117 research outputs found

    Introducing SPAIN (SParse Audio INpainter)

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    A novel sparsity-based algorithm for audio inpainting is proposed. It is an adaptation of the SPADE algorithm by Kiti\'c et al., originally developed for audio declipping, to the task of audio inpainting. The new SPAIN (SParse Audio INpainter) comes in synthesis and analysis variants. Experiments show that both A-SPAIN and S-SPAIN outperform other sparsity-based inpainting algorithms. Moreover, A-SPAIN performs on a par with the state-of-the-art method based on linear prediction in terms of the SNR, and, for larger gaps, SPAIN is even slightly better in terms of the PEMO-Q psychoacoustic criterion

    The Affine Uncertainty Principle, Associated Frames and Applications in Signal Processing

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    Uncertainty relations play a prominent role in signal processing, stating that a signal can not be simultaneously concentrated in the two related domains of the corresponding phase space. In particular, a new uncertainty principle for the affine group, which is directly related to the wavelet transform has lead to a new minimizing waveform. In this thesis, a frame construction is proposed which leads to approximately tight frames based on this minimizing waveform. Frame properties such as the diagonality of the frame operator as well as lower and upper frame bounds are analyzed. Additionally, three applications of such frame constructions are introduced: inpainting of missing audio data, detection of neuronal spikes in extracellular recorded data and peak detection in MALDI imaging data

    Matching Pursuit With Stochastic Selection

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose a Stochastic Selection strategy that ac- celerates the atom selection step of Matching Pursuit. This strategy consists of randomly selecting a subset of atoms and a subset of rows in the full dictionary at each step of the Matching Pursuit to obtain a sub-optimal but fast atom selection. We study the performance of the proposed algorithm in terms of approximation accuracy (decrease of the residual norm), of exact-sparse recovery and of audio declipping of real data. Numerical experiments show the relevance of the ap- proach. The proposed Stochastic Selection strategy is presented with Matching Pursuit but applies to any pursuit algorithms provided that their selection step is based on the computation of correlations

    Inpainting of Missing Audio Signal Samples

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    V oblasti zpracování signálů se v současné době čím dál více využívají tzv. řídké reprezentace signálů, tzn. že daný signál je možné vyjádřit přesně či velmi dobře aproximovat lineární kombinací velmi malého počtu vektorů ze zvoleného reprezentačního systému. Tato práce se zabývá využitím řídkých reprezentací pro rekonstrukci poškozených zvukových záznamů, ať už historických nebo nově vzniklých. Především historické zvukové nahrávky trpí zarušením jako praskání nebo šum. Krátkodobé poškození zvukových nahrávek bylo doposud řešeno interpolačními technikami, zejména pomocí autoregresního modelování. V nedávné době byl představen algoritmus s názvem Audio Inpainting, který řeší doplňování chybějících vzorků ve zvukovém signálu pomocí řídkých reprezentací. Zmíněný algoritmus využívá tzv. hladové algoritmy pro řešení optimalizačních úloh. Cílem této práce je porovnání dosavadních interpolačních metod s technikou Audio Inpaintingu. Navíc, k řešení optimalizačních úloh jsou využívány algoritmy založené na l1-relaxaci, a to jak ve formě analyzujícího, tak i syntetizujícího modelu. Především se jedná o proximální algoritmy. Tyto algoritmy pracují jak s jednotlivými koeficienty samostatně, tak s koeficienty v závislosti na jejich okolí, tzv. strukturovaná řídkost. Strukturovaná řídkost je dále využita taky pro odšumování zvukových nahrávek. Jednotlivé algoritmy jsou v praktické části zhodnoceny z hlediska nastavení parametrů pro optimální poměr rekonstrukce vs. výpočetní čas. Všechny algoritmy popsané v práci jsou na praktických příkladech porovnány pomocí objektivních metod odstupu signálu od šumu (SNR) a PEMO-Q. Na závěr je úspěšnost rekonstrukce poškozených zvukových signálů vyhodnocena.Recently, sparse representations of signals became very popular in the field of signal processing. Sparse representation mean that the signal is represented exactly or very well approximated by a linear combination of only a few vectors from the specific representation system. This thesis deals with the utilization of sparse representations of signals for the process of audio restoration, either historical or recent records. Primarily old audio recordings suffer from defects like crackles or noise. Until now, short gaps in audio signals were repaired by interpolation techniques, especially autoregressive modeling. Few years ago, an algorithm termed the Audio Inpainting was introduced. This algorithm solves the missing audio signal samples inpainting using sparse representations through the greedy algorithm for sparse approximation. This thesis aims to compare the state-of-the-art interpolation methods with the Audio Inpainting. Besides this, l1-relaxation methods are utilized for sparse approximation, while both analysis and synthesis models are incorporated. Algorithms used for the sparse approximation are called the proximal algorithms. These algorithms treat the coefficients either separately or with relations to their neighbourhood (structured sparsity). Further, structured sparsity is used for audio denoising. In the experimental part of the thesis, parameters of each algorithm are evaluated in terms of optimal restoration efficiency vs. processing time efficiency. All of the algorithms described in the thesis are compared using objective evaluation methods Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) and PEMO-Q. Finally, the overall conclusion and discussion on the restoration results is presented.

    Revisiting Synthesis Model of Sparse Audio Declipper

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    The state of the art in audio declipping has currently been achieved by SPADE (SParse Audio DEclipper) algorithm by Kiti\'c et al. Until now, the synthesis/sparse variant, S-SPADE, has been considered significantly slower than its analysis/cosparse counterpart, A-SPADE. It turns out that the opposite is true: by exploiting a recent projection lemma, individual iterations of both algorithms can be made equally computationally expensive, while S-SPADE tends to require considerably fewer iterations to converge. In this paper, the two algorithms are compared across a range of parameters such as the window length, window overlap and redundancy of the transform. The experiments show that although S-SPADE typically converges faster, the average performance in terms of restoration quality is not superior to A-SPADE

    EDGE: Editable Dance Generation From Music

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    Dance is an important human art form, but creating new dances can be difficult and time-consuming. In this work, we introduce Editable Dance GEneration (EDGE), a state-of-the-art method for editable dance generation that is capable of creating realistic, physically-plausible dances while remaining faithful to the input music. EDGE uses a transformer-based diffusion model paired with Jukebox, a strong music feature extractor, and confers powerful editing capabilities well-suited to dance, including joint-wise conditioning, and in-betweening. We introduce a new metric for physical plausibility, and evaluate dance quality generated by our method extensively through (1) multiple quantitative metrics on physical plausibility, beat alignment, and diversity benchmarks, and more importantly, (2) a large-scale user study, demonstrating a significant improvement over previous state-of-the-art methods. Qualitative samples from our model can be found at our website.Comment: Project website: https://edge-dance.github.i