41 research outputs found

    Simple Distributed Weighted Matchings

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    Wattenhofer [WW04] derive a complicated distributed algorithm to compute a weighted matching of an arbitrary weighted graph, that is at most a factor 5 away from the maximum weighted matching of that graph. We show that a variant of the obvious sequential greedy algorithm [Pre99], that computes a weighted matching at most a factor 2 away from the maximum, is easily distributed. This yields the best known distributed approximation algorithm for this problem so far

    On computing the diameter of a point set in high dimensional Euclidean space

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    We consider the problem of computing the diameter of a set of nn points in dd-dimensional Euclidean space under Euclidean distance function. We describe an algorithm that in time O(dnlogn+n2)O(dnlog n +n^{2}) finds with high probability an arbitrarily close approximation of the diameter. For large values of dd the complexity bound of our algorithm is a substantial improvement over the complexity bounds of previously known exact algorithms. Computing and approximating the diameter are fundamental primitives in high dimensional computational geometry and find practical application, for example, in clustering operations for image databases

    Almost Stable Matchings by Truncating the Gale–Shapley Algorithm

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    We show that the ratio of matched individuals to blocking pairs grows linearly with the number of propose–accept rounds executed by the Gale–Shapley algorithm for the stable marriage problem. Consequently, the participants can arrive at an almost stable matching even without full information about the problem instance; for each participant, knowing only its local neighbourhood is enough. In distributed-systems parlance, this means that if each person has only a constant number of acceptable partners, an almost stable matching emerges after a constant number of synchronous communication rounds. We apply our results to give a distributed (2 + ε)-approximation algorithm for maximum-weight matching in bicoloured graphs and a centralised randomised constant-time approximation scheme for estimating the size of a stable matching.Peer reviewe

    Optimal recombination in genetic algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems: Part II

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    This paper surveys results on complexity of the optimal recombination problem (ORP), which consists in finding the best possible offspring as a result of a recombination operator in a genetic algorithm, given two parent solutions. In Part II, we consider the computational complexity of ORPs arising in genetic algorithms for problems on permutations: the Travelling Salesman Problem, the Shortest Hamilton Path Problem and the Makespan Minimization on Single Machine and some other related problems. The analysis indicates that the corresponding ORPs are NP-hard, but solvable by faster algorithms, compared to the problems they are derived from

    A powerful heuristic for telephone gossiping

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    A refined heuristic for computing schedules for gossiping in the telephone model is presented. The heuristic is fast: for a network with n nodes and m edges, requiring R rounds for gossiping, the running time is O(R n log(n) m) for all tested classes of graphs. This moderate time consumption allows to compute gossiping schedules for networks with more than 10,000 PUs and 100,000 connections. The heuristic is good: in practice the computed schedules never exceed the optimum by more than a few rounds. The heuristic is versatile: it can also be used for broadcasting and more general information dispersion patterns. It can handle both the unit-cost and the linear-cost model. Actually, the heuristic is so good, that for CCC, shuffle-exchange, butterfly de Bruijn, star and pancake networks the constructed gossiping schedules are better than the best theoretically derived ones. For example, for gossiping on a shuffle-exchange network with 2^{13} PUs, the former upper bound was 49 rounds, while our heuristic finds a schedule requiring 31 rounds. Also for broadcasting the heuristic improves on many formerly known results. A second heuristic, works even better for CCC, butterfly, star and pancake networks. For example, with this heuristic we found that gossiping on a pancake network with 7! PUs can be performed in 15 rounds, 2 fewer than achieved by the best theoretical construction. This second heuristic is less versatile than the first, but by refined search techniques it can tackle even larger problems, the main limitation being the storage capacity. Another advantage is that the constructed schedules can be represented concisely