16,437 research outputs found

    Relative abundance and size composition of subtidal abalone, Haliotis spp., sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus spp., and abundance of sea stars off Fitzgerald marine reserve, September 1993

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    Data were collected at twenty-six dive stations at seven discrete latitudes along Fitzgerald Marine Reserve (FMR). Dive stations were targeted at three stratified depth zones: shallow (6.1 m), medium (10.7 m), and deep (16.8 m) in six of the seven locations. Two types of line transects, emergent and invasive, were completed by separate dive teams at each dive station. The area surveyed totalled 1,510 m2 for emergent and 560 m2 for invasive transects. Reef habitat dominated all depth zones, with moveable boulder and cobble increasing at medium and shallow depths. Encrusting coraline and surface algae dominated (49%), followed by turf (37%), sub-canopy (11.2%), and rare canopy (0.2%). Canopy was found only at shallow depths. Turf and sub-canopy decreased with depth. Only two species of abalone, red, Haliotis rufescens, and flat, H. walallensis, were found. Flat abalone were extremely rare with only two found on invasive transects (0.004 abalone m-2). Red abalone densities were low at both emergent (0.02 abalone m-2, s.e.=O.Ol) and invasive (0.07 abalone m-2, s.e.=0.03 ) transects. Red abalone concentrations differed significantly by depth and location. No abalone were found at deep depths and only one sport-legal (178 mm shell length) abalone was found at medium depth. One commercial legal (198 mm shell length) abalone was found on the entire survey. Most sport-legal abalone were located in cryptic habitat in shallow invasive transects (38%), compared to 7% on emergent transects. The only evidence of recruitment was found on invasive transects where three young-of-the-year (<=31 mm shell length) red abalone were found. Evidence from our survey and other sources suggests that sport and commercial fisheries are not sustainable off the San Mateo coast. Red urchin, Stongylocentrotus franciscanus, were more abundant than purple urchin, S. purpuratus, or red abalone. Red urchin densities were lower in emergent (1.08 urchin m-2,s.e.=0.04) than invasive (1.52, s.e.=0.06 m-2) transects. Densities of red urchin at deep stations in areas of lower algal abundance and potentially greater commercial fishing pressure were about one-half the densities at medium and shallow depths. ANOVA showed significant differences by depth and location. Mean Test Diameter (MTD) increased from deep to medium to shallow depths, while juvenile (<=50 mm) MTD showed an inverse relationship with depth. Shallow-depth invasive transects revealed a missing mode of 83 mm red urchin. This size mode was not found in emergent transects, probably due to cryptic habitat. Purple urchin were found at low densities at all three depth strata. Purple urchin densities were comparable in emergent (0.11 urchin m-2, s.e.=0.02 ) and invasive (0.09 urchin m-2,s.e.=0.03) transects. ANOVA showed densities varied significantly by location but not depth. 'Juvenile' purple urchin abundance showed an inverse relation to juvenile red urchin, increasing from deep to shallow depths. Purple urchin MTD of 84 mm (s.d.=23) was larger than reported for intertidal areas off FMR. Sea stars were found in high abundance off FMR. Bat stars, Asterina minata, had the highest densities (0.79 sea stars m-2, s.e.=0.03) followed by Pisaster sp. (0.47 sea stars m-2,s.e.=0.03 ), and sunflower stars, Pycnopodia helianthoides, (0.11 sea stars m-2, s.e.=0.04). Pisaster sp. was the only group of sea stars where differences in density were significant by depth or location. (30pp.

    Biomineral repair of Abalone shell apertures

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    The shell of the gastropod mollusc, abalone, is comprised of nacre with an outer prismatic layer that is composed of either calcite or aragonite or both, depending on the species. A striking characteristic of the abalone shell is the row of apertures along the dorsal margin. As the organism and shell grow, new apertures are formed and the preceding ones are filled in. Detailed investigations, using electron backscatter diffraction, of the infill in three species of abalone: Haliotis asinina, Haliotis gigantea and Haliotis rufescens reveals that, like the shell, the infill is composed mainly of nacre with an outer prismatic layer. The infill prismatic layer has identical mineralogy as the original shell prismatic layer. In H. asinina and H. gigantea, the prismatic layer of the shell and infill are made of aragonite while in H. rufescens both are composed of calcite. Abalone builds the infill material with the same high level of biological control, replicating the structure, mineralogy and crystallographic orientation as for the shell. The infill of abalone apertures presents us with insight into what is, effectively, shell repair

    Red abalone size data from Johnsons Lee, Santa Rosa Island, collected from 1978 to 1984

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    Red abalone, Haliotis rufescens, were collected at Johnsons Lee, Santa Rosa Island, in the summers of 1978 through 1982, and in 1984, to obtain data for determining various fishery population parameters. Annual visits to the study site were made at yearly intervals to simplify growth calculations. During the first four visits, 2145 red abalones were tagged, measured, and replaced. Shell damage, soft tissue injuries, and causes of mortality were noted. The method of tagging is described. Recovery of first tagged abalone after one year was approximately 30%. Analysis of variance of the annual samples indicated that the samples were, with one exception, not different. Summaries are presented of the number of abalone collected and tagged by year, frequencies of shell damage, soft tissue injury, predatory sponge infestation, and total mortality. Appendices include a listing of the raw size data and various codes for each tagged abalone. (56pp.


