681 research outputs found

    Remote Manipulator System (RMS)-based Controls-Structures Interaction (CSI) flight experiment feasibility study

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    The feasibility of an experiment which will provide an on-orbit validation of Controls-Structures Interaction (CSI) technology, was investigated. The experiment will demonstrate the on-orbit characterization and flexible-body control of large flexible structure dynamics using the shuttle Remote Manipulator System (RMS) with an attached payload as a test article. By utilizing existing hardware as well as establishing integration, operation and safety algorithms, techniques and procedures, the experiment will minimize the costs and risks of implementing a flight experiment. The experiment will also offer spin-off enhancement to both the Shuttle RMS (SRMS) and the Space Station RMS (SSRMS)

    The 29th Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium

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    The proceedings of the 29th Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium, which was hosted by NASA Johnson Space Center and held at the South Shore Harbour Conference Facility on May 17-19, 1995, are reported. Technological areas covered include actuators, aerospace mechanism applications for ground support equipment, lubricants, pointing mechanisms joints, bearings, release devices, booms, robotic mechanisms, and other mechanisms for spacecraft

    Modeling and Control of Flexible Link Manipulators

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    Autonomous maritime navigation and offshore operations have gained wide attention with the aim of reducing operational costs and increasing reliability and safety. Offshore operations, such as wind farm inspection, sea farm cleaning, and ship mooring, could be carried out autonomously or semi-autonomously by mounting one or more long-reach robots on the ship/vessel. In addition to offshore applications, long-reach manipulators can be used in many other engineering applications such as construction automation, aerospace industry, and space research. Some applications require the design of long and slender mechanical structures, which possess some degrees of flexibility and deflections because of the material used and the length of the links. The link elasticity causes deflection leading to problems in precise position control of the end-effector. So, it is necessary to compensate for the deflection of the long-reach arm to fully utilize the long-reach lightweight flexible manipulators. This thesis aims at presenting a unified understanding of modeling, control, and application of long-reach flexible manipulators. State-of-the-art dynamic modeling techniques and control schemes of the flexible link manipulators (FLMs) are discussed along with their merits, limitations, and challenges. The kinematics and dynamics of a planar multi-link flexible manipulator are presented. The effects of robot configuration and payload on the mode shapes and eigenfrequencies of the flexible links are discussed. A method to estimate and compensate for the static deflection of the multi-link flexible manipulators under gravity is proposed and experimentally validated. The redundant degree of freedom of the planar multi-link flexible manipulator is exploited to minimize vibrations. The application of a long-reach arm in autonomous mooring operation based on sensor fusion using camera and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data is proposed.publishedVersio

    Liikkuvien työkoneiden värähtelyn vaimennus painetakaisinkytkennällä

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    In this thesis a hydraulically driven wheel loader, which has a flexible crane mounted in front of the machine, has been under research. Flexible boom was excited with a operator given commands, which caused the system vibrate due to different sources of flexibility. The goal was to test cylinder load pressure as a estimate of boom vibrations and use it as a feedback signal to suppress the system oscillations. Therefore, a simulation of wheel loader was created, which replicates real four wheel loader located at the facilities of Laboratory of Automation and Hydraulics. The first simulator represents a traditional hydraulical system, which has proportional directional valves and variable displacement pump with load sensing functions. A simple controller with pressure feedback vibration damping was designed and tested with different scenarios. After promising results, another simulator was created, which emulates the existing wheel loader better. This experimental wheel loader, called as IHA-machine, has different directional valves and pump operating principal. For working hydraulics, a digital flow control unit was installed. As a power source, IHA-machine has a variable displacement pump-motor, which has a possibility to collect energy from hydraulic system. Updated simulation version was tested with a controller, which was able to control flow and supply pressure. Vibration damping was added to the flow controller and tested in simulator. After this, the same controller was also tested in real IHA-machine. The results showed, that load pressure as an estimate of system vibrations is a promising way to damping the oscillations that exist in the application. However, the simulation results couldn't be repeated at the same level in the real machine. The control of boom with flow in digital valve environment appeared to be a difficult task when vibration damping was implemented. Regardless, some oscillation canceling was still achieved

