171 research outputs found

    A Silicon Carbide Power Management Solution for High Temperature Applications

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    The increasing demand for discrete power devices capable of operating in high temperature and high voltage applications has spurred on the research of semiconductor materials with the potential of breaking through the limitations of traditional silicon. Gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon carbide (SiC), both of which are wide bandgap materials, have garnered the attention of researchers and gradually gained market share. Although these wide bandgap power devices enable more ambitious commercial applications compared to their silicon-based counterparts, reaching their potential is contingent upon developing integrated circuits (ICs) capable of operating in similar environments. The foundation of any electrical system is the ability to efficiently condition and supply power. The work presented in this thesis explores integrated SiC power management solutions in the form of linear regulators and switched capacitor converters. While switched-mode converters provide high efficiency, the requirement of an inductor hinders the development of a compact, integrated solution that can endure harsh operating environments. Although the primary research motivation for wide bandgap ICs has been to provide control and protection circuitry for power devices, the circuitry designed in this work can be incorporated in stand-alone applications as well. Battery or generator powered data acquisition systems targeted towards monitoring industrial machinery is one potential usage scenario

    Variable Spurious Noise Mitigation Techniques in Hysteretic Buck Converters

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    This work proposes a current-mode hysteretic buck converter with a spur-free constant-cycle frequency-hopping controller that fully eliminates spurs from the switching noise spectrum irrespective of variations in the switching frequency and operating conditions. As a result, the need for frequency regulation loops to ensure non-varying switching frequency (i.e. fixed spurs location) in hysteretic controllers is eliminated. Moreover, compared to frequency regulation loops, the proposed converter offers the advantage of eliminating mixing and interference altogether due to its spur-free operation, and thus, it can be used to power, or to be integrated within noise-sensitive systems while benefiting from the superior dynamic performance of its hysteretic operation. The proposed converter uses dual-sided hysteretic band modulation to eliminate the inductor current imbalance that results from frequency hopping along with the output voltage transients and low-frequency noise floor peaking associated with it. Moreover, a feedforward adaptive hysteretic band controller is proposed to reduce variations in the switching frequency with the input voltage, and an all-digital soft-startup circuit is proposed to control the in-rush current without requiring any off-chip components. The converter is implemented in a 0.35-õm standard CMOS technology and it achieves 92% peak efficiency

    Integrated Circuits for Programming Flash Memories in Portable Applications

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    Smart devices such as smart grids, smart home devices, etc. are infrastructure systems that connect the world around us more than before. These devices can communicate with each other and help us manage our environment. This concept is called the Internet of Things (IoT). Not many smart nodes exist that are both low-power and programmable. Floating-gate (FG) transistors could be used to create adaptive sensor nodes by providing programmable bias currents. FG transistors are mostly used in digital applications like Flash memories. However, FG transistors can be used in analog applications, too. Unfortunately, due to the expensive infrastructure required for programming these transistors, they have not been economical to be used in portable applications. In this work, we present low-power approaches to programming FG transistors which make them a good candidate to be employed in future wireless sensor nodes and portable systems. First, we focus on the design of low-power circuits which can be used in programming the FG transistors such as high-voltage charge pumps, low-drop-out regulators, and voltage reference cells. Then, to achieve the goal of reducing the power consumption in programmable sensor nodes and reducing the programming infrastructure, we present a method to program FG transistors using negative voltages. We also present charge-pump structures to generate the necessary negative voltages for programming in this new configuration

    Power Supply Rejection Improvement Techniques In Low Drop-Out Voltage Regulators

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    Low drop out (LDO) voltage regulators are widely used for post regulating the switching ripples generated by the switched mode power supplies (SMPS). Due to demand for portable applications, industry is pushing for complete system on chip power management solutions. Hence, the switching frequencies of the SMPS are increasing to allow higher level of integration. Therefore, the subsequent post-regulator LDO must have good power supply rejection (PSR) up to switching frequencies of SMPS. Unfortunately, the conventional LDOs have poor PSR at high frequencies. The objective of this research is to develop novel LDO regulators that can achieve good high frequency PSR performance. In this thesis, two PSR improvement methods are presented. The first method proposes a novel power supply noise-cancelling scheme to improve the PSR of an external-capacitor LDO. The proposed power supply noise-cancelling scheme is designed using adaptive power consumption, thereby not degrading the power efficiency of the LDO. The second method proposes a feed forward ripple cancellation technique to improve the PSR of capacitor-less LDO; also a dynamically powered transient improvement scheme has been proposed. The feed forward ripple cancellation is designed by reusing the load transient improvement block, thus achieving the improvement in PSR with no additional power consumption. Both the projects have been designed in TSMC 0.18 μm technology. The first method achieves a PSR of 66 dB up to 1 MHz where as the second method achieves a 55 dB PSR up to 1 MHz

