29 research outputs found

    Memprediksi niat perilaku terhadap e-Wallet: Mengintegrasikan budaya dalam kerangka Utaut 2

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    Indonesia sedang bergerak menuju masa depan tanpa uang tunai menjadi populer terutama bagi kaum muda. Salah satu instrumen cashless yang paling populer adalah e-wallet sebagai bentuk inovatif dari e-money.Studi ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan tentang penerimaan dan perilaku penggunaan e-wallet pada kaum muda dengan mempertimbangkan efek budaya pada pelanggan individu menggunakan model teori UTAUT 2 yang diperluas dengan keamanan yang dirasakan dan menjadikan budaya sebagai variable moderasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang diisi oleh 215 responden. PLS-SEM mendapatkan gambaran bahwa hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa niat menggunakan e-wallet dipengaruhi oleh ekspektasi kinerja, pengaruh sosial, motivasi hedonis, nilai harga, kebiasaan, dan persepsi keamanan. Kemudian perilaku penggunaan dipengaruhi oleh niat dan kebiasaan perilaku. Dimensi budaya individualisme-kolektivisme, penghindaran ketidakpastian, dan orientasi jangka pendek ditemukan menjadi moderator yang signifikan

    The Influence of Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived Enjoyment on Customer Intentions to Move From Non-Digital Banks to Digital Banks

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    ABSTRACT Research Aims: The digital bank system is relatively new at this time, and the development of digital banks is growing significantly, both in terms of the number of digital banks and their customers. The technology system used is relatively new. There are various advantages of digital banks, but digital banks can generally make them more efficient. This study aims to determine the influence of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived enjoyment on customer intentions to move from non-digital banks to digital banks Methodology: The sampling technique of this study used purposive sampling, with a total of 170 respondents. Research Findings: The results of this study show that the variables perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived enjoyment directly affect customer intentions to move from non-digital banks to digital banks

    Studi Literatur: Model Konseptual Penerimaan Pengguna pada Aplikasi PeduliLindungi

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    Penelitian ini berupa studi literatur yang bertujuan untuk memberi gambaran faktor-faktor apa saja yang dapat mempengaruhi bagaimana penerimaan pengguna terhadap suatu teknologi baru. Studi literatur ini menggunakan konstruk-konstruk dari UTAUT 2 (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) sebagai acuan kerangka dari sebuah model konseptual penelitian yang akan dibuat nantinya. Konstruk-konstruk yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Hedonic Motivation, Price Value, dan Habit dengan asumsi bahwa konstruk-konstruk tersebut mampu memberikan pengaruh terhadap niat penggunaan aplikasi PeduliLindungi (Behavioral Intention) sehingga akan diketahui penerimaan pengguna aplikasi PeduliLindungi berdasarkan kebiasaan penggunaannya (Use Behavior). Metode pengumpulan data yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan mengumpulkan literatur-literatur penelitian terdahulu mengenai penerimaan pengguna lalu kemudian melakukan analisis terhadap literatur-litaratur tersebut sehingga didapatkan rujukan guna menentukan variabel penelitian yang akan digunakan untuk menentukan model konseptual. Penelitian ini secara umum akan menyoroti pentingnya memahami konstruk-konstruk yang memengaruhi penerimaan pengguna dan menggunakan temuan-temuan penelitian terdahulu untuk meningkatkan penerimaan aplikasi. Studi literatur ini adalah sebuah studi pendahuluan untuk menjadi panduan bagi penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai analisis kepuasan pengguna aplikasi PeduliLindungi

    The origins and evolution of social commerce: enhancing e-commerce platforms with social features

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    With technological development and digital transformation, the social commerce model has quickly become the best strategy for delivering a superior shopping experience. Although the history and evolution of the model can be studied, the future of the model is uncertain and may become an even more complex and diverse concept. However, new technologies and tendencies such as Web 3.0, the metaverse, and NFTs may give us a glimpse of the future. In this article, an analysis was conducted on the current scenario and evolution of the model based on the article "A systematic review on social commerce" by Esmaeili and Alireza, which discloses results from 2014 to 2017. Fifty-two journal articles were selected to update the answers to the 5 W´s model presented in the article mentioned above. The results revealed not only the evolution of the model but also the evolution of the approach of the companies when building their social commerce platform


