14 research outputs found

    Pathfinder:a performance-game for the augmented drum-kit

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    Pathfinder is a performance-game for solo drummer, exploring the synergies between multiple contemporary creative practices. The work navigates between music composition, improvisation, projection/light art and game art. At its heart lies a bespoke electro-acoustic instrument, the augmented drum-kit, used not only to provide the sonic content of the work in real-time, but also as a highly expressive game controller that interacts with an instrument-specific game. The musical instrument offers a much wider range of expressive possibilities, control and tactile feedback in comparison to a traditional general-purpose game controller, and as a result it affords a more diverse and nuanced game play performance. Live electronics, lights, projections and the drum-kit all make up the performance-game’s universe, within which the performer has to explore, adapt, navigate and complete a journey

    The Pathfinder Chemical Transfer Propulsion Program

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    Pathfinder is a research and technology initiative by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) intended to strengthen the technology base of the United States civil space program in preparation for future space exploration missions. Pathfinder begins in FY-89. One of the four major thrusts is the Chemical Transfer Propulsion program which will provide the propulsion technology for high performance, liquid oxygen/liquid hydrogen expander cycle engines which are expected to be operated and maintained in space. These advanced engines will enhance or enable a variety of future space exploration missions. The goals and objectives, management, technical plan, and technology transfer for the Chemical Transfer Propulsion element of Pathfinder are described

    Pathfinder cells provide a novel therapeutic intervention for acute kidney injury

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    Pathfinder cells (PCs) are a novel class of adult-derived cells that facilitate functional repair of host tissue. We used rat PCs to demonstrate that they enable the functional mitigation of ischemia reperfusion (I/R) injury in a mouse model of renal damage. Female C57BL/6 mice were subjected to 30 min of renal ischemia and treated with intravenous (i.v.) injection of saline (control) or male rat pancreas-derived PCs in blinded experimentation. Kidney function was assessed 14 days after treatment by measuring serum creatinine (SC) levels. Kidney tissue was assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) for markers of cellular damage, proliferation, and senescence (TUNEL, Ki67, p16ink4a, p21). Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was performed to determine the presence of any rat (i.e., pathfinder) cells in the mouse tissue. PC-treated animals demonstrated superior renal function at day 14 post-I/R, in comparison to saline-treated controls, as measured by SC levels (0.13 mg/dL vs. 0.23 mg/dL, p<0.001). PC-treated kidney tissue expressed significantly lower levels of p16ink4a in comparison to the control group (p=0.009). FISH analysis demonstrated that the overwhelming majority of repaired kidney tissue was mouse in origin. Rat PCs were only detected at a frequency of 0.02%. These data confirm that PCs have the ability to mitigate functional damage to kidney tissue following I/R injury. Kidneys of PC-treated animals showed evidence of improved function and reduced expression of damage markers. The PCs appear to act in a paracrine fashion, stimulating the host tissue to recover functionally, rather than by differentiating into renal cells. This study demonstrates that pancreatic-derived PCs from the adult rat can enable functional repair of renal damage in mice. It validates the use of PCs to regenerate damaged tissues and also offers a novel therapeutic intervention for repair of solid organ damage in situ

    PathFinder: A Visualization eMathTeacher for Actively Learning Dijstra's algorithm

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    PathFinder is a new eMathTeacher for actively learning Dijkstra's algorithm. In Sanchez-Torrubia et al. (2007) the concept of eMathTeacher was defined and the minimum as well as some additional requirements were described. The tool presented here is an enhanced paradigm of this new concept on Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) resources: an application designed following the eMathTeacher philosophy for active eLearning. The highlighting new feature provided by this application is an animated algorithm visualization panel showing, on the code, the current step the student is executing and/or where there is a user's mistake within the algorithm running. PathFinder also includes another two interesting new features: an active framework area for the algorithm data and the capability of saving/retrieving the created graph

    NASA's Chemical Transfer Propulsion Program for Pathfinder

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    Pathfinder is a research and technology project, with specific deliverables, initiated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) which will strengthen the technology base of the United States civil space program in preparation for future space exploration missions. Pathfinder begins in Fiscal Year 1989, and is to advance a collection of critical technologies for these missions and ensure technology readiness for future national decisions regarding exploration of the solar system. The four major thrusts of Pathfinder are: surface exploration, in-space operations, humans-in-space, and space transfer. The space transfer thrust will provide the critical technologies needed for transportation to, and return from, the Moon, Mars, and other planets in the solar system, as well as for reliable and cost-effective Earth-orbit operations. A key element of this thrust is the Chemical Transfer Propulsion program which will provide the propulsion technology for high performance, liquid oxygen/liquid hydrogen expander cycle engines which may be operated and maintained in space. Described here are the program overview including the goals and objectives, management, technical plan, and technology transfer for the Chemical Transfer Propulsion element of Pathfinder

    The Pathfinder Chemical Transfer Propulsion program

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    Pathfinder is a research and technology initiative by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) intended to strengthen the technology base of the United States civil space program in preparation for future space exploration missions. Pathfinder begins in FY-89. One of the four major thrusts of Pathfinder is Space Transfer technology. A key element of this thrust is the Chemical Transfer Propulsion program which will provide the propulsion technology for high performance, liquid oxygen/liquid hydrogen expander cycle engines which are expected to be operated and maintained in space. These advanced engines will enhance or enable a variety of future space exploration missions. This paper describes the goals and objectives, management, technical plan, and technology transfer for the Chemical Transfer Propulsion element of Pathfinder

