15,661 research outputs found

    Trajectory Synthesis for Fisher Information Maximization

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    Estimation of model parameters in a dynamic system can be significantly improved with the choice of experimental trajectory. For general, nonlinear dynamic systems, finding globally "best" trajectories is typically not feasible; however, given an initial estimate of the model parameters and an initial trajectory, we present a continuous-time optimization method that produces a locally optimal trajectory for parameter estimation in the presence of measurement noise. The optimization algorithm is formulated to find system trajectories that improve a norm on the Fisher information matrix. A double-pendulum cart apparatus is used to numerically and experimentally validate this technique. In simulation, the optimized trajectory increases the minimum eigenvalue of the Fisher information matrix by three orders of magnitude compared to the initial trajectory. Experimental results show that this optimized trajectory translates to an order of magnitude improvement in the parameter estimate error in practice.Comment: 12 page

    Cosmology with anisotropic galaxy clustering from the combination of power spectrum and bispectrum

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    The apparent anisotropies of the galaxy clustering in observable redshift space provide a unique opportunity to simultaneously probe cosmic expansion and gravity on cosmological scales via the Alcock--Paczynski effect and redshift-space distortions. While the improved theoretical models have been proposed and developed to describe the apparent anisotropic clustering at weakly non-linear scales, the applicability of these models is still limited in the presence of the non--perturbative smearing effect caused by the randomness of the relative velocities. Although the cosmological constraint from the anisotropic clustering will be certainly improved with a more elaborate theoretical model, we here consider an alternative way by using the statistical power of both the power spectrum and bispectrum at large scales. Based on the Fisher matrix analysis, we estimate the benefit of combining the power spectra and bispectra, finding that the constraints on the cosmic expansion and growth of structure will be improved by a factor of two. This compensates for the loss of constraining power using the power spectrum alone due to the randomness of the relative velocities.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, preprint number YITP-15-

    Adaptive Designs for Optimal Observed Fisher Information

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    Expected Fisher information can be found a priori and as a result its inverse is the primary variance approximation used in the design of experiments. This is in contrast to the common claim that the inverse of observed Fisher information is a better approximation to the variance of the maximum likelihood estimator. Observed Fisher information cannot be known a priori; however, if an experiment is conducted sequentially (in a series of runs) the observed Fisher information from previous runs is available. In the current work two adaptive designs are proposed that use the observed Fisher information from previous runs in the design of the current run.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Determine measurement set for parameter estimation in biological systems modeling

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    Parameter estimation is challenging for biological systems modelling since the model is normally of high dimension, the measurement data are sparse and noisy, and the cost of experiments is high. Accurate recovery of parameters depend on the quantity and quality of measurement data. It is therefore important to know what measurements to be taken, when and how through optimal experimental design (OED). In this paper we present a method to determine the most informative measurement set for parameter estimation of dynamic systems, in particular biochemical reaction systems, such that the unknown parameters can be inferred with the best possible statistical quality using the data collected from the designed experiments. System analysis using matrix theory is introduced to examine the number of necessary measurement variables. The priority of each measurement variable is determined by optimal experimental design based on Fisher information matrix (FIM). The applicability and advantages of the proposed method are illustrated through an example of a signal pathway model