    Vision-Based Control of Flexible Robot Systems

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    This thesis covers the controlling of flexible robot systems by using a camera as a measurement device. To accomplish the purpose of the study, the estimation process of dynamic state variables of flexible link robot has been examined based on camera measurements. For the purpose of testing two application examples for flexible link have been applied, an algorithm for the dynamic state variables estimation is proposed. Flexible robots can have very complex dynamic behavior during their operations, which can lead to induced vibrations. Since the vibrations and its derivative are not all measurable, therefore the estimation of state variables plays a significant role in the state feedback control of flexible link robots. A vision sensor (i.e. camera) realizing a contact-less measurement sensor can be used to measure the deflection of flexible robot arm. Using a vision sensor, however, would generate new effects such as limited accuracy and time delay, which are the main inherent problems of the application of vision sensors within the context. These effects and related compensation approaches are studied in this thesis. An indirect method for link deflection (i.e. system states) sensing is presented. It uses a vision system consisting of a CCD camera and an image processing unit. The main purpose of this thesis is to develop an estimation approach combining suitable measurement devices which are easy to realize with improved reliability. It includes designing two state estimators; the first one for the traditional sensor type (negligible noise and time delay) and the second one is for the camera measurement which account for the dynamic error due to the time delay. The estimation approach is applied first using a single link flexible robot; the dynamic model of the flexible link is derived using a finite element method. Based on the suggested estimation approach, the first observer estimates the vibrations using strain gauge (fast and complete dynamics), and the second observer estimates the vibrations using vision data (slow dynamical parts). In order to achieve an optimal estimation, a proper combination process of the two estimated dynamical parts of the system dynamics is described. The simulation results for the estimations based on vision measurements show that the slow dynamical states can be estimated and the observer can compensate the time delay dynamic errors. It is also observed that an optimal estimation can be attained by combining slow dynamical estimated states with those of fast observer-based on strain gauge measurement. Based on suggested estimation approach a vision-based control for elastic shipmounted crane is designed to regulate the motion of the payload. For the observers and the controller design, a linear dynamic model of elastic-ship mounted crane incorporating a finite element technique for modeling flexible link is employed. In order to estimate the dynamic states variables and the unknown disturbance two state observers are designed. The first one estimates the state variables using camera measurement (augmented Kalman filter). The second one used potentiometers measurement (PI-Observer). To realize a multi-model approach of elastic-ship mounted crane, a variable gain controller and variable gain observers are designed. The variable gain controller is used to generate the required damping to control the system based on the estimated states and the roll angle. Simulation results show that the variable gain observers can adequately estimate the states and the unknown disturbance acting on the payload. It is further observed that the variable gain controller can effectively reduce the payload pendulations. Experiments are conducted using the camera to measure the link deflection of scaled elastic ship-mounted crane system. The results shown that the variable gain controller based on the combined states observers mitigated the vibrations of the system and the swinging of the payload. The presented material above is embedded into an interrelated thesis. A concise introduction to the vision-based control and state estimation problems is attached in the first chapter. An extensive survey of available visual servoing algorithms that include the rigid robot system and the flexible robot system is also presented. The conclusions of the work and suggestions for the future research are provided at the last chapter of this thesis

    From plain visualisation to vibration sensing: using a camera to control the flexibilities in the ITER remote handling equipment

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    Thermonuclear fusion is expected to play a key role in the energy market during the second half of this century, reaching 20% of the electricity generation by 2100. For many years, fusion scientists and engineers have been developing the various technologies required to build nuclear power stations allowing a sustained fusion reaction. To the maximum possible extent, maintenance operations in fusion reactors are performed manually by qualified workers in full accordance with the "as low as reasonably achievable" (ALARA) principle. However, the option of hands-on maintenance becomes impractical, difficult or simply impossible in many circumstances, such as high biological dose rates. In this case, maintenance tasks will be performed with remote handling (RH) techniques. The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ITER, to be commissioned in southern France around 2025, will be the first fusion experiment producing more power from fusion than energy necessary to heat the plasma. Its main objective is “to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion power for peaceful purposes”. However ITER represents an unequalled challenge in terms of RH system design, since it will be much more demanding and complex than any other remote maintenance system previously designed. The introduction of man-in-the-loop capabilities in the robotic systems designed for ITER maintenance would provide useful assistance during inspection, i.e. by providing the operator the ability and flexibility to locate and examine unplanned targets, or during handling operations, i.e. by making peg-in-hole tasks easier. Unfortunately, most transmission technologies able to withstand the very specific and extreme environmental conditions existing inside a fusion reactor are based on gears, screws, cables and chains, which make the whole system very flexible and subject to vibrations. This effect is further increased as structural parts of the maintenance equipment are generally lightweight and slender structures due to the size and the arduous accessibility to the reactor. Several methodologies aiming at avoiding or limiting the effects of vibrations on RH system performance have been investigated over the past decade. These methods often rely on the use of vibration sensors such as accelerometers. However, reviewing market shows that there is no commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) accelerometer that meets the very specific requirements for vibration sensing in the ITER in-vessel RH equipment (resilience to high total integrated dose, high sensitivity). The customisation and qualification of existing products or investigation of new concepts might be considered. However, these options would inevitably involve high development costs. While an extensive amount of work has been published on the modelling and control of flexible manipulators in the 1980s and 1990s, the possibility to use vision devices to stabilise an oscillating robotic arm has only been considered very recently and this promising solution has not been discussed at length. In parallel, recent developments on machine vision systems in nuclear environment have been very encouraging. Although they do not deal directly with vibration sensing, they open up new prospects in the use of radiation tolerant cameras. This thesis aims to demonstrate that vibration control of remote maintenance equipment operating in harsh environments such as ITER can be achieved without considering any extra sensor besides the embarked rad-hardened cameras that will inevitably be used to provide real-time visual feedback to the operators. In other words it is proposed to consider the radiation-tolerant vision devices as full sensors providing quantitative data that can be processed by the control scheme and not only as plain video feedback providing qualitative information. The work conducted within the present thesis has confirmed that methods based on the tracking of visual features from an unknown environment are effective candidates for the real-time control of vibrations. Oscillations induced at the end effector are estimated by exploiting a simple physical model of the manipulator. Using a camera mounted in an eye-in-hand configuration, this model is adjusted using direct measurement of the tip oscillations with respect to the static environment. The primary contribution of this thesis consists of implementing a markerless tracker to determine the velocity of a tip-mounted camera in an untrimmed environment in order to stabilise an oscillating long-reach robotic arm. In particular, this method implies modifying an existing online interaction matrix estimator to make it self-adjustable and deriving a multimode dynamic model of a flexible rotating beam. An innovative vision-based method using sinusoidal regression to sense low-frequency oscillations is also proposed and tested. Finally, the problem of online estimation of the image capture delay for visual servoing applications with high dynamics is addressed and an original approach based on the concept of cross-correlation is presented and experimentally validated