    Scalable Analysis, Verification and Design of IC Power Delivery

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    Due to recent aggressive process scaling into the nanometer regime, power delivery network design faces many challenges that set more stringent and specific requirements to the EDA tools. For example, from the perspective of analysis, simulation efficiency for large grids must be improved and the entire network with off-chip models and nonlinear devices should be able to be analyzed. Gated power delivery networks have multiple on/off operating conditions that need to be fully verified against the design requirements. Good power delivery network designs not only have to save the wiring resources for signal routing, but also need to have the optimal parameters assigned to various system components such as decaps, voltage regulators and converters. This dissertation presents new methodologies to address these challenging problems. At first, a novel parallel partitioning-based approach which provides a flexible network partitioning scheme using locality is proposed for power grid static analysis. In addition, a fast CPU-GPU combined analysis engine that adopts a boundary-relaxation method to encompass several simulation strategies is developed to simulate power delivery networks with off-chip models and active circuits. These two proposed analysis approaches can achieve scalable simulation runtime. Then, for gated power delivery networks, the challenge brought by the large verification space is addressed by developing a strategy that efficiently identifies a number of candidates for the worst-case operating condition. The computation complexity is reduced from O(2^N) to O(N). At last, motivated by a proposed two-level hierarchical optimization, this dissertation presents a novel locality-driven partitioning scheme to facilitate divide-and-conquer-based scalable wire sizing for large power delivery networks. Simultaneous sizing of multiple partitions is allowed which leads to substantial runtime improvement. Moreover, the electric interactions between active regulators/converters and passive networks and their influences on key system design specifications are analyzed comprehensively. With the derived design insights, the system-level co-design of a complete power delivery network is facilitated by an automatic optimization flow. Results show significant performance enhancement brought by the co-design

    Modeling, Design and Optimization of IC Power Delivery with On-Chip Regulation

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    As IC technology continues to follow the Moore’s Law, IC designers have been constantly challenged with power delivery issues. While useful power must be reliably delivered to the on-die functional circuits to fulfill the desired functionality and performance, additional power overheads arise due to the loss associated with voltage conversion and parasitic resistance in the metal wires. Hence, one of the key IC power delivery design challenges is to develop voltage conversion/regulation circuits and the corresponding design strategies to provide a guaranteed level of power integrity while achieving high power efficiency and low area overhead. On-chip voltage regulation, a significant ongoing design trend, offers appealing active supply noise suppression close to the loads and is well positioned to address many power delivery challenges. However, to realize the full potential of on-chip voltage regulation requires systemic optimization of and tradeoffs among settling time, steady-state error, power supply noise, power efficiency, stability and area overhead, which are the key focuses of this dissertation. First, we develop new low-dropout voltage regulators (LDOs) that are well optimized for low power applications. To this end, dropout voltage, bias current and speed are important competing design objectives. This dissertation presents new flipped voltage follower (FVF) based topologies of on-chip voltage regulators that handle ultra-fast load transients in nanoseconds while achieving significant improvement on bias current consumption. An active frequency compensation is embedded to achieve high area efficiency by employing a smaller amount of compensation capacitors, the major silicon area contributor. Furthermore, in one of the proposed topologies an auxiliary digital feedback loop is employed in order to lower quiescent power consumption further. Second, coping with supply noise is becoming increasingly more difficult as design complexity grows, which leads to increased spatial and temporal load heterogeneity, and hence larger voltage variations in a given power domain. Addressing this challenge through a distributed methodology wherein multiple voltage regulators are placed across the same voltage domain is particularly promising. This distributive nature allows for even faster suppression of multiple hot spots by the nearby regulators within the power domain and can significantly boost power integrity. Nevertheless, reasoning about the stability of such distributively regulated power networks becomes rather complicated as a result of complex interactions between multiple active regulators and the large passive subnetwork. Coping with this stability challenge requires new theory and stability-ensuring design practice, as targeted by this dissertation. For the first time, we adopt and develop a hybrid stability framework for large power delivery networks with distributed voltage regulation. This framework is local in the sense that both the checking and assurance of network stability can be dealt with on the basis of each individual voltage regulator, leading to feasible design of large power delivery networks that would be computationally impossible otherwise. Accordingly, we propose a new hybrid stability margin concept, examine its tradeoffs with power efficiency, supply noise and silicon area, and demonstrate the resulted key design implications pertaining to new stability-ensuring LDO circuit design techniques and circuit topologies. Finally, we develop an automated hybrid stability design flow that is computationally efficient and provides a practical guarantee of network stability

    Hybrid monolithic integration of high-power DC-DC converters in a high-voltage technology

