411 research outputs found

    Interview with Endre Szemerédi

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    Endre Szemerédi is the recipient of the 2012 Abel Prize of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. This interview was conducted in Oslo in May 2012 in conjuction with the Abel Prize celebration


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    Islamic Finance: From Niche To Mainstream In The Academic World

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    Not very long ago the practicability of Islamic banking and finance was not taken seriously, and writing on such topics was considered simply a mental exercise in vain. Opportunity of teaching and learning Islamic economics, banking and finance was unheard. But the situation at present has completely changed. At present it is the most discussed and practiced area of Islamic economics. It has received global recognition. Now there is a vast variety of degree programmes in the Western universities, with different specializations. The present paper aims to shed light on the rapid development of Islamic finance in the academic circle all over the world. At the concluding note it strongly recommends for keeping close tie between its theoretical development and practical advancement

    Annual Report 2019 - Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research

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    The Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research conducts materials research for future applications in, e.g., information technology. To this end, we make use of the various possibilities offered by our Ion Beam Center (IBC) for synthesis, modification, and analysis of thin films and nanostructures, as well as of the free-electron laser FELBE at HZDR for THz spectroscopy. The analyzed materials range from semiconductors and oxides to metals and magnetic materials. They are investigated with the goal to optimize their electronic, magnetic, optical as well as structural functionality. This research is embedded in the Helmholtz Association’s programme “From Matter to Materials and Life”. Seven publications from last year are highlighted in this Annual Report to illustrate the wide scientific spectrum of our institute. After the scientific evaluation in the framework of the Helmholtz Programme-Oriented Funding (POF) in 2018 we had some time to concentrate on science again before end of the year a few of us again had to prepare for the strategic evaluation which took place in January 2020, which finally was also successful for the Institute

    Children's Music in the Southern Baptist Convention: An Ethnographic Study of Four Churches in Maryland Examining the Effects of Doctrine and Local Church Autonomy on Children's Music

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    The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is the largest Protestant denomination and the largest group of Baptists in the United States. Furthermore, LifeWay Christian Resources, the Southern Baptist publishing house, is the largest Christian publisher in the United States, producing various literature and media resources, including music material for children. However, the autonomous nature of the local Baptist church gives it absolute freedom to choose programs and materials apart from the Southern Baptist National Convention and LifeWay. This study examines the dynamics of the relationship between the National Convention and the local church as it pertains to children's music. The study looks at the theological and organizational framework on the national level and the local church level and how they affect children and children's music in an autonomous local church setting. The study reveals that all resources and programs related to children on the local church and national convention level, such as children's choir and Vacation Bible School, and Sunday school, are directed towards teaching the children about the two most fundamental concepts of the faith, these are conversion (how to become a Christian) and worship (how to commune with God). The SBC curriculum for children is undergirded by Howard Gardener's theory of multiple intelligences, and makes extensive use of creative movement and American Sign Language to capture children's attention. However, the nature of local church autonomy gives each church the freedom to tailor SBC curriculum to its specific needs or to choose a curriculum from another denomination altogether

    South Carolina Conference Journal 1986

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    Relating Description Complexity to Entropy

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    We demonstrate some novel links between entropy and description complexity, a notion referring to the minimal formula length for specifying given properties. Let MLU be the logic obtained by extending propositional logic with the universal modality, and let GMLU be the corresponding extension with the ability to count. In the finite, MLU is expressively complete for specifying sets of variable assignments, while GMLU is expressively complete for multisets. We show that for MLU, the model classes with maximal Boltzmann entropy are the ones with maximal description complexity. Concerning GMLU, we show that expected Boltzmann entropy is asymptotically equivalent to expected description complexity multiplied by the number of proposition symbols considered. To contrast these results, we prove that this link breaks when we move to considering first-order logic FO over vocabularies with higher-arity relations. To establish the aforementioned result, we show that almost all finite models require relatively large FO-formulas to define them. Our results relate to links between Kolmogorov complexity and entropy, demonstrating a way to conceive such results in the logic-based scenario where relational structures are classified by formulas of different sizes
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