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    Absol u te growth and shell color of juvenile H asinina was moni tored over a period of 2-months in an experiment consisting of 8 treatments with 3 repl icates (n = !O individuals per replicate). The treatments were: fresh red seaweed ( Gracillaria verrucosa), and green algae ( Viva lactuca) and 6 formulated . feeds using different seaweed meals. This study is an attempt made on the effects of partially replacing fish meal with aigae (U lactuca) of the formulated feeds on the growth This preliminary study investigated the effect of seaweed and formulated feed on the growth, the shell color of this abalone and survival of abalone. The result s showed that the absolute growth of abalone fed by macroalgae G.verrucosa higher .than abalone fed with other feed and significantly different from the makroalgae U lactuca and others feeds fommlated. Results showed that abalones fed the seaweed G. 'verrucosa and formulated feed with G. verrucosa meal had dark - brown shells. However, abalones fod with makroalgae U !actuca and either of the formulated feeds (with spiru1ina) and formulated feeds (with U lactuca meal) remarkably had the s2me good growth performance and green shell appea;:ance. Investigations showed that seaweeds meal could be the better replacement for fish meal in pelleted feeds of H asinina. Keywords : abalone, growth, formulated feed, seaweed, seaweed mea

    Diablo canyon power plant site ecological study Quarterly Report No. 1; July 1 - September 30, 1973

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    The second phase of ecological studies at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant site was initiated in July 1973. The first, phase conducted during 1970-71 involved baseline ecological surveys with special reference to abalone and bony fishes. The objectives of this second phase are to quantitativey monitor abalone and algal communities, including predators and competitors, along permanent intertidal and subtidal transects established during the first phase. During the quarter nine permanent transects were located and marked with new buoys. Surveys on seven of these transects were completed, and the commercial sea urchin and red abalone fisheries operating in the Diablo Cove area were monitored. Sea otter activities between Diablo Cove and Pt. Buchon were recorded to determine the location of the herd and their general food habits. Little evidence of feeding activity has been observed in Diablo Cove. Temperature tolerance studies, began in March 1973 on red abalones, were continued. Problems in obtaining viable abalone larvae hampered this project.(11pp.

    Using an inverse-logistic model to describe growth increments of blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra) in Tasmania

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    A new description of growth in blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra) with the use of an inverse-logistic model is introduced. The inverse-logistic model avoids the disadvantageous assumptions of either rapid or slow growth for small and juvenile individuals implied by the von Bertalanffy and Gompertz growth models, respectively, and allows for indeterminate growth where necessary. An inverse-logistic model was used to estimate the expected mean growth increment for different black-lip abalone populations around southern Tasmania, Australia. Estimates of the time needed for abalone to grow from settlement until recruitment (at 138 mm shell length) into the fishery varied from eight to nine years. The variability of the residuals about the predicted mean growth increments was described with either a second inverse-logistic relationship (standard deviation vs. initial length) or by a power relationship (standard deviation vs. predicted growth increment). The inverse-logistic model can describe linear growth of small and juvenile abalone (as observed in Tasmania), as well as a spectrum of growth possibilities, from determinate to indeterminate growth (a spectrum that would lead to a spread of maximum lengths)

    Abalone farming in South Africa: an overview with perspectives on kelp resources, abalone feed, potential for on-farm seaweed production and socio-economic importance

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    The South African abalone cultivation industry has developed rapidly and is now the largest producer outside Asia. With a rapid decline in wild abalone fisheries, farming now dominates the abalone export market in South Africa. Kelp (Ecklonia maxima) constitutes the major feed for farmed abalone in South Africa, but this resource is now approaching limits of sustainable harvesting in kelp Concession Areas where abalone farms are concentrated. This paper gives an overview of the development of the South African abalone industry and analyses how abalone farming, natural kelp beds and seaweed harvesting are interlinked. It discusses options and constraints for expanding the abalone industry, focussing especially on abalone feed development to meet this growing demand. Kelp will continue to play an important role as feed and kelp areas previously not utilised may become cost-effective to harvest. There are many benefits from on-farm seaweed production and it will probably be a part of future expansion of the abalone industry. Abalone waste discharges are not at present regarded as a major concern and farming brings important employment opportunities to lower income groups in remote coastal communities and has positive spill-over effects on the seaweed industry and abalone processing industry.Web of Scienc

    The use of multibeam sonar mapping techniques to refine population estimates of the endangered white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni)

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    Multibeam sonar mapping techniques provide detailed benthic habitat information that can be combined with the data on species-specific habitat preferences to provide highly accurate calculations of populations in a particular area. The amount of suitable habitat available for the endangered white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni) was quantified to aid in obtaining an accurate estimate of the number of remaining individuals at two offshore banks and one island site off the coast of southern California. Habitat was mapped by using multibeam sonar survey techniques and categorized by using rugosity and topographic position analysis. Abalone densities were evaluated by using a remotely operated vehicle and video transect methods. The total amount of suitable habitat at these three sites was far greater than that previously estimated. Therefore, although present estimates of white abalone densities are several orders of magnitude lower than historic estimates, the total population is likely larger than previously reported because of the additional amount of habitat surveyed in this study

    Diablo Canyon Power Plant site ecological study Quarterly Report No. 2; October 1 - December 31, 1973

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    During the period October 1 - December 31, 1973, Fall surveys of permanent subtidal stations were completed with one station being surveyed. We were unable to locate 3 subtidal stations. Intertidal studies were initiated in November. A total of 12 random stations was surveyed. Interviews were conducted with commercial abalone fishermen working between Pt. Buchon to Pecho Rock. We continued to monitor the sea otter herd foraging between Pt. Buchon and Lion Rock. Progress was achieved in the abalone temperature tolerance studies when a successful spawning occurred. (20pp.
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