in hybrid manufacturing is promising, but the heavy external load applied on robot system, including the weight of deposition extruder or the cutting force from machining process, affects the operation accuracy significantly. This paper proposed a new method for helping robot to find the best position and orientation to perform heavy duty tasks based on the current system stiffness. By analyzing the robot kinematic and stiffness matrix properties of robot, a new evaluation formulation has been established for mapping the trajectory¢‚¬„¢s stiffness within the robot¢‚¬„¢s working volumetric. The influence of different position and orientation for hybrid manufacturing working path in different scale has been discussed. Finally, a visualized evaluation map can be obtained to describe the stiffness difference of a robotic deposition working path at different positions and orientations. The method is important for improving the operation performance of robot system with current stiffness capability

    Analyse de la stabilité de la coupe d'un procédé d'usinage robotisé

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    Productivity in robotic machining processes can be limited by the low rigidity of the overall structure and vibration instability (chatter). The robot’s dynamic behavior, due to changes in its posture along a machining trajectory, varies within its workspace. Chatter in robotic machining therefore depends not only on the cutting parameters but also on the robot configuration. The first objective of this thesis is to determine a dynamic modeling approach of the robot in order to analyze the vibration and the stability in robotic machining. This modeling approach has been realized to dynamic modeling of an ABB IRB6660 industrial robot. The numerical model parameters are adjusted on the basis of experimental modal identifications. Then, a three-dimensional representation of stability lobes diagram for the prediction to take into account the robot dynamic behavior variations in machining trajectory is established. The second objective is to optimize the robot configurations regarding stability. The dynamic behavior variations of the robot in the workspace are exploited through functional redundancy management in order to optimize robot configurations with respect to machining stability. The numerical analyze demonstrated and experimental machining tests confirmed that stability conditions in machining operations can be achieved by managing functional redundancy without changing the cutting parameters.La productivité des processus d'usinage robotisé est très souvent limitée par le manque de rigidité des robots et les problèmes vibratoires relatifs à l’instabilité de la coupe. L’analyse de l’instabilité de la coupe en usinage robotisé est un problème difficile en raison de la variabilité du comportement dynamique du robot dans son espace de travail. Par conséquent, le phénomène de broutement en usinage robotisé dépend non seulement des paramètres de coupe mais également de la configuration du robot. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de déterminer une méthode de modélisation dynamique du robot, adaptée du point de vue de l’analyse des vibrations et de la stabilité en usinage robotisé. Cette approche a été réalisée sur le robot d’usinage industriel ABB IRB6660. Une démarche de recalage a été mise en place afin de déterminer les paramètres du modèle numérique du robot. Ensuite, une présentation 3D de la limite de stabilité en usinage robotisé prenant en compte les variations du comportement dynamique du robot est réalisée. Le deuxième objectif consiste à optimiser le procédé vis-à-vis de la stabilité de la coupe. Les variations du comportement dynamique du robot sont exploitées par la gestion des redondances fonctionnelles afin d’optimiser la configuration du robot du point de vue de la stabilité. L’analyse numérique a montré et les essais expérimentaux d’usinage ont confirmé la possibilité de passer de la zone instable à la zone stable par la gestion de la redondance fonctionnelle sans modifier les paramètres de coupe