182 research outputs found

    UPC system for the 2016 MediaEval multimodal person discovery in broadcast TV task

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    The UPC system works by extracting monomodal signal segments (face tracks, speech segments) that overlap with the person names overlaid in the video signal. These segments are assigned directly with the name of the person and used as a reference to compare against the non-overlapping (unassigned) signal segments. This process is performed independently both on the speech and video signals. A simple fusion scheme is used to combine both monomodal annotations into a single one.Postprint (published version

    Integration of speech biometrics in a phone payment system: text-independent speaker verification

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    Integration of a speaker recognition system in a payment system by phone.Nowadays, the integration of biometrics in security systems is a prominent research and application field. Also, it is clear that speech is the most common form of communication, which makes a swell candidate. While using speech as a biometric, one could say there are two types of systems that should be analyzed: those systems which do know what the speaker is going to say upon verification and those that do not. This degree thesis offers an overview of both systems, focusing on those that do not know what the speaker is going to say beforehand, also known as textindependent systems. To be able to determine which would be the best approach to integrate speech biometrics into a security system, both types of systems are compared; and two methodologies are also analyzed for the text-independent system. To conclude, one of those methodologies is implemented in a software library which allows the creation a text-independent speaker verification system.En l’actualitat, la integració de biometries en els sistemes de seguretat és una branca d’investigació i aplicacions prominent. A més a més, la veu és un dels mitjans més comuns de comunicació, cosa que fa que sigui una bona candidata per a aquests sistemes. Si prenem la parla com a biometria, es pot dir que hi ha dos tipus de sistemes bastant diferenciats a analitzar: aquells sistemes els quals saben el que dirà la persona que s’intenta verificar i aquells que no saben el que dirà. Aquest treball ofereix una visió àmplia dels dos tipus de sistemes, centrant-se en els sistemes on no es sap el que es dirà, també coneguts com sistemes de text independent. Per decidir quin seria la millor manera d’integrar la parla com a biometria en un sistema de seguretat, es comparen ambdós sistemes i, en el cas del sistema de text independent, es comparen també dues metodologies diferents. Per acabar, s’implementa una d’aquestes metodologies a unes llibreries de software per dur a terme un sistema de verificació de locutor amb text independent.En la actualidad, la integración de biometrías en los sistemas de seguridad es una rama de investigación y de aplicaciones prominente. Además, está claro que la voz es el medio más común de comunicación y es por eso que es una buena candidata. Usando el habla como biometría, se podría decir que hay dos tipos de sistemas diferentes a analizar: aquellos sistemas que saben de antemano aquello que va a decir el locutor que intenta verificarse y aquellos que no lo saben. Este trabajo ofrece una visión amplia de los dos tipos de sistemas, centrándose en los sistemas donde aquello que se va a decir no se sabe, también conocidos como sistemas de texto independiente. Para decir cuál sería la mejor manera de integrar el habla como biometría en un sistema de seguridad se comparan ambos sistemas y, en el caso del sistema de texto independiente, se comparan también dos metodologías diferentes. Para finalizar, se implementa una de estas últimas en unas librerías de software para poder llevar a cabo un sistema de verificación de locutor de texto independiente

    Speaker tracking system using speaker boundary detection

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    This thesis is about a research conducted in the area of Speaker Recognition. The application is concerned to the automatic detection and tracking of target speakers in meetings, conferences, telephone conversations and in radio and television broadcasts. A Speaker Tracking system is developed here, in collaboration with the Center for Language and Speech Technologies and Applications (TALP) in UPC. The main objective of this Speaker Tracking system is to answer the question: When the target speaker speaks? The system uses training speech data for the target speaker in the pre-enrollment stage. Three main modules have been designed for this Speaker Tracking system. In the first module an energy based Speech Activity Detection is applied to select the speech parts of the audio. In the second module the audio is segmented according to the speaker turning points. In the last module a Speaker Verification is implemented in which the target speakers are verified and tracked. Two different approaches are applied in this last module. In the first approach for Speaker Verification, the target speakers and the segments are modeled using the state-of-the-art, Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM). In the second approach for Speaker Verification, the identity vectors (i-vectors) representation is applied for the target speakers and the segments. Finally, the performance of both these approaches is compared for the results evaluation

