14 research outputs found

    ACiS: smart switches with application-level acceleration

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    Network performance has contributed fundamentally to the growth of supercomputing over the past decades. In parallel, High Performance Computing (HPC) peak performance has depended, first, on ever faster/denser CPUs, and then, just on increasing density alone. As operating frequency, and now feature size, have levelled off, two new approaches are becoming central to achieving higher net performance: configurability and integration. Configurability enables hardware to map to the application, as well as vice versa. Integration enables system components that have generally been single function-e.g., a network to transport data—to have additional functionality, e.g., also to operate on that data. More generally, integration enables compute-everywhere: not just in CPU and accelerator, but also in network and, more specifically, the communication switches. In this thesis, we propose four novel methods of enhancing HPC performance through Advanced Computing in the Switch (ACiS). More specifically, we propose various flexible and application-aware accelerators that can be embedded into or attached to existing communication switches to improve the performance and scalability of HPC and Machine Learning (ML) applications. We follow a modular design discipline through introducing composable plugins to successively add ACiS capabilities. In the first work, we propose an inline accelerator to communication switches for user-definable collective operations. MPI collective operations can often be performance killers in HPC applications; we seek to solve this bottleneck by offloading them to reconfigurable hardware within the switch itself. We also introduce a novel mechanism that enables the hardware to support MPI communicators of arbitrary shape and that is scalable to very large systems. In the second work, we propose a look-aside accelerator for communication switches that is capable of processing packets at line-rate. Functions requiring loops and states are addressed in this method. The proposed in-switch accelerator is based on a RISC-V compatible Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Arrays (CGRAs). To facilitate usability, we have developed a framework to compile user-provided C/C++ codes to appropriate back-end instructions for configuring the accelerator. In the third work, we extend ACiS to support fused collectives and the combining of collectives with map operations. We observe that there is an opportunity of fusing communication (collectives) with computation. Since the computation can vary for different applications, ACiS support should be programmable in this method. In the fourth work, we propose that switches with ACiS support can control and manage the execution of applications, i.e., that the switch be an active device with decision-making capabilities. Switches have a central view of the network; they can collect telemetry information and monitor application behavior and then use this information for control, decision-making, and coordination of nodes. We evaluate the feasibility of ACiS through extensive RTL-based simulation as well as deployment in an open-access cloud infrastructure. Using this simulation framework, when considering a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) application as a case study, a speedup of on average 3.4x across five real-world datasets is achieved on 24 nodes compared to a CPU cluster without ACiS capabilities

    ACCL+: an FPGA-Based Collective Engine for Distributed Applications

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    FPGAs are increasingly prevalent in cloud deployments, serving as Smart NICs or network-attached accelerators. Despite their potential, developing distributed FPGA-accelerated applications remains cumbersome due to the lack of appropriate infrastructure and communication abstractions. To facilitate the development of distributed applications with FPGAs, in this paper we propose ACCL+, an open-source versatile FPGA-based collective communication library. Portable across different platforms and supporting UDP, TCP, as well as RDMA, ACCL+ empowers FPGA applications to initiate direct FPGA-to-FPGA collective communication. Additionally, it can serve as a collective offload engine for CPU applications, freeing the CPU from networking tasks. It is user-extensible, allowing new collectives to be implemented and deployed without having to re-synthesize the FPGA circuit. We evaluated ACCL+ on an FPGA cluster with 100 Gb/s networking, comparing its performance against software MPI over RDMA. The results demonstrate ACCL+'s significant advantages for FPGA-based distributed applications and highly competitive performance for CPU applications. We showcase ACCL+'s dual role with two use cases: seamlessly integrating as a collective offload engine to distribute CPU-based vector-matrix multiplication, and serving as a crucial and efficient component in designing fully FPGA-based distributed deep-learning recommendation inference

