352 research outputs found

    Detection of Power Line Supporting Towers via Interpretable Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds

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    The inspection and maintenance of energy transmission networks are demanding and crucial tasks for any transmission system operator. They rely on a combination of on-theground staff and costly low-flying helicopters to visually inspect the power grid structure. Recently, LiDAR-based inspections have shown the potential to accelerate and increase inspection precision. These high-resolution sensors allow one to scan an environment and store it in a 3D point cloud format for further processing and analysis by maintenance specialists to prevent fires and damage to the electrical system. However, this task is especially demanding to handle on time when we consider the extensive area that the transmission network covers. Nonetheless, the transition to point cloud data allows us to take advantage of Deep Learning to automate these inspections, by detecting collisions between the grid and the revolving scene. Deep Learning is a recent and powerful tool that has been successfully applied to a myriad of real-life problems, such as image recognition and speech generation. With the introduction of affordable LiDAR sensors, the application of Deep Learning on 3D data emerged, with numerous methods being proposed every day to address difficult problems, from 3D object detection to 3D point cloud segmentation. Alas, state-of-the-art methods are remarkably complex, composed of millions of trainable parameters, and take several weeks, if not months, to train on specific hardware, which makes it difficult for traditional companies, like utilities, to employ them. Therefore, we explore a novel mathematical framework that allows us to define tailored operators that incorporate prior knowledge regarding our problem. These operators are then integrated into a learning agent, called SCENE-Net, that detects power line supporting towers in 3D point clouds. SCENE-Net allows for the interpretability of its results, which is not possible in conventional models, it shows an efficient training and inference time of 85 mn and 20 ms on a regular laptop. Our model is composed of 11 trainable geometrical parameters, like the height of a cylinder, and has a Precision gain of 24% against a comparable CNN with 2190 parameters.A inspeção e manutenção de redes de transmissão de energia são tarefas cruciais para operadores de rede. Recentemente, foram adotadas inspeções utilizando sensores LiDAR de forma a acelerar este processo e aumentar a sua precisão. Estes sensores são objetos de alta precisão que conseguem inspecionar ambientes e guarda-los no formato de nuvens de pontos 3D, para serem posteriormente analisadas por specialistas que procuram prevenir fogos florestais e danos à estruta eléctrica. No entanto, esta tarefa torna-se bastante difícil de concluir em tempo útil pois a rede de transmissão é bastasnte vasta. Por isso, podemos tirar partido da transição para dados LiDAR e utilizar aprendizagem profunda para automatizar as inspeções à rede. Aprendizagem profunda é um campo recente e em grande desenvolvimento, sendo aplicado a vários problemas do nosso quotidiano e facilmente atinge um desempenho superior ao do ser humano, como em reconhecimento de imagens, geração de voz, entre outros. Com o desenvolvimento de sensores LiDAR acessíveis, o uso de aprendizagem profunda em dados 3D rapidamente se desenvolveu, apresentando várias metodologias novas todos os dias que respondem a problemas complexos, como deteção de objetos 3D. No entanto, modelos do estado da arte são incrivelmente complexos e compostos por milhões de parâmetros e demoram várias semanas, senão meses, a treinar em GPU potentes, o que dificulta a sua utilização em empresas tradicionais, como a EDP. Portanto, nós exploramos uma nova teoria matemática que nos permite definir operadores específicos que incorporaram conhecimento sobre o nosso problema. Estes operadores são integrados num modelo de aprendizagem prounda, designado SCENE-Net, que deteta torres de suporte de linhas de transmissão em nuvens de pontos. SCENE-Net permite a interpretação dos seus resultados, aspeto que não é possível com modelos convencionais, demonstra um treino eficiente de 85 minutos e tempo de inferência de 20 milissegundos num computador tradicional. O nosso modelo contém apenas 11 parâmetros geométricos, como a altura de um cilindro, e demonstra um ganho de Precisão de 24% quando comparado com uma CNN com 2190 parâmetros

