668 research outputs found

    A visual workspace for constructing hybrid MDS algorithms and coordinating multiple views

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    Data can be distinguished according to volume, variable types and distribution, and each of these characteristics imposes constraints upon the choice of applicable algorithms for their visualisation. This has led to an abundance of often disparate algorithmic techniques. Previous work has shown that a hybrid algorithmic approach can be successful in addressing the impact of data volume on the feasibility of multidimensional scaling (MDS). This paper presents a system and framework in which a user can easily explore algorithms as well as their hybrid conjunctions and the data flowing through them. Visual programming and a novel algorithmic architecture let the user semi-automatically define data flows and the co-ordination of multiple views of algorithmic and visualisation components. We propose that our approach has two main benefits: significant improvements in run times of MDS algorithms can be achieved, and intermediate views of the data and the visualisation program structure can provide greater insight and control over the visualisation process

    Coordinating views for data visualisation and algorithmic profiling

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    A number of researchers have designed visualisation systems that consist of multiple components, through which data and interaction commands flow. Such multistage (hybrid) models can be used to reduce algorithmic complexity, and to open up intermediate stages of algorithms for inspection and steering. In this paper, we present work on aiding the developer and the user of such algorithms through the application of interactive visualisation techniques. We present a set of tools designed to profile the performance of other visualisation components, and provide further functionality for the exploration of high dimensional data sets. Case studies are provided, illustrating the application of the profiling modules to a number of data sets. Through this work we are exploring ways in which techniques traditionally used to prepare for visualisation runs, and to retrospectively analyse them, can find new uses within the context of a multi-component visualisation system

    Visualisation techniques for users and designers of layout algorithms

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    Visualisation systems consisting of a set of components through which data and interaction commands flow have been explored by a number of researchers. Such hybrid and multistage algorithms can be used to reduce overall computation time, and to provide views of the data that show intermediate results and the outputs of complementary algorithms. In this paper we present work on expanding the range and variety of such components, with two new techniques for analysing and controlling the performance of visualisation processes. While the techniques presented are quite different, they are unified within HIVE: a visualisation system based upon a data-flow model and visual programming. Embodied within this system is a framework for weaving together our visualisation components to better afford insight into data and also deepen understanding of the process of the data's visualisation. We describe the new components and offer short case studies of their application. We demonstrate that both analysts and visualisation designers can benefit from a rich set of components and integrated tools for profiling performance

    An algorithmic framework for visualising and exploring multidimensional data

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    To help understand multidimensional data, information visualisation techniques are often applied to take advantage of human visual perception in exposing latent structure. A popular means of presenting such data is via two-dimensional scatterplots where the inter-point proximities reflect some notion of similarity between the entities represented. This can result in potentially interesting structure becoming almost immediately apparent. Traditional algorithms for carrying out this dimension reduction tend to have different strengths and weaknesses in terms of run times and layout quality. However, it has been found that the combination of algorithms can produce hybrid variants that exhibit significantly lower run times while maintaining accurate depictions of high-dimensional structure. The author's initial contribution in the creation of such algorithms led to the design and implementation of a software system (HIVE) for the development and investigation of new hybrid variants and the subsequent analysis of the data they transform. This development was motivated by the fact that there are potentially many hybrid algorithmic combinations to explore and therefore an environment that is conductive to their development, analysis and use is beneficial not only in exploring the data they transform but also in exploring the growing number of visualisation tools that these algorithms beget. This thesis descries three areas of the author's contribution to the field of information visualisation. Firstly, work on hybrid algorithms for dimension reduction is presented and their analysis shows their effectiveness. Secondly, the development of a framework for the creation of tailored hybrid algorithms is illustrated. Thirdly, a system embodying the framework, providing an environment conductive to the development, evaluation and use of the algorithms is described. Case studies are provided to demonstrate how the author and others have used and found value in the system across areas as diverse as environmental science, social science and investigative psychology, where multidimensional data are in abundance


