66 research outputs found

    X-MAN: Explaining multiple sources of anomalies in video

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    Our objective is to detect anomalies in video while also automatically explaining the reason behind the detector's response. In a practical sense, explainability is crucial for this task as the required response to an anomaly depends on its nature and severity. However, most leading methods (based on deep neural networks) are not interpretable and hide the decision making process in uninterpretable feature representations. In an effort to tackle this problem we make the following contributions: (1) we show how to build interpretable feature representations suitable for detecting anomalies with state of the art performance, (2) we propose an interpretable probabilistic anomaly detector which can describe the reason behind it's response using high level concepts, (3) we are the first to directly consider object interactions for anomaly detection and (4) we propose a new task of explaining anomalies and release a large dataset for evaluating methods on this task. Our method competes well with the state of the art on public datasets while also providing anomaly explanation based on objects and their interactions

    Supervised dictionary learning for action recognition and localization

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    PhDImage sequences with humans and human activities are everywhere. With the amount of produced and distributed data increasing at an unprecedented rate, there has been a lot of interest in building systems that can understand and interpret the visual data, and in particular detect and recognise human actions. Dictionary based approaches learn a dictionary from descriptors extracted from the videos in the first stage and a classifier or a detector in the second stage. The major drawback of such an approach is that the dictionary is learned in an unsupervised manner without considering the task (classification or detection) that follows it. In this work we develop task dependent(supervised) dictionaries for action recognition and localization, i.e., dictionaries that are best suited for the subsequent task. In the first part of the work, we propose a supervised max-margin framework for linear and non-linear Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). To achieve this, we impose max-margin constraints within the formulation of NMF and simultaneously solve for the classifier and the dictionary. The dictionary (basis matrix) thus obtained maximizes the margin of the classifier in the low dimensional space (in the linear case) or in the high dimensional feature space (in the non-linear case). In the second part the work, we develop methodologies for action localization. We first propose a dictionary weighting approach where we learn local and global weights for the dictionary by considering the localization information of the training sequences. We next extend this approach to learn a task-dependent dictionary for action localization that incorporates the localization information of the training sequences into dictionary learning. The results on publicly available datasets show that the performance of the system is improved by using the supervised information while learning dictionary.QMUL; EPSRC PhD scholarship program (EP/G033935/1)

    Sparsity-inducing dictionaries for effective action classification

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    Action recognition in unconstrained videos is one of the most important challenges in computer vision. In this paper, we propose sparsity-inducing dictionaries as an effective representation for action classification in videos. We demonstrate that features obtained from sparsity based representation provide discriminative information useful for classification of action videos into various action classes. We show that the constructed dictionaries are distinct for a large number of action classes resulting in a significant improvement in classification accuracy on the HMDB51 dataset. We further demonstrate the efficacy of dictionaries and sparsity based classification on other large action video datasets like UCF50


