7 research outputs found

    Designing Sustainable Technologies, Products and Policies

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    This open access book provides insight into the implementation of Life Cycle approaches along the entire business value chain, supporting environmental, social and economic sustainability related to the development of industrial technologies, products, services and policies; and the development and management of smart agricultural systems, smart mobility systems, urban infrastructures and energy for the built environment. The book is based on papers presented at the 8th International Life Cycle Management Conference that took place from September 3-6, 2017 in Luxembourg, and which was organized by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and the University of Luxembourg in the framework of the LCM Conference Series.

    Flexibility services for distribution network operation

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    On the way towards a low carbon electricity system, flexibility has become one of the main sources for achieving it. Flexibility can be understood as the ability of a power system to cope with the variability and uncertainty of demand and supply. Both the generation-side and the demand-side can provide it. This research is focused on the role of the demand-side flexibility for providing a service to the distribution system operator, who manages the medium and low-voltage network. By activating this flexibility from the demand-side to the distribution network operator, the latter can avoid or mitigate congestions in the network and prevent grid reinforcement. This thesis starts with analyzing the current state of the art in the field of local electricity markets, setting the baseline for flexibility products in power systems. As a result of the previous analysis, the definition of flexibility is developed more specifically, considering the flexible assets to be controlled, the final client using this flexibility and the time horizon for this flexibility provision. Following the previous step, an aggregated flexibility forecast model is developed, considering a flexibility portfolio based on different flexible assets such as electric vehicles, water boilers, and electric space heaters. The signal is then modeled under a system-oriented approach for providing a service to the distribution network operator under the operation timeline on a day-ahead basis. The flexibility required by the distribution network operator is then calculated through an optimization problem, considering the flexibility activation costs and the network power flow constraints. Finally, since this scenario aims to lower the environmental impacts of the power system, its sustainability is assessed with the life-cycle assessment, considering the entire life cycle and evaluating it in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. This approach enhances the analysis of the potential role of flexibility in the power system, quantifying whether, in all cases, there is a reduction of emissions when shifting the consumption from peak hours to non-peak hours.En el cam铆 cap a un sistema el猫ctric amb baixes emissions de carboni, la flexibilitat s'ha convertit en una de les principals fonts per aconseguir-ho. La flexibilitat es pot entendre com la capacitat d'un sistema de reaccionar davant la variabilitat i la incertesa provocades per la demanda i la generaci贸. Tant la part de la generaci贸 com el costat de la demanda tenen actius per a poder proporcionar-ho. La recerca presentada en aquest manuscrit est脿 enfocada en el paper de la flexibilitat oferta per la demanda, per a proporcionar un servei a l'operador del sistema de distribuci贸, que gestiona les xarxes de mitja i baixa tensi贸. Gr脿cies a l'activaci贸 de la flexibilitat de la demanda, l'operador de les xarxes de distribuci贸 pot evitar o mitigar la congesti贸 de la xarxa i evitar-ne les inversions per a refor莽ar-la, aix铆 com el seu impacte ambiental. Aquesta tesi comen莽a amb l'an脿lisi de l'estat de l'art en el camp dels mercats d'electricitat locals, establint-ne la l铆nia base per a la definici贸 dels productes de flexibilitat en els sistemes el猫ctrics. Com a resultat de l'estudi anterior, la definici贸 de flexibilitat es desenvolupa m茅s espec铆ficament, considerant els actius flexibles que han de controlar-se, el client final que utilitza aquesta flexibilitat i l'horitz贸 temporal per a aquesta disposici贸 de flexibilitat. A continuaci贸 es desenvolupa un model de predicci贸 de flexibilitat agregada, considerant una cartera de flexibilitat basada en diferents actius flexibles, com ara vehicles el猫ctrics, calderes d'aigua i escalfadors el猫ctrics, gestionats per la figura de l鈥檃gregador. El senyal es modela sota un enfocament orientat al sistema per proporcionar un servei a l'operador de la xarxa de distribuci贸, per un horitz贸 temporal corresponent a l'operaci贸 de la xarxa de mitja i baixa tensi贸. El resultat 茅s un model de la flexibilitat que pot oferir l鈥檃gregador. Una vegada desenvolupat el model de flexibilitat pel costat de l鈥檃gregador, la tesi s鈥檈nfoca al c脿lcul de la flexibilitat requerida per l鈥檕perador de la xarxa de distribuci贸. Aix貌 es desenvolupa mitjan莽ant un problema d'optimitzaci贸, tenint en compte els costos d'activaci贸 de la flexibilitat, la localitzaci贸 dels punts on s鈥檌njectar脿 la flexibilitat i les restriccions de flux de pot猫ncia de la xarxa de distribuci贸. Finalment, at猫s que aquest escenari pret茅n reduir l'impacte mediambiental del sistema el猫ctric, la seva sostenibilitat s'avalua considerant tot el cicle de vida de les tecnologies que hi participen, i avaluant-la en termes d'emissions de gasos d'efecte d'hivernacle. L'煤s d'aquest enfocament millora l'an脿lisi del potencial paper de la flexibilitat en el sistema el猫ctric, quantificant si, en tots els casos, hi ha una reducci贸 de les emissions traslladant el consum de les hores punta a hores vall.Postprint (published version

    Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Both New and Rehabilitated

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    Buildings are one of the main causes of the emission of greenhouse gases in the world. Europe alone is responsible for more than 30% of emissions, or about 900 million tons of CO2 per year. Heating and air conditioning are the main cause of greenhouse gas emissions in buildings. Most buildings currently in use were built with poor energy efficiency criteria or, depending on the country and the date of construction, none at all. Therefore, regardless of whether construction regulations are becoming stricter, the real challenge nowadays is the energy rehabilitation of existing buildings. It is currently a priority to reduce (or, ideally, eliminate) the waste of energy in buildings and, at the same time, supply the necessary energy through renewable sources. The first can be achieved by improving the architectural design, construction methods, and materials used, as well as the efficiency of the facilities and systems; the second can be achieved through the integration of renewable energy (wind, solar, geothermal, etc.) in buildings. In any case, regardless of whether the energy used is renewable or not, the efficiency must always be taken into account. The most profitable and clean energy is that which is not consumed

    Empowering Communities, Beyond Energy Scarcity BIWAES 2021 Biennial International Workshop Advances in Energy Studies

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    This book focuses on the much-needed efforts to design sustainable, well-being-oriented economies, based on appropriate energy use in all sectors of a country麓s development. Carbon neutrality, energy efficiency and effectiveness, renewable energies, circular economy strategies, environmental consequences of energy use, engagement and empowerment of local communities in decision making, energy and environmental impacts of consumer behavior, and finally science-based approaches towards sustainable production and consumption are the main focus of the research activities described within this book. An effort to go beyond energy scarcity, to promote energy communities, to explore new technologies, and overall, to understand and address the population-lifestyle-energy nexus towards increased and shared well-being is the final result jointly provided by the book authors. All in all, the aim is for the book to be the starting point of a deeper research and understanding of the importance of a radical improvement in energy use in society, beyond considering energy as just a resource in the world market. Circular economy aspects are also investigated, showing the energy saving potential associated with the appropriate design and recovery of material resources

    Life Cycle Assessment on Green Building Implementation

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    Greenhouse-gas emissions have become one of the most impacting environmental issues in today鈥檚 society. A rapidly increasing trend in global CO2emissions particularly since the early nineties (23.64% since 1990) has led to the generation of about 50,000 million tons of CO2鈥揺quivalent (eqv) worldwide in 2010. According to mainstream climate experts, the increasing concentration of greenhouse-gases is having a warming effect on the world climate. To slow down global warming, there is a global focus on reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. Life cycle assessment in green building implementation is the focus of this Special Issue

    Energy Transition and Climate Change in Decision-making Processes

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    There is a growing concern about the climate; numerous voices stress that, in order to overcome the climate crisis, the transition to a low-carbon society is the most reasonable path to follow. In this type of society, individuals would be characterized by making mindful efforts to drastically decrease carbon and greenhouse gas emissions, and promote benign energy sources. In order to facilitate this transition, a social perspective in addition to technological, political and economic aspects must be integrated into the relevant decision-making processes. This is necessary because the public can strongly affect actions aimed at driving profound changes in traditional energy systems. To contribute to the effort of promoting energy transition, the Editors of this book invited scholars and practitioners conducting research in the areas of climate change and the energy transition to submit their work. This book includes studies that establish a valuable source of information which can be used to enhance decision-making processes which, in turn, can turn the energy transition into reality. Hopefully, efforts such as this collection of knowledge can help economies make a step towards a secure and sustainable energy future in which renewables will have replaced the centuries-long human dependence on fossil fuels