1,576 research outputs found

    Exploiting Temporal Complex Network Metrics in Mobile Malware Containment

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    Malicious mobile phone worms spread between devices via short-range Bluetooth contacts, similar to the propagation of human and other biological viruses. Recent work has employed models from epidemiology and complex networks to analyse the spread of malware and the effect of patching specific nodes. These approaches have adopted a static view of the mobile networks, i.e., by aggregating all the edges that appear over time, which leads to an approximate representation of the real interactions: instead, these networks are inherently dynamic and the edge appearance and disappearance is highly influenced by the ordering of the human contacts, something which is not captured at all by existing complex network measures. In this paper we first study how the blocking of malware propagation through immunisation of key nodes (even if carefully chosen through static or temporal betweenness centrality metrics) is ineffective: this is due to the richness of alternative paths in these networks. Then we introduce a time-aware containment strategy that spreads a patch message starting from nodes with high temporal closeness centrality and show its effectiveness using three real-world datasets. Temporal closeness allows the identification of nodes able to reach most nodes quickly: we show that this scheme can reduce the cellular network resource consumption and associated costs, achieving, at the same time, a complete containment of the malware in a limited amount of time.Comment: 9 Pages, 13 Figures, In Proceedings of IEEE 12th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WOWMOM '11

    Pattern for malware remediation – A last line of defence tool against Malware in the global communication platform

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    Malware is becoming a major problem to every organization that operates on the global communication platform. The malicious software programs are advancing in sophistication in many ways in order to defeat harden deployed defenses. When an organization’s defense fails to keep this malice invasion out, the organization would incur significant amount of risks and damages. Risks include data leakage, inability to operate and tarnished corporate image. Damages include compensation costs to customers and partners, service unavailability and loss of customers’ and partners’ confidence in the organization. This in turn will affect the organization’s business continuity. In order to manage the risks and damages induced by Malware incidents, incident responders are called upon to be the last line of defense against the digital onslaught assault. However incident responders are challenged too by the deep levels of knowledge, skills and experience required to contain the ever advancing and persistent Malware. This paper proposes the establishment of a Pattern template for Malware Remediation to aid incident responders to overcome their competency limitations in order to provide organizations the tool to repel Malware and to reduce the associated risks. Examples and details of the proposed patters are provided with discussions on future direction of the research work

    NEDAC: A worm countermeasure mechanism

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    This article presents an Internet worm countermeasure mechanism that uses DNS activities as a behavioural technique to detect worm propagation. The mechanism also uses a data-link containment solution to block traffic from an infected host. The concept has been demonstrated using a developed prototype and tested in a virtualised network environment. An empirical analysis of network worm propagation has been conducted to test the capabilities of the developed countermeasure mechanism. The results show that the developed mechanism is sensitive in containing Internet worms.Keywords: Worm Detection, Malware, cyber defens

    Early containment of fast network worm malware

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    This paper presents a countermeasure mechanism for the propagation of fast network worm malware. The mechanism uses a cross layer architecture with a detection technique at the network layer to identify worm infection and a data-link containment solution to block an identified infected host. A software prototype of the mechanism has been used to demonstrate its effective. An empirical analysis of network worm propagation has been conducted to test the mechanism. The results show that the developed mechanism is effective in containing self-propagating malware with almost no false positives

    Containment of fast scanning computer network worms

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    This paper presents a mechanism for detecting and containing fast scanning computer network worms. The countermeasure mechanism, termed NEDAC, uses a behavioural detection technique that observes the absence of DNS resolution in newly initiated outgoing connections. Upon detection of abnormal behaviour by a host, based on the absence of DNS resolution, the detection system then invokes a data link containment system to block traffic from the host. The concept has been demonstrated using a developed prototype and tested in a virtualised network environment. An empirical analysis of network worm propagation has been conducted based on the characteristics of reported contemporary vulnerabilities to test the capabilities of the countermeasure mechanism. The results show that the developed mechanism is sensitive in detecting and blocking fast scanning worm infection at an early stage

    An Innovative Signature Detection System for Polymorphic and Monomorphic Internet Worms Detection and Containment

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    Most current anti-worm systems and intrusion-detection systems use signature-based technology instead of anomaly-based technology. Signature-based technology can only detect known attacks with identified signatures. Existing anti-worm systems cannot detect unknown Internet scanning worms automatically because these systems do not depend upon worm behaviour but upon the worm’s signature. Most detection algorithms used in current detection systems target only monomorphic worm payloads and offer no defence against polymorphic worms, which changes the payload dynamically. Anomaly detection systems can detect unknown worms but usually suffer from a high false alarm rate. Detecting unknown worms is challenging, and the worm defence must be automated because worms spread quickly and can flood the Internet in a short time. This research proposes an accurate, robust and fast technique to detect and contain Internet worms (monomorphic and polymorphic). The detection technique uses specific failure connection statuses on specific protocols such as UDP, TCP, ICMP, TCP slow scanning and stealth scanning as characteristics of the worms. Whereas the containment utilizes flags and labels of the segment header and the source and destination ports to generate the traffic signature of the worms. Experiments using eight different worms (monomorphic and polymorphic) in a testbed environment were conducted to verify the performance of the proposed technique. The experiment results showed that the proposed technique could detect stealth scanning up to 30 times faster than the technique proposed by another researcher and had no false-positive alarms for all scanning detection cases. The experiments showed the proposed technique was capable of containing the worm because of the traffic signature’s uniqueness

    Early detection and containment of network worm

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    This paper presents a network security framework for containing the propagation of network worms. The framework employs a detection mechanism at the network layer to identify the presence of a network worm and a data-link containment solution to block the infected host. A prototype of the mechanism has been used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed framework. An empirical analysis of network worm propagation has been conducted to test the framework. The results show that the developed framework is effective in containing network worms with almost no false positives

    Towards automated distributed containment of zero-day network worms

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    Worms are a serious potential threat to computer network security. The high potential speed of propagation of worms and their ability to self-replicate make them highly infectious. Zero-day worms represent a particularly challenging class of such malware, with the cost of a single worm outbreak estimated to be as high as US$2.6 Billion. In this paper, we present a distributed automated worm detection and containment scheme that is based on the correlation of Domain Name System (DNS) queries and the destination IP address of outgoing TCP SYN and UDP datagrams leaving the network boundary. The proposed countermeasure scheme also utilizes cooperation between different communicating scheme members using a custom protocol, which we term Friends. The absence of a DNS lookup action prior to an outgoing TCP SYN or UDP datagram to a new destination IP addresses is used as a behavioral signature for a rate limiting mechanism while the Friends protocol spreads reports of the event to potentially vulnerable uninfected peer networks within the scheme. To our knowledge, this is the first implementation of such a scheme. We conducted empirical experiments across six class C networks by using a Slammer-like pseudo-worm to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme. The results show a significant reduction in the worm infection, when the countermeasure scheme is invoked

    Mathematical Modeling of worm infection on computer in a Network: Case study in the Computer Laboratory, Mathematics Department, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

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    Worm infection were an infection that attack a computer, it work by multiplied itself after got into a computer and made it over work and caused a computer to slowing down. Worm spreading infection describe by nonlinear mathematic model form with VEISV (Vulnerable, Exposed, Infected, Secured) as the model. Worm free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium were calculated to obtain the stability analysis, and numeric solution were performed using data from Computer Laboratory, Mathematics Department of Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Diponegoro University using Runge-Kutta fourth-order method. From the result of stability analysis we obtained that worm free equilibrium were not stable and endemic equilibrium were locally asymptotically stable, and from the result of numeric solution every class proportion from model were obtained