    Speaker recognition by means of restricted Boltzmann machine adaptation

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    Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) have shown success in speaker recognition. In this paper, RBMs are investigated in a framework comprising a universal model training and model adaptation. Taking advantage of RBM unsupervised learning algorithm, a global model is trained based on all available background data. This general speaker-independent model, referred to as URBM, is further adapted to the data of a specific speaker to build speaker-dependent model. In order to show its effectiveness, we have applied this framework to two different tasks. It has been used to discriminatively model target and impostor spectral features for classification. It has been also utilized to produce a vector-based representation for speakers. This vector-based representation, similar to i-vector, can be further used for speaker recognition using either cosine scoring or Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA). The evaluation is performed on the core test condition of the NIST SRE 2006 database.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The I4U Mega Fusion and Collaboration for NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation 2016

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    The 2016 speaker recognition evaluation (SRE'16) is the latest edition in the series of benchmarking events conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). I4U is a joint entry to SRE'16 as the result from the collaboration and active exchange of information among researchers from sixteen Institutes and Universities across 4 continents. The joint submission and several of its 32 sub-systems were among top-performing systems. A lot of efforts have been devoted to two major challenges, namely, unlabeled training data and dataset shift from Switchboard-Mixer to the new Call My Net dataset. This paper summarizes the lessons learned, presents our shared view from the sixteen research groups on recent advances, major paradigm shift, and common tool chain used in speaker recognition as we have witnessed in SRE'16. More importantly, we look into the intriguing question of fusing a large ensemble of sub-systems and the potential benefit of large-scale collaboration.Peer reviewe

    The INTERSPEECH 2013 computational paralinguistics challenge: social signals, conflict, emotion, autism

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    The INTERSPEECH 2013 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge provides for the first time a unified test-bed for Social Signals such as laughter in speech. It further introduces conflict in group discussions as new tasks and picks up on autism and its manifestations in speech. Finally, emotion is revisited as task, albeit with a broader ranger of overall twelve emotional states. In this paper, we describe these four Sub-Challenges, Challenge conditions, baselines, and a new feature set by the openSMILE toolkit, provided to the participants. \em Bj\"orn Schuller1^1, Stefan Steidl2^2, Anton Batliner1^1, Alessandro Vinciarelli3,4^{3,4}, Klaus Scherer5^5}\\ {\em Fabien Ringeval6^6, Mohamed Chetouani7^7, Felix Weninger1^1, Florian Eyben1^1, Erik Marchi1^1, }\\ {\em Hugues Salamin3^3, Anna Polychroniou3^3, Fabio Valente4^4, Samuel Kim4^4

    From features to speaker vectors by means of restricted Boltzmann machine adaptation

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    Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) have shown success in different stages of speaker recognition systems. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to produce a vector-based representation for each speaker, which will be referred to as RBM-vector. This new approach maps the speaker spectral features to a single fixed-dimensional vector carrying speaker-specific information. In this work, a global model, referred to as Universal RBM (URBM), is trained taking advantage of RBM unsupervised learning capabilities. Then, this URBM is adapted to the data of each speaker in the development, enrolment and evaluation datasets. The network connection weights of the adapted RBMs are further concatenated and subject to a whitening with dimension reduction stage to build the speaker vectors. The evaluation is performed on the core test condition of the NIST SRE 2006 database, and it is shown that RBM-vectors achieve 15% relative improvement in terms of EER compared to i-vectors using cosine scoring. The score fusion with i-vector attains more than 24% relative improvement. The interest of this result for score fusion yields on the fact that both vectors are produced in an unsupervised fashion and can be used instead of i-vector/PLDA approach, when no data label is available. Results obtained for RBM-vector/PLDA framework is comparable with the ones from i-vector/PLDA. Their score fusion achieves 14% relative improvement compared to i-vector/PLDA.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Analysis of I-Vector framework for Speaker Identification in TV-shows

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    International audienceInspired from the Joint Factor Analysis, the I-vector-based analysis has become the most popular and state-of-the-art framework for the speaker verification task. Mainly applied within the NIST/SRE evaluation campaigns, many studies have been proposed to improve more and more performance of speaker verification systems. Nevertheless, while the i-vector framework has been used in other speech processing fields like language recognition, a very few studies have been reported for the speaker identification task on TV shows. This work was done in the REPERE challenge context, focused on the people recognition task in multimodal conditions (audio, video, text) from TV show corpora. Moreover, the challenge participants are invited for providing systems for monomodal tasks, like speaker identification. The application of the i-vector framework is investi-gatedthrough different points of views: (1) some of the i-vector based approaches are compared, (2) a specific i-vector extraction protocol is proposed in order to deal with widely varying amounts of training data among speaker population, (3) the joint use of both speaker diarization and identification is finally analyzed. Based on a 533 speaker dictionary, this joint system wins the monomodal speaker identification task of the 2014 REPERE challenge