19 research outputs found

    SpecHD: Hyperdimensional Computing Framework for FPGA-based Mass Spectrometry Clustering

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    Mass spectrometry-based proteomics is a key enabler for personalized healthcare, providing a deep dive into the complex protein compositions of biological systems. This technology has vast applications in biotechnology and biomedicine but faces significant computational bottlenecks. Current methodologies often require multiple hours or even days to process extensive datasets, particularly in the domain of spectral clustering. To tackle these inefficiencies, we introduce SpecHD, a hyperdimensional computing (HDC) framework supplemented by an FPGA-accelerated architecture with integrated near-storage preprocessing. Utilizing streamlined binary operations in an HDC environment, SpecHD capitalizes on the low-latency and parallel capabilities of FPGAs. This approach markedly improves clustering speed and efficiency, serving as a catalyst for real-time, high-throughput data analysis in future healthcare applications. Our evaluations demonstrate that SpecHD not only maintains but often surpasses existing clustering quality metrics while drastically cutting computational time. Specifically, it can cluster a large-scale human proteome dataset-comprising 25 million MS/MS spectra and 131 GB of MS data-in just 5 minutes. With energy efficiency exceeding 31x and a speedup factor that spans a range of 6x to 54x over existing state of-the-art solutions, SpecHD emerges as a promising solution for the rapid analysis of mass spectrometry data with great implications for personalized healthcare

    Hyperdimensional computing: a fast, robust and interpretable paradigm for biological data

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    Advances in bioinformatics are primarily due to new algorithms for processing diverse biological data sources. While sophisticated alignment algorithms have been pivotal in analyzing biological sequences, deep learning has substantially transformed bioinformatics, addressing sequence, structure, and functional analyses. However, these methods are incredibly data-hungry, compute-intensive and hard to interpret. Hyperdimensional computing (HDC) has recently emerged as an intriguing alternative. The key idea is that random vectors of high dimensionality can represent concepts such as sequence identity or phylogeny. These vectors can then be combined using simple operators for learning, reasoning or querying by exploiting the peculiar properties of high-dimensional spaces. Our work reviews and explores the potential of HDC for bioinformatics, emphasizing its efficiency, interpretability, and adeptness in handling multimodal and structured data. HDC holds a lot of potential for various omics data searching, biosignal analysis and health applications

    Efficient Personalized Learning for Wearable Health Applications using HyperDimensional Computing

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    Health monitoring applications increasingly rely on machine learning techniques to learn end-user physiological and behavioral patterns in everyday settings. Considering the significant role of wearable devices in monitoring human body parameters, on-device learning can be utilized to build personalized models for behavioral and physiological patterns, and provide data privacy for users at the same time. However, resource constraints on most of these wearable devices prevent the ability to perform online learning on them. To address this issue, it is required to rethink the machine learning models from the algorithmic perspective to be suitable to run on wearable devices. Hyperdimensional computing (HDC) offers a well-suited on-device learning solution for resource-constrained devices and provides support for privacy-preserving personalization. Our HDC-based method offers flexibility, high efficiency, resilience, and performance while enabling on-device personalization and privacy protection. We evaluate the efficacy of our approach using three case studies and show that our system improves the energy efficiency of training by up to 45.8Ă—45.8\times compared with the state-of-the-art Deep Neural Network (DNN) algorithms while offering a comparable accuracy

    Hardware optimizations of dense binary hyperdimensional computing: Rematerialization of hypervectors, binarized bundling, and combinational associative memory

