2,716 research outputs found

    Competitive Multi-period Pricing with Fixed Inventories

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    This paper studies the problem of multi-period pricing for perishable products in a competitive (oligopolistic) market. We study non cooperative Nash equilibrium policies for sellers. At the beginning of the time horizon, the total inventories are given and additional production is not an available option. The analysis for periodic production-review models, where production decisions can be made at the end of each period at some production cost after incurring holding or backorder costs, does not extend to this model. Using results from game theory and variational inequalities we study the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium policies. We also study convergence results for an algorithm that computes the equilibrium policies. The model in this paper can be used in a number of application areas including the airline, service and retail industries. We illustrate our results through some numerical examples.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Stochastic equilibrium models for generation capacity expansion

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    Capacity expansion models in the power sector were among the first applications of operations research to the industry. The models lost some of their appeal at the inception of restructuring even though they still offer a lot of possibilities and are in many respect irreplaceable provided they are adapted to the new environment. We introduce stochastic equilibrium versions of these models that we believe provide a relevant context for looking at the current very risky market where the power industry invests and operates. We then take up different questions raised by the new environment. Some are due to developments of the industry like demand side management: an optimization framework has difficulties accommodating them but the more general equilibrium paradigm offers additional possibilities. We then look at the insertion of risk related investment practices that developed with the new environment and may not be easy to accommodate in an optimization context. Specifically we consider the use of plant specific discount rates that we derive by including stochastic discount rates in the equilibrium model. Linear discount factors only price systematic risk. We therefore complete the discussion by inserting different risk functions (for different agents) in order to account for additional unpriced idiosyncratic risk in investments. These different models can be cast in a single mathematical representation but they do not have the same mathematical properties. We illustrate the impact of these phenomena on a small but realistic example.capacity adequacy, risk functions, stochastic equilibrium models, stochastic discount factors

    A bi-level programming approach for the shipper-carrier network problem

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    The Stackelberg game betweenshippers and carriers in an intermodal network is formulated as a bi-levelprogram. In this network, shippers make production, consumption, androuting decisions while carriers make pricing and routing decisions.The oligopolistic carrier pricing and routing problem, which comprisesthe upper level of the bi-level program, is formulated either as a nonlinearconstrained optimization problem or as a variational inequality problem,depending on whether the oligopolistic carriers choose to collude orcompete with each other in their pricing decision. The shippers\u27 decisionbehavior is defined by the spatial price equilibrium principle. Forthe spatial price equilibrium problem, which is the lower level of thebi-level program, a variational inequality formulation is used to accountfor the asymmetric interactions between flows of different commoditytypes. A sensitivity analysis-based heuristic algorithm is proposedto solve the program. An example application of the bi-level programmingapproach analyzes the behavior of two marine terminal operators. Theterminal operators are considered to be under the same Port Authority.The bi-level programming approach is then used to evaluate the PortAuthority\u27s alternative investment strategies

    Supply chain network capacity competition with outsourcing: a variational equilibrium framework

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    This paper develops a supply chain network game theory framework with multiple manufacturers/producers, with multiple manufacturing plants, who own distribution centers and distribute their products, which are distinguished by brands, to demand markets, while maximizing profits and competing noncooperatively. The manufacturers also may avail themselves of external distribution centers for storing their products and freight service provision. The manufacturers have capacities associated with their supply chain network links and the external distribution centers also have capacitated storage and distribution capacities for their links, which are shared among the manufacturers and competed for. We utilize a special case of the Generalized Nash Equilibrium problem, known as a variational equilibrium, in order to formulate and solve the problem. A case study on apple farmers in Massachusetts is provided with various scenarios, including a supply chain disruption, to illustrate the modeling and methodological framework as well as the potential benefits of outsourcing in this sector