5,759 research outputs found

    Study on Chinese Tourism Web Sites' Distribution and Online Marketing Effects.

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    As a platform and carrier of tourism information, tourism websites (TWs) and online tourism marketing have deeply affected the tourism industry. The authors adopt a geographical perspective to analyze the distribution of Chinese tourism websites (CTWs), and statistical analysis with SPSS16.0 was conducted to explore the online marketing effects of CTWs, and some meaningful results has been produced: 1) The number of CTWs generally decreases from eastern China to central and western China, and are especially dominant in tourism developed provinces. 2) The number of tourists has strong statistical correlation with the number of CTWs. 3) The strongest correlation for inbound tourists is with hotel websites, and the highest correlation coefficient is 0.807 between the number of domestic tourist and resort websites. Both inbound and domestic tourists have a low correlation coefficient with travel agency websites (TA). 4) There exist some statistical models between tourist numbers and different kinds of CTWs. The results clearly unveil the marketing effects and correlation of CTWs and is helpful for further online marketing strategies


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    Basic track problems in most of the villages in Wonosobo Regency Government are the recruitment and selection practices of other villages have not been able to encourage the inception of the village with the required standards of competence. This research aims to analyze the system of recruitment and selection of other villages, supporters and restricting factors, as well as establishing a proper and contextual model in Wonosobo Regency over the approach to the management of human resources. With descriptive method, this study found that the standard of competence has not been a consideration for the Government since the beginning of the planning process, to recruitment and selection. Almost the entire selection process, starting from the determination of the criteria of candidates, selection of administration until the written exams tend not based on competence. In addition, the necessary of the village according to the preference of the villagers also has yet to be fulfilled, thus still encountered complaints from the public. The study also identifies some of the factors supporting the recruitment and selection competency-based, among others, regulation and community support. Later, inhibitor factor, among others, the quality of human resources and organizational needs analysis Committee. Based on these conditions, the model recommendations in this study encourages the process of recruitment and selection apply competency — based in practice, in order to be able to support organizational performance towards the village government is better. Start the process of sourcing, attracting, through screening, based on the needs the competence and analyzed scientifically. Community preference is also a consideration in that process in order to involve the public opinion and build public confidence to the results of the selection. These two factors also continue to support are encouraged to be optimal. Meanwhile, an inhibitor of factor continues to be minimized through a variety of innovations

    Value Creation of E-commerce Platform Firms in Competitive Dynamics: From a Resource Orchestration Perspective

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    This study examines the rules of resource combination for e-commerce platform firms value creation in competitive dynamics. Based on the resource orchestration view and competitive dynamics theory, we suggest a configurational analytic framework that departs from the standard linear paradigm to examine how configurations of digital strategic action formed by digital resources creates value through the effect that competitors hard to respond to. In line with this approach, we use fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to news data from Chinese online tourism industry. Our findings suggest equifinal pathways to gain the effect that is hard to be responded and the specific boundary conditions of our propositions that determine what way digital technologies and partnership resources orchestrate in e-commerce platform firms’ creating value. We discuss implications for theory and practice

    Risk Management of Daily Tourist Tax Revenues for the Maldives

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    International tourism is the principal economic activity for Small Island Tourism Economies (SITEs). There is a strongly predictable component of international tourism, specifically the government revenue received from taxes on international tourists, but it is difficult to predict the number of international tourist arrivals which, in turn, determines the magnitude of tax revenue receipts. A framework is presented for risk management of daily tourist tax revenues for the Maldives, which is a unique SITE because it relies entirely on tourism for its economic and social development. As these receipts from international tourism are significant financial assets to the economies of SITEs, the time-varying volatility of international tourist arrivals and their growth rate is analogous to the volatility (or dynamic risk) in financial returns. In this paper, the volatility in the levels and growth rates of daily international tourist arrivals is investigated.Small Island Tourism Economies (SITEs), International tourist arrivals, Tourism tax, Volatility, Risk, Value-at-Risk (VaR), Sustainable Tourism-@-Risk (ST@R)

    Opening new dimensions for e-Tourism

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    In this paper we describe an e-Tourism environment that takes a community-driven approach to foster a lively society of travelers who exchange travel experiences, recommend tourism destinations or just listen to catch some interesting gossip. Moreover, business transactions such as booking a trip or getting assistance from travel advisors or community members are constituent parts of this environment. All these happen in an integrated, game-like e-Business application where each e-Tourist is impersonated as an avatar. More precisely, we apply 3D Electronic Institutions, a framework developed and employed in the area of multi-agent systems, to the tourism domain. The system interface is realized by means of a 3D game engine that provides sophisticated 3D visualization and enables humans to interact with the environment. We present "itchy feet", a prototype implementing this 3D e-Tourism environment to showcase first visual impressions. This new environment is a perfect research playground for examining heterogeneous societies comprising humans and software agents, and their relationship in e-Tourism. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2006

    Determination of Agents and Their Strategies in River Basin according to Game Theory

