
Determination of Agents and Their Strategies in River Basin according to Game Theory


Ecological approaches in planning discipline have been discussed since 1960s, but the coordination between economical developments, environmental sustainability and planning is lack. We observe that environmental problems continue increase. In existing planning approaches, by natural resources are being evaluated in plans. However it is known that this is not sufficient to formulate the relationship between environmental value and planning decision-making process In an approach of planning that aims to protect the environmental values and balanced use of these values, it is important that plan borders and management site. There is no possibility for sustainability if the plan borders overlap with the river basin?s borders. The aim of this study is to determine the players who decides about usage of resources in Susurluk river basin and affects the environmental quality and to find out the their strategies and conflicts. This study, which aims to find the optimum balance between conflicts of decision-makers by ?game theory?, is survey of an unfinished doctorate thesis. ?Game theory?, which is a mathematical approach that explains the rational behaviour of the conflicted agents and explains the utility for them, is used in economics and international relations. It is easier to define agents and their competition, and their conflicts in these areas, however it is more difficult to do that in environmental issues and planning because there are a lot of players and strategies in the game. The important thing is finding out the players and analysing them. In this study, basic parts of the game will be determined in order to use them in the game theory method. Basic parts of the game are players, acts, information, strategies, pay offs, outcomes and equilibrium. At the end of the study while players and acts will be determined, the answers about the play will be found the pure strategies and mixed strategies are, if there is any cooperation in the game, expected utility, risk and uncertainty situations. Then all will be discussed for determining the rules of the game. Susurluk River Basin, which is chosen as the study area, has high level of pollution due to the development of industry and increase of population. There are 81 municipalities near the river basin that is under control of 3 city authorities. The method selected for the study will search the water pollution in the river basin first. Water pollution analysis that is done in 1982 and 2000 will be determined by Ministry of Energy and Natural Resource - The General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) in the water pollution research. Sides in other words players will be determined by investigating the pollution source and who is effected at the polluted points. Examining the horizontal and vertical relationships and existing laws helps to determine the strategies and operations of the players in the management organisation of the river basin. Strategies and benefits will be discussed with authorised personnel of municipality, ministry, and governorship. Key Words: sustainable development, river basin planning, game theory

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