358 research outputs found

    Getting Past the Language Gap: Innovations in Machine Translation

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    In this chapter, we will be reviewing state of the art machine translation systems, and will discuss innovative methods for machine translation, highlighting the most promising techniques and applications. Machine translation (MT) has benefited from a revitalization in the last 10 years or so, after a period of relatively slow activity. In 2005 the field received a jumpstart when a powerful complete experimental package for building MT systems from scratch became freely available as a result of the unified efforts of the MOSES international consortium. Around the same time, hierarchical methods had been introduced by Chinese researchers, which allowed the introduction and use of syntactic information in translation modeling. Furthermore, the advances in the related field of computational linguistics, making off-the-shelf taggers and parsers readily available, helped give MT an additional boost. Yet there is still more progress to be made. For example, MT will be enhanced greatly when both syntax and semantics are on board: this still presents a major challenge though many advanced research groups are currently pursuing ways to meet this challenge head-on. The next generation of MT will consist of a collection of hybrid systems. It also augurs well for the mobile environment, as we look forward to more advanced and improved technologies that enable the working of Speech-To-Speech machine translation on hand-held devices, i.e. speech recognition and speech synthesis. We review all of these developments and point out in the final section some of the most promising research avenues for the future of MT

    A Strategy for Multilingual Spoken Language Understanding Based on Graphs of Linguistic Units

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    [EN] In this thesis, the problem of multilingual spoken language understanding is addressed using graphs to model and combine the different knowledge sources that take part in the understanding process. As a result of this work, a full multilingual spoken language understanding system has been developed, in which statistical models and graphs of linguistic units are used. One key feature of this system is its ability to combine and process multiple inputs provided by one or more sources such as speech recognizers or machine translators. A graph-based monolingual spoken language understanding system was developed as a starting point. The input to this system is a set of sentences that is provided by one or more speech recognition systems. First, these sentences are combined by means of a grammatical inference algorithm in order to build a graph of words. Next, the graph of words is processed to construct a graph of concepts by using a dynamic programming algorithm that identifies the lexical structures that represent the different concepts of the task. Finally, the graph of concepts is used to build the best sequence of concepts. The multilingual case happens when the user speaks a language different to the one natively supported by the system. In this thesis, a test-on-source approach was followed. This means that the input sentences are translated into the system's language, and then they are processed by the monolingual system. For this purpose, two speech translation systems were developed. The output of these speech translation systems are graphs of words that are then processed by the monolingual graph-based spoken language understanding system. Both in the monolingual case and in the multilingual case, the experimental results show that a combination of several inputs allows to improve the results obtained with a single input. In fact, this approach outperforms the current state of the art in many cases when several inputs are combined.