5 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Angka stunting di Indonesia berada pada peringkat kelima di dunia. Berdasarkan hasil Survei Status Gizi Indonesia tahun 2022 menunjukkan angka stunting sebesar 21,6%. Angka tersebut mengalami penurunan yang tidak signifikan dari tahun sebelumnya. Kurangnya pengetahuan dan kesadaran terkait pentingnya asupan gizi yang cukup selama hamil, pemberian ASI eksklusif yang tidak optimal dan pemberian makanan tambahan yang tidak tepat menjadi penyebab terjadinya stunting di Desa Randupadangan. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan pengetahuan para ibu balita di Desa Randupadangan terkait stunting serta pentingnya asupan gizi yang memadai. Metode pengabdian ini berupa sosialisasi (edukasi) terkait pencegahan stunting dan demo masak makanan tambahan untuk balita. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pada pukul 08.00–selesai di balai Desa Randupadangan, bersamaan dengan jadwal posyandu balita. Mitra kegiatan ini adalah 40 ibu balita. Kegiatan ini berjalan dengan baik, hal ini terlihat bahwa 100% kegiatan dilakukan sesuai dengan jadwal dan rundown acara yang telah ditentukan, 100% ibu balita menghadiri serangkaian kegiatan (40 ibu balita) dan 75% hasil post-test meningkat.Abstract: The stunting rate in Indonesia is ranked fifth in the world. Based on the results of the Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey in 2022, the stunting rate was 21.6%. This rate has decreased insignificantly from the previous year. Lack of knowledge and awareness about the importance of adequate nutritional intake during pregnancy, non-optimal exclusive breastfeeding and inappropriate supplementary feeding are the causes of stunting in Randupadangan Village. The purpose of this community service is to increase awareness and knowledge of mothers of toddlers in Randupadangan Village about stunting and the importance of adequate nutritional intake. This community service method are socialization (education) about stunting prevention and cooking demonstrations of supplementary food for toddlers. The implementation of activities at 08.00 until finish at the Randupadangan Village hall, along with the toddler posyandu schedule. The partners of this activity are 40 mothers of toddlers. This activity went well, it can be seen that 100% of the activities were carried out in accordance with the predetermined schedule and event rundown, 100% of mothers of toddlers attended a series of activities (40 mothers of toddlers) and 75% of post-test results increased


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    Kejadian Stunting menjadi isu yang signifikan dari banyak negara, termasuk Indonesia. Asupan makanan bergizi yang kurang dapat menghambat proses perkembangan pada anak. Karena anak sangat peka oleh penyakit terutama stunting yang menjadi ancaman. Kondisi stunting juga merupakan kondisi dimana tubuh anak tidak sesuai dengan teman seusianya, stunting dapat memberikan dampak yang buruk pada motorik anak. Selain itu penyebab langsung dari stunting yaitu salah satunya pola asuh orang tua, beberapa keluarga minim mengetahui bagaimana menyediakan asupan yang baik pada anak kemudian faktor ekonomi lainnyatidak mendukung untuk orang tua memenuhi kebutuhan anak oleh sebab itu gizi anak tidak terpenuhi dengan baik program ini bermaksud guna menyediakan pemahaman bagi ibu-ibu terkait olahan pembuatan makanan tambahan bagi balita dengan memanfaatkan bahan-bahan lokal yang tersedia di desa, seperti daun kelor yang dapat dibuat puding. Metode yang digunakan pada program ini melncakup tahap persiapan, perencanaan kegiatan, tahap pelaksanaan, metode pelaksanaan, dan relevansi kegiatan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah antusias masyarakat yang tinggi didukung oleh relawan posyandu lainnya untuk turut mensukseskan kegiatan program yang dilaksanakan. Masyarakat, khususnya ibu-ibu balita, dapat mengetahui produk-produk tersebut. Kata Kunci: Stunting; PMT; Pangan Loka

    Posyandu Sebagai Sentra Pendidikan Masyarakat Bagi Anak Usia Dini

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    The aim of the study was to identify the motivations for involvement of members of the Parumasaan rural community in Serang District in visiting Posyandu. Such studies are useful in broadening the horizons of early childhood development in rural areas in addition to disseminating the benefits for community-based early childhood education through Posyandu. Qualitative research methods are the main instrument with observation, interviews and documentation. The interviews were mainly addressed to the visitors from women. The results of the activities show that there are many Posyandu activities and programs that have an impact on the knowledge of visitors in caring for early childhood, whether received directly from the organizers or discussions with fellow mothers. Such knowledge can change people's mindset about nutrition and child development from an early ag

    Hubungan Tingkat Asupan Energi dan Protein Dengan Kejadian Gizi Kurang Anak Usia 2-5 Tahun

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    The prevalence of undernutrition on the children under 5 years old in Pulutan village is 6,9% it is higher than the others. Undernutrition is caused by some factors; food intake, infection, pattern of care, food pattern, cultural habit, healthy care, sanitation, education, knowledge, economic, politic, and social. The purpose of this research is to find the relation between energy intake and protein intake factors of undernutrition children age 2-5 years. The method used in this research is case control design. Population are children age 2-5 years who get undernutrition and wellnutrition in Pulutan village. Sampel are 21 cases and 21 controls by random. Independent variables are energy intake and protein intake.Dependent variable is children nutritional status. The data nutritional status were gathered using standart antropometric prosedures, the data of energy and protein intake were gathered from recall 2x24 hours. Corellation between variables were tested using Chi Square or FisherExact and multiple regressions logistic. There is relation between protein intake with nutritional status (x2=4,725; p=0,03). There is not relation between energy intake with nutritional status (x2=1,003; p=0,317). Byusing multiple regression logistic there is relation between protein intake with nutritional status (p=0,042; RP=14,4), relation energy intake with nutritional status (p=0,802; RP=0,7). The Conclusion is Determinant factor undernutrition children age 2-5 years of Pulutan village is protein intake.Keywords : energy intake, protein intake, undernutrition, children age 2-5 years

    Analisis Program Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (Pmt) terhadap Status Gizi Anak di Posyandu Kelurahan Sembungharjo Semarang

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze and describe the supplementary feeding program (PMT) on the nutritional status of childrend. Supplementary feeding (PMT) is an important component. This PMT aims to improve the condition of nutritionally vulnerable groups who suffer from malnutrition, especially toddlers. The food ingredients used in PMT should be materials that are locally available or can be produced, so that the possibility of the program being sustainable is greater. Provision of additional food aims to ensure that children always get all types of nutrients needed in appropriate quantities and there is no weight loss. As well as the fulfillment of good nutritional status in children. Nutritional status is also influenced by food intake. Lack of energy consumption can lead to malnutrition and if it continues, it can lead to malnutrition. According to data from the Semarang City Health Office in 2011, the prevalence of malnutrition among children under five was 0.98% and malnutrition was 0.06%. In further analysis, the analysis is additional food with sufficient nutritional content for children, does not contain additional, and an affordable price for the family economy. This research is a descriptive qualitative study. Data analysis was carried out using observation and interviews