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    Brain-inspired hyperdimensional (HD) computing models neural activity patterns of the very size of the brain's circuits with points of a hyperdimensional space, that is, with hypervectors. Hypervectors are Ddimensional (pseudo)random vectors with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) components constituting ultra-wide holographic words: D = 10,000 bits, for instance. At its very core, HD computing manipulates a set of seed hypervectors to build composite hypervectors representing objects of interest. It demands memory optimizations with simple operations for an efficient hardware realization. In this article, we propose hardware techniques for optimizations of HD computing, in a synthesizable open-source VHDL library, to enable co-located implementation of both learning and classification tasks on only a small portion of Xilinx UltraScale FPGAs: (1)We propose simple logical operations to rematerialize the hypervectors on the fly rather than loading them from memory. These operations massively reduce the memory footprint by directly computing the composite hypervectors whose individual seed hypervectors do not need to be stored in memory. (2) Bundling a series of hypervectors over time requires a multibit counter per every hypervector component. We instead propose a binarized back-to-back bundling without requiring any counters. This truly enables onchip learning with minimal resources as every hypervector component remains binary over the course of training to avoid otherwise multibit components. (3) For every classification event, an associative memory is in charge of finding the closest match between a set of learned hypervectors and a query hypervector by using a distance metric. This operator is proportional to hypervector dimension (D), and hence may take O(D) cycles per classification event. Accordingly, we significantly improve the throughput of classification by proposing associative memories that steadily reduce the latency of classification to the extreme of a single cycle. (4) We perform a design space exploration incorporating the proposed techniques on FPGAs for a wearable biosignal processing application as a case study. Our techniques achieve up to 2.39 7 area saving, or 2,337 7 throughput improvement. The Pareto optimal HD architecture is mapped on only 18,340 configurable logic blocks (CLBs) to learn and classify five hand gestures using four electromyography sensors

    Towards Efficient Hyperdimensional Computing Using Photonics

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    Over the past few years, silicon photonics-based computing has emerged as a promising alternative to CMOS-based computing for Deep Neural Networks (DNN). Unfortunately, the non-linear operations and the high-precision requirements of DNNs make it extremely challenging to design efficient silicon photonics-based systems for DNN inference and training. Hyperdimensional Computing (HDC) is an emerging, brain-inspired machine learning technique that enjoys several advantages over existing DNNs, including being lightweight, requiring low-precision operands, and being robust to noise introduced by the nonidealities in the hardware. For HDC, computing in-memory (CiM) approaches have been widely used, as CiM reduces the data transfer cost if the operands can fit into the memory. However, inefficient multi-bit operations, high write latency, and low endurance make CiM ill-suited for HDC. On the other hand, the existing electro-photonic DNN accelerators are inefficient for HDC because they are specifically optimized for matrix multiplication in DNNs and consume a lot of power with high-precision data converters. In this paper, we argue that photonic computing and HDC complement each other better than photonic computing and DNNs, or CiM and HDC. We propose PhotoHDC, the first-ever electro-photonic accelerator for HDC training and inference, supporting the basic, record-based, and graph encoding schemes. Evaluating with popular datasets, we show that our accelerator can achieve two to five orders of magnitude lower EDP than the state-of-the-art electro-photonic DNN accelerators for implementing HDC training and inference. PhotoHDC also achieves four orders of magnitude lower energy-delay product than CiM-based accelerators for both HDC training and inference

    A Construction Kit for Efficient Low Power Neural Network Accelerator Designs

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    Implementing embedded neural network processing at the edge requires efficient hardware acceleration that couples high computational performance with low power consumption. Driven by the rapid evolution of network architectures and their algorithmic features, accelerator designs are constantly updated and improved. To evaluate and compare hardware design choices, designers can refer to a myriad of accelerator implementations in the literature. Surveys provide an overview of these works but are often limited to system-level and benchmark-specific performance metrics, making it difficult to quantitatively compare the individual effect of each utilized optimization technique. This complicates the evaluation of optimizations for new accelerator designs, slowing-down the research progress. This work provides a survey of neural network accelerator optimization approaches that have been used in recent works and reports their individual effects on edge processing performance. It presents the list of optimizations and their quantitative effects as a construction kit, allowing to assess the design choices for each building block separately. Reported optimizations range from up to 10'000x memory savings to 33x energy reductions, providing chip designers an overview of design choices for implementing efficient low power neural network accelerators

    Approximation Opportunities in Edge Computing Hardware : A Systematic Literature Review

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    With the increasing popularity of the Internet of Things and massive Machine Type Communication technologies, the number of connected devices is rising. However, while enabling valuable effects to our lives, bandwidth and latency constraints challenge Cloud processing of their associated data amounts. A promising solution to these challenges is the combination of Edge and approximate computing techniques that allows for data processing nearer to the user. This paper aims to survey the potential benefits of these paradigms’ intersection. We provide a state-of-the-art review of circuit-level and architecture-level hardware techniques and popular applications. We also outline essential future research directions.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    An In-Memory Architecture for High-Performance Long-Read Pre-Alignment Filtering

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    With the recent move towards sequencing of accurate long reads, finding solutions that support efficient analysis of these reads becomes more necessary. The long execution time required for sequence alignment of long reads negatively affects genomic studies relying on sequence alignment. Although pre-alignment filtering as an extra step before alignment was recently introduced to mitigate sequence alignment for short reads, these filters do not work as efficiently for long reads. Moreover, even with efficient pre-alignment filters, the overall end-to-end (i.e., filtering + original alignment) execution time of alignment for long reads remains high, while the filtering step is now a major portion of the end-to-end execution time. Our paper makes three contributions. First, it identifies data movement of sequences between memory units and computing units as the main source of inefficiency for pre-alignment filters of long reads. This is because although filters reject many of these long sequencing pairs before they get to the alignment stage, they still require a huge cost regarding time and energy consumption for the large data transferred between memory and processor. Second, this paper introduces an adaptation of a short-read pre-alignment filtering algorithm suitable for long reads. We call this LongGeneGuardian. Finally, it presents Filter-Fuse as an architecture that supports LongGeneGuardian inside the memory. FilterFuse exploits the Computation-In-Memory computing paradigm, eliminating the cost of data movement in LongGeneGuardian. Our evaluations show that FilterFuse improves the execution time of filtering by 120.47x for long reads compared to State-of-the-Art (SoTA) filter, SneakySnake. FilterFuse also improves the end-to-end execution time of sequence alignment by up to 49.14x and 5207.63x compared to SneakySnake with SoTA aligner and only SoTA aligner, respectively

    Design and Code Optimization for Systems with Next-generation Racetrack Memories

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    With the rise of computationally expensive application domains such as machine learning, genomics, and fluids simulation, the quest for performance and energy-efficient computing has gained unprecedented momentum. The significant increase in computing and memory devices in modern systems has resulted in an unsustainable surge in energy consumption, a substantial portion of which is attributed to the memory system. The scaling of conventional memory technologies and their suitability for the next-generation system is also questionable. This has led to the emergence and rise of nonvolatile memory ( NVM ) technologies. Today, in different development stages, several NVM technologies are competing for their rapid access to the market. Racetrack memory ( RTM ) is one such nonvolatile memory technology that promises SRAM -comparable latency, reduced energy consumption, and unprecedented density compared to other technologies. However, racetrack memory ( RTM ) is sequential in nature, i.e., data in an RTM cell needs to be shifted to an access port before it can be accessed. These shift operations incur performance and energy penalties. An ideal RTM , requiring at most one shift per access, can easily outperform SRAM . However, in the worst-cast shifting scenario, RTM can be an order of magnitude slower than SRAM . This thesis presents an overview of the RTM device physics, its evolution, strengths and challenges, and its application in the memory subsystem. We develop tools that allow the programmability and modeling of RTM -based systems. For shifts minimization, we propose a set of techniques including optimal, near-optimal, and evolutionary algorithms for efficient scalar and instruction placement in RTMs . For array accesses, we explore schedule and layout transformations that eliminate the longer overhead shifts in RTMs . We present an automatic compilation framework that analyzes static control flow programs and transforms the loop traversal order and memory layout to maximize accesses to consecutive RTM locations and minimize shifts. We develop a simulation framework called RTSim that models various RTM parameters and enables accurate architectural level simulation. Finally, to demonstrate the RTM potential in non-Von-Neumann in-memory computing paradigms, we exploit its device attributes to implement logic and arithmetic operations. As a concrete use-case, we implement an entire hyperdimensional computing framework in RTM to accelerate the language recognition problem. Our evaluation shows considerable performance and energy improvements compared to conventional Von-Neumann models and state-of-the-art accelerators