[ES] En esta tesis se aborda el problema de la comprensión multilingüe del habla utilizando grafos para modelizar y combinar las diversas fuentes de conocimiento que intervienen en el proceso. Como resultado se ha desarrollado un sistema completo de comprensión multilingüe que utiliza modelos estadísticos y grafos de unidades lingüísticas. El punto fuerte de este sistema es su capacidad para combinar y procesar múltiples entradas proporcionadas por una o varias fuentes, como reconocedores de habla o traductores automáticos. Como punto de partida se desarrolló un sistema de comprensión multilingüe basado en grafos. La entrada a este sistema es un conjunto de frases obtenido a partir de uno o varios reconocedores de habla. En primer lugar, se aplica un algoritmo de inferencia gramatical que combina estas frases y obtiene un grafo de palabras. A continuación, se analiza el grafo de palabras mediante un algoritmo de programación dinámica que identifica las estructuras léxicas correspondientes a los distintos conceptos de la tarea, de forma que se construye un grafo de conceptos. Finalmente, se procesa el grafo de conceptos para encontrar la mejo secuencia de conceptos. El caso multilingüe ocurre cuando el usuario habla una lengua distinta a la original del sistema. En este trabajo se ha utilizado una estrategia test-on-source, en la cual las frases de entrada se traducen al lenguaje del sistema y éste las trata de forma monolingüe. Para ello se han propuesto dos sistemas de traducción del habla cuya salida son grafos de palabras, los cuales son procesados por el algoritmo de comprensión basado en grafos. Tanto en la configuración monolingüe como en la multilingüe los resultados muestran que la combinación de varias entradas permite mejorar los resultados obtenidos con una sola entrada. De hecho, esta aproximación consigue en muchos casos mejores resultados que el actual estado del arte cuando se utiliza una combinación de varias entradas.[CA] Aquesta tesi tracta el problema de la comprensió multilingüe de la parla utilitzant grafs per a modelitzar i combinar les diverses fonts de coneixement que intervenen en el procés. Com a resultat s'ha desenvolupat un sistema complet de comprensió multilingüe de la parla que utilitza models estadístics i grafs d'unitats lingüístiques. El punt fort d'aquest sistema és la seua capacitat per combinar i processar múltiples entrades proporcionades per una o diverses fonts, com reconeixedors de la parla o traductors automàtics. Com a punt de partida, es va desenvolupar un sistema de comprensió monolingüe basat en grafs. L'entrada d'aquest sistema és un conjunt de frases obtingut a partir d'un o més reconeixedors de la parla. En primer lloc, s'aplica un algorisme d'inferència gramatical que combina aquestes frases i obté un graf de paraules. A continuació, s'analitza el graf de paraules mitjançant un algorisme de programació dinàmica que identifica les estructures lèxiques corresponents als distints conceptes de la tasca, de forma que es construeix un graf de conceptes. Finalment, es processa aquest graf de conceptes per trobar la millor seqüència de conceptes. El cas multilingüe ocorre quan l'usuari parla una llengua diferent a l'original del sistema. En aquest treball s'ha utilitzat una estratègia test-on-source, en la qual les frases d'entrada es tradueixen a la llengua del sistema, i aquest les tracta de forma monolingüe. Per a fer-ho es proposen dos sistemes de traducció de la parla l'eixida dels quals són grafs de paraules. Aquests grafs són posteriorment processats per l'algorisme de comprensió basat en grafs. Tant per la configuració monolingüe com per la multilingüe els resultats mostren que la combinació de diverses entrades és capaç de millorar el resultats obtinguts utilitzant una sola entrada. De fet, aquesta aproximació aconsegueix en molts casos millors resultats que l'actual estat de l'art quan s'utilitza una combinació de diverses entrades.Calvo Lance, M. (2016). A Strategy for Multilingual Spoken Language Understanding Based on Graphs of Linguistic Units [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62407TESI

