1,237 research outputs found

    A Fuzzy Logic-Based System for Soccer Video Scenes Classification

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    Massive global video surveillance worldwide captures data but lacks detailed activity information to flag events of interest, while the human burden of monitoring video footage is untenable. Artificial intelligence (AI) can be applied to raw video footage to identify and extract required information and summarize it in linguistic formats. Video summarization automation usually involves text-based data such as subtitles, segmenting text and semantics, with little attention to video summarization in the processing of video footage only. Classification problems in recorded videos are often very complex and uncertain due to the dynamic nature of the video sequence and light conditions, background, camera angle, occlusions, indistinguishable scene features, etc. Video scene classification forms the basis of linguistic video summarization, an open research problem with major commercial importance. Soccer video scenes present added challenges due to specific objects and events with similar features (e.g. “people” include audiences, coaches, and players), as well as being constituted from a series of quickly changing and dynamic frames with small inter-frame variations. There is an added difficulty associated with the need to have light weight video classification systems working in real time with massive data sizes. In this thesis, we introduce a novel system based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Classification Systems (IT2FLCS) whose parameters are optimized by the Big Bang–Big Crunch (BB-BC) algorithm, which allows for the automatic scenes classification using optimized rules in broadcasted soccer matches video. The type-2 fuzzy logic systems would be unequivocal to present a highly interpretable and transparent model which is very suitable for the handling the encountered uncertainties in video footages and converting the accumulated data to linguistic formats which can be easily stored and analysed. Meanwhile the traditional black box techniques, such as support vector machines (SVMs) and neural networks, do not provide models which could be easily analysed and understood by human users. The BB-BC optimization is a heuristic, population-based evolutionary approach which is characterized by the ease of implementation, fast convergence and low computational cost. We employed the BB-BC to optimize our system parameters of fuzzy logic membership functions and fuzzy rules. Using the BB-BC we are able to balance the system transparency (through generating a small rule set) together with increasing the accuracy of scene classification. Thus, the proposed fuzzy-based system allows achieving relatively high classification accuracy with a small number of rules thus increasing the system interpretability and allowing its real-time processing. The type-2 Fuzzy Logic Classification System (T2FLCS) obtained 87.57% prediction accuracy in the scene classification of our testing group data which is better than the type-1 fuzzy classification system and neural networks counterparts. The BB-BC optimization algorithms decrease the size of rule bases both in T1FLCS and T2FLCS; the T2FLCS finally got 85.716% with reduce rules, outperforming the T1FLCS and neural network counterparts, especially in the “out-of-range data” which validates the T2FLCSs capability to handle the high level of faced uncertainties. We also presented a novel approach based on the scenes classification system combined with the dynamic time warping algorithm to implement the video events detection for real world processing. The proposed system could run on recorded or live video clips and output a label to describe the event in order to provide the high level summarization of the videos to the user

    An architecture for mining resources complementary to audio-visual streams

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    In this paper we attempt to characterize resources of information complementary to audio-visual (A/V) streams and propose their usage for enriching A/V data with semantic concepts in order to bridge the gap between low-level video detectors and high-level analysis. Our aim is to extract cross-media feature descriptors from semantically enriched and aligned resources so as to detect finer-grained events in video.We introduce an architecture for complementary resource analysis and discuss domain dependency aspects of this approach related to our domain of soccer broadcasts

    Activity-driven content adaptation for effective video summarisation

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    In this paper, we present a novel method for content adaptation and video summarization fully implemented in compressed-domain. Firstly, summarization of generic videos is modeled as the process of extracted human objects under various activities/events. Accordingly, frames are classified into five categories via fuzzy decision including shot changes (cut and gradual transitions), motion activities (camera motion and object motion) and others by using two inter-frame measurements. Secondly, human objects are detected using Haar-like features. With the detected human objects and attained frame categories, activity levels for each frame are determined to adapt with video contents. Continuous frames belonging to same category are grouped to form one activity entry as content of interest (COI) which will convert the original video into a series of activities. An overall adjustable quota is used to control the size of generated summarization for efficient streaming purpose. Upon this quota, the frames selected for summarization are determined by evenly sampling the accumulated activity levels for content adaptation. Quantitative evaluations have proved the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed approach, which provides a more flexible and general solution for this topic as domain-specific tasks such as accurate recognition of objects can be avoided

