28 research outputs found


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    Gelombang laut merupakan salah satu sumber energi baru dan terbarukan yang bernilai ekonomis, serta ramah lingkungan karena tidak menghasilkan polusi dan mudah ditemukan di daerah pesisir pantai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung seberapa besar potensi energi gelombang di Kelurahan Sapolohe Kabupaten Bulukumba yang bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai energi listrik.  Metode yang digunakan adalah metode hindcasting gelombang untuk menentukan tinggi gelombang dari input data kecepatan angin. Kemudian menggunakan metode analisis perhitungan energi mekanik gelombang untuk menentukan besar energi gelombangnya. Dalam pelaksanaan penelitian ini dilakukan beberapa tahap yaitu (1)penentuan fetch gelombang, (2)penentuan tinggi gelombang (3)perhitungan energi gelombang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan besar potensi energi gelombang dari arah tenggara berkisar 436,68 Joule/m2 sampai 2.432,23 Joule/m2, sedangkan gelombang dari arah selatan berkisar 1.574 Joule/m2 sampai  8.042,63 Joule/m2 dan gelombang dari arah barat daya berkisar 2.365,71 Joule/m2 sampai  28.676,62 Joule/m2. Disimpulkan bahwa energi gelombang yang berpotensi membangkitkan listrik di Kelurahan Sapolohe adalah energi gelombang yang datang dari tenggara, selatan dan barat daya. Potensi energi listrik terbesar yang bisa dibangkitkan adalah energi gelombang dari arah barat daya yang bisa mencapai 28.676,62 Joule/m

    Hybrid offshore wave energy platform

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    Ocean waves are the greatest unexploited renewable energy resource which would reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. It can be harnessed throughout the year using a hybrid offshore platform. In this paper, hybrid offshore wave energy platform and its working principle, is explained explicitly. These devices when use independently are found to be not very efficient in terms of generating energy in a given time when compared to the resources used in establishing them. This in turn discourages the investments which can be made in them. This paper addresses the above issue and provides a solution with the use of hybrid offshore platforms as a step towards exploiting open seawater in a sustainable way to generate energy in a much more efficient way. Combining multiple renewable energy devices in such a manner could potentially offer stable electricity production, despite seasonal changes. The hybrid offshore platforms are conceptual and are undergoing R&D or are in the pre-commercial prototype and demonstration stage. This paper aims to discuss about one such innovative design for a hybrid offshore platform and assess the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of constructing such a platform

    Numerical investigation of the aerodynamic performance for a Wells-type turbine in a wave energy converter

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    Ocean waves constitute an extensive energy resource, whose extraction has been the subject of intense research activity in the last three decades. Among the different variants of Wave Energy Converters, the principle of the Oscillating Water Col- umn (OWC) is one of the most promising ones. An OWC comprises two key elements: a collector chamber, which transfers the wave oscillations’ energy to the air within the chamber by back and forth displacement, and a power take off system, which converts the pneumatic power into electricity or some other usable form. The Wells turbine is a self-rectifying air turbine, a suitable solution for energy extraction from reciprocating air flow in an OWC. In the present work, the steady state, inviscid flow in the Wells turbine is investigated by numerical simulations. The relatively novel Virtual Multiple Reference Frame (VMRF) technique is used to account for the rotary motion of the turbine, and the overall performance is compared with results in the literature


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    Ocean waves, if employed efficiently for generation of electricity, could result in the most economic green process (minimal carbon emission). This paper, based on the extensive literature survey conducted as a part of a B.Tech Project provides an overview of the current scenario of power generation and consumption in India thereby emphasizing on the progressively increasing power requirement and a lagging behind share of renewable energy. A scientific clarity is drawn on the basic theory behind wave generation and the key factors for assessing and deploying wave energy converters. Further, a few successful wave energy conversion techniques are discussed briefly, which posses the potential scope of future research and development and are presently employed under pre-commercial and commercial stages around the globe. A special emphasis is laid on the point absorber section which has been the area of research for the authors‘ project thereby detailing its constructional and working aspects and also discussing briefly an experimental procedure to set up a wave generator, to calculate mechanical conversion efficiency, and its scope of applicability. The conclusion is drawn in favor of the coastal communities which still rely on costly diesel for generating electricity


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    Data gelombang laut penting dikaji karena dapat mengakibat abrasi ataupun sedimentasi pada suatu pantai. Paramater gelombang laut juga dapat berperan secara tidak langsung terhadap bentuk lifeform karang. Kajian bertujuan untuk melakukan peramalan gelombang laut dangkal dari perhitungan data kecepatan dan arah angin permukaan, kemudian menghubungkan kejadian gelombang laut terhadap sebaran lifeform karang. Selama bulan April 2018, gelombang laut lebih tinggi terjadi pada awal dan akhir bulan. Karakteristik tinggi gelombang laut di wilayah kajian dominan dari angin dan dikuatkan oleh panjang fetch efektif arah angin bertiup. Terjadi hubungan erat antara parameter gelombang laut di lokasi kajian terhadap sebaran lifeform karang. Hasil analisis PCA dari sebaran gelombang laut di wilayah kajian memiliki nilai hubungan sebesar 79.23 %. Hasil analisis CA dari keterkaitan antara lifeform karang di wilayah kajian sebesar 74.40 %. Tinggi gelombang laut maksimum di perairan P. Sirandah sebesar 1.07 m dengan periode 4.26 s, terdapat karang jenis submassive (CS) dominan mencapai 77.33 – 85.27 %. Kondisi gelombang laut di perairan P. Pasumpahan tidak menentu, secara umum rendah pada saat-saat air laut pasang dan surut waktu purnama dan perbani. Terdapat banyak jenis lifeform karang di perairan ini yaitu semua jenis karang non-Acropora dan Acropora jenis bercabang (ACB). Terumbu karang di perairan P. Sikuai dan P. Soronjong kurang baik (0.2 – 17.53 %). Lifeform karang jenis submassive paling rendah pada ke dua pulau ini (0.07 %)