    Getting Past the Language Gap: Innovations in Machine Translation

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    In this chapter, we will be reviewing state of the art machine translation systems, and will discuss innovative methods for machine translation, highlighting the most promising techniques and applications. Machine translation (MT) has benefited from a revitalization in the last 10 years or so, after a period of relatively slow activity. In 2005 the field received a jumpstart when a powerful complete experimental package for building MT systems from scratch became freely available as a result of the unified efforts of the MOSES international consortium. Around the same time, hierarchical methods had been introduced by Chinese researchers, which allowed the introduction and use of syntactic information in translation modeling. Furthermore, the advances in the related field of computational linguistics, making off-the-shelf taggers and parsers readily available, helped give MT an additional boost. Yet there is still more progress to be made. For example, MT will be enhanced greatly when both syntax and semantics are on board: this still presents a major challenge though many advanced research groups are currently pursuing ways to meet this challenge head-on. The next generation of MT will consist of a collection of hybrid systems. It also augurs well for the mobile environment, as we look forward to more advanced and improved technologies that enable the working of Speech-To-Speech machine translation on hand-held devices, i.e. speech recognition and speech synthesis. We review all of these developments and point out in the final section some of the most promising research avenues for the future of MT

    Delving into the uncharted territories of Word Sense Disambiguation

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    The automatic disambiguation of word senses, i.e. Word Sense Disambiguation, is a long-standing task in the field of Natural Language Processing; an AI-complete problem that took its first steps more than half a century ago, and which, to date, has apparently attained human-like performances on standard evaluation benchmarks. Unfortunately, the steady evolution that the task experienced over time in terms of sheer performance has not been followed hand in hand by adequate theoretical support, nor by careful error analysis. Furthermore, we believe that the lack of an exhaustive bird’s eye view which accounts for the sort of high-end and unrealistic computational architectures that systems will soon need in order to further refine their performances could lead the field to a dead angle in a few years. In essence, taking advantage of the current moment of great accomplishments and renewed interest in the task, we argue that Word Sense Disambiguation is mature enough for researchers to really observe the extent of the results hitherto obtained, evaluate what is actually missing, and answer the much sought for question: “are current state-of-the-art systems really able to effectively solve lexical ambiguity?” Driven by the desire to become both architects and participants in this period of pondering, we have identified a few macro-areas representatives of the challenges of automatic disambiguation. From this point of view, in this thesis, we propose experimental solutions and empirical tools so as to bring to the attention of the Word Sense Disambiguation community unusual and unexplored points of view. We hope these will represent a new perspective through which to best observe the current state of disambiguation, as well as to foresee future paths for the task to evolve on. Specifically, 1q) prompted by the growing concern about the rise in performance being closely linked to the demand for more and more unrealistic computational architectures in all areas of application of Deep Learning related techniques, we 1a) provide evidence for the undisclosed potential of approaches based on knowledge-bases, via the exploitation of syntagmatic information. Moreover, 2q) driven by the dissatisfaction with the use of cognitively-inaccurate, finite inventories of word senses in Word Sense Disambiguation, we 2a) introduce an approach based on Definition Modeling paradigms to generate contextual definitions for target words and phrases, hence going beyond the limits set by specific lexical-semantic inventories. Finally, 3q) moved by the desire to analyze the real implications beyond the idea of “machines performing disambiguation on par with their human counterparts” we 3a) put forward a detailed analysis of the shared errors affecting current state-of-the-art systems based on diverse approaches for Word Sense Disambiguation, and highlight, by means of a novel evaluation dataset tailored to represent common and critical issues shared by all systems, performances way lower than those usually reported in the current literature

    Deep Transfer Learning for Automatic Speech Recognition: Towards Better Generalization

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    Automatic speech recognition (ASR) has recently become an important challenge when using deep learning (DL). It requires large-scale training datasets and high computational and storage resources. Moreover, DL techniques and machine learning (ML) approaches in general, hypothesize that training and testing data come from the same domain, with the same input feature space and data distribution characteristics. This assumption, however, is not applicable in some real-world artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Moreover, there are situations where gathering real data is challenging, expensive, or rarely occurring, which can not meet the data requirements of DL models. deep transfer learning (DTL) has been introduced to overcome these issues, which helps develop high-performing models using real datasets that are small or slightly different but related to the training data. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of DTL-based ASR frameworks to shed light on the latest developments and helps academics and professionals understand current challenges. Specifically, after presenting the DTL background, a well-designed taxonomy is adopted to inform the state-of-the-art. A critical analysis is then conducted to identify the limitations and advantages of each framework. Moving on, a comparative study is introduced to highlight the current challenges before deriving opportunities for future research

