23 research outputs found

    A novel cross-docking EOQ-based model to optimize a multi-item multi-supplier multi-retailer inventory management system

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    Nowadays, the retail industry accounts for a large share of the world’s economy. Cross-docking is one of the most effective and smart inventory management systems used by retail companies to respond to demands efficiently. In this study, the aim is to develop a novel cross-docking EOQ-based model for a retail company. By considering a two-stage inventory procurement process, a new multi-item, multi-supplier, multi-retailer EOQ model is developed to minimize the total inventory costs. In the first stage, the required items are received from suppliers and are held in a central warehouse. In the second stage, these items are delivered to several retail stores. The total inventory costs include four main parts, i.e., holding costs at the central warehouse, holding costs at the retail stores, fixed ordering costs from the suppliers, and fixed ordering costs from the central warehouse. The optimal inventory policy is obtained by analyzing extrema, and a numerical example is used to confirm the efficiency of the proposed model. Based on the obtained results, it is evident that the proposed model produces the optimal policy for the cross-docking system. Furthermore, the model enables managers to analyze the effects of key factors on the costs of the system. Based on the obtained results, the annual demand of each retailer, the ordering cost by the central warehouse, the ordering cost at each retail store, and the holding cost at each retail store have a direct impact on the optimal cost. Furthermore, it is not possible to describe the effects of the holding cost at the central warehouse on the optimal cost of the system generally

    Modelos de Inventarios con Productos Perecederos: Revisión de la Literatura

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    This paper presents a review of the main characteristics of the mathematical modelsdeveloped by the scientific community in order to determine an optimal inventory policyfor deteriorating items. Thus, a classified bibliography of 390 articles published from2001 to 2014 in high-impact journals is submitted while considering the type of demandand deterioration, the integration of inventory and pricing decisions, the inclusionof shortage and/or the time value of money, the consideration of multiple items and/ormulti-echelon systems, and the incorporation of uncertain parameters other than demand.Finally, research questions not yet addressed by the research community in the field ofinventory control for deteriorating items are pointed out.En el presente artículo se lleva a cabo una revisión de las principales características estudiadas por la comunidad científica en el desarrollo de modelos matemáticos que buscan definir una política de inventario óptima para productos que se deterioran. De este modo, se referencian 390 artículos publicados a partir del año 2001 en revistas de gran impacto, teniendo en cuenta: el tipo de demanda y deterioro representado en los modelos matemáticos, el estudio de una política de precio óptima, la inclusión de faltantes y/o valor del dinero en el tiempo, el estudio de múltiples productos y/o dos o más eslabones de la cadena de suministro, y la utilización de parámetros o variables difusas. Finalmente, se identifican oportunidades de investigación que a la fecha no han sido abordadas por la comunidad científica en este campo del conocimiento

    Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Dengan Metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Multi Item Pada Rumah Makan

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    The problem that occurs in the inventory system is how much and when the order must be made by the company appropriately. Raw material inventory control has a positive impact in supporting the smooth running of a production process in increasing profitability in the company. This study aims to determine the control of raw material inventory and the scheme of ordering raw materials at Mr. Restaurant. Crispy Bogor branch. In this study, the data normality test was used with the one simple Kolmogorov-Smirnov test where the data were normally distributed. Next, the problem is solved using the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) multi item - single supplier method. The total cost of raw material inventory according to Mr. Restaurant. Crispy Rp.464.372.750,. the cost is greater than the cost obtained by the EOQ method, which is Rp.303.815.116,. so that savings can be made of Rp. 160,557,364,. ie 35% of the cost of raw material inventory. Based on the results of the research conducted, the total cost of inventory at Mr. Crispy Restaurant can be minimized by using the multi-item single supplier EOQ model.Masalah yang terjadi pada sistem persedian adalah berapa dan kapan pemesanan yang harus dilakukan oleh perusahan secara tepat. Pengendalian persediaan bahan baku memberikan dampak positif dalam mendukung kelancaran suatu proses produksi dalam peningkatan profitabilitas di perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengendalian persediaan bahan baku serta skema pemesanan bahan baku pada Rumah Makan Mr. Crispy cabang Bogor. Dalam penelitian menggunakan uji normalitas data dengan uji one simple kolmogorov-smirnov dimana data berdistribusi normal. Selanjutnya dilakukan penyelesaian masalah dengan metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) multi item - single supplier. Total biaya persediaan bahan baku menurut Rumah makan Mr. Crispy sebesar Rp.464.372.750,. biaya tersebut lebih besar jika dibandingkan dengan biaya yang diperoleh dengan metode EOQ yaitu sebesar Rp.303.815.116,. sehingga dapat dilakukan penghematan sebesar Rp.160.557.364,. yaitu 35% dari biaya persediaan bahan baku. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan, total biaya persediaan di Rumah makan Mr.crispy dapat diminimasi dengan model EOQ multi item single supplier.