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    The objective of this research work is to develop discriminative representations for human actions. The motivation stems from the fact that there are many issues encountered while capturing actions in videos like intra-action variations (due to actors, viewpoints, and duration), inter-action similarity, background motion, and occlusion of actors. Hence, obtaining a representation which can address all the variations in the same action while maintaining discrimination with other actions is a challenging task. In literature, actions have been represented either using either low-level or high-level features. Low-level features describe the motion and appearance in small spatio-temporal volumes extracted from a video. Due to the limited space-time volume used for extracting low-level features, they are not able to account for viewpoint and actor variations or variable length actions. On the other hand, high-level features handle variations in actors, viewpoints, and duration but the resulting representation is often high-dimensional which introduces the curse of dimensionality. In this thesis, we propose new representations for describing actions by combining the advantages of both low-level and high-level features. Specifically, we investigate various linear and non-linear decomposition techniques to extract meaningful attributes in both high-level and low-level features. In the first approach, the sparsity of high-level feature descriptors is leveraged to build action-specific dictionaries. Each dictionary retains only the discriminative information for a particular action and hence reduces inter-action similarity. Then, a sparsity-based classification method is proposed to classify the low-rank representation of clips obtained using these dictionaries. We show that this representation based on dictionary learning improves the classification performance across actions. Also, a few of the actions consist of rapid body deformations that hinder the extraction of local features from body movements. Hence, we propose to use a dictionary which is trained on convolutional neural network (CNN) features of the human body in various poses to reliably identify actors from the background. Particularly, we demonstrate the efficacy of sparse representation in the identification of the human body under rapid and substantial deformation. In the first two approaches, sparsity-based representation is developed to improve discriminability using class-specific dictionaries that utilize action labels. However, developing an unsupervised representation of actions is more beneficial as it can be used to both recognize similar actions and localize actions. We propose to exploit inter-action similarity to train a universal attribute model (UAM) in order to learn action attributes (common and distinct) implicitly across all the actions. Using maximum aposteriori (MAP) adaptation, a high-dimensional super action-vector (SAV) for each clip is extracted. As this SAV contains redundant attributes of all other actions, we use factor analysis to extract a novel lowvi dimensional action-vector representation for each clip. Action-vectors are shown to suppress background motion and highlight actions of interest in both trimmed and untrimmed clips that contributes to action recognition without the help of any classifiers. It is observed during our experiments that action-vector cannot effectively discriminate between actions which are visually similar to each other. Hence, we subject action-vectors to supervised linear embedding using linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and probabilistic LDA (PLDA) to enforce discrimination. Particularly, we show that leveraging complimentary information across action-vectors using different local features followed by discriminative embedding provides the best classification performance. Further, we explore non-linear embedding of action-vectors using Siamese networks especially for fine-grained action recognition. A visualization of the hidden layer output in Siamese networks shows its ability to effectively separate visually similar actions. This leads to better classification performance than linear embedding on fine-grained action recognition. All of the above approaches are presented on large unconstrained datasets with hundreds of examples per action. However, actions in surveillance videos like snatch thefts are difficult to model because of the diverse variety of scenarios in which they occur and very few labeled examples. Hence, we propose to utilize the universal attribute model (UAM) trained on large action datasets to represent such actions. Specifically, we show that there are similarities between certain actions in the large datasets with snatch thefts which help in extracting a representation for snatch thefts using the attributes from the UAM. This representation is shown to be effective in distinguishing snatch thefts from regular actions with high accuracy.In summary, this thesis proposes both supervised and unsupervised approaches for representing actions which provide better discrimination than existing representations. The first approach presents a dictionary learning based sparse representation for effective discrimination of actions. Also, we propose a sparse representation for the human body based on dictionaries in order to recognize actions with rapid body deformations. In the next approach, a low-dimensional representation called action-vector for unsupervised action recognition is presented. Further, linear and non-linear embedding of action-vectors is proposed for addressing inter-action similarity and fine-grained action recognition, respectively. Finally, we propose a representation for locating snatch thefts among thousands of regular interactions in surveillance videos

    Human Motion Analysis for Efficient Action Recognition

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    Automatic understanding of human actions is at the core of several application domains, such as content-based indexing, human-computer interaction, surveillance, and sports video analysis. The recent advances in digital platforms and the exponential growth of video and image data have brought an urgent quest for intelligent frameworks to automatically analyze human motion and predict their corresponding action based on visual data and sensor signals. This thesis presents a collection of methods that targets human action recognition using different action modalities. The first method uses the appearance modality and classifies human actions based on heterogeneous global- and local-based features of scene and humanbody appearances. The second method harnesses 2D and 3D articulated human poses and analyizes the body motion using a discriminative combination of the parts’ velocities, locations, and correlations histograms for action recognition. The third method presents an optimal scheme for combining the probabilistic predictions from different action modalities by solving a constrained quadratic optimization problem. In addition to the action classification task, we present a study that compares the utility of different pose variants in motion analysis for human action recognition. In particular, we compare the recognition performance when 2D and 3D poses are used. Finally, we demonstrate the efficiency of our pose-based method for action recognition in spotting and segmenting motion gestures in real time from a continuous stream of an input video for the recognition of the Italian sign gesture language