    Apprentissage discriminant des modèles continus en traduction automatique

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    Over the past few years, neural network (NN) architectures have been successfully applied to many Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, such as Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Statistical Machine Translation (SMT).For the language modeling task, these models consider linguistic units (i.e words and phrases) through their projections into a continuous (multi-dimensional) space, and the estimated distribution is a function of these projections. Also qualified continuous-space models (CSMs), their peculiarity hence lies in this exploitation of a continuous representation that can be seen as an attempt to address the sparsity issue of the conventional discrete models. In the context of SMT, these echniques have been applied on neural network-based language models (NNLMs) included in SMT systems, and oncontinuous-space translation models (CSTMs). These models have led to significant and consistent gains in the SMT performance, but are also considered as very expensive in training and inference, especially for systems involving large vocabularies. To overcome this issue, Structured Output Layer (SOUL) and Noise Contrastive Estimation (NCE) have been proposed; the former modifies the standard structure on vocabulary words, while the latter approximates the maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) by a sampling method. All these approaches share the same estimation criterion which is the MLE ; however using this procedure results in an inconsistency between theobjective function defined for parameter stimation and the way models are used in the SMT application. The work presented in this dissertation aims to design new performance-oriented and global training procedures for CSMs to overcome these issues. The main contributions lie in the investigation and evaluation of efficient training methods for (large-vocabulary) CSMs which aim~:(a) to reduce the total training cost, and (b) to improve the efficiency of these models when used within the SMT application. On the one hand, the training and inference cost can be reduced (using the SOUL structure or the NCE algorithm), or by reducing the number of iterations via a faster convergence. This thesis provides an empirical analysis of these solutions on different large-scale SMT tasks. On the other hand, we propose a discriminative training framework which optimizes the performance of the whole system containing the CSM as a component model. The experimental results show that this framework is efficient to both train and adapt CSM within SMT systems, opening promising research perspectives.Durant ces dernières années, les architectures de réseaux de neurones (RN) ont été appliquées avec succès à de nombreuses applications en Traitement Automatique de Langues (TAL), comme par exemple en Reconnaissance Automatique de la Parole (RAP) ainsi qu'en Traduction Automatique (TA).Pour la tâche de modélisation statique de la langue, ces modèles considèrent les unités linguistiques (c'est-à-dire des mots et des segments) à travers leurs projections dans un espace continu (multi-dimensionnel), et la distribution de probabilité à estimer est une fonction de ces projections.Ainsi connus sous le nom de "modèles continus" (MC), la particularité de ces derniers se trouve dans l'exploitation de la représentation continue qui peut être considérée comme une solution au problème de données creuses rencontré lors de l'utilisation des modèles discrets conventionnels.Dans le cadre de la TA, ces techniques ont été appliquées dans les modèles de langue neuronaux (MLN) utilisés dans les systèmes de TA, et dans les modèles continus de traduction (MCT).L'utilisation de ces modèles se sont traduit par d'importantes et significatives améliorations des performances des systèmes de TA. Ils sont néanmoins très coûteux lors des phrases d'apprentissage et d'inférence, notamment pour les systèmes ayant un grand vocabulaire.Afin de surmonter ce problème, l'architecture SOUL (pour "Structured Output Layer" en anglais) et l'algorithme NCE (pour "Noise Contrastive Estimation", ou l'estimation contrastive bruitée) ont été proposés: le premier modifie la structure standard de la couche de sortie, alors que le second cherche à approximer l'estimation du maximum de vraisemblance (MV) par une méthode d’échantillonnage.Toutes ces approches partagent le même critère d'estimation qui est la log-vraisemblance; pourtant son utilisation mène à une incohérence entre la fonction objectif définie pour l'estimation des modèles, et la manière dont ces modèles seront utilisés dans les systèmes de TA.Cette dissertation vise à concevoir de nouvelles procédures d'entraînement des MC, afin de surmonter ces problèmes.Les contributions principales se trouvent dans l'investigation et l'évaluation des méthodes d'entraînement efficaces pour MC qui visent à: (i) réduire le temps total de l'entraînement, et (ii) améliorer l'efficacité de ces modèles lors de leur utilisation dans les systèmes de TA.D'un côté, le coût d'entraînement et d'inférence peut être réduit (en utilisant l'architecture SOUL ou l'algorithme NCE), ou la convergence peut être accélérée.La dissertation présente une analyse empirique de ces approches pour des tâches de traduction automatique à grande échelle.D'un autre côté, nous proposons un cadre d'apprentissage discriminant qui optimise la performance du système entier ayant incorporé un modèle continu.Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que ce cadre d'entraînement est efficace pour l'apprentissage ainsi que pour l'adaptation des MC au sein des systèmes de TA, ce qui ouvre de nouvelles perspectives prometteuses