    Mathematical Methods and Operation Research in Logistics, Project Planning, and Scheduling

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    In the last decade, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 brought flexible supply chains and flexible design projects to the forefront. Nevertheless, the recent pandemic, the accompanying economic problems, and the resulting supply problems have further increased the role of logistics and supply chains. Therefore, planning and scheduling procedures that can respond flexibly to changed circumstances have become more valuable both in logistics and projects. There are already several competing criteria of project and logistic process planning and scheduling that need to be reconciled. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that even more emphasis needs to be placed on taking potential risks into account. Flexibility and resilience are emphasized in all decision-making processes, including the scheduling of logistic processes, activities, and projects

    Modelling and Determining Inventory Decisions for Improved Sustainability in Perishable Food Supply Chains

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    Since the introduction of sustainable development, industries have witnessed significant sustainability challenges. Literature shows that the food industry is concerned about its need for efficient and effective management practices in dealing with perishability and the requirements for conditioned storage and transport of food products that effect the environment. Hence, the environmental part of sustainability demonstrates its significance in this industrial sector. Despite this, there has been little research into environmentally sustainable inventory management of deteriorating items. This thesis presents mathematical modelling based research for production inventory systems in perishable food supply chains. In this study, multi-objective mixed-integer linear programming models are developed to determine economically and environmentally optimal production and inventory decisions for a two-echelon supply chain. The supply chain consists of single sourcing suppliers for raw materials and a producer who operates under a make-to-stock or make-to-order strategy. The demand facing the producer is non-stationary stochastic in nature and has requirements in terms of service level and the remaining shelf life of the marketed products. Using data from the literature, numerical examples are given in order to test and analyse these models. The computational experiments show that operational adjustments in cases where emission and cost parameters were not strongly correlated with supply chain collaboration (where suppliers and a producer operate under centralised control), emissions are effectively reduced without a significant increase in cost. The findings show that assigning a high disposal cost, limit or high weight of importance to perished goods leads to appropriate reduction of expected waste in the supply chain with no major cost increase. The research has made contributions to the literature on sustainable production and inventory management; providing formal models that can be used as an aid to understanding and as a tool for planning and improving sustainable production and inventory control in supply chains involving deteriorating items, in particular with perishable food supply chains.the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Royal Thai Government

    Planning and Scheduling Optimization

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    Although planning and scheduling optimization have been explored in the literature for many years now, it still remains a hot topic in the current scientific research. The changing market trends, globalization, technical and technological progress, and sustainability considerations make it necessary to deal with new optimization challenges in modern manufacturing, engineering, and healthcare systems. This book provides an overview of the recent advances in different areas connected with operations research models and other applications of intelligent computing techniques used for planning and scheduling optimization. The wide range of theoretical and practical research findings reported in this book confirms that the planning and scheduling problem is a complex issue that is present in different industrial sectors and organizations and opens promising and dynamic perspectives of research and development

