72 research outputs found

    Privileged Words and Sturmian Words

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    This dissertation has two almost unrelated themes: privileged words and Sturmian words. Privileged words are a new class of words introduced recently. A word is privileged if it is a complete first return to a shorter privileged word, the shortest privileged words being letters and the empty word. Here we give and prove almost all results on privileged words known to date. On the other hand, the study of Sturmian words is a well-established topic in combinatorics on words. In this dissertation, we focus on questions concerning repetitions in Sturmian words, reproving old results and giving new ones, and on establishing completely new research directions. The study of privileged words presented in this dissertation aims to derive their basic properties and to answer basic questions regarding them. We explore a connection between privileged words and palindromes and seek out answers to questions on context-freeness, computability, and enumeration. It turns out that the language of privileged words is not context-free, but privileged words are recognizable by a linear-time algorithm. A lower bound on the number of binary privileged words of given length is proven. The main interest, however, lies in the privileged complexity functions of the Thue-Morse word and Sturmian words. We derive recurrences for computing the privileged complexity function of the Thue-Morse word, and we prove that Sturmian words are characterized by their privileged complexity function. As a slightly separate topic, we give an overview of a certain method of automated theorem-proving and show how it can be applied to study privileged factors of automatic words. The second part of this dissertation is devoted to Sturmian words. We extensively exploit the interpretation of Sturmian words as irrational rotation words. The essential tools are continued fractions and elementary, but powerful, results of Diophantine approximation theory. With these tools at our disposal, we reprove old results on powers occurring in Sturmian words with emphasis on the fractional index of a Sturmian word. Further, we consider abelian powers and abelian repetitions and characterize the maximum exponents of abelian powers with given period occurring in a Sturmian word in terms of the continued fraction expansion of its slope. We define the notion of abelian critical exponent for Sturmian words and explore its connection to the Lagrange spectrum of irrational numbers. The results obtained are often specialized for the Fibonacci word; for instance, we show that the minimum abelian period of a factor of the Fibonacci word is a Fibonacci number. In addition, we propose a completely new research topic: the square root map. We prove that the square root map preserves the language of any Sturmian word. Moreover, we construct a family of non-Sturmian optimal squareful words whose language the square root map also preserves.This construction yields examples of aperiodic infinite words whose square roots are periodic.Siirretty Doriast

    On a generalization of Abelian equivalence and complexity of infinite words

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    In this paper we introduce and study a family of complexity functions of infinite words indexed by k \in \ints ^+ \cup {+\infty}. Let k \in \ints ^+ \cup {+\infty} and AA be a finite non-empty set. Two finite words uu and vv in AA^* are said to be kk-Abelian equivalent if for all xAx\in A^* of length less than or equal to k,k, the number of occurrences of xx in uu is equal to the number of occurrences of xx in v.v. This defines a family of equivalence relations k\thicksim_k on A,A^*, bridging the gap between the usual notion of Abelian equivalence (when k=1k=1) and equality (when k=+).k=+\infty). We show that the number of kk-Abelian equivalence classes of words of length nn grows polynomially, although the degree is exponential in k.k. Given an infinite word \omega \in A^\nats, we consider the associated complexity function \mathcal {P}^{(k)}_\omega :\nats \rightarrow \nats which counts the number of kk-Abelian equivalence classes of factors of ω\omega of length n.n. We show that the complexity function P(k)\mathcal {P}^{(k)} is intimately linked with periodicity. More precisely we define an auxiliary function q^k: \nats \rightarrow \nats and show that if Pω(k)(n)<qk(n)\mathcal {P}^{(k)}_{\omega}(n)<q^k(n) for some k \in \ints ^+ \cup {+\infty} and n0,n\geq 0, the ω\omega is ultimately periodic. Moreover if ω\omega is aperiodic, then Pω(k)(n)=qk(n)\mathcal {P}^{(k)}_{\omega}(n)=q^k(n) if and only if ω\omega is Sturmian. We also study kk-Abelian complexity in connection with repetitions in words. Using Szemer\'edi's theorem, we show that if ω\omega has bounded kk-Abelian complexity, then for every D\subset \nats with positive upper density and for every positive integer N,N, there exists a kk-Abelian NN power occurring in ω\omega at some position $j\in D.

