1,979 research outputs found

    p-Adic estimates of Hamming weights in Abelian codes over Galois rings

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    A generalization of McEliece's theorem on the p-adic valuation of Hamming weights of words in cyclic codes is proved in this paper by means of counting polynomial techniques introduced by Wilson along with a technique known as trace-averaging introduced here. The original theorem of McEliece concerned cyclic codes over prime fields. Delsarte and McEliece later extended this to Abelian codes over finite fields. Calderbank, Li, and Poonen extended McEliece's original theorem to cover cyclic codes over the rings /spl Zopf//sub 2//sup d/, Wilson strengthened their results and extended them to cyclic codes over /spl Zopf//sub p//sup d/, and Katz strengthened Wilson's results and extended them to Abelian codes over /spl Zopf//sub p//sup d/. It is natural to ask whether there is a single analogue of McEliece's theorem which correctly captures the behavior of codes over all finite fields and all rings of integers modulo prime powers. In this paper, this question is answered affirmatively: a single theorem for Abelian codes over Galois rings is presented. This theorem contains all previously mentioned results and more

    p-Adic valuation of weights in Abelian codes over /spl Zopf/(p/sup d/)

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    Counting polynomial techniques introduced by Wilson are used to provide analogs of a theorem of McEliece. McEliece's original theorem relates the greatest power of p dividing the Hamming weights of words in cyclic codes over GF (p) to the length of the smallest unity-product sequence of nonzeroes of the code. Calderbank, Li, and Poonen presented analogs for cyclic codes over /spl Zopf/(2/sup d/) using various weight functions (Hamming, Lee, and Euclidean weight as well as count of occurrences of a particular symbol). Some of these results were strengthened by Wilson, who also considered the alphabet /spl Zopf/(p/sup d/) for p an arbitrary prime. These previous results, new strengthened versions, and generalizations are proved here in a unified and comprehensive fashion for the larger class of Abelian codes over /spl Zopf/(p/sup d/) with p any prime. For Abelian codes over /spl Zopf//sub 4/, combinatorial methods for use with counting polynomials are developed. These show that the analogs of McEliece's theorem obtained by Wilson (for Hamming weight, Lee weight, and symbol counts) and the analog obtained here for Euclidean weight are sharp in the sense that they give the maximum power of 2 that divides the weights of all the codewords whose Fourier transforms have a specified support

    Abstract algebra, projective geometry and time encoding of quantum information

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    Algebraic geometrical concepts are playing an increasing role in quantum applications such as coding, cryptography, tomography and computing. We point out here the prominent role played by Galois fields viewed as cyclotomic extensions of the integers modulo a prime characteristic pp. They can be used to generate efficient cyclic encoding, for transmitting secrete quantum keys, for quantum state recovery and for error correction in quantum computing. Finite projective planes and their generalization are the geometric counterpart to cyclotomic concepts, their coordinatization involves Galois fields, and they have been used repetitively for enciphering and coding. Finally the characters over Galois fields are fundamental for generating complete sets of mutually unbiased bases, a generic concept of quantum information processing and quantum entanglement. Gauss sums over Galois fields ensure minimum uncertainty under such protocols. Some Galois rings which are cyclotomic extensions of the integers modulo 4 are also becoming fashionable for their role in time encoding and mutual unbiasedness.Comment: To appear in R. Buccheri, A.C. Elitzur and M. Saniga (eds.), "Endophysics, Time, Quantum and the Subjective," World Scientific, Singapore. 16 page

    Galois structure on integral valued polynomials

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    We characterize finite Galois extensions KK of the field of rational numbers in terms of the rings IntQ(OK){\rm Int}_{\mathbb{Q}}(\mathcal O_K), recently introduced by Loper and Werner, consisting of those polynomials which have coefficients in Q\mathbb{Q} and such that f(OK)f(\mathcal O_K) is contained in OK\mathcal O_K. We also address the problem of constructing a basis for IntQ(OK){\rm Int}_{\mathbb{Q}}(\mathcal O_K) as a Z\mathbb{Z}-module.Comment: final version, accepted for publication in J. Number Theory (2016). any comment is welcom

    Diophantine sets of polynomials over algebraic extensions of the rationals

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    Let L be a recursive algebraic extension of Q. Assume that, given alpha is an element of L, we can compute the roots in L of its minimal polynomial over Q and we can determine which roots are Aut(L)-conjugate to alpha. We prove that there exists a pair of polynomials that characterizes the Aut(L)-conjugates of alpha, and that these polynomials can be effectively computed. Assume furthermore that L can be embedded in R, or in a finite extension of Q(p) (with p an odd prime). Then we show that subsets of L[X](k) that are recursively enumerable for every recursive presentation of L[X], are diophantine over L[X]

    Artin's primitive root conjecture -a survey -

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    This is an expanded version of a write-up of a talk given in the fall of 2000 in Oberwolfach. A large part of it is intended to be understandable by non-number theorists with a mathematical background. The talk covered some of the history, results and ideas connected with Artin's celebrated primitive root conjecture dating from 1927. In the update several new results established after 2000 are also discussed.Comment: 87 pages, 512 references, to appear in Integer
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