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    The supply of electrical energy to home, commercial, and industrial users has become ubiquitous, and it is hard to imagine a world without the facilities provided by electrical energy. Despite the ever increasing efficiency of nearly every electrical application, the worldwide demand for electrical power continues to increase, since the number of users and applications more than compensates for these technological improvements. In order to maintain the affordability and feasibility of the total production, it is essential for the distribution of the produced electrical energy to be as efficient as possible. In other words the loss in the power distribution is to be minimized. By transporting electrical energy at the maximum safe voltage, the current in the conductors, and the associated conduction loss can remain as low as possible. In order to optimize the total efficiency, the high transportation voltage needs to be converted to the appropriate lower voltage as close as possible to the end user. Obviously, this conversion also needs to be as efficient, affordable, and compact as possible. Because of the ever increasing integration of electronic systems, where more and more functionality is combined in monolithically integrated circuits, the cost, the power consumption, and the size of these electronic systems can be greatly reduced. This thorough integration is not limited to the electronic systems that are the end users of the electrical energy, but can also be applied to the power conversion itself. In most modern applications, the voltage conversion is implemented as a switching DC-DC converter, in which electrical energy is temporarily stored in reactive elements, i.e. inductors or capacitors. High switching speeds are used to allow for a compact and efficient implementation. For low power levels, typically below 1 Watt, it is possible to monolithically implement the voltage conversion on an integrated circuit. In some cases, this is even done on the same integrated circuit that is the end user of the electrical energy to minimize the system dimensions. For higher power levels, it is no longer feasible to achieve the desired efficiency with monolithically integrated components, and some external components prove indispensable. Usually, the reactive components are the main limiting factor, and are the first components to be moved away from the integrated circuit for increasing power levels. The semiconductor components, including the power transistors, remain part of the integrated circuit. Using this hybrid approach, it is possible in modern converterapplications to process around 60 Watt, albeit limited to voltages of a few Volt. For hybrid integrated converters with an output voltage of tens of Volt, the power is limited to approximately 10 Watt. For even higher power levels, the integrated power transistors also become a limiting factor, and are replaced with discrete power devices. In these discrete converters, greatly increased power levels become possible, although the system size rapidly increases. In this work, the limits of the hybrid approach are explored when using so-called smart-power technologies. Smart-power technologies are standard lowcost submicron CMOS technologies that are complemented with a number of integrated high-voltage devices. By using an appropriate combination of smart-power technologies and circuit topologies, it is possible to improve on the current state-of-the-art converters, by optimizing the size, the cost, and the efficiency. To determine the limits of smart-power DC-DC converters, we first discuss the major contributing factors for an efficient energy distribution, and take a look at the role of voltage conversion in the energy distribution. Considering the limitations of the technologies and the potential application areas, we define two test-cases in the telecommunications sector for which we want to optimize the hybrid monolithic integration in a smart-power technology. Subsequently, we explore the specifications of an ideal converter, and the relevant properties of the affordable smart-power technologies for the implementation of DC-DC converters. Taking into account the limitations of these technologies, we define a cost function that allows to systematically evaluate the different potential converter topologies, without having to perform a full design cycle for each topology. From this cost function, we notice that the de facto default topology selection in discrete converters, which is typically based on output power, is not optimal for converters with integrated power transistors. Based on the cost function and the boundary conditions of our test-cases, we determine the optimal topology for a smart-power implementation of these applications. Then, we take another step towards the real world and evaluate the influence of parasitic elements in a smart-power implementation of switching converters. It is noticed that the voltage overshoot caused by the transformer secondary side leakage inductance is a major roadblock for an efficient implementation. Since the usual approach to this voltage overshoot in discrete converters is not applicable in smart-power converters due to technological limitations, an alternative approach is shown and implemented. The energy from the voltage overshoot is absorbed and transferred to the output of the converter. This allows for a significant reduction in the voltage overshoot, while maintaining a high efficiency, leading to an efficient, compact, and low-cost implementation. The effectiveness of this approach was tested and demonstrated in both a version using a commercially available integrated circuit, and our own implementation in a smart-power integrated circuit. Finally, we also take a look at the optimization of switching converters over the load range by exploiting the capabilities of highly integrated converters. Although the maximum output power remains one of the defining characteristics of converters, it has been shown that most converters spend a majority of their lifetime delivering significantly lower output power. Therefore, it is also desirable to optimize the efficiency of the converter at reduced output current and output power. By splitting the power transistors in multiple independent segments, which are turned on or off in function of the current, the efficiency at low currents can be significantly improved, without introducing undesirable frequency components in the output voltage, and without harming the efficiency at higher currents. These properties allow a near universal application of the optimization technique in hybrid monolithic DC-DC converter applications, without significant impact on the complexity and the cost of the system. This approach for the optimization of switching converters over the load range was demonstrated using a boost converter with discrete power transistors. The demonstration of our smart-power implementation was limited to simulations due to an issue with a digital control block. On a finishing note, we formulate the general conclusions and provide an outlook on potential future work based on this research