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    Ecological approaches in planning discipline have been discussed since 1960s, but the coordination between economical developments, environmental sustainability and planning is lack. We observe that environmental problems continue increase. In existing planning approaches, by natural resources are being evaluated in plans. However it is known that this is not sufficient to formulate the relationship between environmental value and planning decision-making process In an approach of planning that aims to protect the environmental values and balanced use of these values, it is important that plan borders and management site. There is no possibility for sustainability if the plan borders overlap with the river basin?s borders. The aim of this study is to determine the players who decides about usage of resources in Susurluk river basin and affects the environmental quality and to find out the their strategies and conflicts. This study, which aims to find the optimum balance between conflicts of decision-makers by ?game theory?, is survey of an unfinished doctorate thesis. ?Game theory?, which is a mathematical approach that explains the rational behaviour of the conflicted agents and explains the utility for them, is used in economics and international relations. It is easier to define agents and their competition, and their conflicts in these areas, however it is more difficult to do that in environmental issues and planning because there are a lot of players and strategies in the game. The important thing is finding out the players and analysing them. In this study, basic parts of the game will be determined in order to use them in the game theory method. Basic parts of the game are players, acts, information, strategies, pay offs, outcomes and equilibrium. At the end of the study while players and acts will be determined, the answers about the play will be found the pure strategies and mixed strategies are, if there is any cooperation in the game, expected utility, risk and uncertainty situations. Then all will be discussed for determining the rules of the game. Susurluk River Basin, which is chosen as the study area, has high level of pollution due to the development of industry and increase of population. There are 81 municipalities near the river basin that is under control of 3 city authorities. The method selected for the study will search the water pollution in the river basin first. Water pollution analysis that is done in 1982 and 2000 will be determined by Ministry of Energy and Natural Resource - The General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) in the water pollution research. Sides in other words players will be determined by investigating the pollution source and who is effected at the polluted points. Examining the horizontal and vertical relationships and existing laws helps to determine the strategies and operations of the players in the management organisation of the river basin. Strategies and benefits will be discussed with authorised personnel of municipality, ministry, and governorship. Key Words: sustainable development, river basin planning, game theory


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    The emergence of E-commerce in the 1990s heralded the arrival of the New Economy. However, the failure of numerous dotcoms since early 2001 has led to a debate regarding the future direction of E-commerce and its potential relevance for agribusiness. This study examines the economic implications of E-commerce for agribusiness within the framework of New Institutional Economics. The New Institutional Economics implies that E-commerce has the potential to reduce direct transactions costs in agricultural markets, but that it also may add additional indirect transactions costs. Depending upon the tradeoff between these costs, an institutional innovation which reduces the transactions costs may provide the impetus for an alternative marketing channel for agricultural output. Two models of institutional change are explored. The North model of changes in the rules of the game is found to be more consistent with the advent of E-commerce than the model of technological change suggested by Schumpeter.E-commerce, marketing channels, New Institutional Economics, Schumpeter, Agribusiness, Institutional and Behavioral Economics,

    Image Management in a Touristic Destination: A Qualitative Approach Analysis of the Border City of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

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    This paper summarizes an academic experience. It has been made by the contributions of a group of experts from a Mexican university participating in a discussion panel called "Image of a Touristic Destination". This was done within the framework of the activities carried out during the 8va. Catedra Patrimonial "Sergio Molina" on October 19-21, 2016. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the process of image management of a border touristic destination through the experience of Ciudad Juárez, in order to obtain an improvement in it. The concept of image is analyzed from its components of responsibility and participation in management between Government (message), Society (context), and Universities (management). The methodological approach selected was exploratory. The grounded theory method was selected and thematic analysis with the support of the Atlas-ti software was made. Suggestions are offered for actions which seek to highlight the positive aspects of the city as a touristic destination. The importance of generating responsibility and participation within a social network was highlighted. It was recommended to take advantage of the economic and intellectual resources in education of the Juarez society so that they can know their culture and history

    The relationship between ICT adoption and business performance in Malaysia and Indonesia

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    This paper reviews the relationship of information communication technology adoption (ICT) and Business Performance (BP) from women entrepreneur perspective in Malaysia and Indonesia. The aim of this paper is to identify the dimension of ICT adoption and BP to develop a conceptual framework for further study about the relationship to identify those that can determine women entrepreneur success. To achieve this objective, literature review is conducted by extend number of literature in ICT, BP, and women entrepreneur. Related studies are review and analyze by using literature table. The finding of this paper reveals a proposed conceptual framework and hypothesis that gain support from literature. The significant of this study is expected to provide guideline for women entrepreneurs in Malaysia and Indonesia who wish to adopt ICT in their business and help them to evaluate the relationship with BP. This study can assist women entrepreneurs in considering the adoption of Electronic commerce (EC) and Mobile commerce (MC) to embark themselves in technology and innovation. Further efforts are to test this conceptual framework and hypothesis by using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to develop a research model