    Towards Interaction-level Video Action Understanding

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    A huge amount of videos have been created, spread, and viewed daily. Among these massive videos, the actions and activities of humans account for a large part. We desire machines to understand human actions in videos as this is essential to various applications, including but not limited to autonomous driving cars, security systems, human-robot interactions and healthcare. Towards real intelligent system that is able to interact with humans, video understanding must go beyond simply answering ``what is the action in the video", but be more aware of what those actions mean to humans and be more in line with human thinking, which we call interactive-level action understanding. This thesis identifies three main challenges to approaching interactive-level video action understanding: 1) understanding actions given human consensus; 2) understanding actions based on specific human rules; 3) directly understanding actions in videos via human natural language. For the first challenge, we select video summary as a representative task that aims to select informative frames to retain high-level information based on human annotators' experience. Through self-attention architecture and meta-learning, which jointly process dual representations of visual and sequential information for video summarization, the proposed model is capable of understanding video from human consensus (e.g., how humans think which parts of an action sequence are essential). For the second challenge, our works on action quality assessment utilize transformer decoders to parse the input action into several sub-actions and assess the more fine-grained qualities of the given action, yielding the capability of action understanding given specific human rules. (e.g., how well a diving action performs, how well a robot performs surgery) The third key idea explored in this thesis is to use graph neural networks in an adversarial fashion to understand actions through natural language. We demonstrate the utility of this technique for the video captioning task, which takes an action video as input, outputs natural language, and yields state-of-the-art performance. It can be concluded that the research directions and methods introduced in this thesis provide fundamental components toward interactive-level action understanding

    New resources and ideas for semantic parser induction

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    In this thesis, we investigate the general topic of computational natural language understanding (NLU), which has as its goal the development of algorithms and other computational methods that support reasoning about natural language by the computer. Under the classical approach, NLU models work similar to computer compilers (Aho et al., 1986), and include as a central component a semantic parser that translates natural language input (i.e., the compiler’s high-level language) to lower-level formal languages that facilitate program execution and exact reasoning. Given the difficulty of building natural language compilers by hand, recent work has centered around semantic parser induction, or on using machine learning to learn semantic parsers and semantic representations from parallel data consisting of example text-meaning pairs (Mooney, 2007a). One inherent difficulty in this data-driven approach is finding the parallel data needed to train the target semantic parsing models, given that such data does not occur naturally “in the wild” (Halevy et al., 2009). Even when data is available, the amount of domain- and language-specific data and the nature of the available annotations might be insufficient for robust machine learning and capturing the full range of NLU phenomena. Given these underlying resource issues, the semantic parsing field is in constant need of new resources and datasets, as well as novel learning techniques and task evaluations that make models more robust and adaptable to the many applications that require reliable semantic parsing. To address the main resource problem involving finding parallel data, we investigate the idea of using source code libraries, or collections of code and text documentation, as a parallel corpus for semantic parser development and introduce 45 new datasets in this domain and a new and challenging text-to-code translation task. As a way of addressing the lack of domain- and language-specific parallel data, we then use these and other benchmark datasets to investigate training se- mantic parsers on multiple datasets, which helps semantic parsers to generalize across different domains and languages and solve new tasks such as polyglot decoding and zero-shot translation (i.e., translating over and between multiple natural and formal languages and unobserved language pairs). Finally, to address the issue of insufficient annotations, we introduce a new learning framework called learning from entailment that uses entailment information (i.e., high-level inferences about whether the meaning of one sentence follows from another) as a weak learning signal to train semantic parsers to reason about the holes in their analysis and learn improved semantic representations. Taken together, this thesis contributes a wide range of new techniques and technical solutions to help build semantic parsing models with minimal amounts of training supervision and manual engineering effort, hence avoiding the resource issues described at the onset. We also introduce a diverse set of new NLU tasks for evaluating semantic parsing models, which we believe help to extend the scope and real world applicability of semantic parsing and computational NLU