    Dual-frequency single-inductor multiple-output (DF-SIMO) power converter topology for SoC applications

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    Modern mixed-signal SoCs integrate a large number of sub-systems in a single nanometer CMOS chip. Each sub-system typically requires its own independent and well-isolated power supply. However, to build these power supplies requires many large off-chip passive components, and thus the bill of material, the package pin count, and the printed circuit board area and complexity increase dramatically, leading to higher overall cost. Conventional (single-frequency) Single-Inductor Multiple-Output (SIMO) power converter topology can be employed to reduce the burden of off-chip inductors while producing a large number of outputs. However, this strategy requires even larger off-chip output capacitors than single-output converters due to time multiplexing between the multiple outputs, and thus many of them suffer from cross coupling issues that limit the isolation between the outputs. In this thesis, a Dual-Frequency SIMO (DF-SIMO) buck converter topology is proposed. Unlike conventional SIMO topologies, the DF-SIMO decouples the rate of power conversion at the input stage from the rate of power distribution at the output stage. Switching the input stage at low frequency (~2 MHz) simplifies its design in nanometer CMOS, especially with input voltages higher than 1.2 V, while switching the output stage at higher frequency enables faster output dynamic response, better cross-regulation, and smaller output capacitors without the efficiency and design complexity penalty of switching both the input and output stages at high frequency. Moreover, for output switching frequency higher than 100 MHz, the output capacitors can be small enough to be integrated on-chip. A 5-output 2-MHz/120-MHz design in 45-nm CMOS with 1.8-V input targeting low-power microcontrollers is presented as an application. The outputs vary from 0.6 to 1.6 V, with 4 outputs providing up to 15 mA and one output providing up to 50 mA. The design uses single 10-uH off-chip inductor, 2-nF on-chip capacitor for each 15-mA output and 4.5-nF for the 50-mA output. The peak efficiency is 73%, Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) is 0.6 V/80 ns, and settling time is 30 ns for half-to-full load steps with no observable overshoot/undershoot or cross-coupling transients. The DF-SIMO topology enables realizing multiple efficient power supplies with faster dynamic response, better cross-regulation, and lower overall cost compared to conventional SIMO topologies

    Power-Efficient and High-Performance Cicruit Techniques for On-Chip Voltage Regulation and Low-Voltage Filtering

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    This dissertation focuses on two projects. The first one is a power supply rejection (PSR) enhanced with fast settling time (TS) bulk-driven feedforward (BDFF) capacitor-less (CL) low-dropout (LDO) regulator. The second project is a high bandwidth (BW) power adjustable low-voltage (LV) active-RC 4th -order Butterworth low pass filter (LPF). As technology improves, faster and more accurate LDOs with high PSR are going to be required for future on-chip applications and systems.The proposed BDFF CL-LDO will accomplish an improved PSR without degrading TS. This would be achieved by injecting supply noise through the pass device’s bulk terminal in order to cancel the supply noise at the output. The supply injection will be achieved by creating a feedforward path, which compared to feedback paths, that doesn’t degrade stability and therefore allows for faster dynamic performance. A high gain control loop would be used to maintain a high accuracy and dc performance, such as line/load regulation. The proposed CL-LDO will target a PSR better than – 90 dB at low frequencies and – 60 dB at 1 MHz for 50 mA of load current (IvL). The CL-LDO will target a loop gain higher than 90 dB, leading to an improved line and load regulation, and unity-gain frequency (UGF) higher than 20 MHz, which will allow a TS faster than 500 ns. The CL-LDO is going to be fabricated in a CMOS 130 nm technology; consume a quiescent current (IQ) of less than 50 μA; for a dropout voltage of 200 mV and an IvL of 50 mA. As technology scales down, speed and performance requirements increase for on-chip communication systems that reflect the current demand for high speed data-oriented applications. However, in small technologies, it becomes harder to achieve high gain and high speed at the same time because the supply voltage (VvDvD) decreases leaving no room for conventional high gain CMOS structures. The proposed active-RC LPF will accomplish a LV high BW operation that would allow such disadvantages to be overcome. The LPF will be implemented using an active RC structure that allows for the high linearity such communication systems demand. In addition, built-in BW and power configurability would address the demands for increased flexibility usually required in such systems. The proposed LV LPF will target a configurable cut-off frequency (ƒо) of 20/40/80/160 MHz with tuning capabilities and power adjustability for each ƒо. The filter will be fabricated in a CMOS 130 nm technology. The filter characteristics are as following: 4th -order, active-RC, LPF, Butterworth response, VDD = 0.6 V, THD higher than 40 dB and a third-order input intercept point (IIP3) higher than 10 dBm
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