290 research outputs found

    A Type-Theoretic Foundation of Delimited Continuations

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    International audienceThere is a correspondence between classical logic and programming language calculi with first-class continuations. With the addition of control delimiters, the continuations become composable and the calculi become more expressive. We present a fine-grained analysis of control delimiters and formalise that their addition corresponds to the addition of a single dynamically-scoped variable modelling the special top-level continuation. From a type perspective, the dynamically-scoped variable requires effect annotations. In the presence of control, the dynamically-scoped variable can be interpreted in a purely functional way by applying a store-passing style. At the type level, the effect annotations are mapped within standard classical logic extended with the dual of implication, namely subtraction. A continuation-passing-style transformation of lambda-calculus with control and subtraction is defined. Combining the translations provides a decomposition of standard CPS transformations for delimited continuations. Incidentally, we also give a direct normalisation proof of the simply-typed lambda-calculus with control and subtraction

    A Simple Proof of a Folklore Theorem about Delimited Control

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    We formalize and prove the folklore theorem that the static delimited-control operators shift and reset can be simulated in terms of the dynamic delimited-control operators control and prompt. The proof is based on small-step operational semantics

    Logical relations for coherence of effect subtyping

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    A coercion semantics of a programming language with subtyping is typically defined on typing derivations rather than on typing judgments. To avoid semantic ambiguity, such a semantics is expected to be coherent, i.e., independent of the typing derivation for a given typing judgment. In this article we present heterogeneous, biorthogonal, step-indexed logical relations for establishing the coherence of coercion semantics of programming languages with subtyping. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proof method, we develop a proof of coherence of a type-directed, selective CPS translation from a typed call-by-value lambda calculus with delimited continuations and control-effect subtyping. The article is accompanied by a Coq formalization that relies on a novel shallow embedding of a logic for reasoning about step-indexing

    On Subexponentials, Synthetic Connectives, and Multi-level Delimited Control

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    International audienceWe construct a partially-ordered hierarchy of delimited control operators similar to those of the CPS hierarchy of Danvy and Filinski. However, instead of relying on nested CPS translations, these operators are directly interpreted in linear logic extended with subexponentials (i.e., multiple pairs of ! and ?). We construct an independent proof theory for a fragment of this logic based on the principle of focusing. It is then shown that the new constraints placed on the permutation of cuts correspond to multiple levels of delimited control

    A Simple Proof of a Folklore Theorem about Delimited Control

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    We formalize and prove the folklore theorem that the static delimited-control operators shift and reset can be simulated in terms of the dynamic delimited-control operators control and prompt. The proof is based on a small-step operational semantics that takes the form of an abstract machine

    An Operational Foundation for Delimited Continuations

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    We derive an abstract machine that corresponds to a definitional interpreter for the control operators shift and reset. Based on this abstract machine, we construct a syntactic theory of delimited continuations. Both the derivation and the construction scale to the family of control operators shift_n and reset_n. The definitional interpreter for shift_n and reset_n has n + 1 layers of continuations, the corresponding abstract machine has n + 1 layers of control stacks, and the corresponding syntactic theory has n + 1 layers of evaluation contexts.See also BRICS-RS-05-24

    A Contextual Reconstruction of Monadic Reflection

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    With the help of an idea of contextual modal logic, we define a logical system lambda^{refl} that incorporates monadic reflection, and then investigate delimited continuations through the lens of monadic reflection. Technically, we firstly prove a certain universality of continuation monad, making the character of monadic reflection a little more clear. Next, moving focus to delimited continuations, we present a macro definition of shift/reset by monadic reflection. We then prove that lambda^{refl}_{2cont}, a restriction of lambda^{refl}, has exactly the same provability as lambda^{s/r}_{pure}, a system that incorporates shift/reset. Our reconstruction of monadic reflection opens up a path for investigation of delimited continuations with familiar monadic language
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