14 research outputs found

    Integration of Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire-Neurons in Deep Learning Architectures

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    Up to now, modern Machine Learning is mainly based on fitting high dimensional functions to enormous data sets, taking advantage of huge hardware resources. We show that biologically inspired neuron models such as the Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire (LIF) neurons provide novel and efficient ways of information encoding. They can be integrated in Machine Learning models, and are a potential target to improve Machine Learning performance. Thus, we derived simple update-rules for the LIF units from the differential equations, which are easy to numerically integrate. We apply a novel approach to train the LIF units supervisedly via backpropagation, by assigning a constant value to the derivative of the neuron activation function exclusively for the backpropagation step. This simple mathematical trick helps to distribute the error between the neurons of the pre-connected layer. We apply our method to the IRIS blossoms image data set and show that the training technique can be used to train LIF neurons on image classification tasks. Furthermore, we show how to integrate our method in the KERAS (tensorflow) framework and efficiently run it on GPUs. To generate a deeper understanding of the mechanisms during training we developed interactive illustrations, which we provide online. With this study we want to contribute to the current efforts to enhance Machine Intelligence by integrating principles from biology

    SpiNNaker: Fault tolerance in a power- and area- constrained large-scale neuromimetic architecture

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    AbstractSpiNNaker is a biologically-inspired massively-parallel computer designed to model up to a billion spiking neurons in real-time. A full-fledged implementation of a SpiNNaker system will comprise more than 105 integrated circuits (half of which are SDRAMs and half multi-core systems-on-chip). Given this scale, it is unavoidable that some components fail and, in consequence, fault-tolerance is a foundation of the system design. Although the target application can tolerate a certain, low level of failures, important efforts have been devoted to incorporate different techniques for fault tolerance. This paper is devoted to discussing how hardware and software mechanisms collaborate to make SpiNNaker operate properly even in the very likely scenario of component failures and how it can tolerate system-degradation levels well above those expected


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    The execution of the scientific applications on the Cloud comes with great flexibility, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and substantial computing power. Market-leading Cloud service providers such as Amazon Web service (AWS), Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offer various general purposes, memory-intensive, and compute-intensive Cloud instances for the execution of scientific applications. The scientific community, especially small research institutions and undergraduate universities, face many hurdles while conducting high-performance computing research in the absence of large dedicated clusters. The Cloud provides a lucrative alternative to dedicated clusters, however a wide range of Cloud computing choices makes the instance selection for the end-users. This thesis aims to simplify Cloud instance selection for end-users by proposing a probabilistic machine learning framework to allow to users select a suitable Cloud instance for their scientific applications. This research builds on the previously proposed A2Cloud-RF framework that recommends high-performing Cloud instances by profiling the application and the selected Cloud instances. The framework produces a set of objective scores called the A2Cloud scores, which denote the compatibility level between the application and the selected Cloud instances. When used alone, the A2Cloud scores become increasingly unwieldy with an increasing number of tested Cloud instances. Additionally, the framework only examines the raw application performance and does not consider the execution cost to guide resource selection. To improve the usability of the framework and assist with economical instance selection, this research adds two Naïve Bayes (NB) classifiers that consider both the application’s performance and execution cost. These NB classifiers include: 1) NB with a Random Forest Classifier (RFC) and 2) a standalone NB module. Naïve Bayes with a Random Forest Classifier (RFC) augments the A2Cloud-RF framework\u27s final instance ratings with the execution cost metric. In the training phase, the classifier builds the frequency and probability tables. The classifier recommends a Cloud instance based on the highest posterior probability for the selected application. The standalone NB classifier uses the generated A2Cloud score (an intermediate result from the A2Cloud-RF framework) and execution cost metric to construct an NB classifier. The NB classifier forms a frequency table and probability (prior and likelihood) tables. For recommending a Cloud instance for a test application, the classifier calculates the highest posterior probability for all of the Cloud instances. The classifier recommends a Cloud instance with the highest posterior probability. This study performs the execution of eight real-world applications on 20 Cloud instances from AWS, Azure, GCP, and Linode. We train the NB classifiers using 80% of this dataset and employ the remaining 20% for testing. The testing yields more than 90% recommendation accuracy for the chosen applications and Cloud instances. Because of the imbalanced nature of the dataset and multi-class nature of classification, we consider the confusion matrix (true positive, false positive, true negative, and false negative) and F1 score with above 0.9 scores to describe the model performance. The final goal of this research is to make Cloud computing an accessible resource for conducting high-performance scientific executions by enabling users to select an effective Cloud instance from across multiple providers


