50 research outputs found

    Optimal design and experimental verification of a spherical-wheel composite robot with automatic transformation system

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    This paper presents a design for a dual-mode prototype robot with the advantages of both a spherical robot and wheeled robot. A spherical robot has flexible movement capabilities, and the spherical shell can protect the mechanism and electronic devices. A wheeled mobile robot operates at high speed on a flat road. Its simple structure and control system has made it a popular choice in the field of robotics. Our objective was to develop a new concept robot capable of combining two different locomotion mechanisms to increase the locomotion stability and efficiency. The proposed mobile robot prototype was found to be capable and suitable in different situations. The exchange of modes between the spherical and the wheeled robot was realized by a structural change of the robot. The spherical-wheel mobile robot prototype is composed of a deformable spherical shell system, the propulsion system for the sphere and a wheeled mobile unit module. The exchange of locomotion modes was implemented by changing the geometric structure of spherical shell. The mechanical structure of the composite robot is presented in detail as well as the control system including hardware components and the software. The control system allowed for the automatic transformation of the composite robot between either of the locomotion modes. Based on analysis and simulation, the mechanism was optimized in its configuration and dimension to guarantee that robot had a compact structure and high efficiency. Finally, the experimental results of the transformation and motion processes provided dynamic motion parameters and verified the feasibility of the robot prototype

    Hybrid mobile robots able to operate in the university campus

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    Tato práce se zabývá rešerší aktuálně známých hybridních podvozků mobilních robotů, včetně posouzení různých typů kol, pásů a dalších prostředků lokomoce a stanovení potenciálních výhod a nevýhod pro každý nalezený podvozek. Dále uvádí přehled všech možných překážek pro mobilní roboty, které se nacházejí v areálu FSI VUT, včetně jejich klíčových parametrů a analyzuje vhodnost použití jednotlivých platforem pro překonání těchto překážek. Pomocí multikriteriálního hodnocení vybírá nejvhodnější variantu podvozku.This thesis describes actually known hybrid mobile robots platforms including analysis of different types of wheels, tracks and other instruments of locomotion. Sets potencial advantages and disadvantages for every found platform. Thesis shows all possible hindrances for mobile robots in the university campus, including hindrance parameters. Multicriterial valuation’s basic metod takes out optimal variant of platform.

    Development of track-driven agriculture robot with terrain classification functionality / Khairul Azmi Mahadhir

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    Over the past years, many robots have been devised to facilitate agricultural activities (that are labor-intensive in nature) so that they can carry out tasks such as crop care or selective harvesting with minimum human supervision. It is commonly observed that rapid change in terrain conditions can jeopardize the performance and efficiency of a robot when performing agricultural activity. For instance, a terrain covered with gravel produces high vibration to robot when traversing on the surface. In this work, an agricultural robot is embedded with machine learning algorithm based on Support Vector Machine (SVM). The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Support Vector Machine in recognizing different terrain conditions in an agriculture field. A test bed equipped with a tracked-driven robot and three types o f terrain i.e. sand, gravel and vegetation has been developed. A small and low power MEMS accelerometer is integrated into the robot for measuring the vertical acceleration. In this experiment, the vibration signals resulted from the interaction between the robot and the different type of terrain were collected. An extensive experimental study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of SVM. The results in terms of accuracy of two machine learning techniques based on terrain classification are analyzed and compared. The results show that the robot that is equipped with an SVM can recognize different terrain conditions effectively. Such capability enables the robot to traverse across changing terrain conditions without being trapped in the field. Hence, this research work contributes to develop a self-adaptive agricultural robot in coping with different terrain conditions with minimum human supervision

    Comparing Feedback Linearization and Adaptive Backstepping Control for Airborne Orientation of Agile Ground Robots using Wheel Reaction Torque