    Mapping applications onto FPGA-centric clusters

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) is becoming increasingly important throughout science and engineering as ever more complex problems must be solved through computational simulations. In these large computational applications, the latency of communication between processing nodes is often the key factor that limits performance. An emerging alternative computer architecture that addresses the latency problem is the FPGA-centric cluster (FCC); in these systems, the devices (FPGAs) are directly interconnected and thus many layers of hardware and software are avoided. The result can be scalability not currently achievable with other technologies. In FCCs, FPGAs serve multiple functions: accelerator, network interface card (NIC), and router. Moreover, because FPGAs are configurable, there is substantial opportunity to tailor the router hardware to the application; previous work has demonstrated that such application-aware configuration can effect a substantial improvement in hardware efficiency. One constraint of FCCs is that it is convenient for their interconnect to be static, direct, and have a two or three dimensional mesh topology. Thus, applications that are naturally of a different dimensionality (have a different logical topology) from that of the FCC must be remapped to obtain optimal performance. In this thesis we study various aspects of the mapping problem for FCCs. There are two major research thrusts. The first is finding the optimal mapping of logical to physical topology. This problem has received substantial attention by both the theory community, where topology mapping is referred to as graph embedding, and by the High Performance Computing (HPC) community, where it is a question of process placement. We explore the implications of the different mapping strategies on communication behavior in FCCs, especially on resulting load imbalance. The second major research thrust is built around the hypothesis that applications that need to be remapped (due to differing logical and physical topologies) will have different optimal router configurations from those applications that do not. For example, due to remapping, some virtual or physical communication links may have little occupancy; therefore fewer resources should be allocated to them. Critical here is the creation of a new set of parameterized hardware features that can be configured to best handle load imbalances caused by remapping. These two thrusts form a codesign loop: certain mapping algorithms may be differentially optimal due to application-aware router reconfiguration that accounts for this mapping. This thesis has four parts. The first part introduces the background and previous work related to communication in general and, in particular, how it is implemented in FCCs. We build on previous work on application-aware router configuration. The second part introduces topology mapping mechanisms including those derived from graph embeddings and a greedy algorithm commonly used in HPC. In the third part, topology mappings are evaluated for performance and imbalance; we note that different mapping strategies lead to different imbalances both in the overall network and in each node. The final part introduces reconfigure router design that allocates resources based on different imbalance situations caused by different mapping behaviors

    CEAZ: Accelerating Parallel I/O via Hardware-Algorithm Co-Design of Efficient and Adaptive Lossy Compression

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    As supercomputers continue to grow to exascale, the amount of data that needs to be saved or transmitted is exploding. To this end, many previous works have studied using error-bounded lossy compressors to reduce the data size and improve the I/O performance. However, little work has been done for effectively offloading lossy compression onto FPGA-based SmartNICs to reduce the compression overhead. In this paper, we propose a hardware-algorithm co-design of efficient and adaptive lossy compressor for scientific data on FPGAs (called CEAZ) to accelerate parallel I/O. Our contribution is fourfold: (1) We propose an efficient Huffman coding approach that can adaptively update Huffman codewords online based on codewords generated offline (from a variety of representative scientific datasets). (2) We derive a theoretical analysis to support a precise control of compression ratio under an error-bounded compression mode, enabling accurate offline Huffman codewords generation. This also helps us create a fixed-ratio compression mode for consistent throughput. (3) We develop an efficient compression pipeline by adopting cuSZ's dual-quantization algorithm to our hardware use case. (4) We evaluate CEAZ on five real-world datasets with both a single FPGA board and 128 nodes from Bridges-2 supercomputer. Experiments show that CEAZ outperforms the second-best FPGA-based lossy compressor by 2X of throughput and 9.6X of compression ratio. It also improves MPI_File_write and MPI_Gather throughputs by up to 25.8X and 24.8X, respectively.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, 8 table

    Accelerated long range electrostatics computations on single and multiple FPGAs

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    Classical Molecular Dynamics simulation (MD) models the interactions of thousands to millions of particles through the iterative application of basic Physics. MD is one of the core methods in High Performance Computing (HPC). While MD is critical to many high-profile applications, e.g. drug discovery and design, it suffers from the strong scaling problem, that is, while large computer systems can efficiently model large ensembles of particles, it is extremely challenging for {\it any} computer system to increase the timescale, even for small ensembles. This strong scaling problem can be mitigated with low-latency, direct communication. Of all Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) Integrated Circuits (ICs), Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are the computational component uniquely applicable here: they have unmatched parallel communication capability both within the chip and externally to couple clusters of FPGAs. This thesis focuses on the acceleration of the long range (LR) force, the part of MD most difficult to scale, by using FPGAs. This thesis first optimizes LR acceleration on a single-FPGA to eliminate the amount of on-chip communication required to complete a single LR computation iteration while maintaining as much parallelism as possible. This is achieved by designing around application specific memory architectures. Doing so introduces data movement issues overcome by pipelined, toroidal-shift multiplexing (MUXing) and pipelined staggering of memory access subsets. This design is then evaluated comprehensively and comparatively, deriving equations for performance and resource consumption and drawing metrics from previously developed LR hardware designs. Using this single-FPGA LR architecture as a base, FPGA network strategies to compute the LR portion of larger sized MD problems are then theorized and analyzed

