43 research outputs found

    Provision of Data Accountability and Security in cloud

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    Cloud computing is best emerging paradigm in computer industry. This technology hides the details of services from user. Moreover, users may not know the machines which actually process and host their data and also that data is outsourced to other entities which cause issues related to accountability. So there is need of approach which allows users to keep track of their data in the cloud. To solve security related issues we propose a Cloud Data Security and Accountability (CDMA) framework which is based on Information Accountability. This framework allows user to keep track of data in the cloud. It is an extension of existing Cloud Information Accountability (CIA) with improved performance. Its main feature is lightweight Accountability with high security. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150519

    Distributed Accountability Technique for All File Types

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    Cloud computing is most excellent emerging paradigm in computer industry which hides the details of cloud services from cloud user. Basically users may not know the machines which truly process,host their data and also that cloud data is outsourced to other entities on cloud which cause issues related to accountability. So it is very important to develop such approach which allows owners to keep track of their personal data over the cloud. To solve all security related issues raised on cloud we propose a Cloud Data Security as well as Accountability (CDMA) method which is based on Information Accountability. This allows owner to keep track of all usage of data over cloud. Such method is applied to generic files in our proposed concept. Also it can increases security level. Basically in our approach main focus is on generic files, size of jar, time for uploading and downloading jar. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15072

    La privacidad en el diseño y el diseño de la privacidad, también desde el derecho penal

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    [ES] El desarrollo de tecnologĂ­as protectoras de la privacidad como camino para garantizar la posibilidad de anonimato es un tĂłpico cada vez mĂĄs presente en las legislaciones internacionales. Lo que en la actualidad se discute, y aquĂ­ se plantea, es la necesidad de intervenciĂłn penal para promover, preventiva y anticipadamente, actuaciones que obliguen a dichas tecnologĂ­as.[EU] Anonimatua bermatzeko bidean pribatutasuna babestuko duten teknologiak garatzeko aukera gero eta maizago ageri da nazioarteko legedietan. Gaur egun eztabaidatzen dena zera da, beharrezkoa ote den zigorrak ezartzea modu prebentiboan eta aurretiaz sustatzeko teknologia horiek nahitaezko bilakatuko dituzten ekintzak. eztabaidagai hori aztertzen da hemen.[FR] Le dĂ©veloppement des technologies de protection de la vie privĂ©e comme un moyen de garantir la possibilitĂ© de l’anonymat est un sujet de plus en plus prĂ©sent dans les lois internationales. Ce qui est actuellement en discussion et qui se pose ici, est la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’intervention pĂ©nale pour promouvoir, d’avance et de façon prĂ©ventive, des actions qui obligent ces technologies.[EN] The development of privacy-enhancing technologies as the path to anonymity is a topic increasingly present in international laws. What is currently discussed, and here arises, is the need of criminal laws to provome, in advance and with preventive intervention, actions that compel such technologies


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    A major feature of cloud services is that user data are processed remotely among machines. But user fears of losing control of their own data, particularly financial and health data can becomes a significant barrier to wide adoption of cloud services in order to avoid this problem we provide a novel approach, namely Cloud Information Accountability (CIA) for clients. So that the authorized client can only access the data in the cloud. Data owner store data in the format of JAR format thus client access data only by the permission of data owner. To strengthen user’s control also provide a distributed audit mechanism by push and pull mode. Base64 encoding algorithm is used for encoding the JAR file in order to secure JAR file from attackers. Log maintained and send periodically to the data owner

    Core elements in information security accountability in the cloud

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    This paper proposes 9 core elements of information security accountability in the area of cloud computing. The core elements were determined via a series of 18 case studies with Omani government organisations that were actively using and/or providing cloud computing. 36 interviews were conducted and then analysed using a grounded theory methodology As a result of the analysis, responsibility, transparency, assurance, remediation, accountability support environment, flexible change process, collaboration, mechanisms and commitment to external criteria. The research also found that the emphasis on specific core elements is context-dependent and that there was considerable variation in emphasis amongst the case study organisations

    Cloud Computing and Risk: A look at the EU and the application of the Data Protection Directive to cloud computing

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    The use of cloud services for the management of records presents many challenges, both in terms of the particulars of data security as well the need to sustain and ensure the greater reliability, authenticity, and accuracy of records. To properly grapple with these concerns requires the development of more specifically applicable and effective binding legislation; an important first step is the examination and identification of the risks specific to cloud computing coupled with an evaluation of presently applicable legislation. Within the context of the European Union, this type of analysis centres on the Data Protection Directive (Directive 95/46/EC), and its related instruments. This article examines the present legal framework governing cloud computing in the EU today, and highlights how the various Articles of the Data Protection Directive can be linked to particular concerns about the cloud in order to better safeguard users and providers engaged in cloud computing

    Cloud Users’ Privacy Concerns in the Indian Healthcare Industry

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    The growing adoption of Cloud computing in various government and business domain makes it of importance for users to understand how their information is protected and accounted for in Cloud contracts especially in data sensitive domains such as healthcare. Prior studies have highlighted that contract terms for Cloud computing are evolving based on user’s information privacy protective responses and liability is the most negotiated term. There is extant research on individual privacy but very few studies have addressed organizational privacy. This research inductively develops a framework using a multiple case study approach that addresses the following descriptive question- what dimensions constitute an organization’s major privacy concerns when exchanging data in the Cloud. The findings from this research will have implications for managers while incorporating penalty clauses in Cloud contracts and informs government in forming privacy regulations suitable for the healthcare sector

    Survey On Ensuring Distributed Accountability for Data Sharing in the Cloud

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    Cloud computing is the use of computing of sources that are delivered as a service over a network for example on internet. It enables highly scalable services to be easily utilized over the Internet on an as needed basis. Important characteristic of the cloud services is that users’ data are usually processed remotely in unknown machines that users do not operate. It can become a substantial barrier to the wide taking on cloud services. To address this problem highly decentralized responsibility framework to keep track of the actual usage of the user’s data in the cloud. In this work has automated logging and distributed auditing mechanism. The Cloud Information Accountability framework proposed in this work conducts distributed auditing of relevant access performed by any entity, carried out at any point of time at any cloud service provider. It conations two major elements: logger and log harmonizer. This methodology will also take concern of the JAR file by converting the JAR into obfuscated code which will adds an additional layer of security to the infrastructure. Rather than this here in this work, increase the security of user’s data by provable data control for integrity verificatio

    Improving the Authentication Mechanism of Business to Consumer (B2C) Platform in a Cloud Computing Environment: Preliminary Findings

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    The reliance of e-commerce infrastructure on cloud computing environment has undoubtedly increased the security challenges in web-based e-commerce portals. This has necessitated the need for a built-in security feature, essentially to improve the authentication mechanism, during the execution of its dependent transactions. Comparative analysis of the existing works and studies on XML-based authentication and non-XML signaturebased security mechanisms for authentication in Business to Consumer (B2C) e-commerce showed the advantage of using XML-based authentication, and its inherent weaknesses and limitations. It is against this background that this study, based on review and meta-analysis of previous works, proposes an improved XML digital signature with RSA algorithm, as a novel algorithmic framework that improves the authentication strength of XML digital signature in the B2C e-commerce in a cloud-based environment. Our future works include testing and validation, and simulation, of the proposed authentication framework in Cisco’s XML Management Interface with inbuilt feature of NETCONF. The evaluation will be done in conformity to international standard and guideline –such as W3C and NIST