18,697 research outputs found

    Usability testing for improving interactive geovisualization techniques

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    Usability describes a product’s fitness for use according to a set of predefined criteria. Whatever the aim of the product, it should facilitate users’ tasks or enhance their performance by providing appropriate analysis tools. In both cases, the main interest is to satisfy users in terms of providing relevant functionality which they find fit for purpose. “Testing usability means making sure that people can find and work with [a product’s] functions to meet their needs” (Dumas and Redish, 1999: 4). It is therefore concerned with establishing whether people can use a product to complete their tasks with ease and at the same time help them complete their jobs more effectively. This document describes the findings of a usability study carried out on DecisionSite Map Interaction Services (Map IS). DecisionSite, a product of Spotfire, Inc.,1 is an interactive system for the visual and dynamic exploration of data designed for supporting decisionmaking. The system was coupled to ArcExplorer (forming DecisionSite Map IS) to provide limited GIS functionality (simple user interface, basic tools, and data management) and support users of spatial data. Hence, this study set out to test the suitability of the coupling between the two software components (DecisionSite and ArcExplorer) for the purpose of exploring spatial data. The first section briefly discusses DecisionSite’s visualization functionality. The second section describes the test goals, its design, the participants and data used. The following section concentrates on the analysis of results, while the final section discusses future areas of research and possible development

    On the Optimization of Visualizations of Complex Phenomena

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    The problem of perceptually optimizing complex visualizations is a difficult one, involving perceptual as well as aesthetic issues. In our experience, controlled experiments are quite limited in their ability to uncover interrelationships among visualization parameters, and thus may not be the most useful way to develop rules-of-thumb or theory to guide the production of high-quality visualizations. In this paper, we propose a new experimental approach to optimizing visualization quality that integrates some of the strong points of controlled experiments with methods more suited to investigating complex highly-coupled phenomena. We use human-in-the-loop experiments to search through visualization parameter space, generating large databases of rated visualization solutions. This is followed by data mining to extract results such as exemplar visualizations, guidelines for producing visualizations, and hypotheses about strategies leading to strong visualizations. The approach can easily address both perceptual and aesthetic concerns, and can handle complex parameter interactions. We suggest a genetic algorithm as a valuable way of guiding the human-in-the-loop search through visualization parameter space. We describe our methods for using clustering, histogramming, principal component analysis, and neural networks for data mining. The experimental approach is illustrated with a study of the problem of optimal texturing for viewing layered surfaces so that both surfaces are maximally observable

    You can't always sketch what you want: Understanding Sensemaking in Visual Query Systems

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    Visual query systems (VQSs) empower users to interactively search for line charts with desired visual patterns, typically specified using intuitive sketch-based interfaces. Despite decades of past work on VQSs, these efforts have not translated to adoption in practice, possibly because VQSs are largely evaluated in unrealistic lab-based settings. To remedy this gap in adoption, we collaborated with experts from three diverse domains---astronomy, genetics, and material science---via a year-long user-centered design process to develop a VQS that supports their workflow and analytical needs, and evaluate how VQSs can be used in practice. Our study results reveal that ad-hoc sketch-only querying is not as commonly used as prior work suggests, since analysts are often unable to precisely express their patterns of interest. In addition, we characterize three essential sensemaking processes supported by our enhanced VQS. We discover that participants employ all three processes, but in different proportions, depending on the analytical needs in each domain. Our findings suggest that all three sensemaking processes must be integrated in order to make future VQSs useful for a wide range of analytical inquiries.Comment: Accepted for presentation at IEEE VAST 2019, to be held October 20-25 in Vancouver, Canada. Paper will also be published in a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) IEEE VIS (InfoVis/VAST/SciVis) 2019 ACM 2012 CCS - Human-centered computing, Visualization, Visualization design and evaluation method

    Identifying and addressing adaptability and information system requirements for tactical management

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    Segue: Overviewing Evolution Patterns of Egocentric Networks by Interactive Construction of Spatial Layouts

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    Getting the overall picture of how a large number of ego-networks evolve is a common yet challenging task. Existing techniques often require analysts to inspect the evolution patterns of ego-networks one after another. In this study, we explore an approach that allows analysts to interactively create spatial layouts in which each dot is a dynamic ego-network. These spatial layouts provide overviews of the evolution patterns of ego-networks, thereby revealing different global patterns such as trends, clusters and outliers in evolution patterns. To let analysts interactively construct interpretable spatial layouts, we propose a data transformation pipeline, with which analysts can adjust the spatial layouts and convert dynamic egonetworks into event sequences to aid interpretations of the spatial positions. Based on this transformation pipeline, we developed Segue, a visual analysis system that supports thorough exploration of the evolution patterns of ego-networks. Through two usage scenarios, we demonstrate how analysts can gain insights into the overall evolution patterns of a large collection of ego-networks by interactively creating different spatial layouts.Comment: Published at IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (IEEE VAST 2018
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