    Application of Optimization in Production, Logistics, Inventory, Supply Chain Management and Block Chain

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    The evolution of industrial development since the 18th century is now experiencing the fourth industrial revolution. The effect of the development has propagated into almost every sector of the industry. From inventory to the circular economy, the effectiveness of technology has been fruitful for industry. The recent trends in research, with new ideas and methodologies, are included in this book. Several new ideas and business strategies are developed in the area of the supply chain management, logistics, optimization, and forecasting for the improvement of the economy of the society and the environment. The proposed technologies and ideas are either novel or help modify several other new ideas. Different real life problems with different dimensions are discussed in the book so that readers may connect with the recent issues in society and industry. The collection of the articles provides a glimpse into the new research trends in technology, business, and the environment

    Advances in Optimization and Nonlinear Analysis

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    The present book focuses on that part of calculus of variations, optimization, nonlinear analysis and related applications which combines tools and methods from partial differential equations with geometrical techniques. More precisely, this work is devoted to nonlinear problems coming from different areas, with particular reference to those introducing new techniques capable of solving a wide range of problems. The book is a valuable guide for researchers, engineers and students in the field of mathematics, operations research, optimal control science, artificial intelligence, management science and economics

    A vision-based optical character recognition system for real-time identification of tractors in a port container terminal

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    Automation has been seen as a promising solution to increase the productivity of modern sea port container terminals. The potential of increase in throughput, work efficiency and reduction of labor cost have lured stick holders to strive for the introduction of automation in the overall terminal operation. A specific container handling process that is readily amenable to automation is the deployment and control of gantry cranes in the container yard of a container terminal where typical operations of truck identification, loading and unloading containers, and job management are primarily performed manually in a typical terminal. To facilitate the overall automation of the gantry crane operation, we devised an approach for the real-time identification of tractors through the recognition of the corresponding number plates that are located on top of the tractor cabin. With this crucial piece of information, remote or automated yard operations can then be performed. A machine vision-based system is introduced whereby these number plates are read and identified in real-time while the tractors are operating in the terminal. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of the system and highlight the major difficulties encountered including the recognition of character information printed on the number plates due to poor image integrity. Working solutions are proposed to address these problems which are incorporated in the overall identification system.postprin

    Job shop scheduling with artificial immune systems

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    The job shop scheduling is complex due to the dynamic environment. When the information of the jobs and machines are pre-defined and no unexpected events occur, the job shop is static. However, the real scheduling environment is always dynamic due to the constantly changing information and different uncertainties. This study discusses this complex job shop scheduling environment, and applies the AIS theory and switching strategy that changes the sequencing approach to the dispatching approach by taking into account the system status to solve this problem. AIS is a biological inspired computational paradigm that simulates the mechanisms of the biological immune system. Therefore, AIS presents appealing features of immune system that make AIS unique from other evolutionary intelligent algorithm, such as self-learning, long-lasting memory, cross reactive response, discrimination of self from non-self, fault tolerance, and strong adaptability to the environment. These features of AIS are successfully used in this study to solve the job shop scheduling problem. When the job shop environment is static, sequencing approach based on the clonal selection theory and immune network theory of AIS is applied. This approach achieves great performance, especially for small size problems in terms of computation time. The feature of long-lasting memory is demonstrated to be able to accelerate the convergence rate of the algorithm and reduce the computation time. When some unexpected events occasionally arrive at the job shop and disrupt the static environment, an extended deterministic dendritic cell algorithm (DCA) based on the DCA theory of AIS is proposed to arrange the rescheduling process to balance the efficiency and stability of the system. When the disturbances continuously occur, such as the continuous jobs arrival, the sequencing approach is changed to the dispatching approach that involves the priority dispatching rules (PDRs). The immune network theory of AIS is applied to propose an idiotypic network model of PDRs to arrange the application of various dispatching rules. The experiments show that the proposed network model presents strong adaptability to the dynamic job shop scheduling environment.postprin