    The blessings of explainable AI in operations & maintenance of wind turbines

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    Wind turbines play an integral role in generating clean energy, but regularly suffer from operational inconsistencies and failures leading to unexpected downtimes and significant Operations & Maintenance (O&M) costs. Condition-Based Monitoring (CBM) has been utilised in the past to monitor operational inconsistencies in turbines by applying signal processing techniques to vibration data. The last decade has witnessed growing interest in leveraging Supervisory Control & Acquisition (SCADA) data from turbine sensors towards CBM. Machine Learning (ML) techniques have been utilised to predict incipient faults in turbines and forecast vital operational parameters with high accuracy by leveraging SCADA data and alarm logs. More recently, Deep Learning (DL) methods have outperformed conventional ML techniques, particularly for anomaly prediction. Despite demonstrating immense promise in transitioning to Artificial Intelligence (AI), such models are generally black-boxes that cannot provide rationales behind their predictions, hampering the ability of turbine operators to rely on automated decision making. We aim to help combat this challenge by providing a novel perspective on Explainable AI (XAI) for trustworthy decision support.This thesis revolves around three key strands of XAI – DL, Natural Language Generation (NLG) and Knowledge Graphs (KGs), which are investigated by utilising data from an operational turbine. We leverage DL and NLG to predict incipient faults and alarm events in the turbine in natural language as well as generate human-intelligible O&M strategies to assist engineers in fixing/averting the faults. We also propose specialised DL models which can predict causal relationships in SCADA features as well as quantify the importance of vital parameters leading to failures. The thesis finally culminates with an interactive Question- Answering (QA) system for automated reasoning that leverages multimodal domain-specific information from a KG, facilitating engineers to retrieve O&M strategies with natural language questions. By helping make turbines more reliable, we envisage wider adoption of wind energy sources towards tackling climate change

    Advanced Process Monitoring for Industry 4.0

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    This book reports recent advances on Process Monitoring (PM) to cope with the many challenges raised by the new production systems, sensors and “extreme data” conditions that emerged with Industry 4.0. Concepts such as digital-twins and deep learning are brought to the PM arena, pushing forward the capabilities of existing methodologies to handle more complex scenarios. The evolution of classical paradigms such as Latent Variable modeling, Six Sigma and FMEA are also covered. Applications span a wide range of domains such as microelectronics, semiconductors, chemicals, materials, agriculture, as well as the monitoring of rotating equipment, combustion systems and membrane separation processes

    Scientific Advances in STEM: From Professor to Students

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    This book collects the publications of the special Topic Scientific advances in STEM: from Professor to students. The aim is to contribute to the advancement of the Science and Engineering fields and their impact on the industrial sector, which requires a multidisciplinary approach. University generates and transmits knowledge to serve society. Social demands continuously evolve, mainly because of cultural, scientific, and technological development. Researchers must contextualize the subjects they investigate to their application to the local industry and community organizations, frequently using a multidisciplinary point of view, to enhance the progress in a wide variety of fields (aeronautics, automotive, biomedical, electrical and renewable energy, communications, environmental, electronic components, etc.). Most investigations in the fields of science and engineering require the work of multidisciplinary teams, representing a stockpile of research projects in different stages (final year projects, master’s or doctoral studies). In this context, this Topic offers a framework for integrating interdisciplinary research, drawing together experimental and theoretical contributions in a wide variety of fields

    Advances on Time Series Analysis using Elastic Measures of Similarity

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    A sequence is a collection of data instances arranged in a structured manner. When this arrangement is held in the time domain, sequences are instead referred to as time series. As such, each observation in a time series represents an observation drawn from an underlying process, produced at a specific time instant. However, other type of data indexing structures, such as space- or threshold-based arrangements are possible. Data points that compose a time series are often correlated with each other. To account for this correlation in data mining tasks, time series are usually studied as a whole data object rather than as a collection of independent observations. In this context, techniques for time series analysis aim at analyzing this type of data structures by applying specific approaches developed to leverage intrinsic properties of the time series for a wide range of problems, such as classification, clustering and other tasks alike. The development of monitoring and storage devices has made time se- ries analysis proliferate in numerous application fields, including medicine, economics, manufacturing and telecommunications, among others. Over the years, the community has gathered efforts towards the development of new data-based techniques for time series analysis suited to address the problems and needs of such application fields. In the related literature, such techniques can be divided in three main groups: feature-, model- and distance-based methods. The first group (feature-based) transforms time series into a collection of features, which are then used by conventional learning algorithms to provide solutions to the task under consideration. In contrast, methods belonging to the second group (model-based) assume that each time series is drawn from a generative model, which is then har- nessed to elicit knowledge from data. Finally, distance-based techniques operate directly on raw time series. To this end, these methods resort to specially defined measures of distance or similarity for comparing time series, without requiring any further processing. Among them, elastic sim- ilarity measures (e.g., dynamic time warping and edit distance) compute the closeness between two sequences by finding the best alignment between them, disregarding differences in time, and thus focusing exclusively on shape differences. This Thesis presents several contributions to the field of distance-based techniques for time series analysis, namely: i) a novel multi-dimensional elastic similarity learning method for time series classification; ii) an adap- tation of elastic measures to streaming time series scenarios; and iii) the use of distance-based time series analysis to make machine learning meth- ods for image classification robust against adversarial attacks. Throughout the Thesis, each contribution is framed within its related state of the art, explained in detail and empirically evaluated. The obtained results lead to new insights on the application of distance-based time series methods for the considered scenarios, and motivates research directions that highlight the vibrant momentum of this research area

