2,871 research outputs found

    Convexity Applications in Single and Multi-Agent Control

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    The focus of this dissertation is in the application of convexity for control problems; specifically, single-agent problems with linear or nonlinear dynamics and multi-agent problems with linear dynamics. A mixture of convex and non-convex constraints for optimal control problems is also considered. The main contributions of this dissertation include: 1) a convexification of single-agent problems with linear dynamics and annular control constraint, 2) a technique for controlling bounded nonlinear single-agent systems, and 3) a technique for solving multi-agent pursuit-evasion games with linear dynamics and convex control and state constraints. The first result shows that for annularly constrained linear systems, controllability is a sufficient condition for a free or fixed time problem to be solvable as a sequence of convex optimization problems. The second result shows that if a nonlinear system is bounded and “ordered”, it is possible to use a convex combination of bounding linear systems to design a control for the nonlinear system. The third result takes advantage of a convex reachable set computation for each agent in solving games using a geometrical approach. Altogether, the theoretical and computational results demonstrate the significance of convex analysis in solving non-convex control problems

    Pameran Reka Cipta, Penyelidikan dan Inovasi (PRPI) 2011

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    PRPI 2011 kini telah memasuki tahun penganjurannya yang ke-9. Pameran penyelidikan di UPM telah bermula sejak tahun 1997 semasa Exhibition & Seminar Harnessing for Industry Advantage. Pada tahun 2002, Pameran Reka Cipta dan Penyelidikan (PRP) buat pertama kali telah diadakan dengan menggunakan konsep pertandingan hasil projek penyelidikan yang telah dijalankan oleh para penyelidik UPM. Kejayaan penganjuran PRP 2002 telah merintis usaha untuk menjadikannya sebagai aktiviti tahunan UPM dan ianya terus berkembang sejajar dengan nama barunya yang ditukar kepada Pameran Reka Cipta, Penyelidikan dan Inovasi yang bermula penganjurannya pada tahun 2005. Sebagai kesinambungan daripada kejayaan penganjuran PRPI 2006, 2007, 2008 dan 2009 yang lalu dan status UPM sebagai salah sebuah Universiti Penyelidikan, PRPI 2011 kali ini yang merupakan pameran penyelidikan yang terbesar di UPM terus dilaksanakan dengan aspirasi dan semangat yang lebih jitu. Pameran ini juga menjadi pelantar kepada para penyelidik untuk mengenengahkan hasil penyelidikan yang dijalankan dan penemuan baharu kepada umum. Di samping itu ianya juga menjadi penanda aras terhadap kualiti sesuatu projek penyelidikan bagi melayakkan para penyelidik UPM untuk menyertai pameran di peringkat kebangsaan dan seterusnya antarabangsa. Adalah diharapkan pelaksanaan PRPI 2011 ini akan dapat menyemarakkan budaya penyelidikan di kalangan staf dan juga pelajar UPM sekaligus menjadikan UPM sebagai Universiti Penyelidikan yang cemerlang di negara ini


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    Autonomy in unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) navigation is critical for most applications due to inability of human operators to control, monitor or intervene in underwater environments. To ensure safe autonomous navigation, verification and validation (V&V) procedures are needed for various applications. This thesis proposes a game theory-based benchmark validation technique for trajectory optimization for non-cooperative UUVs. A quadratically constrained nonlinear program formulation is presented, and a "perfect-information reality" validation framework is derived by finding a Nash equilibrium to various two-player pursuit-evasion games (PEG). A Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) point to such a game represents a best-case local optimum, given perfect information available to non-cooperative agents. Rolling-horizon foresight with robust obstacles are incorporated to demonstrate incomplete information and stochastic environmental conditions. A MATLAB-GAMS interface is developed to model the rolling-horizon game, and is solved via a mixed complementarity problem (MCP), and illustrative examples show how equilibrium trajectories can serve as benchmarks for more practical real-time path planners

    Optimized state feedback regulation of 3DOF helicopter system via extremum seeking

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    In this paper, an optimized state feedback regulation of a 3 degree of freedom (DOF) helicopter is designed via extremum seeking (ES) technique. Multi-parameter ES is applied to optimize the tracking performance via tuning State Vector Feedback with Integration of the Control Error (SVFBICE). Discrete multivariable version of ES is developed to minimize a cost function that measures the performance of the controller. The cost function is a function of the error between the actual and desired axis positions. The controller parameters are updated online as the optimization takes place. This method significantly decreases the time in obtaining optimal controller parameters. Simulations were conducted for the online optimization under both fixed and varying operating conditions. The results demonstrate the usefulness of using ES for preserving the maximum attainable performance