    Enabling secure multi-party computation with FPGAs in the datacenter

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    Big data utilizes large amounts of processing resources requiring either greater efficiency or more selectivity. The collection and managing of such large pools of data also introduces more opportunities for compromised security and privacy, necessitating more attentive planning and mitigations. Multi-Party Computation (MPC) is a technique enabling confidential data from multiple sources to be processed securely, only revealing agreed-upon results. Currently, adoption is limited by the challenge of basing a complete system on available software libraries. Many libraries require expertise in cryptography, do not efficiently address the computation overhead of employing MPC, and leave deployment considerations to the user. In this work we consider the available MPC protocols, changes in computer hardware, and growth of cloud computing. We propose a cloud-deployed MPC as a Service (MPCaaS) to help eliminate the barriers to adoption and enable more organizations and individuals to handle their shared data processing securely. The growing presence of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware in datacenters enables accelerated computing as well as low latency, high bandwidth communication that bolsters the performance of MPC. Developing an abstract service that employs this hardware will democratize access to MPC, rather than restricting it to the small overlapping pools of users knowledgeable about both cryptography and hardware accelerators. A hardware proof of concept we have implemented at BU supports this idea. We deployed an efficient three-party Secret Sharing (SS) protocol supporting both Boolean and arithmetic shares on FPGA hardware. We compare our hardware design to the original authors' software implementations of Secret Sharing and to research results accelerating MPC protocols based on Garbled Circuits with FPGAs. Our conclusion is that Secret Sharing in the datacenter is competitive and, when implemented on FPGA hardware, is able to use at least 10×\times fewer computer resources than the original work using CPUs. Finally, we describe the ongoing work and envision research stages that will help us to build a complete MPCaaS system

    Deep Learning at Scale with Nearest Neighbours Communications

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    As deep learning techniques become more and more popular, there is the need to move these applications from the data scientist’s Jupyter notebook to efficient and reliable enterprise solutions. Moreover, distributed training of deep learning models will happen more and more outside the well-known borders of cloud and HPC infrastructure and will move to edge and mobile platforms. Current techniques for distributed deep learning have drawbacks in both these scenarios, limiting their long-term applicability. After a critical review of the established techniques for Data Parallel training from both a distributed computing and deep learning perspective, a novel approach based on nearest-neighbour communications is presented in order to overcome some of the issues related to mainstream approaches, such as global communication patterns. Moreover, in order to validate the proposed strategy, the Flexible Asynchronous Scalable Training (FAST) framework is introduced, which allows to apply the nearest-neighbours communications approach to a deep learning framework of choice. Finally, a relevant use-case is deployed on a medium-scale infrastructure to demonstrate both the framework and the methodology presented. Training convergence and scalability results are presented and discussed in comparison to a baseline defined by using state-of-the-art distributed training tools provided by a well-known deep learning framework

    Parallel Programming with Global Asynchronous Memory: Models, C++ APIs and Implementations

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    In the realm of High Performance Computing (HPC), message passing has been the programming paradigm of choice for over twenty years. The durable MPI (Message Passing Interface) standard, with send/receive communication, broadcast, gather/scatter, and reduction collectives is still used to construct parallel programs where each communication is orchestrated by the developer-based precise knowledge of data distribution and overheads; collective communications simplify the orchestration but might induce excessive synchronization. Early attempts to bring shared-memory programming model—with its programming advantages—to distributed computing, referred as the Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) model, faded away; one of the main issue was to combine performance and programmability with the memory consistency model. The recently proposed Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) model is a modern revamp of DSM that exposes data placement to enable optimizations based on locality, but it still addresses (simple) data- parallelism only and it relies on expensive sharing protocols. We advocate an alternative programming model for distributed computing based on a Global Asynchronous Memory (GAM), aiming to avoid coherency and consistency problems rather than solving them. We materialize GAM by designing and implementing a distributed smart pointers library, inspired by C++ smart pointers. In this model, public and pri- vate pointers (resembling C++ shared and unique pointers, respectively) are moved around instead of messages (i.e., data), thus alleviating the user from the burden of minimizing transfers. On top of smart pointers, we propose a high-level C++ template library for writing applications in terms of dataflow-like networks, namely GAM nets, consisting of stateful processors exchanging pointers in fully asynchronous fashion. We demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach, from the expressiveness perspective, by showing how GAM nets can be exploited to implement both standalone applications and higher-level parallel program- ming models, such as data and task parallelism. As for the performance perspective, preliminary experiments show both close-to-ideal scalability and negligible overhead with respect to state-of-the-art benchmark implementations. For instance, the GAM implementation of a high-quality video restoration filter sustains a 100 fps throughput over 70%-noisy high-quality video streams on a 4-node cluster of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), with minimal programming effort

