1,010 research outputs found

    Numerical Hermitian Yang-Mills Connections and Vector Bundle Stability in Heterotic Theories

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    A numerical algorithm is presented for explicitly computing the gauge connection on slope-stable holomorphic vector bundles on Calabi-Yau manifolds. To illustrate this algorithm, we calculate the connections on stable monad bundles defined on the K3 twofold and Quintic threefold. An error measure is introduced to determine how closely our algorithmic connection approximates a solution to the Hermitian Yang-Mills equations. We then extend our results by investigating the behavior of non slope-stable bundles. In a variety of examples, it is shown that the failure of these bundles to satisfy the Hermitian Yang-Mills equations, including field-strength singularities, can be accurately reproduced numerically. These results make it possible to numerically determine whether or not a vector bundle is slope-stable, thus providing an important new tool in the exploration of heterotic vacua.Comment: 52 pages, 15 figures. LaTex formatting of figures corrected in version 2

    Casimir scaling and renormalization of Polyakov loops in large-N gauge theories

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    We study Casimir scaling and renormalization properties of Polyakov loops in different irreducible representations in SU(N) gauge theories; in particular, we investigate the approach to the large-N limit, by performing lattice simulations of Yang-Mills theories with an increasing number of colors, from 2 to 6. We consider the twelve lowest irreducible representations for each gauge group, and find strong numerical evidence for nearly perfect Casimir scaling of the bare Polyakov loops in the deconfined phase. Then we discuss the temperature dependence of renormalized loops, which is found to be qualitatively and quantitatively very similar for the various gauge groups. In particular, close to the deconfinement transition, the renormalized Polyakov loop increases with the temperature, and its logarithm reveals a characteristic dependence on the inverse of the square of the temperature. At higher temperatures, the renormalized Polyakov loop overshoots one, reaches a maximum, and then starts decreasing, in agreement with weak-coupling predictions. The implications of these findings are discussed.Comment: 1+33 pages, 14 figures; v2: expanded discussion in sections 2 and 3, added references: version published in JHE

    A Systematic Extended Iterative Solution for QCD

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    An outline is given of an extended perturbative solution of Euclidean QCD which systematically accounts for a class of nonperturbative effects, while allowing renormalization by the perturbative counterterms. Proper vertices Gamma are approximated by a double sequence Gamma[r,p], with r the degree of rational approximation w.r.t. the QCD mass scale Lambda, nonanalytic in the coupling g, and p the order of perturbative corrections in g-squared, calculated from Gamma[r,0] - rather than from the perturbative Feynman rules Gamma(0)(pert) - as a starting point. The mechanism allowing the nonperturbative terms to reproduce themselves in the Dyson-Schwinger equations preserves perturbative renormalizability and is tied to the divergence structure of the theory. As a result, it restricts the self-consistency problem for the Gamma[r,0] rigorously - i.e. without decoupling approximations - to the superficially divergent vertices. An interesting aspect of the scheme is that rational-function sequences for the propagators allow subsequences describing short-lived excitations. The method is calculational, in that it allows known techniques of loop computation to be used while dealing with integrands of truly nonperturbative content.Comment: 48 pages (figures included). Scope of replacement: correction of a technical defect; no changes in conten

    Parity doubling in particle physics

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    Parity doubling in excited hadrons is reviewed. Parity degeneracy in hadrons was first experimentally observed 40 years ago. Recently new experimental data on light mesons caused much excitement and renewed interest to the phenomenon, which still remains to be enigmatic. The present retrospective review is an attempt to trace the history of parity doubling phenomenon, thus providing a kind of introduction to the subject. We begin with early approaches of 1960s (Regge theory and dynamical symmetries) and end up with the latest trends (manifestations of broader degeneracies and AdS/QCD). We show the evolution of various ideas about parity doubling. The experimental evidence for this phenomenon is scrutinized in the non-strange sector. Some experiments of 1960s devoted to the search for missing non-strange bosons are re-examined and it is argued that results of these experiments are encouraging from the modern perspective.Comment: Version to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 63 pages, 9 figure

    Counting Chiral Operators in Quiver Gauge Theories

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    We discuss in detail the problem of counting BPS gauge invariant operators in the chiral ring of quiver gauge theories living on D-branes probing generic toric CY singularities. The computation of generating functions that include counting of baryonic operators is based on a relation between the baryonic charges in field theory and the Kaehler moduli of the CY singularities. A study of the interplay between gauge theory and geometry shows that given geometrical sectors appear more than once in the field theory, leading to a notion of "multiplicities". We explain in detail how to decompose the generating function for one D-brane into different sectors and how to compute their relevant multiplicities by introducing geometric and anomalous baryonic charges. The Plethystic Exponential remains a major tool for passing from one D-brane to arbitrary number of D-branes. Explicit formulae are given for few examples, including C^3/Z_3, F_0, and dP_1.Comment: 75 pages, 22 figure