    Advances on Time Series Analysis using Elastic Measures of Similarity

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    135 p.A sequence is a collection of data instances arranged in an structured manner. When thisarrangement is held in the time domain, sequences are instead referred to as time series. As such,each observation in a time series represents an observation drawn from an underlying process,produced at a specific time instant. However, other type of data indexing structures, such as spaceorthreshold-based arrangements are possible. Data points that compose a time series are oftencorrelated to each other. To account for this correlation in data mining tasks, time series are usuallystudied as a whole data object rather than as a collection of independent observations. In thiscontext, techniques for time series analysis aim at analyzing this type of data structures by applyingspecific approaches developed to harness intrinsic properties of the time series for a wide range ofproblems such as, classification, clustering and other tasks alike.The development of monitoring and storage devices has made time series analysisproliferate in numerous application fields including medicine, economics, manufacturing andtelecommunications, among others. Over the years, the community has gathered efforts towards thedevelopment of new data-based techniques for time series analysis suited to address the problemsand needs of such application fields. In the related literature, such techniques can be divided in threemain groups: feature-, model- and distance- based methods. The first group (feature-based)transforms time series into a collection of features, which are then used by conventional learningalgorithms to provide solutions to the task under consideration. In contrast, methods belonging to thesecond group (model-based) assume that each time series is drawn from a generative model, whichis then harnessed to elicit information from data. Finally, distance-based techniques operate directlyon raw time series. To this end, these latter methods resort to specially defined measures of distanceor similarity for comparing time series, without requiring any further processing. Among them,elastic similarity measures (e.g., dynamic time warping and edit distance) compute the closenessbetween two sequences by finding the best alignment between them, disregarding differences intime gaps and thus focusing exclusively on shape differences.This Thesis presents several contributions to the field of distance-based techniques for timeseries analysis, namely: i) a novel multi-dimensional elastic similarity learning method for timeseries classification; ii) an adaptation of elastic measures to streaming time series scenarios; and iii)the use of distance-based time series analysis to make machine learning methods for imageclassification robust against adversarial attacks. Throughout the Thesis, each contribution is framedwithin its related state of the art, explained in detail and empirically evaluated. The obtained resultslead to new insights on the application of distance-based time series methods for the consideredscenarios, and motivates research directions that highlight the vibrant momentum of this researcharea

    Advanced Operation and Maintenance in Solar Plants, Wind Farms and Microgrids

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    This reprint presents advances in operation and maintenance in solar plants, wind farms and microgrids. This compendium of scientific articles will help clarify the current advances in this subject, so it is expected that it will please the reader

    Recent Applications in Graph Theory

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    Graph theory, being a rigorously investigated field of combinatorial mathematics, is adopted by a wide variety of disciplines addressing a plethora of real-world applications. Advances in graph algorithms and software implementations have made graph theory accessible to a larger community of interest. Ever-increasing interest in machine learning and model deployments for network data demands a coherent selection of topics rewarding a fresh, up-to-date summary of the theory and fruitful applications to probe further. This volume is a small yet unique contribution to graph theory applications and modeling with graphs. The subjects discussed include information hiding using graphs, dynamic graph-based systems to model and control cyber-physical systems, graph reconstruction, average distance neighborhood graphs, and pure and mixed-integer linear programming formulations to cluster networks

    Brain-Computer Interface

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    Brain-computer interfacing (BCI) with the use of advanced artificial intelligence identification is a rapidly growing new technology that allows a silently commanding brain to manipulate devices ranging from smartphones to advanced articulated robotic arms when physical control is not possible. BCI can be viewed as a collaboration between the brain and a device via the direct passage of electrical signals from neurons to an external system. The book provides a comprehensive summary of conventional and novel methods for processing brain signals. The chapters cover a range of topics including noninvasive and invasive signal acquisition, signal processing methods, deep learning approaches, and implementation of BCI in experimental problems