    Abelian-Square-Rich Words

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    An abelian square is the concatenation of two words that are anagrams of one another. A word of length nn can contain at most Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) distinct factors, and there exist words of length nn containing Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) distinct abelian-square factors, that is, distinct factors that are abelian squares. This motivates us to study infinite words such that the number of distinct abelian-square factors of length nn grows quadratically with nn. More precisely, we say that an infinite word ww is {\it abelian-square-rich} if, for every nn, every factor of ww of length nn contains, on average, a number of distinct abelian-square factors that is quadratic in nn; and {\it uniformly abelian-square-rich} if every factor of ww contains a number of distinct abelian-square factors that is proportional to the square of its length. Of course, if a word is uniformly abelian-square-rich, then it is abelian-square-rich, but we show that the converse is not true in general. We prove that the Thue-Morse word is uniformly abelian-square-rich and that the function counting the number of distinct abelian-square factors of length 2n2n of the Thue-Morse word is 22-regular. As for Sturmian words, we prove that a Sturmian word sαs_{\alpha} of angle α\alpha is uniformly abelian-square-rich if and only if the irrational α\alpha has bounded partial quotients, that is, if and only if sαs_{\alpha} has bounded exponent.Comment: To appear in Theoretical Computer Science. Corrected a flaw in the proof of Proposition

    All Growth Rates of Abelian Exponents Are Attained by Infinite Binary Words

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    We consider repetitions in infinite words by making a novel inquiry to the maximum eventual growth rate of the exponents of abelian powers occurring in an infinite word. Given an increasing, unbounded function f: ? ? ?, we construct an infinite binary word whose abelian exponents have limit superior growth rate f. As a consequence, we obtain that every nonnegative real number is the critical abelian exponent of some infinite binary word

    Combinatorics on Words. New Aspects on Avoidability, Defect Effect, Equations and Palindromes

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    In this thesis we examine four well-known and traditional concepts of combinatorics on words. However the contexts in which these topics are treated are not the traditional ones. More precisely, the question of avoidability is asked, for example, in terms of k-abelian squares. Two words are said to be k-abelian equivalent if they have the same number of occurrences of each factor up to length k. Consequently, k-abelian equivalence can be seen as a sharpening of abelian equivalence. This fairly new concept is discussed broader than the other topics of this thesis. The second main subject concerns the defect property. The defect theorem is a well-known result for words. We will analyze the property, for example, among the sets of 2-dimensional words, i.e., polyominoes composed of labelled unit squares. From the defect effect we move to equations. We will use a special way to define a product operation for words and then solve a few basic equations over constructed partial semigroup. We will also consider the satisfiability question and the compactness property with respect to this kind of equations. The final topic of the thesis deals with palindromes. Some finite words, including all binary words, are uniquely determined up to word isomorphism by the position and length of some of its palindromic factors. The famous Thue-Morse word has the property that for each positive integer n, there exists a factor which cannot be generated by fewer than n palindromes. We prove that in general, every non ultimately periodic word contains a factor which cannot be generated by fewer than 3 palindromes, and we obtain a classification of those binary words each of whose factors are generated by at most 3 palindromes. Surprisingly these words are related to another much studied set of words, Sturmian words.Siirretty Doriast

    Ten Conferences WORDS: Open Problems and Conjectures

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    In connection to the development of the field of Combinatorics on Words, we present a list of open problems and conjectures that were stated during the ten last meetings WORDS. We wish to continually update the present document by adding informations concerning advances in problems solving

    Relations on words

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    In the first part of this survey, we present classical notions arising in combinatorics on words: growth function of a language, complexity function of an infinite word, pattern avoidance, periodicity and uniform recurrence. Our presentation tries to set up a unified framework with respect to a given binary relation. In the second part, we mainly focus on abelian equivalence, kk-abelian equivalence, combinatorial coefficients and associated relations, Parikh matrices and MM-equivalence. In particular, some new refinements of abelian equivalence are introduced