    The space station tethered elevator system

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    The optimized conceptual engineering design of a space station tethered elevator is presented. The elevator is an unmanned mobile structure which operates on a ten kilometer tether spanning the distance between the Space Station and a tethered platform. Elevator capabilities include providing access to residual gravity levels, remote servicing, and transportation to any point along a tether. The potential uses, parameters, and evolution of the spacecraft design are discussed. Engineering development of the tethered elevator is the result of work conducted in the following areas: structural configurations; robotics, drive mechanisms; and power generation and transmission systems. The structural configuration of the elevator is presented. The structure supports, houses, and protects all systems on board the elevator. The implementation of robotics on board the elevator is discussed. Elevator robotics allow for the deployment, retrieval, and manipulation of tethered objects. Robotic manipulators also aid in hooking the elevator on a tether. Critical to the operation of the tethered elevator is the design of its drive mechanisms, which are discussed. Two drivers, located internal to the elevator, propel the vehicle along a tether. These modular components consist of endless toothed belts, shunt-wound motors, regenerative power braking, and computer controlled linear actuators. The designs of self-sufficient power generation and transmission systems are reviewed. Thorough research indicates all components of the elevator will operate under power provided by fuel cells. The fuel cell systems will power the vehicle at seven kilowatts continuously and twelve kilowatts maximally. A set of secondary fuel cells provides redundancy in the unlikely event of a primary system failure. Power storage exists in the form of Nickel-Hydrogen batteries capable of powering the elevator under maximum loads

    Intelligent active torque control for vibration reduction of a sprayer boom suspension system

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    The most usual way of protecting crop from diseases is by using chemical method whereby mixture of chemicals and water are sprayed onto crop via nozzles. These nozzles are located consistently along a boom structure oriented perpendicular to the direction of motion to cover large areas. The most important factor on spray distribution pattern is spray boom vibration. Thus, suspension control aims to attenuate the unwanted vibration and should provide improvements in term of distribution uniformity. In this study, a combination of passive and active suspension was considered to create superior performance. A passive suspension was employed to control undesired vertical motion of sprayer boom structure while the roll movement of spray boom was reduced via active suspension. The active suspension system of sprayer was implemented by applying robust active torque control (ATC) scheme that integrates artificial intelligence (AI) methods plus another feedback control technique utilizing proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control. The proposed control system basically comprises of two feedback control loops; an innermost loop for compensation of the disturbances using ATC strategy and an outermost loop for the computation of the desired torque for the actuator using a PID controller. Two AI methods employing artificial neural network (ANN) and iterative learning (IL) were proposed and utilized to compute the estimated inertial parameter of the system through the ATC loop. The research proposes two main control schemes; the first is a combination of ATC and ANN (ATCANN) while the other is ATC and IL (ATCAIL). The suspension system was first modeled and a number of farmland terrains were simulated as the main disturbance components to verify the robustness of the system and sprayer boom dynamic performance related to distribution uniformity. The simulation results both in frequency and time domains show the effectiveness of the proposed ATC schemes in reducing the disturbances and other loading conditions. The control schemes were further implemented experimentally on a developed laboratory spray boom suspension test rig

