661 research outputs found

    Dynamic dictionary matching with failure functions

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    AbstractAmir and Farach (1991) and Amir et al. (to appear) recently initiated the study of the dynamic dictionary pattern matching problem. The dictionary D contains a set of patterns that can change over time by insertion and deletion of individual patterns. The user may also present a text string and ask to search for all occurrences of any patterns in the text. For the static dictionary problem, Aho and Corasick (1975) gave a strategy based on a failure function automaton that takes O(|D|log|Σ|) time to build a dictionary of size |D| and searches a text T in time O(|T|log|Σ|+tocc), where tocc, is the total number of pattern occurrences in the text.Amir et al. (to appear) used an automaton based on suffix trees to solve the dynamic problem. Their method can insert or delete a pattern P in time O(|P|log|D|) and can search a text in time O((|T|+tocc)log|D|).We show that the same bounds can be achieved using a framework based on failure functions. We then show that our approach also allows us to achieve faster search times at the expense of the update times; for constant k, we can achieve linear O(|T|(k+log|Σ|)+k tocc) search time with an update time of O(k|P∥D|1k). This is advantageous if the search texts are much larger than the dictionary or searches are more frequent than updates.Finally, we show how to build the initial dictionary in O(|D|log|Σ|) time, regardless of what combination of search and update times is used

    D4.2 Intelligent D-Band wireless systems and networks initial designs

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    This deliverable gives the results of the ARIADNE project's Task 4.2: Machine Learning based network intelligence. It presents the work conducted on various aspects of network management to deliver system level, qualitative solutions that leverage diverse machine learning techniques. The different chapters present system level, simulation and algorithmic models based on multi-agent reinforcement learning, deep reinforcement learning, learning automata for complex event forecasting, system level model for proactive handovers and resource allocation, model-driven deep learning-based channel estimation and feedbacks as well as strategies for deployment of machine learning based solutions. In short, the D4.2 provides results on promising AI and ML based methods along with their limitations and potentials that have been investigated in the ARIADNE project

    Proceedings of the Eindhoven FASTAR Days 2004 : Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 3-4, 2004

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    The Eindhoven FASTAR Days (EFD) 2004 were organized by the Software Construction group of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. On September 3rd and 4th 2004, over thirty participants|hailing from the Czech Republic, Finland, France, The Netherlands, Poland and South Africa|gathered at the Department to attend the EFD. The EFD were organized in connection with the research on finite automata by the FASTAR Research Group, which is centered in Eindhoven and at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. FASTAR (Finite Automata Systems|Theoretical and Applied Research) is an in- ternational research group that aims to lead in all areas related to finite state systems. The work in FASTAR includes both core and applied parts of this field. The EFD therefore focused on the field of finite automata, with an emphasis on practical aspects and applications. Eighteen presentations, mostly on subjects within this field, were given, by researchers as well as students from participating universities and industrial research facilities. This report contains the proceedings of the conference, in the form of papers for twelve of the presentations at the EFD. Most of them were initially reviewed and distributed as handouts during the EFD. After the EFD took place, the papers were revised for publication in these proceedings. We would like to thank the participants for their attendance and presentations, making the EFD 2004 as successful as they were. Based on this success, it is our intention to make the EFD into a recurring event. Eindhoven, December 2004 Loek Cleophas Bruce W. Watso

    Proceedings of the Eindhoven FASTAR Days 2004 : Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 3-4, 2004

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    The Eindhoven FASTAR Days (EFD) 2004 were organized by the Software Construction group of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. On September 3rd and 4th 2004, over thirty participants|hailing from the Czech Republic, Finland, France, The Netherlands, Poland and South Africa|gathered at the Department to attend the EFD. The EFD were organized in connection with the research on finite automata by the FASTAR Research Group, which is centered in Eindhoven and at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. FASTAR (Finite Automata Systems|Theoretical and Applied Research) is an in- ternational research group that aims to lead in all areas related to finite state systems. The work in FASTAR includes both core and applied parts of this field. The EFD therefore focused on the field of finite automata, with an emphasis on practical aspects and applications. Eighteen presentations, mostly on subjects within this field, were given, by researchers as well as students from participating universities and industrial research facilities. This report contains the proceedings of the conference, in the form of papers for twelve of the presentations at the EFD. Most of them were initially reviewed and distributed as handouts during the EFD. After the EFD took place, the papers were revised for publication in these proceedings. We would like to thank the participants for their attendance and presentations, making the EFD 2004 as successful as they were. Based on this success, it is our intention to make the EFD into a recurring event. Eindhoven, December 2004 Loek Cleophas Bruce W. Watso

    Automatic Comprehension of Customer Queries for Feedback Generation

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, 2018One major challenge in customer-driven industries is the response to large volumes ofqueries. Inresponsetothisbusinessneed,FrequentlyAskedQuestions(FAQs)have been used for over four decades to provide customers with a repository of questions and associated answers. However, FAQs require some efforts on the part of the customers to search, especially when the FAQ repository is large and poorly indexed or structured. Thisevengetsdifficultwhenanorganisationhashundredsofqueriesinits repository of FAQs. One way of dealing with this rigorous task is to allow customers to ask their questions in a Natural Language, extract the meaning of the input text and automatically provide feedback from a pool of FAQs. This is an Information Retrieval (IR) problem, in Natural Language Processing (NLP). This research work, presents the first application of Jumping Finite Automata (JFA) — an abstract computing machine — in performing this IR task. This methodology involves the abstraction of all FAQs to a JFA and applying algorithms to map customer queries to the underlying JFA of all possible queries. A data set of FAQs from a university’s Computer and Network Service (CNS) was used as test case. A prototype chat-bot application was developed that takes customer queries in a chat, automatically maps them to a FAQ, and presents the corresponding answer to the user. This research is expected to be the first of such applications of JFA in comprehending customer queries.XL201

    Update-Aware Information Extraction

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    Information extraction programs (extractors) can be applied to documents to isolate structured versions of some content by creating tabular records corresponding to facts found in the documents. When extracted relations or source documents are updated, we wish to ensure that those changes are propagated correctly. That is, we recommend that extracted relations be treated as materialized views over the document database. Because extraction is expensive, maintaining extracted relations in the presence of frequent document updates comes at a high execution cost. We propose a practical framework to effectively update extracted views to represent the most recent version of documents. Our approach entails conducting static analyses of extraction and update programs within a framework compatible with SystemT, a renowned extraction framework based on regular expressions. We describe a multi-level verification process aimed at efficiently identifying document updates for which we can autonomously compute the updated extracted views. Through comprehensive experimentation, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach within real-world extraction scenarios. For the reverse problem, we need to translate updates on extracted views into corresponding document updates. We rely on a translation mechanism that is based on value substitution in the source documents. We classify extractors amenable to value substitution as stable extractors. We again leverage static analyses of extraction programs to study stability for extractors expressed in a significant subset of JAPE, another rule-based extraction language. Using a document spanner representation of the JAPE program, we identify four sufficient properties for being able to translate updates back to the documents and use them to verify whether an input JAPE program is stable