    Knowledge-enhanced neural grammar Induction

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    Natural language is usually presented as a word sequence, but the inherent structure of language is not necessarily sequential. Automatic grammar induction for natural language is a long-standing research topic in the field of computational linguistics and still remains an open problem today. From the perspective of cognitive science, the goal of a grammar induction system is to mimic children: learning a grammar that can generalize to infinitely many utterances by only consuming finite data. With regard to computational linguistics, an automatic grammar induction system could be beneficial for a wide variety of natural language processing (NLP) applications: providing syntactic analysis explicitly for a pipeline or a joint learning system; injecting structural bias implicitly into an end-to-end model. Typically, approaches to grammar induction only have access to raw text. Due to the huge search space of trees as well as data sparsity and ambiguity issues, grammar induction is a difficult problem. Thanks to the rapid development of neural networks and their capacity of over-parameterization and continuous representation learning, neural models have been recently introduced to grammar induction. Given its large capacity, introducing external knowledge into a neural system is an effective approach in practice, especially for an unsupervised problem. This thesis explores how to incorporate external knowledge into neural grammar induction models. We develop several approaches to combine different types of knowledge with neural grammar induction models on two grammar formalisms — constituency and dependency grammar. We first investigate how to inject symbolic knowledge, universal linguistic rules, into unsupervised dependency parsing. In contrast to previous state-of-the-art models that utilize time-consuming global inference, we propose a neural transition-based parser using variational inference. Our parser is able to employ rich features and supports inference in linear time for both training and testing. The core component in our parser is posterior regularization, where the posterior distribution of the dependency trees is constrained by the universal linguistic rules. The resulting parser outperforms previous unsupervised transition-based dependency parsers and achieves performance comparable to global inference-based models. Our parser also substantially increases parsing speed over global inference-based models. Recently, tree structures have been considered as latent variables that are learned through downstream NLP tasks, such as language modeling and natural language inference. More specifically, auxiliary syntax-aware components are embedded into the neural networks and are trained end-to-end on the downstream tasks. However, such latent tree models either struggle to produce linguistically plausible tree structures, or require an external biased parser to obtain good parsing performance. In the second part of this thesis, we focus on constituency structure and propose to use imitation learning to couple two heterogeneous latent tree models: we transfer the knowledge learned from a continuous latent tree model trained using language modeling to a discrete one, and further fine-tune the discrete model using a natural language inference objective. Through this two-stage training scheme, the discrete latent tree model achieves stateof-the-art unsupervised parsing performance. The transformer is a newly proposed neural model for NLP. Transformer-based pre-trained language models (PLMs) like BERT have achieved remarkable success on various NLP tasks by training on an enormous corpus using word prediction tasks. Recent studies show that PLMs can learn considerable syntactical knowledge in a syntaxagnostic manner. In the third part of this thesis, we leverage PLMs as a source of external knowledge. We propose a parameter-free approach to select syntax-sensitive self-attention heads from PLMs and perform chart-based unsupervised constituency parsing. In contrast to previous approaches, our head-selection approach only relies on raw text without any annotated development data. Experimental results on both English and eight other languages show that our approach achieves competitive performance

    A Survey on Semantic Processing Techniques

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    Semantic processing is a fundamental research domain in computational linguistics. In the era of powerful pre-trained language models and large language models, the advancement of research in this domain appears to be decelerating. However, the study of semantics is multi-dimensional in linguistics. The research depth and breadth of computational semantic processing can be largely improved with new technologies. In this survey, we analyzed five semantic processing tasks, e.g., word sense disambiguation, anaphora resolution, named entity recognition, concept extraction, and subjectivity detection. We study relevant theoretical research in these fields, advanced methods, and downstream applications. We connect the surveyed tasks with downstream applications because this may inspire future scholars to fuse these low-level semantic processing tasks with high-level natural language processing tasks. The review of theoretical research may also inspire new tasks and technologies in the semantic processing domain. Finally, we compare the different semantic processing techniques and summarize their technical trends, application trends, and future directions.Comment: Published at Information Fusion, Volume 101, 2024, 101988, ISSN 1566-2535. The equal contribution mark is missed in the published version due to the publication policies. Please contact Prof. Erik Cambria for detail