    Offshore Wind Turbine Access Using Knuckle Boom Cranes

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    Doktorgradsavhandling, Fakultet for teknologi og realfag, Institutt for ingeniørvitenskap, 2016There is a great need for renewable and sustainable energy today and there are several different sources for this energy where offshore wind is one that has a great estimated planned power production. Wind power production has for many years been produced onshore, but installing the wind turbines offshore has some benefits due to higher and more stable wind conditions. The majority of installed wind turbines are today bottom fixed, but when moving to deeper waters it is too high cost in building and installing foundation, which brings the possibility of using floating wind turbines. There are, however, also challenges due to the access for both the fixed and floating offshore wind turbines. During startup, repair or maintenance there is a demand for easy access of both personnel and equipment. This dissertation mainly deals with offshore access solutions systems or parts of those systems. The access solutions are systems that transfers personnel or equipment from a floating vessel to a fixed or floating offshore structure. Work done using a small scale hydraulic manipulator is described in Papers A and B, where paper A deals with the kinematic motion control of such a small scale redundant manipulator mounted on a moving Stewart platform, imitating the motion of a floating vessel. The manipulator tries to keep the tool point at a fixed reference point by the use of the pseudo-inverse Jacobian. Used in the experimental verification is a high precision laser tracker which measures the position of the tool point. Paper B uses the same manipulator and has in addition a hanging payload attached to the tool point. A LQR control strategy is used to minimize the vibration of the hanging payload when the manipulator moves the tool point relative to a ground fixed coordinate system. Paper C is concerned with the inherent oscillatory nature of pressure compensated motion control of a hydraulic cylinder subjected to a negative load and suspended by means of a counter-balance valve. The method proposed in this paper has the focus on pressure feedback and is compared to classical control strategies. In paper D input shaping is used for the slewing motion control of a full scale mobile crane. The flexibility of the crane causes vibrations when slewing and by knowing the natural frequency and damping, the command signal is shaped so there are no residual vibrations. Experimental verification is carried out by means of a laser tracker. Finally, the work done in Paper E deals with active heave compensation from a fixed structure to a floating vessel. Modeling of the hydraulic winch is done and a frequency response function is obtained. The active heave compensation was experimentally verified using the full scale mobile crane as the fixed structure with a winch mounted on it and the Stewart platform as the moving structure. Both results from active heave compensation and constant tension are presented. The payload in the experiments is a 400kg steel structure

    Design and Operational Elements of the Robotic Subsystem for the e.deorbit Debris Removal Mission

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    This paper presents a robotic capture concept that was developed as part of the e.deorbit study by ESA. The defective and tumbling satellite ENVISAT was chosen as a potential target to be captured, stabilized, and subsequently de-orbited in a controlled manner. A robotic capture concept was developed that is based on a chaser satellite equipped with a seven degrees-of-freedom dexterous robotic manipulator, holding a dedicated linear two-bracket gripper. The satellite is also equipped with a clamping mechanism for achieving a stiff fixation with the grasped target, following their combined satellite-stack de-tumbling and prior to the execution of the de-orbit maneuver. Driving elements of the robotic design, operations and control are described and analyzed. These include pre and post-capture operations, the task-specific kinematics of the manipulator, the intrinsic mechanical arm flexibility and its effect on the arm's positioning accuracy, visual tracking, as well as the interaction between the manipulator controller and that of the chaser satellite. The kinematics analysis yielded robust reachability of the grasp point. The effects of intrinsic arm flexibility turned out to be noticeable but also effectively scalable through robot joint speed adaption throughout the maneuvers. During most of the critical robot arm operations, the internal robot joint torques are shown to be within the design limits. These limits are only reached for a limiting scenario of tumbling motion of ENVISAT, consisting of an initial pure spin of 5 deg/s about its unstable intermediate axis of inertia. The computer vision performance was found to be satisfactory with respect to positioning accuracy requirements. Further developments are necessary and are being pursued to meet the stringent mission-related robustness requirements. Overall, the analyses conducted in this study showed that the capture and de-orbiting of ENVISAT using the proposed robotic concept is feasible with respect to relevant mission requirements and for most of the operational scenarios considered. Future work aims at developing a combined chaser-robot system controller. This will include a visual servo to minimize the positioning errors during the contact phases of the mission (grasping and clamping). Further validation of the visual tracking in orbital lighting conditions will be pursued