3,464 research outputs found

    Enabling Adaptive Grid Scheduling and Resource Management

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    Wider adoption of the Grid concept has led to an increasing amount of federated computational, storage and visualisation resources being available to scientists and researchers. Distributed and heterogeneous nature of these resources renders most of the legacy cluster monitoring and management approaches inappropriate, and poses new challenges in workflow scheduling on such systems. Effective resource utilisation monitoring and highly granular yet adaptive measurements are prerequisites for a more efficient Grid scheduler. We present a suite of measurement applications able to monitor per-process resource utilisation, and a customisable tool for emulating observed utilisation models. We also outline our future work on a predictive and probabilistic Grid scheduler. The research is undertaken as part of UK e-Science EPSRC sponsored project SO-GRM (Self-Organising Grid Resource Management) in cooperation with BT

    A multi-stage stochastic programming approach in master production scheduling

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    Master Production Schedules (MPS) are widely used in industry, especially within Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. The classical approach for generating MPS assumes infinite capacity, fixed processing times, and a single scenario for demand forecasts. In this paper, we question these assumptions and consider a problem with finite capacity, controllable processing times, and several demand scenarios instead of just one. We use a multi-stage stochastic programming approach in order to come up with the maximum expected profit given the demand scenarios. Controllable processing times enlarge the solution space so that the limited capacity of production resources are utilized more effectively. We propose an effective formulation that enables an extensive computational study. Our computational results clearly indicate that instead of relying on relatively simple heuristic methods, multi-stage stochastic programming can be used effectively to solve MPS problems, and that controllability increases the performance of multi-stage solutions

    Multiple neighborhoods in tabu search: successful applications for operations management problems

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    A metaheuristic is a refined solution method able to find a satisfying solution to a difficult problem in a reasonable amount of time. A local search metaheuristic works on a single solution and tries to improve it iteratively. Tabu search is one of the most famous local search, where at each iteration, a neighbor solution is generated from the current solution by performing a specific modification (called a move) on the latter. In contrast with most of the existing literature, the goal of this paper is to present tabu search approaches where different neighborhood structures (i.e., different types of moves) are jointly used. The discussion is illustrated for various operations management problems: truck loading, job scheduling, inventory management, and dimensioning of assembly lines

    Two-machine flowshop scheduling with flexible operations and controllable processing times

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    Ankara : The Department of Industrial Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2011.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2011.Includes bibliographical references leaves 77-84.In this study, we consider a two-machine flowshop scheduling problem with identical jobs. Each of these jobs has three operations, where the first operation must be performed on the first machine, the second operation must be performed on the second machine, and the third operation (named as flexible operation) can be performed on either machine but cannot be preempted. Highly flexible CNC machines are capable of performing different operations as long as the required cutting tools are loaded on these machines. The processing times on these machines can be changed easily in albeit of higher manufacturing cost by adjusting the machining parameters like the speed of the machine, feed rate, and/or the depth of cut. The overall problem is to determine the assignment of the flexible operations to the machines and processing times for each job simultaneously, with the bicriteria objective of minimizing the manufacturing cost and minimizing makespan. For such a bicriteria problem, there is no unique optimum but a set of nondominated solutions. Using ǫ constraint approach, the problem could be transformed to be minimizing total manufacturing cost objective for a given upper limit on the makespan objective. The resulting single criteria problem is a nonlinear mixed integer formulation. For the cases where the exact algorithm may not be efficient in terms of computation time, we propose an efficient approximation algorithm.Uruk, ZeynepM.S

    Serial-batch scheduling – the special case of laser-cutting machines

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    The dissertation deals with a problem in the field of short-term production planning, namely the scheduling of laser-cutting machines. The object of decision is the grouping of production orders (batching) and the sequencing of these order groups on one or more machines (scheduling). This problem is also known in the literature as "batch scheduling problem" and belongs to the class of combinatorial optimization problems due to the interdependencies between the batching and the scheduling decisions. The concepts and methods used are mainly from production planning, operations research and machine learning

    Controllable Processing Times in Project and Production Management: Analysing the Trade-Off between Processing Times and the Amount of Resources

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    The amount of resources assigned to a task highly influences its processing time. Traditionally, different functions have been used in the literature in order to map the processing time of the task with the amount of resources assigned to the task. Obviously, this relation depends on several factors such as the type of resource and/or decision problem under study. Although in the literature there are hundreds of papers using these relations in their models or methods, most of them do not justify the motivation for choosing a specific relation over another one. In some cases, even wrong justifications are given and, hence, infeasible or nonappropriated relations have been applied for the different problems, as we will show in this paper. Thus, our paper intends to fill this gap establishing the conditions where each relation can be applied by analysing the relations between the processing time of a task and the amount of resources assigned to that task commonly employed in the production and project management literature

