5,138 research outputs found

    Optimal integrated sizing and operation of a CHP system with Monte Carlo risk analysis for long-term uncertainty in energy demands

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    In this study a probabilistic approach for optimal sizing of cogeneration systems under long-term uncertainty in energy demand is proposed. A dynamic simulation framework for detailed modeling of the energy system is defined, consisting in both traditional and optimal operational strategies evaluation. A two-stage stochastic optimization algorithm is developed, adopting Monte Carlo method for the definition of a multi-objective optimization problem. An Italian hospital facility has been used as a case study and a gas internal combustion engine is considered for the cogeneration unit. The results reveal that the influence of uncertainties on both optimal size and annual total cost is significant. Optimal size obtained with the traditional deterministic approach are found to be sub-optimal (up to 30% larger) and the predicted annual cost saving is always lower when accounting for uncertainties. Pareto frontiers of different CHP configurations are presented and show the effectiveness of the proposed method as a useful tool for risk management and focused decision-making, as tradeoffs between system efficiency and system robustness

    Generation asset planning under uncertainty.

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    With the introduction of competition in the electric power industry, generation asset planning must change. In this changed environment, energy companies must be able to capture the extrinsic value of their asset operations and long-term managerial flexibility for sound planning decisions. This dissertation presents a new formulation for the generation asset planning problem under market uncertainty, in which short-term operational and long-term coupling constraints associated with investment decisions are simultaneously reflected in the planning process

    Optimal Flow for Multi-Carrier Energy System at Community Level

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    Power System Simulation, Control and Optimization

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    This Special Issue “Power System Simulation, Control and Optimization” offers valuable insights into the most recent research developments in these topics. The analysis, operation, and control of power systems are increasingly complex tasks that require advanced simulation models to analyze and control the effects of transformations concerning electricity grids today: Massive integration of renewable energies, progressive implementation of electric vehicles, development of intelligent networks, and progressive evolution of the applications of artificial intelligence

    Integration of Renewables in Power Systems by Multi-Energy System Interaction

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    This book focuses on the interaction between different energy vectors, that is, between electrical, thermal, gas, and transportation systems, with the purpose of optimizing the planning and operation of future energy systems. More and more renewable energy is integrated into the electrical system, and to optimize its usage and ensure that its full production can be hosted and utilized, the power system has to be controlled in a more flexible manner. In order not to overload the electrical distribution grids, the new large loads have to be controlled using demand response, perchance through a hierarchical control set-up where some controls are dependent on price signals from the spot and balancing markets. In addition, by performing local real-time control and coordination based on local voltage or system frequency measurements, the grid hosting limits are not violated

    A long-term unit commitment problem with hydrothermal coordination for economic and emission control in large-scale electricity systems

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    The paper describes a long-term scheduling problem for thermal power plants and energy storages. In addition, renewable energy sources are integrated by considering the residual demand. Besides the classical minimization of the production costs, emission-related costs are taken into account. Thereby, emission costs are determined by market prices for CO2 emission certificates (i.e., using the EU emissions trading system). For the proposed unit commitment problem with hydrothermal coordination for economic and emission control, an enhanced mixed-integer linear programming model is presented. Moreover, a new heuristic approach is developed, which consists of two solution stages. The heuristic first performs an isolated dispatching of thermal plants. Then, a re-optimization stage is included in order to embed activities of energy storages into the final solution schedule. The considered approach is able to find outstanding schedules for benchmark instances with a planning horizon of up to one year. Furthermore, promising results are also obtained for large-scale real-world electricity systems. For the German electricity market, the relationship of CO2 certificate prices and the optimal thermal dispatch is illustrated by a comprehensive sensitivity analysis

    Investigating evolutionary computation with smart mutation for three types of Economic Load Dispatch optimisation problem

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    The Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) problem is an optimisation task concerned with how electricity generating stations can meet their customers’ demands while minimising under/over-generation, and minimising the operational costs of running the generating units. In the conventional or Static Economic Load Dispatch (SELD), an optimal solution is sought in terms of how much power to produce from each of the individual generating units at the power station, while meeting (predicted) customers’ load demands. With the inclusion of a more realistic dynamic view of demand over time and associated constraints, the Dynamic Economic Load Dispatch (DELD) problem is an extension of the SELD, and aims at determining the optimal power generation schedule on a regular basis, revising the power system configuration (subject to constraints) at intervals during the day as demand patterns change. Both the SELD and DELD have been investigated in the recent literature with modern heuristic optimisation approaches providing excellent results in comparison with classical techniques. However, these problems are defined under the assumption of a regulated electricity market, where utilities tend to share their generating resources so as to minimise the total cost of supplying the demanded load. Currently, the electricity distribution scene is progressing towards a restructured, liberalised and competitive market. In this market the utility companies are privatised, and naturally compete with each other to increase their profits, while they also engage in bidding transactions with their customers. This formulation is referred to as: Bid-Based Dynamic Economic Load Dispatch (BBDELD). This thesis proposes a Smart Evolutionary Algorithm (SEA), which combines a standard evolutionary algorithm with a “smart mutation” approach. The so-called ‘smart’ mutation operator focuses mutation on genes contributing most to costs and penalty violations, while obeying operational constraints. We develop specialised versions of SEA for each of the SELD, DELD and BBDELD problems, and show that this approach is superior to previously published approaches in each case. The thesis also applies the approach to a new case study relevant to Nigerian electricity deregulation. Results on this case study indicate that our SEA is able to deal with larger scale energy optimisation tasks