    Interval Logic Tensor Networks

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    In this paper, we introduce Interval Real Logic (IRL), a two-sorted logic that interprets knowledge such as sequential properties (traces) and event properties using sequences of real-featured data. We interpret connectives using fuzzy logic, event durations using trapezoidal fuzzy intervals, and fuzzy temporal relations using relationships between the intervals' areas. We propose Interval Logic Tensor Networks (ILTN), a neuro-symbolic system that learns by propagating gradients through IRL. In order to support effective learning, ILTN defines smoothened versions of the fuzzy intervals and temporal relations of IRL using softplus activations. We show that ILTN can successfully leverage knowledge expressed in IRL in synthetic tasks that require reasoning about events to predict their fuzzy durations. Our results show that the system is capable of making events compliant with background temporal knowledge

    SoccER: Computer graphics meets sports analytics for soccer event recognition

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    Automatic event detection from images or wearable sensors is a fundamental step towards the development of advanced sport analytics and broadcasting software. However, the collection and annotation of large scale sport datasets is hindered by technical obstacles, cost of data acquisition and annotation, and commercial interests. In this paper, we present the Soccer Event Recognition (SoccER) data generator, which builds upon an existing, high quality open source game engine to enable synthetic data generation. The software generates detailed spatio-temporal data from simulated soccer games, along with fine-grained, automatically generated event ground truth. The SoccER software suite includes also a complete event detection system entirely developed and tested on a synthetic dataset including 500 minutes of game, and more than 1 million events. We close the paper by discussing avenues for future research in sports event recognition enabled by the use of synthetic data

    A comprehensive survey of multi-view video summarization

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    [EN] There has been an exponential growth in the amount of visual data on a daily basis acquired from single or multi-view surveillance camera networks. This massive amount of data requires efficient mechanisms such as video summarization to ensure that only significant data are reported and the redundancy is reduced. Multi-view video summarization (MVS) is a less redundant and more concise way of providing information from the video content of all the cameras in the form of either keyframes or video segments. This paper presents an overview of the existing strategies proposed for MVS, including their advantages and drawbacks. Our survey covers the genericsteps in MVS, such as the pre-processing of video data, feature extraction, and post-processing followed by summary generation. We also describe the datasets that are available for the evaluation of MVS. Finally, we examine the major current issues related to MVS and put forward the recommendations for future research(1). (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2019R1A2B5B01070067)Hussain, T.; Muhammad, K.; Ding, W.; Lloret, J.; Baik, SW.; De Albuquerque, VHC. (2021). A comprehensive survey of multi-view video summarization. Pattern Recognition. 109:1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2020.10756711510

    FootApp: An AI-powered system for football match annotation

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    In the last years, scientific and industrial research has experienced a growing interest in acquiring large annotated data sets to train artificial intelligence algorithms for tackling problems in different domains. In this context, we have observed that even the market for football data has substantially grown. The analysis of football matches relies on the annotation of both individual players’ and team actions, as well as the athletic performance of players. Consequently, annotating football events at a fine-grained level is a very expensive and error-prone task. Most existing semi-automatic tools for football match annotation rely on cameras and computer vision. However, those tools fall short in capturing team dynamics and in extracting data of players who are not visible in the camera frame. To address these issues, in this manuscript we present FootApp, an AI-based system for football match annotation. First, our system relies on an advanced and mixed user interface that exploits both vocal and touch interaction. Second, the motor performance of players is captured and processed by applying machine learning algorithms to data collected from inertial sensors worn by players. Artificial intelligence techniques are then used to check the consistency of generated labels, including those regarding the physical activity of players, to automatically recognize annotation errors. Notably, we implemented a full prototype of the proposed system, performing experiments to show its effectiveness in a real-world adoption scenario