    Graph based Anomaly Detection and Description: A Survey

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    Detecting anomalies in data is a vital task, with numerous high-impact applications in areas such as security, finance, health care, and law enforcement. While numerous techniques have been developed in past years for spotting outliers and anomalies in unstructured collections of multi-dimensional points, with graph data becoming ubiquitous, techniques for structured graph data have been of focus recently. As objects in graphs have long-range correlations, a suite of novel technology has been developed for anomaly detection in graph data. This survey aims to provide a general, comprehensive, and structured overview of the state-of-the-art methods for anomaly detection in data represented as graphs. As a key contribution, we give a general framework for the algorithms categorized under various settings: unsupervised vs. (semi-)supervised approaches, for static vs. dynamic graphs, for attributed vs. plain graphs. We highlight the effectiveness, scalability, generality, and robustness aspects of the methods. What is more, we stress the importance of anomaly attribution and highlight the major techniques that facilitate digging out the root cause, or the ‘why’, of the detected anomalies for further analysis and sense-making. Finally, we present several real-world applications of graph-based anomaly detection in diverse domains, including financial, auction, computer traffic, and social networks. We conclude our survey with a discussion on open theoretical and practical challenges in the field

    Entropy in Image Analysis III

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    Image analysis can be applied to rich and assorted scenarios; therefore, the aim of this recent research field is not only to mimic the human vision system. Image analysis is the main methods that computers are using today, and there is body of knowledge that they will be able to manage in a totally unsupervised manner in future, thanks to their artificial intelligence. The articles published in the book clearly show such a future

    A Machine Learning Enhanced Scheme for Intelligent Network Management

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    The versatile networking services bring about huge influence on daily living styles while the amount and diversity of services cause high complexity of network systems. The network scale and complexity grow with the increasing infrastructure apparatuses, networking function, networking slices, and underlying architecture evolution. The conventional way is manual administration to maintain the large and complex platform, which makes effective and insightful management troublesome. A feasible and promising scheme is to extract insightful information from largely produced network data. The goal of this thesis is to use learning-based algorithms inspired by machine learning communities to discover valuable knowledge from substantial network data, which directly promotes intelligent management and maintenance. In the thesis, the management and maintenance focus on two schemes: network anomalies detection and root causes localization; critical traffic resource control and optimization. Firstly, the abundant network data wrap up informative messages but its heterogeneity and perplexity make diagnosis challenging. For unstructured logs, abstract and formatted log templates are extracted to regulate log records. An in-depth analysis framework based on heterogeneous data is proposed in order to detect the occurrence of faults and anomalies. It employs representation learning methods to map unstructured data into numerical features, and fuses the extracted feature for network anomaly and fault detection. The representation learning makes use of word2vec-based embedding technologies for semantic expression. Next, the fault and anomaly detection solely unveils the occurrence of events while failing to figure out the root causes for useful administration so that the fault localization opens a gate to narrow down the source of systematic anomalies. The extracted features are formed as the anomaly degree coupled with an importance ranking method to highlight the locations of anomalies in network systems. Two types of ranking modes are instantiated by PageRank and operation errors for jointly highlighting latent issue of locations. Besides the fault and anomaly detection, network traffic engineering deals with network communication and computation resource to optimize data traffic transferring efficiency. Especially when network traffic are constrained with communication conditions, a pro-active path planning scheme is helpful for efficient traffic controlling actions. Then a learning-based traffic planning algorithm is proposed based on sequence-to-sequence model to discover hidden reasonable paths from abundant traffic history data over the Software Defined Network architecture. Finally, traffic engineering merely based on empirical data is likely to result in stale and sub-optimal solutions, even ending up with worse situations. A resilient mechanism is required to adapt network flows based on context into a dynamic environment. Thus, a reinforcement learning-based scheme is put forward for dynamic data forwarding considering network resource status, which explicitly presents a promising performance improvement. In the end, the proposed anomaly processing framework strengthens the analysis and diagnosis for network system administrators through synthesized fault detection and root cause localization. The learning-based traffic engineering stimulates networking flow management via experienced data and further shows a promising direction of flexible traffic adjustment for ever-changing environments