    Parallel architectures and runtime systems co-design for task-based programming models

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    The increasing parallelism levels in modern computing systems has extolled the need for a holistic vision when designing multiprocessor architectures taking in account the needs of the programming models and applications. Nowadays, system design consists of several layers on top of each other from the architecture up to the application software. Although this design allows to do a separation of concerns where it is possible to independently change layers due to a well-known interface between them, it is hampering future systems design as the Law of Moore reaches to an end. Current performance improvements on computer architecture are driven by the shrinkage of the transistor channel width, allowing faster and more power efficient chips to be made. However, technology is reaching physical limitations were the transistor size will not be able to be reduced furthermore and requires a change of paradigm in systems design. This thesis proposes to break this layered design, and advocates for a system where the architecture and the programming model runtime system are able to exchange information towards a common goal, improve performance and reduce power consumption. By making the architecture aware of runtime information such as a Task Dependency Graph (TDG) in the case of dataflow task-based programming models, it is possible to improve power consumption by exploiting the critical path of the graph. Moreover, the architecture can provide hardware support to create such a graph in order to reduce the runtime overheads and making possible the execution of fine-grained tasks to increase the available parallelism. Finally, the current status of inter-node communication primitives can be exposed to the runtime system in order to perform a more efficient communication scheduling, and also creates new opportunities of computation and communication overlap that were not possible before. An evaluation of the proposals introduced in this thesis is provided and a methodology to simulate and characterize the application behavior is also presented.El aumento del paralelismo proporcionado por los sistemas de cómputo modernos ha provocado la necesidad de una visión holística en el diseño de arquitecturas multiprocesador que tome en cuenta las necesidades de los modelos de programación y las aplicaciones. Hoy en día el diseño de los computadores consiste en diferentes capas de abstracción con una interfaz bien definida entre ellas. Las limitaciones de esta aproximación junto con el fin de la ley de Moore limitan el potencial de los futuros computadores. La mayoría de las mejoras actuales en el diseño de los computadores provienen fundamentalmente de la reducción del tamaño del canal del transistor, lo cual permite chips más rápidos y con un consumo eficiente sin apenas cambios fundamentales en el diseño de la arquitectura. Sin embargo, la tecnología actual está alcanzando limitaciones físicas donde no será posible reducir el tamaño de los transistores motivando así un cambio de paradigma en la construcción de los computadores. Esta tesis propone romper este diseño en capas y abogar por un sistema donde la arquitectura y el sistema de tiempo de ejecución del modelo de programación sean capaces de intercambiar información para alcanzar una meta común: La mejora del rendimiento y la reducción del consumo energético. Haciendo que la arquitectura sea consciente de la información disponible en el modelo de programación, como puede ser el grafo de dependencias entre tareas en los modelos de programación dataflow, es posible reducir el consumo energético explotando el camino critico del grafo. Además, la arquitectura puede proveer de soporte hardware para crear este grafo con el objetivo de reducir el overhead de construir este grado cuando la granularidad de las tareas es demasiado fina. Finalmente, el estado de las comunicaciones entre nodos puede ser expuesto al sistema de tiempo de ejecución para realizar una mejor planificación de las comunicaciones y creando nuevas oportunidades de solapamiento entre cómputo y comunicación que no eran posibles anteriormente. Esta tesis aporta una evaluación de todas estas propuestas, así como una metodología para simular y caracterizar el comportamiento de las aplicacionesPostprint (published version