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    Recently, there has been a significant increase in the use of social media, especially among the new generation of users. In parallel with this increase, social media platforms have highlighted the concept of social commerce - an extension of e-commerce - and put it on the current agenda. In social commerce, social media platforms are used to share, create, and request product information, perceptions, and views, with customers also making purchases.   The social commerce intention of the new generation via social media platforms is the focus of this study. This study investigates the social commerce intention of students at a public university in Yalova, Turkey, to purchase products via Instagram and the factors that affect this intention. 296 students participated in the study. Findings suggest that the price and reputation of social commerce vendors positively affect user trust. Also, habit, perceived ease of use, and hedonic motivation also positively affect social commerce intention. Trust in the social vendor positively affects social commerce intention. Other hypotheses are rejected. This study contributes to the literature by analysing the role of different factors in social commerce intention

    Investigating the Impact of Situational Influences and Social Support on Social Commerce during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Without question, 2020 was an unprecedented period for all businesses and consumers in the world, especially for social commerce businesses. Growing online shopping during the pandemic has proliferated the appetite of social commerce websites. Drawing on the situational influences’ theory and social support theory, the purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of situational influences during the COVID-19 pandemic on online purchase intention across the big five personality traits. The data were collected via online survey. The sample consisted of 349 social commerce website users in the UK. The model was tested using Partial Least Squares-Structured Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). The results showed the different cohorts of buying intention on social commerce websites. Social support does not impact online purchase intention, while other situational factors do. Moreover, the model varied across the big five personality traits. The study substantially contributes to social commerce by investigating the social support and situational influences across different types of personality traits on online purchase intention during the pandemic

    Social Commerce Adoption in SME’s

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    Small and medium enterprises (SME’s) has gradually become an economic backbone for several developing country including Indonesia. In several studies, it was assumed that SME's was a sign of self-sufficiency concept. In the economic strike, SME's could sustain the price of several staple goods that are related to society livelihoods such as food and attire. South Kalimantan Province was well known for its authentic fabric namely sasirangan produced by local SME's spread all around the area. SME's are nowadays are inseparable from IT particularly that related to social media to promote their product. The use of IT infrastructure and platform were usually centered in the large city mainly in the capital of province such as Banjarmasin. As an alternative, the use of social media could be employed to empower SME's at county area. This study was aimed to understand the attitude of county area SME's on the use of social media for commerce purposes. The sample involved in this study was 45 Sasirangan SME’s on 5 off-capital counties at South Kalimantan Province. These works use PLS-SEM due to the nature of research was explore the interaction amongst the variable (exploratory factor analysis). The finding shows that in general, SME's entrepreneur has a great willingness to use their social media for commerce purposes. A further discussion of research finding and research limitation will be further discussed in the end of paper

    COVID-19 impact on Facebook-based social commerce in Bangladesh

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    Popular social media Facebook-oriented social commerce (S-commerce), commonly known as Facebook commerce (F-commerce) has progressed towards a bevy business in Bangladesh. Many young people, especially at the age of 20-28, are now in this industry. The pandemic situation due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) forces people to buy more from the online market because of the safety issue. People are getting more interested in the new trend of buying from an online store. The current study aims to explore the impact of COVID-19 on F-commerce, particularly in Bangladesh. It uses the non-probability purposive sampling method and collects 181 usable responses through an online questionnaire. A research model is developed following the social commerce acceptance model (SCAM), and structural equation model partial least square (SEM-PLS) using SmartPLS 3.0 is applied to find out and justify the result. Likert five-point scale for determining the independent variables, including COVID-19 awareness (CA), consumer behavior (CB), and purchase intention (PI), is used. The study result confirms that these three variables have a positive impact on F-commerce. The survey covers other measurable items that indicate some assumptions, which reflect F-commerce consumers’ behavior. The researchers recommend that F-commerce businesspeople must emphasize on mitigating trust issues and provide enhanced home delivery service