    Factors affecting the low achievement of utilization efficiency of wave energy for electric power plant with tapered channel technology

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    Ocean waves is one of the alternative sources of renewable energy that widely available on earth.\ud Attempt on conversion of wave energy into electric power has a lot to do, but it is still constrained by the low\ud achievement of utilization efficiency. This paper presents the results of physical model research regarding the factors\ud affecting the efficiency achievement of the design of Baron Wave Power Plant with Tapered Channel (Tapchan)\ud technology. The model investigation was conducted on 15 m x 20 m size of three dimensional wave basins in The\ud Applied Hydraulics Laboratory Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Gadjah Mada University. Tapchan\ud model was built based on the design drawings and field data survey in the geometric scale of 1:25. The models were\ud simulated with 3 kinds of wave direction (175o; 191o and 210o) where the designed center line of tapered channel at the\ud direction of 178o. Nine variations of wave height and period in 3 kinds of water depth (LWL, MSL, and HWL) were\ud used to simulate the models. The results indicate that the low performance efficiency was only about 1% -14% or an\ud average of 7% and much influenced by main factors, namely the collector wall geometric, the alignment of channel\ud direction with the incoming wave direction and the magnitude of wave deformations at the bay

    Unidirectional Rotary Tendency of a Wave-Driven Rotor

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    Ocean waves can directly drive WECs (wave energy converters) to perform two types of motion—reciprocating motion and unidirectional rotary motion. In general, the efficiency of a reciprocating WEC is strongly wave-frequency dependent, whereas the efficiency of a rotary WEC can be somewhat wave-frequency independent. To date, a huge majority of WEC technologies under development in industry belong to the reciprocating class, and only a few WEC concepts fall in the unidirectional rotary class. In the present work, a wave-driven rotor for unidirectional rotary motion was proposed and characterized. A numerical tool has been developed for characterization of the rotor’s unidirectional rotary tendency. The tool included a wave model and a drag force model. Simple circular tubes were used as blades in a basic rotor design. This basic design demonstrated strong potential for unidirectional rotary motion at a proper rotor submersion level and under various wave conditions. Two improved designs were yielded from the basic design. In one improved design, the original circular tubes were replaced with cylindrical shells of semicircular cross section as new blades. In another design, the semicircular shells were further modified to become one-way foldable. The two improvements significantly enhanced the rotors’ unidirectional rotary tendency in waves, which has been verified by numerical simulation. Broad ranges of wave parameters and the submersion level have been numerically explored on the two improved rotor designs in conjunction with dimensional analysis

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pendeteksi Ketinggian Gelombang Air Laut Berbasis Internet Of Things (IoT)

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    Ocean waves are a natural phenomenon that often occurs in the sea, sea waves are an event of vertical rise and fall of sea level that forms a sinusoidal curve/graph, the beach is an area on the edge of the water that is influenced by the highest and lowest tides The coastline is the boundary line between land and sea water, where the position is not right and can change or move. The beach in Bengkalis waters has enormous potential as an area that is used for human activities. The purpose of this study is to create a tool that can detect wave height using an android device by utilizing an internet connection for control. By using an android smartphone that has been installed with the blynk application, it can communicate with the NodeMCU ESP8266, so that it can be connected via a WI-FI connection so that it allows the user to control the wave height detector, by sending commands to display the wave height via blynk. The results of this study, the IoT-based seawater wave height detector can detect a wave height of about 1.49 mm from the ultrasonic sensor while the low point of the wave is about 4.5 mm

    Harvesting of energy from waves / Nurul Ain Abdollah

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    Ocean waves are a huge, largely untapped energy resources, and the potential for extracting energy from waves is considerable. Wave energy seems the best solution for the electrical power supply and meeting the current energy demanding due to its environmentally friendly technology, clean renewable energy production and supporting sustainability development concept. There are a lot of methods and systems for converting wave power into electrical power. The objective of this thesis evaluates the factors contributing to the energy of waves and to determine the energy produce by the wave. The most common structure of wave power is Oscillating Water Column (OWC). The bottle 5.5 liters are used for owe. The waves are created by using wave propagator. The amplitude inside and outside chamber are observed. Amplitude inside the chamber are greater than amplitude outside the chamber. The wave height is calculated by the twice of amplitude. This is because the force inside the chamber when water flow the hole is faster. The energy produce by the wave and chamber inlet pressure are calculate. The highest value of wave energy density is 6.00 J/m2 and the lowest is 0.71 J/m2