    Predicate Abstraction in Program Verification: Survey and Current Trends

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    A popular approach to verification of software system correctness is model checking. To achieve scalability needed for large systems, model checking has to be augmented with abstraction. In this paper, we provide an overview of selected techniques of program verification based on predicate abstraction. We focus on techniques that advanced the state-of-the-art in a significant way, including counterexample-guided abstraction refinement, lazy abstraction, and current trends in the form of extensions targeting, for example, data structures and multi-threading. We discuss limitations of these techniques and present our plans for addressing some of them

    Strategies for Using Online Practice Problems

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    PathFinder is an active website coded in html, asp.net, c#, JavaScript, xml, and MathML. The website assembles ebooks on the fly from an xml database. The ebooks have randomly selected and generated exercises that are automatically graded. Instantaneous feedback is provided to both students and professors regarding performance on on-line exercises. PathFinder is used to deliver an ebook to a first year introductory engineering course. In Fall 2013 12 sections of 20 – 25 students each used the Pathfinder ebook. This provides an opportunity to investigate the effectiveness of on-line practice problems. PathFinder provides on-line practice problems that students can work before completing scored problems. Practice problems can be similar or related to the student’s scored problem. A similar practice problem is identical to the scored problem (same problem statement), but the given input values are different. A related practice problem is different from the scored problem, both in input values and problem statement. Four sets of four problems each were used to investigate 4 scenarios. Scenarios were randomly applied such that each student was exposed to all four scenarios, but on different sets of problems. In all scenarios the fourth problem had no practice problem, so it could be used as a test of the effectiveness of the practice problems provided for the first three problems. In the first scenario, no practice problems were provided. In the second, three similar practice problems were provided. In the third, three related practice problems were provided. In the fourth, the first problem had a similar, the second a related, and the third no practice problem.The effectiveness of each scenario will be evaluated using (1) student scores on the fourth problems, (2) survey questions completed by students after finishing each series of four questions, and (3) examination performance on related problems. The results are expected to provide feedback that can be used to select one scenario for providing practice problems in the future


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    Pathfinder atau panduan pustaka adalah salah satu alat bantu bagi pemustaka untuk memperoleh informasi secara cepat, mandiri, dan dirancang untuk membimbing pemustaka pada tahap awal penelusuran. Tujuan pathfinder membantu pemustaka yang akan mencariinformasi mengenai masalah khusus tetapi belum memahami dan mengenal sumber informasidi perpustakaan. Pathfinder memuatsumber-sumber bibliografi yang berhubungan dengansubjek tertentu yang berasal dari buku, makalah, terbitan berkala, sumber referensi, website,audio visual, dan sebagainya. Informasi yang dimuat pada pathfinder: judulpathfinder, ruang lingkup, jenis sumber informasi, judul sumber informasi, deskripsi fisik, nomor panggil, anotasi,dan lokasiPathfinder or library guide is one of the tools for users to get information quickly and independently.Pathfinder is designed to guide users in the early stages of search. Pathfinder objectives helpusers who do not understand and know the source of information in the library when to findinformation about specific problems. Pathfinder contains bibliographic sources related to certainsubjects that come from books, papers, periodicals, reference sources, websites, audio visuals,and so on. Information that contained in the pathfinder are pathfinder title, scope, type of informationsource, source title information, physical description, call number, annotation, and location

    Debugger interface pro Java PathFinder model checker

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    Cílem této práce je začlenit Java PathFinder do architektury Java Platform Debugger Architecture, tedy umožnit debuggování Java Pathfinderu z jakéhokoliv moderního Java vývojového prostředí se všemi výhodami s tím spojenými stejně jako u běžných Java virtuálních strojů. Těmi jsou kupříkladu různé typy breakpointů, krokování v otevřených zdrojových souborech a inspekce zásobníku volání a objektů v programu. Výsledná práce dává uživatelům k dispozici plnohodnotnou škálu možností debugování jako u běžných Java programů, a to bez nutnosti použití dalších nástrojů, editorů a zejména bez nutnosti složitého nastavování prostředí pro debugování. Díky tomu mohou uživatelé zkoumat, debugovat a pochopit stav programu při procházení error trace vyhodnocené Java PathFinderem. Klíčovou části práce je implementace Java Debug Wire Protocol agenta jako doplněk Java PathFinderu. V důsledku tohoto se Java PathFinder stává kompletnějším Java virtuálním strojem jak v očích komunity tak i celé obce Java uživatelů. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)The aim of this work is to integrate Java PathFinder into Java Platform Debugger Architecture. That is, to allow using Java PathFinder instead of a common Java Virtual Machine for the purpose of debugging Java applications in any modern Java Integrated Development Environment with all its advantages such as various kinds of breakpoints, direct stepping in opened source files, and call stack and object inspection. The resulting work provides users with all the features they are used to while debugging Java applications. None of this requires any external tools, editors or a complicated setup. Therefore, users are able to view, debug and understand the program state while replaying an error trace in Java PathFinder. The key part of the study is an implementation of the Java Debug Wire Protocol Agent as an extension for Java PathFinder. That makes JPF more complete as a Virtual Machine in the eyes of the community and the Java users in general. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Department of Distributed and Dependable SystemsKatedra distribuovaných a spolehlivých systémůFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult