3,264 research outputs found

    A parallel prefiltering approach for the identification of a biased sinusoidal signal: theory and experiments

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    The problem of estimating the amplitude, frequency, and phase of an unknown sinusoidal signal from a noisy-biased measurement is addressed in this paper by a family of parallel prefiltering schemes. The proposed methodology consists in using a pair of linear filters of specified order to generate a suitable number of auxiliary signals that are used to estimate\u2014in an adaptive way\u2014the frequency, the amplitude, and the phase of the sinusoid. Increasing the order of the prefilters improves the noise immunity of the estimator, at the cost of an increase of the computational complexity. Among the whole family of estimators realizable by varying the order of the filters, the simple parallel prefilters of orders 2 C 2 and 3 C 3 are discussed in detail, being the most attractive from the implementability point of view. The behavior of the two algorithms with respect to bounded external disturbances is characterized by input-to-state stability arguments. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed technique is shown both by comparative numerical simulations and by a real experiment addressing the estimation of the frequency of the electrical mains from a noisy voltage measurement

    Nonlinear adaptive estimation with application to sinusoidal identification

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    Parameter estimation of a sinusoidal signal in real-time is encountered in applications in numerous areas of engineering. Parameters of interest are usually amplitude, frequency and phase wherein frequency tracking is the fundamental task in sinusoidal estimation. This thesis deals with the problem of identifying a signal that comprises n (n ≥ 1) harmonics from a measurement possibly affected by structured and unstructured disturbances. The structured perturbations are modeled as a time-polynomial so as to represent, for example, bias and drift phenomena typically present in applications, whereas the unstructured disturbances are characterized as bounded perturbation. Several approaches upon different theoretical tools are presented in this thesis, and classified into two main categories: asymptotic and non-asymptotic methodologies, depending on the qualitative characteristics of the convergence behavior over time. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the asymptotic estimators, which typically consist in a pre-filtering module for generating a number of auxiliary signals, independent of the structured perturbations. These auxiliary signals can be used either directly or indirectly to estimate—in an adaptive way—the frequency, the amplitude and the phase of the sinusoidal signals. More specifically, the direct approach is based on a simple gradient method, which ensures Input-to-State Stability of the estimation error with respect to the bounded-unstructured disturbances. The indirect method exploits a specific adaptive observer scheme equipped with a switching criterion allowing to properly address in a stable way the poor excitation scenarios. It is shown that the adaptive observer method can be applied for estimating multi-frequencies through an augmented but unified framework, which is a crucial advantage with respect to direct approaches. The estimators’ stability properties are also analyzed by Input-to-State-Stability (ISS) arguments. In the second part we present a non-asymptotic estimation methodology characterized by a distinctive feature that permits finite-time convergence of the estimates. Resorting to the Volterra integral operators with suitably designed kernels, the measured signal is processed, yielding a set of auxiliary signals, in which the influence of the unknown initial conditions is annihilated. A sliding mode-based adaptation law, fed by the aforementioned auxiliary signals, is proposed for deadbeat estimation of the frequency and amplitude, which are dealt with in a step-by-step manner. The worst case behavior of the proposed algorithm in the presence of bounded perturbation is studied by ISS tools. The practical characteristics of all estimation techniques are evaluated and compared with other existing techniques by extensive simulations and experimental trials.Open Acces

    A space communications study Final report, 15 Sep. 1966 - 15 Sep. 1967

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    Investigation of signal to noise ratios and signal transmission efficiency for space communication system

    On the Analytic Wavelet Transform

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    An exact and general expression for the analytic wavelet transform of a real-valued signal is constructed, resolving the time-dependent effects of non-negligible amplitude and frequency modulation. The analytic signal is first locally represented as a modulated oscillation, demodulated by its own instantaneous frequency, and then Taylor-expanded at each point in time. The terms in this expansion, called the instantaneous modulation functions, are time-varying functions which quantify, at increasingly higher orders, the local departures of the signal from a uniform sinusoidal oscillation. Closed-form expressions for these functions are found in terms of Bell polynomials and derivatives of the signal's instantaneous frequency and bandwidth. The analytic wavelet transform is shown to depend upon the interaction between the signal's instantaneous modulation functions and frequency-domain derivatives of the wavelet, inducing a hierarchy of departures of the transform away from a perfect representation of the signal. The form of these deviation terms suggests a set of conditions for matching the wavelet properties to suit the variability of the signal, in which case our expressions simplify considerably. One may then quantify the time-varying bias associated with signal estimation via wavelet ridge analysis, and choose wavelets to minimize this bias