    Mobile robotic network deployment for intruder detection and tracking

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    This thesis investigates the problem of intruder detection and tracking using mobile robotic networks. In the first part of the thesis, we consider the problem of seeking an electromagnetic source using a team of robots that measure the local intensity of the emitted signal. We propose a planner for a team of robots based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) which is a population based stochastic optimization technique. An equivalence is established between particles generated in the traditional PSO technique, and the mobile agents in the swarm. Since the positions of the robots are updated using the PSO algorithm, modifications are required to implement the PSO algorithm on real robots to incorporate collision avoidance strategies. The modifications necessary to implement PSO on mobile robots, and strategies to adapt to real environments are presented in this thesis. Our results are also validated on an experimental testbed. In the second part, we present a game theoretic framework for visibility-based target tracking in multi-robot teams. A team of observers (pursuers) and a team of targets (evaders) are present in an environment with obstacles. The objective of the team of observers is to track the team of targets for the maximum possible time. While the objective of the team of targets is to escape (break line-of-sight) in the minimum time. We decompose the problem into two layers. At the upper level, each pursuer is allocated to an evader through a minimum cost allocation strategy based on the risk of each evader, thereby, decomposing the agents into multiple single pursuer-single evader pairs. Two decentralized allocation strategies are proposed and implemented in this thesis. At the lower level, each pursuer computes its strategy based on the results of the single pursuer-single evader target-tracking problem. We initially address this problem in an environment containing a semi-infinite obstacle with one corner. The pursuer\u27s optimal tracking strategy is obtained regardless of the evader\u27s strategy using techniques from optimal control theory and differential games. Next, we extend the result to an environment containing multiple polygonal obstacles. We construct a pursuit field to provide a guiding vector for the pursuer which is a weighted sum of several component vectors. The performance of different combinations of component vectors is investigated. Finally, we extend our work to address the case when the obstacles are not polygonal, and the observers have constraints in motion

    Parallel evolutionary programming techniques for strategy optimisation in air combat scenarios

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    Air combat between fighter missiles and aircraft can be categorised as a pursuit-evasion problem. One aircraft acts as a pursuer and the other as an evader. Generally, the pursuer will try to capture the evader as quickly as possible and the evader tries to evade capture for as long as possible. For an experienced human pilot, it is trivial to discuss this methodology, but to simulate it, the mathematics involved is very complex and difficult to implement in a computer environment. Classical methods, though very accurate in their analysis, are not suited to solve a complex 6DOF pursuit-evasion problem and they have limitations in representing real-world problems such as discontinuities, discrete, stochastic, chaotic, temporal information or lack of information. In this thesis, evolutionary programming (EP) is applied to determine the optimum maneuvering strategy for an aircraft (evader) to avoid interception by an incoming missile (pursuer). EP is a class of algorithms known as Evolutionary Algorithm (EA). EA has an ability to find an optimal solution in a complex problem which involves discontinuities, discrete, nondifferential parameters and noise. In addition, the methodology was implemented on parallel computer architecture to improve the computing time and expanding the search space. A sensitivity analysis was carried out to determine the best configuration and to understand the effect of parameters, such as number of processors, population size, number of generations, etc., on the results. The effects of sensor and instrument errors were also considered. The method enabled feasible solutions to be found in a relatively short period of time. However, the ability to search for feasible solutions is dependent on various parameters such as initial conditions, aircraft configurations and aerodynamic constraints. It is concluded that, in general, EP is able to determine feasible maneuvering strategies for an evader to avoid interception with and without instrument errors. The methodology has the potential to be used as a training tool for pilots in air combat or as an intelligent engagement strategy for autonomous systems, such as Unmanned Air Combat Vehicles (UCAV)

    The Effect of Malaysia General Election on Financial Network: An Evidence from Shariah-Compliant Stocks on Bursa Malaysia

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    Instead of focusing the volatility of the market, the market participants should consider on how the general election affects the correlation between the stocks during 14th general election Malaysia. The 14th general election of Malaysia was held on 9th May 2018. This event has a great impact towards the stocks listed on Bursa Malaysia. Thus, this study investigates the effect of 14th general election Malaysia towards the correlation between stock in Bursa Malaysia specifically the shariah-compliant stock. In addition, this paper examines the changes in terms of network topology for the duration, sixth months before and after the general election. The minimum spanning tree was used to visualize the correlation between the stocks. Also, the centrality measure, namely degree, closeness and betweenness were computed to identify if any changes of stocks that plays a crucial role in the network for the duration of before and after 14th general election Malaysia