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    Cloud computing has greatly impacted the scientific community and the end users. By leveraging cloud computing, small research institutions and undergraduate colleges are able to alleviate costs and achieve research goals without purchasing and maintaining all the hardware and software. In addition, cloud computing allows researchers to access resources as their teams require and allows real-time collaboration with team members across the globe. Nowadays however, users are easily overwhelmed by the wide range of cloud servers and instances. Due to differences between the cloud server platforms and between instances within the platform, users find it difficult to identify the right instance match for their application. Therefore, we propose the A2Cloud-Hierarchy (A2Cloud-H) framework that recommends Cloud instances to users for high-performance scientific computing. The framework comprises four components: training data collection, supervised learning (SL) module, unsupervised learning (USL) module, and a decision module. The training database comprise testing traces of previous application and Cloud instances; these are contributed by the scientific community. The SL module contains three popular supervised learning modules: logistic regression, support vector machine and random forest, which train using the database to qualitatively assess the instance performance for the target application. The USL module includes three collaborative filtering methods: application-based, instance-based and rank-based, which use the database to estimate the instances’ performance ratings for the target application. The decision module comprises multiple tiers of analytic hierarchy processing, which consolidate the instance recommendation from the SL and USL modules into a final instance recommendation. The model is trained and validated by 8 real-world applications on 20 Cloud instances, yielding more than 90% modeling accuracy. The recommendation and integration method proposed in this thesis can help promote a better cloud computing environment for both end-users and cloud server platforms


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    There has been a strong interest in modeling a mammalian brain in order to study the architectural and functional principles of the brain and offer tools to neuroscientists and medical researchers for related studies. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are compute models that try to simulate the structure and/or the functional behavior of neurons and process information using the connectionist approach to computation. Hence, the ANNs are the viable options for such studies. Of many classes of ANNs, Spiking Neuron Network models (SNNs) have been employed to simulate mammalian brain, capturing its functionality and inference capabilities. In this class of neuron models, some of the biologically accurate models are the Hodgkin Huxley (HH) model, Morris Lecar (ML) model, Wilson model, and the Izhikevich model. The HH model is the oldest, most biologically accurate and the most compute intensive of the listed models. The Izhikevich model, a more recent development, is sufficiently accurate and involves the least computations. Accurate modeling of the neurons calls for compute intensive models and hence single core processors are not suitable for large scale SNN simulations due to their serial computation and low memory bandwidth. Graphical Processing Units have been used for general purpose computing as they offer raw computing power, with a majority of logic solely dedicated for computing purpose. The work presented in this thesis implements two-level character recognition networks using the four previously mentioned SNN models in Nvidia\u27s Tesla C870 card and investigates performance improvements over the equivalent software implementation on a 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Quad. The work probes some of the important parameters such as the kernel time, memory transfer time and flops offered by the GPU device for the implementations. In this work, we report speed-ups as high as 576x on a single GPU device for the most compute-intensive, highly biologically realistic Hodgkin Huxley model. These results demonstrate the potential of GPUs for large-scale, accurate modeling of the mammalian brain. The research in this thesis also presents several optimization techniques and strategies, and discusses the major bottlenecks that must be avoided in order to achieve maximum performance benefits for applications involving complex computations. The research also investigates an initial multi-GPU implementation to study the problem partitioning for simulating biological-scale neuron networks on a cluster of GPU devices

    Large-Scale Simulation of Neural Networks with Biophysically Accurate Models on Graphics Processors

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    Efficient simulation of large-scale mammalian brain models provides a crucial computational means for understanding complex brain functions and neuronal dynamics. However, such tasks are hindered by significant computational complexities. In this work, we attempt to address the significant computational challenge in simulating large-scale neural networks based on the most biophysically accurate Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) neuron models. Unlike simpler phenomenological spiking models, the use of HH models allows one to directly associate the observed network dynamics with the underlying biological and physiological causes, but at a significantly higher computational cost. We exploit recent commodity massively parallel graphics processors (GPUs) to alleviate the significant computational cost in HH model based neural network simulation. We develop look-up table based HH model evaluation and efficient parallel implementation strategies geared towards higher arithmetic intensity and minimum thread divergence. Furthermore, we adopt and develop advanced multi-level numerical integration techniques well suited for intricate dynamical and stability characteristics of HH models. On a commodity CPU card with 240 streaming processors, for a neural network with one million neurons and 200 million synaptic connections, the presented GPU neural network simulator is about 600X faster than a basic serial CPU based simulator, 28X faster than the CPU implementation of the proposed techniques, and only two to three times slower than the GPU based simulation using simpler spiking models

    Scientific Application Acceleration Utilizing Heterogeneous Architectures

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    Within the past decade, there have been substantial leaps in computer architectures to exploit the parallelism that is inherently present in many applications. The scientific community has benefited from the emergence of not only multi-core processors, but also other, less traditional architectures including general purpose graphical processing units (GPGPUs), field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and Intel\u27s many integrated cores (MICs) architecture (i.e. Xeon Phi). The popularity of the GPGPU has increased rapidly because of their ability to perform massive amounts of parallel computation quickly and at low cost with an ease of programmability. Also, with the addition of high-level programming interfaces for these devices, technical and non-technical individuals can interface with the device and rapidly obtain improved performance for many algorithms. Many applications can take advantage of the parallelism present in distributed computing and multithreading to achieve higher levels of performance for the computationally intensive parts of the application. The work presented in this thesis implements three applications for use in a performance study of the GPGPU architecture and multi-GPGPU systems. The first application study in this research is a K-Means clustering algorithm that categorizes each data point into the closest cluster. The second algorithm implemented is a spiking neural network algorithm that is used as a computational model for machine learning. The third, and final, study is the longest common subsequences problem, which attempts to enumerate comparisons between sequences (namely, DNA sequences). The results for the aforementioned applications with varying problem sizes and architectural configurations are presented and discussed in this thesis. The K-Means clustering algorithm achieved approximately 97x speedup when utilizing an architecture consisting of 32 CPU/GPGPU pairs. To achieve this substantial speedup, up to 750,000 data points were used with up 30,000 centroids (means). The spiking neural network algorithm resulted in speedups of about 33x for the entire algorithm and 160x for each iteration with a two-level network with 1000 total neurons (800 excitatory and 200 inhibitory neurons). The longest common subsequences problem achieved speedup of greater than 10x with 100 random sequences up to 500 characters in length. The maximum speedup values for each application were achieved by utilizing the GPGPU as well as multi-core devices simultaneously. The computations were scattered over multiple CPU/GPGPU pairs with the computationally intensive pieces of the algorithms offloaded onto the GPGPU device. The research in this thesis illustrates the ability to scale a heterogeneous cluster (i.e. CPUs and GPUs working collaboratively) for large-scale scientific application performance improvements. Each algorithm demonstrates slightly different types of computations and communications, which can be compared to other algorithms to predict how they would perform on an accelerator. The results show that substantial speedups can be achieved for scientific applications when utilizing the GPGPU and multi-core architectures