    Time/cost trade-offs in machine scheduling with controllable processing times

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    Ankara : The Department of Industrial Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2008.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Bilkent University, 2008.Includes bibliographical references leaves 166-175Processing time controllability is a critical aspect in scheduling decisions since most of the scheduling practice in industry allows controlling processing times. A very well known example is the computer numerically controlled (CNC) machines in flexible manufacturing systems. Selected processing times for a given set of jobs determine the manufacturing cost of the jobs and strongly affect their scheduling performance. Hence, when making processing time and scheduling decisions at the same time, one must consider both the manufacturing cost and the scheduling performance objectives. In this thesis, we have studied such bicriteria scheduling problems in various scheduling environments including single, parallel and non-identical parallel machine environments. We have included some regular scheduling performance measures such as total weighted completion time and makespan. We have considered the convex manufacturing cost function of CNC turning operation. We have provided alternative methods to find efficient solutions in each problem. We have particularly focused on the single objective problems to get efficient solutions, called the -constraint approach. We have provided efficient formulations for the problems and shown useful properties which led us to develop fast heuristics to generate set of efficient solutions. In this thesis, taking another point of view, we have also studied a conic quadratic reformulation of a machine-job assignment problem with controllable processing times. We have considered a convex compression cost function for each job and solved a profit maximization problem. The convexity of cost functions is a major source of difficulty in finding optimal integer solutions in this problem, but our strengthened conic reformulation has eliminated this difficulty. Our reformulation approach is sufficiently general so that it can also be applied to other mixed 0-1 optimization problems with separable convex cost functions.Our computational results demonstrate that the proposed conic reformulation is very effective for solving the machine-job assignment problem with controllable processing times to optimality. Finally, in this thesis, we have considered rescheduling with controllable processing times. In particular, we show that in contrast to fixed processing times, if we have the flexibility to control the processing times of the jobs, we can generate alternative reactive schedules in response to a disruption such as machine breakdown. We consider a non-identical parallel machining environment where processing times of the jobs are compressible at a certain cost which is a convex function of the compression on the processing time. When rescheduling, it is critical to catch up the initial schedule as soon as possible by reassigning the jobs to the machines and changing their processing times. On the other hand, one must keep the total cost of the jobs at minimum. We present alternative match-up scheduling problems dealing with this trade-off. We use the strong conic reformulation approach in solving these problems. We further provide fast heuristic algorithms.Gürel, SinanPh.D

    Rescheduling parallel machines with controllable processing times

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    Ankara : The Department of Industrial Engineeringand the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2012.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2012.Includes bibliographical references.In many manufacturing environments, the production does not always endure as it is planned. Many times, it is interrupted by a disruption such as machine breakdown, power loss, etc. In our problem, we are given an original production schedule in a non-identical parallel machine environment and we assume that one of the machines is disrupted at time t. Our aim is to revise the schedule, although there are some restrictions that should be considered while creating the revised schedule. Disrupted machine is unavailable for a certain time. New schedule has to satisfy the maximum completion time constraint of each machine. Furthermore, when we revise the schedule we have to satisfy the constraint that the revised start time of a job cannot be earlier than its original start time. Because, we assume that jobs are not ready before their original start times in the revised schedule. Therefore, we have to find an alternative solution to decrease the negative impacts of this disruption as much as possible. One way to process a disrupted job in the revised schedule is to reallocate the job to another machine. The other way is to keep the disrupted job at its original machine, but to delay its start time after the end time of the disruption. Since the machines might be fully utilized originally, we may have to compress some of the processing times in order to add a new job to a machine or to reallocate the jobs after the disruption ends. Consequently, we assume that the processing times are controllable within the given lower and upper bounds. Our first objective is to minimize the sum of reallocation and nonlinear compression costs. Besides, it is important to deliver the orders on time, not earlier or later than they are promised. Therefore, we try to maintain the original completion times as much as possible. So, the second objective is to minimize the total absolute deviations of the completion times in the revised schedule from the original completion times. We developed a bi-criteria non-linear mathematical model to solve this nonidentical parallel machine rescheduling problem. Since we have two objectives, we handled the second objective by giving it an upper bound and adding this bound as a constraint to the problem. By utilizing the second order cone programming, we solved this mixed-integer nonlinear mathematical model using a commercial MIP solver such as CPLEX. We also propose a decision tree based heuristic algorithm. Our algorithm generates a set of solutions for a problem instance and we test the solution quality of the algorithm solving same problem instances by the mathematical model. According to our computational experiments, the proposed heuristic approach could obtain close solutions for the first objective for a given upper bound on the second objective.Muhafız, MügeM.S