79 research outputs found

    Enabling Exploration: Travelers in the Middle East Archive

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    Published in Proceedings of the 6th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL 2006. Chapel Hill, NC, USA, June 11-15, 2006Describes the Travelers in the Middle East Archive, particularly the challenges faced in integrating DSpace, Connexions, and the ArcIMS GIS platform.Funding provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the Computer and Information Technology Institute (CITI), Rice University

    Digital library : a bibliography of major information sources

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    Bibliografia internacional anotada sobre as principais fontes de informação lançadas a partir de 2000, relacionadas à biblioteca digital. Os tópicos cobertos são as bibliografias mais recentes, os livros e manuais, os periódicos especializados, os eventos específicos, as listas de discussão, os grupos e centros de pesquisa, os cursos e treinamentos e as principais organizações. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTInternational annotated bibliography about the major information sources related to digital library. The topics covered are: most recent bibliographies, books and manuals, specialized journals, specialized conferences, discussion lists, research groups and centers, training courses and major organizations

    Building and Using Digital Libraries for ETDs

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    Despite the high value of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), the global collection has seen limited use. To extend such use, a new approach to building digital libraries (DLs) is needed. Fortunately, recent decades have seen that a vast amount of “gray literature” has become available through a diverse set of institutional repositories as well as regional and national libraries and archives. Most of the works in those collections include ETDs and are often freely available in keeping with the open-access movement, but such access is limited by the services of supporting information systems. As explained through a set of scenarios, ETDs can better meet the needs of diverse stakeholders if customer discovery methods are used to identify personas and user roles as well as their goals and tasks. Hence, DLs, with a rich collection of services, as well as newer, more advanced ones, can be organized so that those services, and expanded workflows building on them, can be adapted to meet personalized goals as well as traditional ones, such as discovery and exploration

    Digital Preservation, Archival Science and Methodological Foundations for Digital Libraries

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    Digital libraries, whether commercial, public or personal, lie at the heart of the information society. Yet, research into their long‐term viability and the meaningful accessibility of their contents remains in its infancy. In general, as we have pointed out elsewhere, ‘after more than twenty years of research in digital curation and preservation the actual theories, methods and technologies that can either foster or ensure digital longevity remain startlingly limited.’ Research led by DigitalPreservationEurope (DPE) and the Digital Preservation Cluster of DELOS has allowed us to refine the key research challenges – theoretical, methodological and technological – that need attention by researchers in digital libraries during the coming five to ten years, if we are to ensure that the materials held in our emerging digital libraries are to remain sustainable, authentic, accessible and understandable over time. Building on this work and taking the theoretical framework of archival science as bedrock, this paper investigates digital preservation and its foundational role if digital libraries are to have long‐term viability at the centre of the global information society.

    Designing a semantically rich visual interface for cultural digital libraries using the UNEsCO multilingual thesaurus

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    This paper reports on the design of a visual user interface for the UNESCO digital portal. The interface makes use of the UNESCO multilingual thesaurus to provide visualized views of terms and their relationships and the way in which spaces associated with the thesaurus, the query and the results can be integrated into a single user interface

    Designing a Semantically Rich Visual Iinterface for Cultural Digital Libraries Using the UNESCO Multilingual Thesaurus

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    This paper reports on the design of a visual user interface for the UNESCO digital portal. The interface makes use of the UNESCO multilingual thesaurus to provide visualized views of terms and their relationships and the way in which spaces associated with the thesaurus, the query and the results can be integrated into a single user interface.\u

    Biblioteca digital: bibliografia das principais fontes de informação

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    Bibliografia internacional anotada sobre as principais fontes de informação lançadas a partir de 2000, relacionadas à biblioteca digital. Os tópicos cobertos são as bibliografias mais recentes, os livros e manuais, os periódicos especializados, os eventos específicos, as listas de discussão, os grupos e centros de pesquisa, os cursos e treinamentos e as principais organizações. Palavras-chave Bibliografia. Biblioteca digital.   Digital library: a bibliography of major information sources   Abstract International annotated bibliography about the major information sources related to digital library. The topics covered are: most recent bibliographies, books and manuals, specialized journals, specialized conferences, discussion lists, research groups and centers, training courses and major organizations. Keywords Bibliography. Digital library

    MASHing metadata: Legacy issues in OAI harvesting from three digital libraries

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    This note reports on efforts to build a generalizable OAI-PMH workflow to retrieve metadata sets from unrelated digital libraries. This effort is part of a wider effort to build a database to aggregate metadata from different digital libraries, which can then be used as the basis for content analysis and data mining experiments with the metadata records. A pilot metadata harvest from three digital libraries using OAIPMH encountered a number of issues, arising from idiosyncratic legacy characteristics of each of the three metadata sets. In the end, the harvests had to be manually tailored to each library. OAI-PMH proved to be a useful approach, but only after communication with each digital library had identified important characteristics of each metadata set, including many legacy characteristics, which had to be accounted for in the harvest.published or submitted for publicationis peer reviewe