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    In this paper, two nonlinear methods for stabilizing the orientation of a Four-Wheel Independent Drive and Steering (4WIDS) robot while in the air are analyzed, implemented in simulation, and compared. AGRO (the Agile Ground Robot) is a 4WIDS inspection robot that can be deployed into unsafe environments by being thrown, and can use the reaction torque from its four wheels to command its orientation while in the air. Prior work has demonstrated on a hardware prototype that simple PD control with hand-tuned gains is sufficient, but hardly optimal, to stabilize the orientation in under 500ms. The goal of this work is to decrease the stabilization time and reject disturbances using nonlinear control methods. A model-based Feedback Linearization (FL) was added to compensate for the nonlinear Coriolis terms. However, with external disturbances, model uncertainty and sensor noise, the FL controller does not guarantee stability. As an alternative, a second controller was developed using backstepping methods with an adaptive compensator for external disturbances, model uncertainty, and sensor offset. The controller was designed using Lyapunov analysis. A simulation was written using the full nonlinear dynamics of AGRO in an isotropic steering configuration in which control authority over its pitch and roll are equalized. The PD+FL control method was compared to the backstepping control method using the same initial conditions in simulation. Both the backstepping controller and the PD+FL controller stabilized the system within 250 milliseconds. The adaptive backstepping controller was also able to achieve this performance with the adaptation law enabled and compensating for offset noisy sinusoidal disturbances.Comment: First Submission to IEEE Letters on Control Systems (L-CSS) with the American Controls Conference (ACC) Optio

    Towards an advanced mobility of wheeled robots on difficult terrain

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    Optimal design and experimental verification of a spherical-wheel composite robot with automatic transformation system

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    This paper presents a design for a dual-mode prototype robot with the advantages of both a spherical robot and wheeled robot. A spherical robot has flexible movement capabilities, and the spherical shell can protect the mechanism and electronic devices. A wheeled mobile robot operates at high speed on a flat road. Its simple structure and control system has made it a popular choice in the field of robotics. Our objective was to develop a new concept robot capable of combining two different locomotion mechanisms to increase the locomotion stability and efficiency. The proposed mobile robot prototype was found to be capable and suitable in different situations. The exchange of modes between the spherical and the wheeled robot was realized by a structural change of the robot. The spherical-wheel mobile robot prototype is composed of a deformable spherical shell system, the propulsion system for the sphere and a wheeled mobile unit module. The exchange of locomotion modes was implemented by changing the geometric structure of spherical shell. The mechanical structure of the composite robot is presented in detail as well as the control system including hardware components and the software. The control system allowed for the automatic transformation of the composite robot between either of the locomotion modes. Based on analysis and simulation, the mechanism was optimized in its configuration and dimension to guarantee that robot had a compact structure and high efficiency. Finally, the experimental results of the transformation and motion processes provided dynamic motion parameters and verified the feasibility of the robot prototype

    An Overview of Legged Robots

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    The objective of this paper is to present the evolution and the state-of-theart in the area of legged locomotion systems. In a first phase different possibilities for mobile robots are discussed, namely the case of artificial legged locomotion systems, while emphasizing their advantages and limitations. In a second phase an historical overview of the evolution of these systems is presented, bearing in mind several particular cases often considered as milestones on the technological and scientific progress. After this historical timeline, some of the present day systems are examined and their performance is analyzed. In a third phase are pointed out the major areas for research and development that are presently being followed in the construction of legged robots. Finally, some of the problems still unsolved, that remain defying robotics research, are also addressed.N/

    Secured force guidance of an omnidirectional non-holonomic platform

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    For robots to operate in real life settings, they must be able to physically interact with the environment, and for instance be able to react to force-guidance interactions. However, only a few research projects have addressed such capabilities, developing prototypes that have to be pushed from their handle bars. AZIMUT-3 is a novel omnidirectional non-holonomic mobile robot developed at IntRoLab (Intelligent, Interactive and Interdisciplinary Robot Lab, Université de Sherbrooke) with force-controlled active steering. This results in a horizontal suspension effect for which the mechanical impedance of the steering actuators can be controlled. This makes the platform ideal for developing physical guidance algorithms. One such algorithm is secured shared-control, making the platform go in the direction of the user pushing the robot while still making it move safely by avoiding obstacles. Such capability is somewhat novel in the field, and the objective is to provide safe navigation with maximum control to the user. This Master's thesis has two important contributions: an algorithm to estimate the applied efforts on AZIMUT-3 from torque measurements on its wheels; an algorithm to use these efforts with obstacle detection using laser range finder data to implement a safe, shared-control approach. Experimental results using the real platform demonstrate feasibility and safe control of the system, with performances similar to using a six degrees of freedom force sensor but at lower cost and with a broader area for shared control. Our implementation also resulted in coupling the simulation environment Webots with the ROS (Robot Operating System) library from Willow Garage, to help develop our approach in simulation before using AZIMUT-3. Overall, our work is the first in demonstrating how it is possible to naturally interact by physically moving or positioning a mobile platform in real life settings, a capability which could be useful for instance in the design of powered shopping carts or active walkers