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    The rapid advance of distance learning and networking technology has enabled universities and corporations to reach out and educate students across time and space barriers. This technology supports structured, on-line learning activities, and provides facilities for assessment and collaboration. Structured collaboration, in the classroom, has proven itself a successful and uniquely powerful learning method. Online collaborative learners, however, do not enjoy the same benefits as face-to-face learners because the technology provides no guidance or direction during online discussion sessions. Integrating intelligent facilitation agents into collaborative distance learning environments may help bring the benefits of the supportive classroom closer to distance learners.In this dissertation, I describe a new approach to analyzing and supporting online peer interaction. The approach applies Hidden Markov Models, and Multidimensional Scaling with a threshold-based clustering method, to analyze and assess sequences of coded on-line student interaction. These analysis techniques were used to train a system to dynamically recognize when and why students may be experiencing breakdowns while sharing knowledge and learning from each other. I focus on knowledge sharing interaction because students bring a great deal of specialized knowledge and experiences to the group, and how they share and assimilate this knowledge shapes the collaboration and learning processes. The results of this research could be used to dynamically inform and assist an intelligent instructional agent in facilitating knowledge sharing interaction, and helping to improve the quality of online learning interaction

    Simulating Humans: Computer Graphics, Animation, and Control

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    People are all around us. They inhabit our home, workplace, entertainment, and environment. Their presence and actions are noted or ignored, enjoyed or disdained, analyzed or prescribed. The very ubiquitousness of other people in our lives poses a tantalizing challenge to the computational modeler: people are at once the most common object of interest and yet the most structurally complex. Their everyday movements are amazingly uid yet demanding to reproduce, with actions driven not just mechanically by muscles and bones but also cognitively by beliefs and intentions. Our motor systems manage to learn how to make us move without leaving us the burden or pleasure of knowing how we did it. Likewise we learn how to describe the actions and behaviors of others without consciously struggling with the processes of perception, recognition, and language

    Mobile Robots

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    The objective of this book is to cover advances of mobile robotics and related technologies applied for multi robot systems' design and development. Design of control system is a complex issue, requiring the application of information technologies to link the robots into a single network. Human robot interface becomes a demanding task, especially when we try to use sophisticated methods for brain signal processing. Generated electrophysiological signals can be used to command different devices, such as cars, wheelchair or even video games. A number of developments in navigation and path planning, including parallel programming, can be observed. Cooperative path planning, formation control of multi robotic agents, communication and distance measurement between agents are shown. Training of the mobile robot operators is very difficult task also because of several factors related to different task execution. The presented improvement is related to environment model generation based on autonomous mobile robot observations

    Haptics Rendering and Applications

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    There has been significant progress in haptic technologies but the incorporation of haptics into virtual environments is still in its infancy. A wide range of the new society's human activities including communication, education, art, entertainment, commerce and science would forever change if we learned how to capture, manipulate and reproduce haptic sensory stimuli that are nearly indistinguishable from reality. For the field to move forward, many commercial and technological barriers need to be overcome. By rendering how objects feel through haptic technology, we communicate information that might reflect a desire to speak a physically- based language that has never been explored before. Due to constant improvement in haptics technology and increasing levels of research into and development of haptics-related algorithms, protocols and devices, there is a belief that haptics technology has a promising future

    Industrial Robotics

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    This book covers a wide range of topics relating to advanced industrial robotics, sensors and automation technologies. Although being highly technical and complex in nature, the papers presented in this book represent some of the latest cutting edge technologies and advancements in industrial robotics technology. This book covers topics such as networking, properties of manipulators, forward and inverse robot arm kinematics, motion path-planning, machine vision and many other practical topics too numerous to list here. The authors and editor of this book wish to inspire people, especially young ones, to get involved with robotic and mechatronic engineering technology and to develop new and exciting practical applications, perhaps using the ideas and concepts presented herein
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