162 research outputs found

    A Study on the Practical Carrying Capacity of Large High-Speed Railway Stations considering Train Set Utilization

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    Methods for solving the carrying capacity problem for High-Speed Railways (HSRs) have received increasing attention in the literature in the last few years. As important nodes in the High-Speed Railway (HSR) network, large stations are usually the carrying capacity bottlenecks of the entire network due to the presence of multiple connections in different directions and the complexity of train operations at these stations. This paper focuses on solving the station carrying capacity problem and considers train set utilization constraints, which are important influencing factors that have rarely been studied by previous researchers. An integer linear programming model is built, and the CPLEX v12.2 software is used to solve the model. The proposed approach is tested on a real-world case study of the Beijing South Railway Station (BS), which is one of the busiest and most complex stations in China. Studies of the impacts of different train set utilization constraints on the practical station carrying capacity are carried out, and some suggestions are then presented for enhancing the practical carrying capacity. Contrast tests indicate that both the efficiency of the solving process and the quality of the solution show huge breakthroughs compared with the heuristic approach

    Dispatching and Rescheduling Tasks and Their Interactions with Travel Demand and the Energy Domain: Models and Algorithms

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    Abstract The paper aims to provide an overview of the key factors to consider when performing reliable modelling of rail services. Given our underlying belief that to build a robust simulation environment a rail service cannot be considered an isolated system, also the connected systems, which influence and, in turn, are influenced by such services, must be properly modelled. For this purpose, an extensive overview of the rail simulation and optimisation models proposed in the literature is first provided. Rail simulation models are classified according to the level of detail implemented (microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic), the variables involved (deterministic and stochastic) and the processing techniques adopted (synchronous and asynchronous). By contrast, within rail optimisation models, both planning (timetabling) and management (rescheduling) phases are discussed. The main issues concerning the interaction of rail services with travel demand flows and the energy domain are also described. Finally, in an attempt to provide a comprehensive framework an overview of the main metaheuristic resolution techniques used in the planning and management phases is shown

    Ant Colony Optimisation for Dynamic and Dynamic Multi-objective Railway Rescheduling Problems

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    Recovering the timetable after a delay is essential to the smooth and efficient operation of the railways for both passengers and railway operators. Most current railway rescheduling research concentrates on static problems where all delays are known about in advance. However, due to the unpredictable nature of the railway system, it is possible that further unforeseen incidents could occur while the trains are running to the new rescheduled timetable. This will change the problem, making it a dynamic problem that changes over time. The aim of this work is to investigate the application of ant colony optimisation (ACO) to dynamic and dynamic multiobjective railway rescheduling problems. ACO is a promising approach for dynamic combinatorial optimisation problems as its inbuilt mechanisms allow it to adapt to the new environment while retaining potentially useful information from the previous environment. In addition, ACO is able to handle multi-objective problems by the addition of multiple colonies and/or multiple pheromone and heuristic matrices. The contributions of this work are the development of a junction simulator to model unique dynamic and multi-objective railway rescheduling problems and an investigation into the application of ACO algorithms to solve those problems. A further contribution is the development of a unique two-colony ACO framework to solve the separate problems of platform reallocation and train resequencing at a UK railway station in dynamic delay scenarios. Results showed that ACO can be e ectively applied to the rescheduling of trains in both dynamic and dynamic multi-objective rescheduling problems. In the dynamic junction rescheduling problem ACO outperformed First Come First Served (FCFS), while in the dynamic multi-objective rescheduling problem ACO outperformed FCFS and Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II), a stateof- the-art multi-objective algorithm. When considering platform reallocation and rescheduling in dynamic environments, ACO outperformed Variable Neighbourhood Search (VNS), Tabu Search (TS) and running with no rescheduling algorithm. These results suggest that ACO shows promise for the rescheduling of trains in both dynamic and dynamic multi-objective environments.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    A Study on the Practical Carrying Capacity of Large High-Speed Railway Stations considering Train Set Utilization

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    Methods for solving the carrying capacity problem for High-Speed Railways (HSRs) have received increasing attention in the literature in the last few years. As important nodes in the High-Speed Railway (HSR) network, large stations are usually the carrying capacity bottlenecks of the entire network due to the presence of multiple connections in different directions and the complexity of train operations at these stations. This paper focuses on solving the station carrying capacity problem and considers train set utilization constraints, which are important influencing factors that have rarely been studied by previous researchers. An integer linear programming model is built, and the CPLEX v12.2 software is used to solve the model. The proposed approach is tested on a real-world case study of the Beijing South Railway Station (BS), which is one of the busiest and most complex stations in China. Studies of the impacts of different train set utilization constraints on the practical station carrying capacity are carried out, and some suggestions are then presented for enhancing the practical carrying capacity. Contrast tests indicate that both the efficiency of the solving process and the quality of the solution show huge breakthroughs compared with the heuristic approach

    Linear Programming Model and Online Algorithm for Customer-Centric Train Calendar Generation

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    An important objective for train operating companies is to let users, especially commuters, directly query the ICT system about trains' availability calendar, based on an online approach, and give them clear and brief information, expressed through "intelligent" phrases instead of bit maps. This paper provides a linear programming model of this problem and a fast and flexible heuristic algorithm to create descriptive sentences from train calendars. The algorithmic method, based on the "Divide and Conquer" approach, takes the calendar period queried in its whole and divides it into subsets, which are successively processed one by one. The dominant limitation of previous methods is their strong dependence on the size and complexity of instances. On the contrary, our computational findings show that the proposed online algorithm has a very limited and constant computation time, even when increasing the problem complexity, keeping its processing time between 0 and 16 ms, while producing good quality solutions that differ by an average surplus of 0.13 subsentences compared to benchmark state-of-art solutions

    Optimization models and solution methods for intermodal transportation

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    Distributed Approximate Dynamic Control for Traffic Management of Busy Railway Networks

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    Railway operations are prone to disturbances that can rapidly propagate through large networks, causing delays and poor performance. Automated re-scheduling tools have shown the potential to limit such undesirable outcomes. This study presents the network-wide effects of local deployment of an adaptive traffic controller for real-time operations that is built on approximate dynamic programming (ADP). The controller aims to limit train delays by advantageously controlling the sequencing of trains at critical locations. By using an approximation to the optimised value function of dynamic programming that is updated by reinforcement learning techniques, ADP reduces the computational burden substantially. This framework has been established for isolated local control, so here we investigate the effects of distributed deployment. Our ADP controller is interfaced with a microscopic railway traffic simulator to evaluate its effect on a large and dynamic railway system, which controls critical points independently. The proposed approach achieved a reduction in train delays by comparison with First-Come-First-Served control. We also found the improvements to be greater at terminal stations compared to the vicinity of our control areas

    Efficient Scheduling of Plantation Company Workers using Genetic Algorithm

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    Workers at large plantation companies have various activities. These activities include caring for plants, regularly applying fertilizers according to schedule, and crop harvesting activities. The density of worker activities must be balanced with efficient and fair work scheduling. A good schedule will minimize worker dissatisfaction while also maintaining their physical health. This study aims to optimize workers' schedules using a genetic algorithm. An efficient chromosome representation is designed to produce a good schedule in a reasonable amount of time. The mutation method is used in combination with reciprocal mutation and exchange mutation, while the type of crossover used is one cut point, and the selection method is elitism selection. A set of computational experiments is carried out to determine the best parameters’ value of the genetic algorithm. The final result is a better 30 days worker schedule compare to the previous schedule that was produced manually.
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